Member Reviews

Another winner from Jessica in the Real Love series. I loved this story. Davis and Grace. Or Gracie Lou as he calls her.

Grace is a manager/bartender at McGreeveys Pub, with Dax the owner awol since summer began everyone has pitched in and worked. Davis comes in every night after work, parks his butt in his seat, which he says is his, dressed in his suit and tie and most nights leaves with some twig like blonde he picks up and never sees again. Until the night Grace catches his eye, for reasons you have to read. Grace is a red head. Any color red works for Grace. Davis has his own TV at the pub which is always tuned to CNN and he watches the stock feed. He may have one or two Sam's and that's it.

It's funny watching these two waltz around each other and you learn a lot about Grace's past and Davis's as well. This progress to serious when he takes her to meet his much loved Grandma. She's a pisser and I loved her. She raised him. It's obvious he adores her. He tends her every need and he's done extremely well for himself and has more money than he knows what to do with. He and Grace actually go on dates. Grace works long hours, odd schedules and is often tired. Davis treats her to things that break the monotony of daily life. I loved that. He's not pretentious at all. He remembers where he came from.

When Grace's father reappears after a lifetime of absence, things take an unforeseen twist. Brings a little challenge for Grace and we meet her mother. (Bah!!) No matter what Davis backs her up with things that are happening. It's a real treat to watch these two open to each other and not to mention the chemistry and steam between the two. Yes indeed!!

As things go Grace hits the panic button and the crap hits the fan. Leaving the two most miserable people on earth. Glad they aren't my friends because they both would have gotten their butts kicked.
Jessica did such an amazing job telling this story and developing these two. I loved the way Davis changed. How much he affected Grace and how very different they were. Pretty sure this is my favorite out of the two. But Dax is up next so who knows what wicked tale that would bring. Jessica always writes a phenomenal story and she's hit this one out of the park.

This story begged to be told as much as it begs to be read! Read it!! Great story J!!!

**arc from NetGalley and Loveswept in exchange for a fair review**

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Arm Candy by Jessica Lemmon genuinely surprised me! I didn't expect to like Davis and Grace's story as much as I did, but these characters are just so fun, charming, and sexy! There is a little bit of a slow start, but the endless banter and always-present sexual tension, made for a very entertaining read. Both Davis and Grace showed depth, and I really enjoyed watching them peel back each others protective layers. Definitely recommend if you're looking for a light-hearted romantic comedy!

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Another great book by Jessica Lemmon! The characters are great! Davis and Grace are perfect! Their witty dialogue is such fun to read. The storyline is well written and pulls you in. Everything about this is fun and flirty, sexy and also pulls the heart strings. I loved this and I can't wait for the last book in the series. I highly recommend it. If you never read one of her books, try this one!

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This story is a bit slow for my liking, but I love the characters Davis and Grace. Davis isn't like any players I read in romance; I never get the sleazy vibe from him, and I love that he's tight with his grandmother. I love Grace too even though she annoys me a bit in the end with her indecisiveness about Davis. The reason why this book works for me is because I love how easy Davis and Grace's relationship is. They genuinely like and care about each other, and they have fun in each other's companies, and I love watching them fall in love with each other.

Arm Candy is my second Jessica Lemmon book. I really love her writing and I'll definitely be checking out more of her works.

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Grace is a bartender trying to get through life with her mother’s disappointment in Grace’s career choice. Having being behind a bar for some time she knows all the regulars including out love interest Davis Price, being in bad situations with redheads Davis fucks every blonde he sees until Grace bets him to date the first non-blonde that falls his way. Wasting no time he instantly gets his long time crush Grace on many dates. Lovers like these come with unspeakable past and heartache like no other, each with their own individual problems to overcome can they do it together or will these issues drive them further apart?
Jessica Lemmon’s writing flows, even when starting a new scene half way through a chapter, you don’t ever feel lost it all make sense, Sex wasn’t the main story however it was mentioned a few times throughout the book what I personally enjoyed was that even though it was straight sex (no BDSM etc..) there wasn’t too much or too little details you could picture everything clearly without having to skip it and be like no this is just not right. Emotionally this story was the one thing this book has a lot of; you could cry from the situations there in, laugh at the banter and feel full of love from their relationship.
Grace and Davis are two characters that I will never forget; their past and love for each other will always be in my memory. Having the characters with each of their own problems always makes a great story this is because you can truly feel what realistic problems we all have, being done like this I can honestly say that Grace and Davis could even have their own little spin of books from their past or even one in the future with children!
The plot was good and it was thought out, I loved how the relationship progressed between the two main characters that they weren’t instantly boyfriend and girlfriend but without either of them asking the other out you already had that in your head halfway through the book that things have changed and I liked that.
Overall I will defiantly be being this book and it is something I will re-read if I ever need a good romance novel.

