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Wolves And Roses

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Thanks, NetGalley and the publishers for the chance to give this author a try in return for an honest review.
I thought there was plenty to enjoy in this book and I can see the ideas underpinning the story leading quite well to a series of stories. Bryar Rose, the central character in this story, is meant to be the typical damsel in distress as found in your average everyday fairytale. She is supposedly the very image of 'sleeping beauty' and just needs her prince to save her from her dreadful sleeping curse. However, Bryar didn't quite get the memo of how a princess from a story template behaves - she doesn't do anything to do with animals, she can't hold a tune and she really doesn't like the her potential prince charming - Prince Philpot.
She has a very different guy in her sights - Knox, a werewolf, who believes that Bryar is potentially his mate. Now, the book gets quite interesting as Bryar discovers that she may not really fit the fairytale for a reason but before she can sort out the truth from the lies, there are bad guys coming out of every page of her 'real' story.
There is some strong character development by Ms Bauer and the friendships between Bryar and her bestie, Elle as well as Knox and his magical partner, Alec are quite entertaining and as well as humourous. The world built around these characters in quite well constructed but there were a couple of moments where I thought 'did I miss a moment or two' as characters seemed to be connected in some way through a backstory moment that wasn't quite shared clearly.
If you like fairies, wizards and werewolves who are trying to coexist quietly with humans as well as a plethora of evildoers wanting to run amok and rule the world then this might be just the book you have been waiting for - it certainly captures the imagination.

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A fresh new take on Sleeping Beauty. I greatly enjoyed the involvement of other Princesses and wolves! I love retellings. Bryar Rose is sassy and funny, and the world of the Magicorum interesting. Such a quick, fun read.

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So the whole reason I ended up with this book is because I clicked on a link for it and didn't realize it was a pre-approved link and then BAM there I am with it on my shelf. At first I decided I wasn't going to read it and then I was like well ...I already have it ...and then I think an author whose newsletter I get recommended it and it was bothering me that I hadn't read it [I'm a bit OCD in that regard] so finally after several months I decided to go ahead with it. I apparently should have stuck with my original plan but we live and we learn.

So first of all I feel like it shouldn't have been YA. Some stories are good for YA but some are just not believable to have teenagers doing this stuff. I mean one is basically running a huge corporation [despite the fact that his parents are still alive??] and one is a very accomplished jewel thief. Like ...why not just make them adults? I guess because then they wouldn't be able to act like children and we couldn't throw in the tired ~Bryar's guardians are lying to her and won't let her go out and have fun~ plotline.

Then all the werewolf stuff. Listen, werewolves can be done well and I even enjoy it sometimes but if I drank every time I read the words 'my inner wolf' 'mate' or 'cubs' while I was reading this I would literally have died not far into it. I mean, at least the werewolf love interest's creepy possessiveness didn't go into him being full-on abusive but it's still very much something that I don't like.

There was an interesting base to the story with the different types of magical creatures although I was never QUITE sure how the fairytale people fit into it all. Like do all humans touched by magic turn into a fairytale template? Or is it just random? Or is the whole thing made up by the Denarii in order to control certain people because [spoilers]? lol I was actually really interested in the fairytale template thing but nothing much was ever done with it and instead we got your average YA romance story. But if you're looking for something about people in the modern world living with being a fairytale I would recommend Seanan McGuire's Indexing series.

All of that being said, there are a lot of people who will enjoy this book. Like ...if you liked Twilight then I think you will be right on board with this. And as a bonus, only the bad guy is a creepy abusive dirtbag, unlike Twilight where it's the leading love interest. But it's really just your standard run-of-the-mill YA paranormal romance with not much thought or development put into it, but I know sometimes that's what people are looking for.

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Wolves and Roses is a well plotted read, and one I enjoyed for the most part. I really liked the set up with Bryar Rose being unhappy with her fairy tale template as Sleeping Beauty and the close friendship she has with Ella, whose template is Cinderella. The rebel in Bryar is fitting since who would want to be told how to live her life? I understood where she was coming from.

I thought this take on fairy tales was brilliant and enjoyed Bryar's snark. It was interesting to see how Bryar Rose could have a different perspective than she does in the traditional Sleeping Beauty stories. It was also interesting that these three particular magical races - fairies, shifters and witches - were included. I haven't read too many books with just these three supernatural races; many books include other races like vampires and zombies.

