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Seeing Red

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Member Reviews

Sandra Brown is one of my favorite authors... her stories have a certain style, but each are so unique in their own way. A great mystery with characters you really care about -- and want to learn more about. Terrific way to spend an afternoon!

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Sandra Brown is the master of combining romance and suspense!

Seeing Red has a great beginning. From the first couple of chapters, Mrs. Brown pulled this reader into the story. I was hooked by the circumstances surrounding the meeting between the main characters.

Kerra Bailey is a reporter. Her next big story is the twenty anniversary of the bombing of the Pegasus Hotel. Her intention is to interview the man who everyone remembers as saving survivors while exiting the building. Over the years, Major Trapper has been loved and idolized. After all, he's a hero. Kerra knows this is the perfect time for the interview besides she has a personal reason to meet him too. However, the Major doesn't like to do interviews anymore and to convince him, she'll have to convince his estranged son to tag along.

John Trapper is a P.I. He used to work for the ATF until he got too close to the Pegasus bombing case. Before he was fired, he quit. When the bombing happened, he was just a child. That day he lost his father to fame. Major Trapper forgot about his family at home. John felt abandoned by him and their relationship was never the same. If anything, it got worse when John quit the ATF. When Kerra comes snooping around, he wants to send her packing but he realizes she won't give up. He knows she has an advantage no other reporter has.

I enjoyed Seeing Red. I liked the idea that John was down on his luck when the book first starts. You have to wonder why he was wasting his potential. He was smart and he knew something was off with the Pegasus bombing. Once Kerra and Major Trapper's lives were in danger, nothing was going to stop his search for answers.

Seeing Red had plenty of twists. Even if you knew or suspected some of them, you couldn't guess them all. I like that. It made for an interesting story. In classic Sandra Brown's style, I wasn't sure what was going to happen next.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sandra Brown has never disappointed! Trapper is my type of man being he is rough around the edges just needing love from the right woman.

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<b>4 Stars</b>

As a LONG time Sandra Brown fan, I was beyond excited to get this ARC.


So let me just say that I am so, so, SO relieved to have enjoyed this thing.

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For real though.

I have been reading hardcore since I was nine years old.

And I started picking up books by my favorite classic romance authors when I was mother passed away that year and romance and fantasy novels offered an escape from pain that no 12 year old is emotionally equipped to face.

I'm not trying to get emo here or anything, I'm just laying the scene for you all...and explaining why a father would buy his daughter dirty romance books at age 12 LOL...He obviously had no idea what he was buying and he just wanted to make me happy.

But anyunderagesexing.

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These authors - Linda Howard, Johanna Lindsey, Judith McNaught, Heather Graham, Julie Garwood, Jude Deveraux, Virginia Henley, Bertrice Small, Elizabeth Lowell, and of course, Sandra Brown - well, they were my squad, man.

They and their stories gave me an escape from life and made me feel like I had something to look forward to - as reading does for us all, no?

Needless to say, 23 years later, some of these authors have sadly passed away...some have stopped writing entirely...and some are putting out books that are just plain crap, quite frankly.

Now, I am not a published author. Obviously LOL.
I can only imagine how difficult it must be to come up with story after story, year after year.

So it brings me total and complete joy to still love the contemporary offerings of one of my all time favorites.

In <i>Seeing Red</i>, while the plot did have some slow points here and there, the characters were well fleshed out and the story moved forward at an exciting pace. Brown keeps you guessing until the very end.

You understand the characters and their motivations and it is ALL by showing and never telling.

In short, Brown is just a master storyteller.
I will always be a total Brown fan and as long as she puts out book, I will continue to read them.

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I have several Sandra Brown books and have enjoyed them very much, Not sure what is going here, but this one was no where near the quality of novel she usually writes.

The story starts interestingly enough, but spirals down into boring pretty quickly. The people all feel very caricature-ish and unreal. I actually skipped several chapters in the middle because things were moving at such a glacial pace. When I picked it back up towards the end, I didn't lose a thing in the storyline so it must have been a lot of 'filler'. Although the story is definitely set in modern day, the characters felt like they were from the 50's, a little old-fashioned and out of it. At one point the 35 year old former special agent tough guy/love interest is talking about not going to a funeral and actually says he doesn't like all that 'falderol' REALLY!? Does anyone besides my Great Grandmother use the work 'falderol' anymore?!

Sorry, I really wanted to like it but I jut couldn't. Don't. Can't.

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I’ve been reading books by Ms. Brown for many, many years (I think French Silk was my first) and she still keeps me coming back for more. I really enjoy romantic suspense and this story kept me wondering till the end.