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Arm Candy is the second book in the <a href="">Real Love</a> series by <a href="">Jessica Lemmon</a>. It's also Davis' book. Davis Price, the best friend of the hero from Book 1. I've been looking forward to reading this book because I enjoyed the little bits we got from Davis in <a href="">Eye Candy</a>. He was a good friend to both Vince and Jackie and I was looking forward to getting to know him better. There were little nuggets that we learn about Davis in the first book and I was looking forward to delving into all of that stuff and I'm happy to say that Jessica Lemmon did a fabulous job of writing Davis' story, IMO.

Davis works from home so he likes to unwind at his favorite neighborhood bar and he really likes exchanging barbs with his favorite bartender, Grace. The attraction between the two of them is strong but neither of them act on it until Grace throws down the gauntlet in the form of a wager and Davis jumps on it. The bet? That Davis will ask the first non-blonde out that he sees and he jumps in and asks her out. Grace is a redhead and though she wasn't talking about herself when she placed the bet, she's not one to walk away from a dare so she agrees to go out with him.

One date ends up in bed and they keep ending up in bed so they spend some time together. They get to know each other outside of the bar and the more they get to know, the more they like each other. I really enjoyed seeing them fall in love with each other because they're both flawed characters who have been burned by one thing or another and don't have that much faith in relationships but seeing them take a chance on each other warmed my heart. Sure, things weren't perfect and they fumbled their way to get to that happy ending but I really enjoyed their emotional ride.

Davis was just as great as I hoped he'd be. He did a lot of growing throughout the book and I really connected with his character. He learned a great deal about himself, about love and about what he wanted out of life. He was a grown man who handled his business and did whatever he felt needed to be done and I loved how honest he was. With Grace. With himself. With everyone. He wasn't the most perfect of characters but he was real. He was a good person who realized his worth and loved with all he had. I appreciated that and I adored him. He was such a good character.

Gracie Lou was a great match for Davis. She came with her own baggage and she was dealing with them as best as she could. She fumbled a lot and there were times when I wanted to smack some sense into her but she doesn't stay down for long. She was adult enough to acknowledge when she was wrong and in the end, all was well.

This was a great read from beginning to end. I loved the romance that blossomed between Davis and Grace and I adored seeing Vince and Jackie again, all loved up and happy. I'm looking forward to getting to know Dax, though it would have been nice to get a little more of him in this book so that I could have an idea of what's to come in his book but that's a really minor gripe. I enjoyed this one and can't wait for more.

<strong>Grade: 4.25 out of 5</strong>

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There’ll be a woman, Davis, who will come along and make you rethink love and marriage.

I gotta say, I wanted more of beautiful, broken Davis ever since he showed up at Jackie’s door in the last one to help get her and Vince back together. My heart broke for that kid, and rereading him telling Grace about everything that happened, damn I’m almost crying. I was so excited when I read that the next one would be all about Davis getting his happy ever after, and that he did.

My one complaint was getting to the big fight/tension in the story. Obviously there would be this rift at some point in the book, after they got together, and I probably read faster than I should have, just waiting to get to that moment so then the characters could get past that moment and be happy. So when I got to it, I was just frustrated it hadn’t come sooner because I had been expecting it sooner, but whatever. All stories move at their own pace I guess.

Loved the fun writing, like the previous one, but still able to deal with real emotional issues like abandonment and how that can truly change a person. But, with one small correction, or the right connection, you can be fixed for good. It is possible. It’s always possible.

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*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book.* I absolutely LOVE this book. I was so eager and excited to get to know more about Vince's mysterious friend, Davis. Finding out the depths of his heartache made my own heart break for him. However, learning that very heartache turned him into such a caring, charming, and considerate guy made him that much more appealing. Dare I say Davis turned out to be way more scrumptious than I had originally thought. And pairing him with a redheaded vixen, such as Grace, made Arm Candy a book that swooped me up and left me floating on cloud nine! This sexy twosome left nothing to be desired, and gave as good as they got. Jessica Lemmon's writing is so thorough, allowing for a reader to immerse themselves in the story. Arm Candy is the perfect addition to this Real Love series, and I can't wait for the next one.

