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Royal Pain

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I didn't finish this book. Unfortunately it didn't catch my attention enough for me to discover what happened to the characters. A shame, because the premise of the book sounded interesting.

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Royal Pain by Tracy Wolff is Book 1 of is Royal Hotness Series.

Danger, Will Robinson...danger!!!!

Royal Pain starts out in such a way that normally would have had me putting it down in disgust and not giving it a second glance. The first chapter will honestly have you confused and thinking you picked up the wrong book and maybe even have you DNF it due to what is contained therein. I know it did me; it started out way differently than what the book description depicted. Thankfully, I’m one of those stubborn readers who hates to DNF and tends to push on so I was able to find out soon enough that things really do switch up after that first part. However, while there was quite a shift in Kian’s personality, thinking, approach, etc., I will say that the first chapter just eclipsed it all for me and I was still reeling with a residual yuck and ick factor that coated it all. For me, there was no coming back from that set-up. It’s sad to be honest because this story had such potential and had it started another way to define Kian’s shallow, superficial self it would have totally hit the mark for me. As it stands, the whole of the read was overshadowed by that intro and for that it becomes a 3 “meh” middle of the road stars read instead of the 5 HEA stars it could have been.

An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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I started this book expecting to find some cliche royal drama. And saying that I was surprised halfway into the book would be the understatement of the century. I was hit with this vigorous wave of feels. And then melted into a puddle of goo. What I expected would be a cute plot with like, characters I'll forget the minute I finish the book, turned out to be a book that hit me so hard with characters that'll forever have a special place in my heart. Kian surprised me. I was not expecting such a vast character transformation. Yes, I'd like to believe that Savvy brought out the best in him. And it was so beautiful to see the arrogant spare prince turn into this responsible and vulnerable man. I cannot for the life of me forget those scenes in which he literally went insane over his brother's kidnapping. His love for his twin brother, despite everything they disagree on, hit me hard. I loved his relationship with his 'security detail'. And how they got used to spending the night in the van, and then that first day at Savvy's when they were sitting outside and Kian promised he'll stay close to the windows. That was hilarious. Kian and Savvy's relationship was a fairytale in its own way. It was my first time reading about modern royalty, and it definitely won't be my last.

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Royal Pain

kian is the second in line crown prince of his country. Hes the party playboy who's never had any responsibility to deal with because his brother Garrett always took all responsibility.

Savannah is a waitess/hostess and barmaid with a snarky firey attitude along with her gorgeous looks and intelligence.

This book begins with Kian being beckoned home because his brother was kidnapped and now Kian needs to stand up and be the crown prince in his brothers absence. Kian and Savvy meet at a gala Savvy literally dumps a tray on him to save him from the attention he wants to avoid. Kian instantly is attracted to the standoffish brash Savvy. They slowly begin a relationship with Savvy who has secrets of her own and Kian who is being thrust into a world hes avoided all his life. Savvy has many reservations over Kian and his crown status. Slowly they fall in love. But with everything going on will Savvy and Kian be able to be withstand a relationship with everything going on in both their worlds? Will Savvy truly ever believe that she will be number one to somebody? Will Garret be found? Will they live happily ever after?

Now I really enjoyed this book but I give it 4 stars I loved the characters I loved the interaction and I loved the plot and story the only reason it loses one star is because I feel the ending was rushed and that their are to many loose ends. I will look into other books in this series though :D

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When I started reading Royal Pain, I thought it would be another one of those prince meets girl; girl resists but in the end prince gets the girl stories. What I didn’t expect was twists and a realistic storyline. Prince Kian of Wildemar may be the typical spoilt typical playboy prince, but when his older twin brother and immediate heir to the throne is kidnapped, he knows he must step up. What results is drama, hot romance, and a good story to lose yourself in for a few hours. Definitely a great read and a five star recommendation.

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This was a pretty decent book. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next one.

The only issue I had with it, though, was the ending. Savvy was so strong throughout the whole book but, then she became a little too whiny for me.
Kian. Just wow. His Royal Hotness, indeed.

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A big Thank you to NetGalley and Random House-Loveswept for the ARC for my honest review.