The situations and narrow escapes Bryar and Ella get themselves into were entertaining. It's also great to see a strong friendship between two teenage girls. They had a great back and forth between their characters that often had me laughing.

I wasn't a huge fan of Knox. The biggest reason I didn't like him was his constant and repeated references to "his inner wolf." It was distracting and unnecessary.

The narrator is also the author of this book, and unfortunately it didn't work for me in this case. I think I would have been able to give the story at least another star if I had read the eBook version. There were difficulties with knowing which character was speaking at times because the voices weren't different enough. There were also moments that the reading felt bland.

That being said, the story is good, and I'd read the next installment although in the eBook format rather than the audiobook format.

I received a copy of this book via the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review.

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I am seriously in love with the way Christina writes! This is the second novel of hers that I've read and it's so easy to read. Briar Rose is such an interesting character and I'm in love with the retelling of fairy tails that is woven throughout this novel!

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I had high hopes for WOLVES AND ROSES, but it didn't live up to my expectations.

I actually really enjoyed the concept of WOLVES AND ROSES. For most of the book, things were great. The writing was smooth and the characters developed nicely. Unfortunately at some point things got a little ridiculous.

One of my biggest issues started when characters started going off on tirades or started going out of their way to make a snarky comment that really didn't fit the moment. During situations of conflict instead of doing the thing that would fix things right away—even as they mentioned they needed to do x or y—they just continued to talk about doing it instead of doing it. Very frustrating and definitely ruined the flow of the story. It made me want to put the book down and call it a day. Alas I forced myself to keep reading in hopes that it would only last a short time only to be disappointed that it persisted until the end.

I really really wanted to love WOLVES AND ROSES. Unfortunately I don't see myself continuing with this series.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, I couldnt put it down. It had a different slant on some of the fairy tales. I am looking forward to reading others in the series.

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[The review will go live on my blog on December 2, 11:00pm GMT+8.)

Wow, what a rush. I'm usually not a huge fan of insta-loves and mates. But something about the way it was done in this whole story worked.

The concept was such a fascinating one! It's what drew me to requesting the book. And I am so glad I got approved. It was a quick and fun read with engaging characters and a conversational type narrative.

Bryar Rose was a strong character from start to end. Her attraction to Knox was not just physical, and she stood her ground and found her way around things she thought should have stopped her. Even when she was scared, she fought through it. I was rooting for her throughout the story.

I thought Knox would be a typical ‘bad boy’ trope, but he had layers. Seeing things from his perspective definitely added weight to his character, and it was great that his relationships with other people felt developed and grounded. I would have enjoyed more Knox/Elle interaction if only because I feel like it would have been amusing.

Alec and Elle were great supporting characters who did not feel flat or one-dimensional in anyway. Their connection is not as easily explained as Knox and Bryar’s but I have some suspicions, and I wish we had some of their point of view as well. Their friendships with Knox and Bryar respectively were handled really well.

I really, really enjoyed the strong relationship between Elle and Bryar. It felt very real and believable. Even their secrets from one another were forgivable because the girls communicated and trusted one another. It was probably my favourite thing about the novel.

Some of the twists were easily predictable - such as Elle not being entirely human, the aunties having a hidden agenda, Madame being untrustworthy, and Philpot having an agenda - but some I did not see coming. I actually expected Bryar to be the third warden, not a part shifter, part fairy, part warlock? (Now I think the third warden is Elle.) I expected Philpot to be in league with the bad guys, especially after Reggie’s introduction, but not to be The Bad Guy.

It definitely made for a great read, when you know a twist is coming but the actual reveal still takes you by surprise. I’m definitely going to try and read the others in the series.

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So much fun! I loved the writing style and characters in this!

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Quando me deparei com Wolves and Roses, fiquei logo interessada nessa sinopse justamente por ter uma vibes de Crônicas Lunares (Percebe-se que ainda não superei o fim da série) A diferença é que esse livro não é uma releitura de contos de fadas; a autora utiliza dos contos como elemento para a história dos personagens.

Em Wolves and Roses, humanos e pessoas com magias convivem normalmente. Quer dizer, se por normalmente pessoas com magias são tratadas como celebridades. Essas pessoas com magia fazem parte do Magicorum e podem descender de três raças mágicas: metamorfos, bruxas ou fadas.