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Davis and Gracie... Ahhhh
As always Jessica worked her magic.
The book was a fresh breeze of air. The dialogues were so well written, I got goosebumps! Especially when Davis would whisper deliver his lines...oh my gawd!!
Gracie was wonderful and real, that you can easily relate to her.
Only some parts, about minor characters, seemed a bit biased, like they had to be squeezed into the book to push it forward (i.e. Grace's dad and mom), and to explain some situation. I think it could have been done without their "physical" presence in the book. Like "hey let's bring that character all th way down here to use it for our purposes and then just forget about him/her, or wrap him/her up real quickly, since we don't need them anymore).
Sorry for being picky, but I'm used to JL's writing, and I truly know she can do way better.

Aside this little mishap, the book is lovely, and the goosebumps were really there. We can easily set aside those secondary characters and fall in love with our Davis and Gracie.
This book is totally worth our time and a reread!
JL forevah!

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Another good read from this author! I'm loving this series! This is Davis and Grace's story. We have two characters that have commitment issues but together they sizzle! Love the banter between these two! Loved Grace! I always love a heroine that's feisty and sassy! She was that in spades! Good storyline that was well written with great characters. Looking forward to the next book in this series!

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Jessica Lemmon is back with the second book in the Real Love series and this is most definitely a book that you shouldn’t miss.

It had me hooked from the first page to the last that I turned with a big fat grin on my face and a happy sigh. What more could you ask for?

Fair warning here, do not read this book without reading Eye Candy first. The reason I say this even though each book CAN be read as a stand-alone, it's because if you don’t read Eye Candy, you really miss the beginning of the foreplay between Davis and Grace and believe me, it’s something you don’t want to miss out on.

These two give new meaning to the snap and crackle of sexual chemistry. Boy are they hot. (*fans self thinking about them*) When a dare throws them together……. SNAP CRACKLE POP EXPLOSION.

I knew Davis and Grace were meant for each other when we met them in Eye Candy. Like I said, their interactions were like verbal foreplay. But when they cross the line from foreplay to more, well, that’s where the story gets hotter and really interesting. They each manage to bring out a side to the other that was unexpected and adorable all at the same time.

What I didn’t expect was for Davis to be the total opposite of what I thought he would be and I loved it. Davis for the surprise win!! I admit I had him pegged as a man whore but oh did he prove me wrong. Plus the way he treats his Gracie-Lou is priceless.

Speaking of Grace, I adored her and the way she brings Davis to his knees. There is just something so relatable about her that draws you in. If she was real I would totally want her as a bestie.

Together, Davis and Grace are a surprise paring that just makes sense as soon as you see them together. They really show that opposites can attract and make things work. Yes there’s the obligatory heart break but it only makes the HEA that much sweeter. I loved Grace and Davis.

This is a series not to be missed, that much I can convey clearly. If you love fun, sweet, hot romances, then do not miss these books.

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Arm Candy is the second book in Jessica Lemmon’s Real Love Series. After reading and loving Eye Candy (Book 1), I was very much looking forward to reading about Davis and Grace. You could tell from the few scenes with these two and their banter at the bar Grace works at, there was something there. That being said though, this can be read as a standalone.

This is great opposite attracts story! Davis is a suit wearing, stock analyst and Grace is a bartender with tattoos. Both Davis and Grace shy away from relationships for different reasons. Davis was deeply burned in the past by a woman he was engaged to and Grace had to deal with her parent’s ugly divorce and seeing what can happen in relationships. Davis goes to the bar several nights a week, has a beer and often goes home with a blonde (he avoids the redheads-which Grace is). But lately he’s got his eyes on Grace. There’s just something about her that he can’t help being attracted to. Grace is trying not to feel something towards him as well. She makes a bet with him one night to ask out a non-blonde and more money is he asks out a redhead. Challenge accepted, but Grace is shocked when he asks her out.

These two definitely had the chemistry and what was supposed to be just a few times before they moved on, ends up turning into more. As real feelings come into play though and things start to get serious, will they take the plunge for long-term or will the fear of commitment and heartbreak get in the way?

It’s not an easy road for these two, but I was invested in these characters. Fun, sexy times, great banter, just the right amount of angst and an all-around enjoyable read.

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*thud* well helloooooooo...