I have never read a book by Tracy Wolff before-I enjoyed this book but didn't love it. I felt sort of sad for the "royal" he is sort of a bitter spare-not needed or wanted until something happens to his twin. An unlikely-sort of fast romance with a commoner. It left me hanging-as not all my questions were answered. Its a fun, easy read but I didn't feel the chemistry between the two main characters as I do in some books. May have just been the mood I was in. I rate this a 3.5-I would say try the book if you enjoy reading about royals. Enjoy

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Very interesting and hot! Really liked the dynamic between Savvy and Kian. How she treats him even though he is royalty. And in turn I really liked how the story shows that Kian has so much to offer and so many ways he can surprise. And those sexy explicit! He is very giving! This is a story that will have you wanting to know what comes with the next page and will still give you a few surprises along the way.

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I don't care how much of a feminist I am, give me a romance novel about about a hot, rich prince falling for the normal American girl and I'M IN.

In Royal Pain, Tracy Wolff has introduced a new series about royalty and the women they fall for (and have really hot sex with). It included a mystery about a missing royal brother, a secret past, and all of the hilarity associated with dating while being followed by a guard detail. The fantasy of being with a prince is good no matter how it works. BUT...

Unfortunately, the opening scene to establish Kian as a playboy totally ruined him for me, I get that he has a past but that "past" was just described in detail for an entire scene just days before he meets the love of his life. The ick factor was strong for me.

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This book took me a few chapters to get into, however, once that I got there I couldn't put it down.

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Holy smokes this book was HOT!

Kian is a cocky, arrogant playboy prince who is aka His Royal Hotness. Even though he is not the heir to the throne he has to step up due to a tragic situation. During this difficult time he meets an American girl name Savvy. Savvy has knocked him speechless. Never has ever wanted a woman this bad.

Savvy is a beautiful American girl who is a bartender,waitress,writer. Once she meet Kian she knew she was a goner. She couldn't fight her attraction for him.

As they get to know one another Savvy has a hard time accepting that Kian is different from all her other relationship.

*****I voluntarily received an ARC from Net Galley for a honest review****

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There is a certain sub-genre of romance novels with fictional Monaco-like kingdoms where a hot prince falls for a plucky American girl, face difficulties, and then end up happily ever after. This fits that sub-genre. The twist here is that Prince Kian is the spare younger twin brother. He is happily pursuing his man-slut ways and enjoying all the perks of being a sexy, rich prince without having the duty of being the crown prince. When we first meet him, he’s enjoying a threesome.

Then everything changes as his brother is kidnapped by terrorists and he has to step into the role of heir while his country’s secret service hunts for his brother. Meanwhile, he meets up with Savvy, the plucky American woman who, for some reason, is working in the kingdom as a waitress/bartender. He falls for her, of course, but it turns out that she had had an affair with Kian’s twin brother five years ago and been dumped because of that whole prince/duty thing.

So there is a lot going on here. The kidnapping, the man-whore in love plot, the problems in the different situations, getting over the fact that she has slept with and been in love with his twin brother. Any of those plots would make an interesting novel. Instead, it feels like Wolff has set up these plots, thrown in some hot sex scenes, and then resolved them all rather quickly without much detail or explanation of how this is going to all work out.

Maybe she’s setting up to continue the story and not leaving it as just Kian and Savvy finding their HEA, but having to deal with complications after they’ve declared their love and she’s agreed to marry him. It seems like there should be a lot more to wrap up - the twin’s torment and recovery, the king’s reaction, Savvy getting used to the limelight and paparazzi, but we don’t see that in this book. It felt like the book was over with those threads just left hanging - maybe for a sequel involving the crown prince. That book might be interesting to read. As it is, this book, while not left with a cliffhanger in the romance, still felt incomplete.

I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A bit predictable at times, but all in all an emotionally charged, feel good book.
I would have liked an epilogue of sorts, it kind of finishes abruptly.
I look forward to reading more about this family.

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Another great read from Tracy Wolff. Hot and sassy. I loved the story line, it was a relatable modern day fairy tale. I really liked Savannah and Kian. I hope to see more of them and Garrett in the future.

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His Royal Hotness is the best naughty fairytale ever!

I never know what to expect from Tracy Wolff next, but whatever it is, I want it. I don't care what she writes about, I know it's gonna be good. I really really love her writing style. She has a way of writing dialogue that makes me feel like I'm in the room, and the same goes for her sexy scenes. This particular story that I expected to be funny, surprised me by touching my emotions. I felt the struggle, the pain, and the passion. And, it also made me laugh. It was the full package.

