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Hot and Badgered

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I voluntarily read the advanced sneak peak of this book and I loved it. I need more ASAP, I can not wait for this book to come out!

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One of my favourite authors. Looking forward to reading the entire book. With only a chapter this tease was slightly confusing.

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I want to give this both a 5 star and a 1 star at the same time. I was so excited to see that I got this book, and was anxious to get started. I loved the first few pages, and actually yelled "no!" out loud, when I realized that those first pages were all that was there! I went back and tried to download it two more times before I realized that it said it was a sneak peak at the first chapter. I did love those pages though, and have now pre-ordered the book so that I can learn who these new characters are. I will know be going back and re-reading all of her other books in preparation for this one!

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When I requested the book I didn't realize it was a sneak peek of the first chapter. That was my fault as I only read the book description and the release date when I requested it. My book club's September host didn't pick a book for the month. Instead we're meeting to talk about what we've been reading since we last met. I thought this would be a great book to talk about with them since half read romances and half read sci fi or fantasy. Why not a book which combines it all?

The first chapter had me hooked. With Netgalley you can send the file to your Kindle or download a protected .pdf file. I reached the end of the file on my Kindle and had so many questions. I then downloaded the protected .pdf file in case the file on my Kindle was corrupted. Aren't I silly?!

The first chapter introduces the reader to the two main characters, Berg and Charlie, and a few supporting ones. Some questions include, "Who is trying to kill Charlie?" and "Does Berg get his concert t-shirt back?" There's no wasting  time with the meet cute and I predict this will be a quick read. The publisher's description has more spoilers than this review of the first chapter.

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Great start to this book. The first chapter caught my interest quickly. The action and drama starting off the story made me want to know more. The interaction between Coop and Berg as well as Charlie and her sister made me really like the characters. From the first chapter alone, I already want to read more. The settings are well described and the first chapter is well written.

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I didn't read properly that this was just a first chapter sampler before I requested it, but noticed after I read about a chapter's worth and then was super upset to find I had already finished the sample! This story definitely has potential from what I have seen - good start, building up well, characters are intriguing. And I am FOR SURE interested to learn more about the shifting/lifestyle of the shifters. Plus, the sample doesn't give much opportunity to get into any romance, and I deeply need to know what happens there. More, please!

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Great start for this book. The sisters seemed badass and hilarious. Looking forward to the entire book

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Just got the first chapter, but I am completely and totally hooked. Berg, the marvelous grizzly, is body guard to Cooper, the pianist prodigy character that we previously adored. AND IT HAS HONEY BADGERS, quirky, quick and completely cute these viciously hilarious characters are going to make for some fantastic break from reality book time!

I received chapter 1 ONLY ARC copy of Hot and Badgered from Kensington Books. This is my honest and voluntary review. Hot and Badgered is set for publication March 27, 2018.

My Rating: 5 stars
Written by: Shelly Laurenston
Series: The Honey Badgers (Book 1)
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Kensington
Publication Date: March 27, 2018
ISBN-10: 1496714342
ISBN-13: 978-1496714343
Genre: Shifter Romance

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I can't wait to read the entire HOT AND BADGERED book! Thanks for providing this review previous of next year's release.

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If there were 0 stars to give I would but not for the book but for the publisher and NetGalley because I wasn't given a chance to read it as I only received an excerpt not the finished product. Very disappointed.!!!!

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I am unable to review this book because I only received, maybe less than a chapter. I downloaded it again and still got the same as what I had gotten originally

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Okay so it's a review of the first chapter, but what a first chapter it was. I'm going to like these sisters a lot. And I'm going to laugh a lot because the first chapter was intense and funny at the same time. I'm also going to be an impatient mess until I can get my hands on the whole book. Bring on the honey badgers and that cute grizzly bear too!

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This little extract only whet my appetite for more. Can't wait to read the whole thing. Shelly never disappoints.

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Ok so slight over look on my part, I was so excited to request this book I did notice the sentence that clearly stated first chapter only. First let me state this is so cruel to a faithful reader and fan who has purchased all of these books in paperback and kindle version. Secondly I am hooked and trying to keep my cool till I get to read this whole book.

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This is from an advance review copy for which I thank the publisher.

I can't honestly review this novel because all we were allowed was the first chapter! Due to a small oversight on my part I did not realize this, but based on that sole chapter, I was interested in reading more. The blurb was misleading though. The interaction between the shape-shifters: a bear (a guy of course) and a honey badger (a girl of course) bore only passing resemblance to what was described in that blurb.