Arm Candy is the “it book!” Steady-paced, sexy and fun this rom-com will have you hooked in a second. Ms. Lemmon has an amazing writing style that flows beautifully across the pages. This author is a for-sho on my go-to list...always, hands-down, no exceptions. Now go get you some!

Please note that an ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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“Arm Candy” is book 2 of Jessica Lemmon’s Real Love series and features Davis Price and Grace Buchanan. We first met them in “Eye Candy” and watched as they danced around each other – attraction sparking between them.

In “Arm Candy”, we discover Davis is more than the jilted groom and serial dater. He’s a man who loves his routine and he’s a man with a good heart.
Where Davis had once been ready for the marriage life, Grace has shied away from it. Her divorce lawyer parents make the idea of marriage a clear verdict of ‘no way’.
Yet Davis and Grace have a chemistry so strong they push through their fears and take the risk of being more than a ‘package’ deal.

Even with two people overcoming painful experiences, “Arm Candy” is also filled with flirtatious and fun dialogue and sexy scenes that sizzle.

Having enjoyed both books in the Real Love series, I can’t wait to see what Ms. Lemmon brings us with “Man Candy” and the ever-frowning Dax.

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Arm Candy was a fun, sexy, light-hearted romantic comedy, and one of my favorite Jessica Lemmon novels to date! I loved her writing style and the storyline and characters she created. Ms. Lemmon is an incredibly talented contemporary romance author, and I always look forward to reading her books. Arm Candy was magnificent and completely exceeded my expectations.

Davis and Grace were wonderful characters and I absolutely loved them and their story. Davis and Grace were both inherently good and decent people, and I felt an instant connection with them. Their personalities were amazing and I thought they were a perfect match for each other in every possible way. I loved how their relationship and story progressed, and I loved reading it from both Davis and Grace's POV. Their chemistry was sizzling hot and the banter between them was nothing short of delightful and entertaining. I loved all of their interactions with each other, and I honestly couldn't get enough of them and their story. I loved that there wasn't tons of drama and thankfully the conflict between Davis and Grace didn't last terribly long. I hate when a story has tons of unnecessary angst and drama, and I was relieved that Arm Candy wasn't like that at all. I also really loved the secondary characters and I enjoyed seeing a few familiar faces from Eye Candy, the first book in the Real Love series, as well as several new ones. I loved reading every single page of this book from beginning to end, and I was extremely happy with the conclusion to Davis and Grace's story.

Arm Candy was a phenomenal romantic comedy from Jessica Lemmon, and I was very pleased with the outcome to Davis and Grace's story. Ms. Lemmon is a brilliant author and if you haven't read any of her books yet, I highly suggest you go do so ASAP. All of her novels are wonderful and addicting, and I am very much looking forward to reading Man Candy, the third and final romantic comedy in the Real Love series!

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really like when a book surprises me. We learned about Grace and Davis in book 1, Eye Candy. Out of the two couples from both books, my expectation was that I would have liked the other couple more. That wasn't really the case. I do like the couple from book 1, but they were the ones with the push/pull relationship. It's what I would have expected with this couple and I was pleased to see the author switch it up.

Davis is a player. He goes from blonde to blonde and nothing serious. Grace is a sassy redheaded bartender that likes to remind Davis he isn't God's gift to women. I really expected these two to fight to the very end based off their personalities. I love that I was wrong. Is it instant love? No. They don't commit right off and they are both cautious but they behaved more like a couple than they would admit.

I had fun with this couple and their story. It's a lower angst read with no abuse. I look forward to book 3. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from Netgalley.

This was an extremely entertaining read. Characters were perfectly matched, although they were completely different (on the outside - grin). I really loved Grace's spunkiness and take no prisoners attitude. It took me a bit to get into Davis, but he finally won me around to his side. The writing was excellent and editing was flawless! (go editing). Quite frankly, you just can't go wrong with Jessica Lemmon. Eagerly awaiting the next book. 4 1/2 STARS

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sexy romance with good chemistry. would read from this author again

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Arm Candy is another book from the series and I liked this one better than first. It is well written story with interesting plot and two interesting characters. Davis and Grace cannot be more opposite characters but it works for them. Davis is a player and of course, Grace notices it but after circling each other for a really long time they finally end up together. Intense and quick funny story. Grace was really funny.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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I did not finish the book, put it on my DNF shelf on Goodreads. The description was promising but did not think that the novel was suited for me. Wish the author would have put an excerpt for you to look at before reading. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

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