Kerra Bailey and John Trapper are strong characters and adamant about what they wanted and didn’t want regarding an interview with his dad about a bombing 25 years previously. When Kerra interviews Mayor Franklin Trapper, things definitely go south quickly. There is murder and attempted murders, a ton of secrets, a mafia-type character that manages to force people into his debt, continually changing cars and cellphones, kidnapping, Sheriff/deputies, Texas Rangers, FBI, and plenty of other characters.

As Kerra and John try to stay alive and are on the run at times, you can just feel the chemistry between them, however initially unwanted. I didn’t care for John’s attitude and comments at the beginning but the more you read, you understand his bitterness over the losses in his life. The family dynamic between John and his father was very strained and by the end of the book, you understand more about their issues.

There are plenty of twists and turns to keep things interesting. I thought I had one of the villains picked out but was wrong. I was very surprised when I found out more and more people were involved and my heart hurt to learn about a couple of them. Some people do bad things because they like it and others do it to protect those they love.

I was born in Oklahoma and lived there for several years, OK City being one of the towns. The bombing in this story (which was based on greed) made me remember the terrible loss of life in the bombing of the Murrah building in the mid-90s. One of the suspects was moved to the prison in my hometown for trial. The loss of children in a daycare is difficult to comprehend as they, and the adults, were all innocents but the building was selected due to federal agencies housed there.

Thank you NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Sandra Brown for providing a copy to read and review. I’m already on the watch for Ms. Brown’s next book!

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While doing an interview with a man who h as shunned the spotlight for several years, Kerra becomes involved in a shooting at the man's home. His son who has had very little to do with his father gets involved and he and Kerra form a team - of sorts - to solve the event. Many important players are involved putting both of their lives at risk. But guess what - it all turns out okay at the end.

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Keera Bailey is hot on the heels of the next big story that is sure to skyrocket her career, the only problem is the star of her story is somewhat of a recluse and has no interest in opening his life up to the public eye. But Keera is a determined woman, and she will go to any length necessary to get her story, so she gets creative and finds herself and "in" that is sure to get her that interview. And she winds up getting far more than she bargained for...

This is truly one of my favorite books by Ms. Brown! It will have you teetering on the edge of your seat the whole way through... and leave you gasping for air a few times too! The story line is filled with suspense, intrigue, and some serious steamy times that are sure to have you in need of a fan! She really outdid herself with this one, it kept me captivated until the wee hours of the morning, and I have to say it was definitely worth the loss of zzz's! Highly recommend this one, I guarantee once you pick it up, you won't be able to put it down!!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title.

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Another great Sandra Brown story... full of action and suspense! Brown does a great job moving a story forward while building on relationships and developing characters. This was another great read by Brown and exactly what I hope for from her books. Just enough mystery to keep me guessing and some steamy scenes! Can't wait for the next one!

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After looking at Sandra Brown's books so many times I have finally taken the plunge and read her new upcoming book Seeing Red and have now read my first romantic suspense in a very long time. I usually shy away from anything romantic but curiosity got the best of me and I gave this one a try and I am glad I did.

Seeing Red is a suspenseful, sizzling web of conspiracies, plenty of suspects and motives with danger lurking behind many twists and turns and as usual for me I never saw anything coming. It has some heat and tension in there to keep things hot on the romantic side of the story.

When I first met Trapper he intrigued me with his so charming but dangerous vibe and he did capture my attention when he meets strong, I am going to tell you a secret Kerra and I could feel the heat between them, but that was enough heat for this non-romantic soul. Things got a little too heated for me and I found myself skimming over the steaming parts. Even though I skimmed over those parts the plot to this complex story demanded my full attention and there was no skimming allowed there.

Sandra Brown does a good job keeping those twists and turns coming and keeping them interesting right up to the shocking end. I am sure that will keep the best thriller dectectives working on their detective skills. I highly recommend Seeing Red for romantic suspense lovers. However for this non-romantic I rate it 3.5 for my enjoyment.

Thank you NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Sandra Brown for providing with a copy to read and review.

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A bombing at the Pegasus Hotel 25 years ago irrevocably changed Kerra and John Trappers lives. Kerra lost her Mother and her Father was left an invalid. For all intents and purposes John Trapper lost his Father, the hero of the bombing. Major Trapper rescued people in the aftermath of the bombing and became a national hero. John never believed the story about the bombing. After he became an ATF agent he investigated the closed case and had his own theory. No one believed him and he lost his job. Now Kerra is a reporter who wants to interview the Major about the bombing. She has a special connection to the bombing.