I totally fell for His Royal Hotness. He's cocky and arrogant and playful and funny. But underneath all the charm he's a real person that hurts like the rest of us. He's been lucky enough to enjoy all the perks of royalty while not having all the responsibilities that go with it. Being 7 minutes younger than his twin brother made him the spare rather than the heir. But that didn't mean he wasn't close to his brother. He wasn't jealous, he was glad to be off the hook. He was proud of his twin, confident that he had what it took to rule. And when he came up missing, he was devastated. The last thing he wanted to do was step into his shoes. He'd rather be out looking for him. But duty called and he tried to do what was expected of him.

Rather than sun bathing on the yacht with the bikini clad crown chasers he ended up stuffed into a scratchy tux being pursued by the mothers trying to parade their eligible daughters in front of him. The last thing he expected was a rescue in the form of a waitress purposely pouring a tray of drinks on him to extricate him from their clutches. And once that happened, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Was it the fact that she was the first woman to refuse him? Was it the novelty that she didn't want to date him.? Was it her unavailability that made her so tempting? Or was it because she was sassy and not afraid to say exactly what she was thinking? His royal status didn't intimidate her in the least. In spite of her refusal, he knew that she wanted him. The chemistry between them was too strong for her not to feel it too. Too bad he didn't know how to contact her. But hey, there are perks to being royalty, right?

Savvy couldn't deny how delicious Kian was. Of course she was tempted to taste him. But her heart had been broken before, and she had promised herself she wouldn't go there again. When he showed up at her house uninvited, she wasn't surprised. She knew that if he wanted to find her, he had easy access to the means to do so. What surprised her was that he wanted to. Was history repeating itself? Was she asking for trouble by letting him in the door? Was she risking her heart again just by listening... and lusting?

There was a lot more to this story than what I was expecting. Secrets and surprises, twists and turns, love and laughter. I didn't want it to end, but I loved how it did. I'm very excited that it's a series and knowing that I have more to look forward to makes me very happy. The line forms here...

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I have read one other book (so far) by Tracy Wolff. It was a good book, so I figured while I usually don't go for royalty type books that I would try this one. I have to say, I am so glad I did!! I absolutely loved this book!! This book is about Kian, who is a royal prince although not the heir. And Savvy (Savannah-which she hates) who is an American who is working part time as a bartender and part time as a waitress so she can write somewhere she loves. They meet at a gala when she "rescues" him from someone he doesn't want to deal with. I wasn't sure after reading the beginning that I was going to like it. I really didn't like how Kian acted at the beginning. Normally men like that completely wreck the story for me. Little did I know that Ms. Wolff would make him someone I absolutely adored by the middle of the book!! Underneath the playboy facade is this sweet, caring, and emotional man who never feels like he is enough. Savvy, what can I say, I loved her from the start. She is snarky and mouthy and I just love how she doesn't let the fact that he is royalty sway her in any way. Little does he know though, she has already dealt with one prince. This book was so good, I couldn't put it down and read it in a day! I adored the characters together, and I loved how no matter what they work things out. With as much bad as was happening to a family member, they still managed to fall in love and work out their differences. I cannot wait for Garrett's story!! And I am hopeful we will see the sister, Ana, show up in his so we can have a third book!

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When one twin prince goes missing, the spare heir has to step up when he hoped never to have to. But when at an event someone saves him and feelings quickly grow. I enjoyed this romance, how they came over their pasts to find love. Good start to a series, and hopefully we'll get more of the brother soon. :)

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I received an ARC of this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
I have read several books from this author and I would definitely recommend this book.

Garrett is the crown prince until he goes missing and then his Playboy twin has to fill the roll until he's found. It's a great story of finding himself and falling for the perfect girl along the way. With a few twist along the way that I don't want to spoil.
Great read and now to wait for the next book in the series!

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I really couldn't connect with the characters, they felt too fake. The storyline took forever to advance, it was half ways through the book before anything of significance really happened and then everything happened too quickly. It was just hard to get into the story and then all of a sudden it went so fast you couldn't keep up.

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Royal pain was a fun flirty good time! Who doesn't love a bad boy and a prince to boot? There were definitely some nice twist in here to knock us off our feet! Loved all the sass our little Savvy dishes out 😘 and Kian I loved his transition from cocky ne'er do well to a king in the making. Sweet modern Cinderella!

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