I am not a fan of the vampire/werewolf stories so I normally would not have read this, but the fact that this was expressly not about wolves (which is a genre way-the-hell overdone these days), but about a bear and a badger made it more interesting to me. I'm a big advocate of authors taking that road less-traveled rather than trying to clone some other writer's work, and it pleased me that this author appears to be, too.

I have to say that the idea that a bullet hitting someone in the shoulder or arm could propel them over a balcony is preposterous! If you understand a little physics you know that those absurd gunfights in the movies and on TV, featuring grown men flying backwards after being hit is nonsensical. A bullet is so small and so fast that it will tear right through you barely if at all affecting your stance or your motion. Depending on the circumstances, you might not even notice you've been hit at first.

To paraphrase Golden Earring in their song Twilight Zone, you are likely going to know if the bullet hits a bone. It may break it, and that will cause you problems, but it still won't throw you dramatically backwards or toss you over a balcony, unless you happen to be precariously balancing on the balcony in the first place, in which case you might drop off it.

If you've seen the North Hollywood Bank of America robbery shootout from February 1997, which is admittedly grisly, you can see from it that when shot, the suspects do not go flying anywhere, and when killed, they simply drop to the ground. If you do not want to see that, it's perfectly understandable, in which case, I'd recommend watching the twelfth episode of Ray Donovan in the third season, where Ray has a shoot-out and is hit more than once. His reaction seems far more realistic than ninety percent of actors in standard TV or movie gunfights.

One thing which was a little confusing to me was the time of day that this opening chapter took place. I'd got the impression, rightly or wrongly, that it was very early morning - as in very late at night, but then we find there are school-children on the street, so I was confused, because we'd been told the streets were quiet, so I'd been thinking it was about three AM. Clearly it was not, but if it was late enough in the morning for school-kids to be out and about, how was it that the streets were so quiet, and how come a team of mercenaries could invade a hotel and not be seen and reported? And if the hit squad was specifically after Charlie (the honey-badger) then what were they doing at the grizzly's hotel room? he had no connection with her at that point. The author might want to rethink her setting and action a bit, or explain it better!

That and the irritating shortness of the sample aside, I have to admit the idea of three sisters in serious trouble and trying to figure out what's going on, sounds like a great idea for a story. As long as we don't get the grizzly bear always riding to the rescue of the poor helpless maidens in distress, like these girls can't handle themselves and need a man to validate them, which would simply ruin the story, I'd recommend it, based on the admittedly inadequate portion I had access to.

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Loving the you have to wake up earlier to catch me scene. I was hook when the heroine jump the window landed and other floor borrow a t shirt and kick a couple soldiers azz.

More to follow.

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Any book that starts with "What had she been thinking? Using the 'Ride of the Valkyries' as a ringtone? Because that shit waking up a person at six in the morning was cruel" you just know is going to be funny. Since this is a Shelly Laurenston book that is simply guaranteed.

This author has the ability to produce tough, wise cracking characters who are truly likable and have a heart, often buried under a gruff exterior. Chemistry between lead characters is rarely a problem and from this glimpse it won't be a problem here either.

It's a great start and I'm looking forward to reading the book in its entirety.

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Hot and Badgered, by Shelly Laurenston is the first book in The Honey Badgers series. Even though this book won't be published until March 2018, I had the opportunity to read a preview of chapter one.

Berg Dunn, body guard and grizzly bear shifter, meets Charlie MacKilligan when she literally falls onto his hotel balcony. As a honey badger shifter, Charlie is trying to simply survive, while protecting her sisters.

From what I've read so far, Hot and Badgered is geared towards those who enjoy reading entertaining paranormal action-suspense romances, particularly focused on shifters. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the book in 2018.

Note: I received this preview chapter from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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You can not imagine the excitement on my face when I had the email to say netgalley accepted my request for this!!!.

So you can imagine how devastated I was when I realised it was only the first bloody chapter!.
I felt teased man! Like a deprived women I sat for a good ten minutes thinking something went wrong when i downloaded it to my kindle. It was only after I had a browse on here that I realised it was just me and that they had in fact only teased us with the first chapter. DEVASTATED!!!.

All joking aside though I was a gutted because regardless of it only being one chapter I was immediately invested in this story. I wanted to know everything about Berg and Charlie! Their first meeting was hilarious and I just know the rest of the story will be to.

I can't review one chapter of a story so I will wait until I can read the full story obviously before putting up a proper review however what I have read has only made me want it even more. EXCITED.

I kindly received this ARC from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A wonderful glimpse of the book to come - honey badgers rule is all I can say !
So looking forward to the book release after this teaser !

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