This is another great book by Sandra. It has the perfect blend of romance and suspense. There are quite a few unexpected twists that caught me by surprise. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy. I would give this book 4 1/2 stars.

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This story has intrigue, action, sexiness, emotion and drama, everything you expect from Sandra Brown. Yet, each story is unique, always a page-turner and I am always sorry when it ends. I fell in love early on with Trapper and with Kerra. I kept reading even when I thought I had the bad guys worked out, but no, a twist kept me guessing again!

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Sandra Brown writes a terrific thriller and keeps the reader guessing up to the very end. The banter between the characters is clever and very entertaining. And the romance is very hot. My only complaint is, although the mysteries are different in all her books, the main characters are basically the same. Strong sexy man with a secret past and a confident capable strong woman that hates him in the beginning but succumbs to his sexual overtures.

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I LOVED this book. I have always been a fan of Sandra Brown, and this book was no exception. The author did a great job of exploring all the characteristics of the characters while still allowing them to maintain some level of secrecy. It helps to leave you guessing as to who is involved in all the complicated parts of this novel. I grew attached to the characters and was rooting for them the whole way through. I would definitely recommend this to any fans of romantic mystery.

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Sandra Brown at her finest! Twists & turns to keep the reader guessing who's involved until the very end. Brown never disappoints!

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Rating: ★★★★★

Trope: Romantic Suspense

Chemistry: Simmering

One-Sentence Summary: A journalist and a former ATF Agent hunt for the truth in a small town

Review: There are three things that summer can be guaranteed to bring:

1. A ridiculous heatwave that us Brits are not prepared to withstand
2. A barrage of train delays and cancellations due to the aforementioned heatwave
3. A new Sandra Brown novel.

Only one of those is something I really look forward. Probably hard to tell which one, right?

Sandra Brown is back on ★★★★★ form with her latest release chock full of twists and turns. Even though I always going into one of her novels with the knowledge that the Hero will be a little rough and ready and be hiding a lot of secrets but will ultimately always be a good guy (it is a romance after all!) I still end up having moments of doubt just like the Heroine does.

John Tucker is an intense ex-federal agent intent on getting the bottom of a conspiracy which started with the bombing of hotel during which his father The Major rescued a 5 year-old girl who grew up to be Kerra Bailey a TV journalist who, coincidentally, is also digging around in the circumstances of the bombing that killed her mother and, soon after, her father as well. Circumstances call for these two to join forces and go on the run whilst trying to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Hero and Heroine aside, this novel proves that you should be wary of every single secondary character introduced as they will invariably end up being key players in the wider plot and hiding more than their own fair share of secrets. I don’t want to elaborate on this any more as you really need to go into the novel unspoiled to get full enjoyment but all I can is you’re in for a treat!

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Sandra Brown consistently occupies the top of the best-seller lest because she tells great stories. And creates wonderful characters and plots with enough twists to give you whiplash. SEEING RED is one of her best. A Dallas hotel is blown up and an America hero emerges—Major Franklin Trapper. But his estranged son, dismissed ATF agent John Trapper, doesn’t buy into the celebrity that drapes his father like a royal robe. Why? Does he know, or suspect, that there is more to the story? The Major and his son enter an uneasy truce, Then TV reporter Kerra Bailey finagles an interview with the now reclusive Major and everything changes. After filming the interview at The Major’s home, Kerra and The Major are attacked by intruders, he being seriously injured, she managing a miraculous escape. Who would do this? And why? Trapper and Kerra must sort through a web of conspiracies, potential suspects, and motives with danger and death at every turn. Another excellent Sandra Brown story. Don’t miss this one.

DP Lyle, award-winning author of the Jake Longly, Samantha Cody, and Dub Walker thriller series

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I had not read but one Sandra Brown book previously, and it had been many years ago. However, a friend kept saying how much she liked Brown's books so I decided to give it and try and am glad I did. The book is a mix of mystery, suspense and romance. Kerra Bailey and John Trapper get thrown together when she and Trapper's father finish an interview for her job as a news reporter, and someone tries to kill them both. As they look for the person who attempted the murder, a web of deceit evolves with a surprise at the end that totally took me. by surprise. I am definitely a fan now of her books. I picked up two of her books at the last library book sale and will be looking for more!

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Action filled, murder, mahem, betrayal and sexy! Sandra Brown never disappoints and always delivers a good read!

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A TV Journalist is on the trail of a story that could help her career. It is about a national hero but an assasin tries to kill him full of excitement and suspense.

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