Magicorum descendentes das fadas têm sua vida roteirizada em algum conto de fada. No caso de Bryar Rose, sua vida devia seguir o roteiro da Bela Adormecida. Foco na palavra seria porque sua vida passa longe disso. O fato é: quando completasse 18 anos, Bryar deveria se casar com Philpot e sua maldição do sono seria quebrada. Porém, o que Bryar quer mesmo é terminar de traduzir uns hieróglifos egípcios e ter uma vida normal. Mas é aquela, querer is not power.

Se eu disse que amei a história, ainda não chega nem perto do quanto eu realmente amei a história. Começa nos personagens, passando pela mitologia do história em si e terminando na escrita da autora. Mas vamos por parte.

Bryar Rose é o meu mais novo espírito animal. Ela é uma garota cheia de atitude, determinada, com uma personalidade peculiar e uma língua super afiada. Gente como a gente, de vez em quando engole alguns sapos, mas tudo visando o bem maior que, no caso dela, é ter uma vida normal. Bryar também é uma pessoa leal aos seus amigos e dedicada a tudo que ela se compromete. Apesar de rir na cara do perigo em algumas situações, ela também é bem racional quando necessário.

Knox foi crush à primeira vista. Todo trabalho no estilo bad boy caladão e tals, ele é um cara bem charmoso e humorado. Por ser um lobisomem, ele tem um instinto protetor bem forte com seus amigos, principalmente quando se trata de Bryar. Adorei que seu instinto protetor não é daquele tipo opressor que muitos boyzinhos tem por aí nos livros. Knox deseja proteger e defender seus amigos sim, mas também está disposto a lutar do lado deles e apoiar seus desejos e planos (nem que eles sejam um pouco mirabolantes).

Amizade tem um grande foco na história. Assim como Bryar, sua melhor amiga Elle está falhando miseravelmente em seu roteiro de Cinderela. As duas encontram apoio uma na outra, tirando até sarro de suas situações. Elle tem uma personalidade parecida com a de Bryar, só que mais ligada no tacar o foda-se. Essas duas formam uma dupla e tanto, já que Elle é uma espécie de Robin Hood com seus golpes e Bryar é hacker.

Essa mesma amizade é o que acontece entre Knox e Alec. Nesse caso, um complementa o outro. Enquanto Knox é um cara bastante introspectivo, Alec (que é um bruxo) é um cara mais sociável e também compartilha de um charme natural. Os dois se conhecem desde criança e por isso são quase como irmãos. Por terem as mesmas obrigações em suas raças (que eu não vou falar por motivos de spoiler), os dois se entendem perfeitamente.

Bryar e Knox são maravilhosos juntos. Por conta de um certo detalhe, achei que a relação entre os dois seria algo um tanto forçado e irreal, mas a química entre eles salta das páginas. Os dois são bem fofos juntos, um tanto engraçados também quando rola uns flertes. O melhor de tudo é que os dois não deixam essa atração atrapalhar o que há de importante a fazer. Entretanto nada barra a relação de Knox e seu lobo interno. As conversas entre os dois me arrancaram algumas risadas, principalmente da parte do lobo.

Eu tenho que falar desse mundo criado pela Christina. Nunca li uma história que os personagens vivem roteiros de contos de fada e achei isso genial. Mais genial ainda foi que a autora conseguiu inserir elementos da mitologia egípcia e romana na história e fazer funcionar.

A escrita da Christina colabora bastante para o andamento da leitura. A escrita dela é ágil, direta, descritiva quando necessário e bastante jovial. Fui cativada pelo livro logo no primeiro capítulo e não queria parar de ler. Durante todo o livro, a história não decaiu em nenhum momento. Colabora mais ainda o fato dos capítulos serem narrados em primeira pessoa por Bryar Rose e alguns por Knox. Melhores narradores ever, com seus comentários espirituosos.

Lembra quando pensei que minha vida atingia o fundo do poço? Esse lugar é uma cidadela de incrível em comparação com o que estou agora.*

Wolves and Roses é bastante equilibrado. Temos cenas engraçadas, protagonizadas principalmente pelo “noivo” de Bryar, Príncipe Philpot. Muita vergonha alheia envolvida esse cara. Temos cenas amorzinhos protagonizadas não só por Bryar e Knox, mas entre Bryar e Elle (Uma amizade dessas, bicho..). A reta final é de tirar o fôlego, mas tudo acaba bem na medida do possível.

Pelo que vi, a série só terá dois livros e um conto. Wolves and Roses foi um bom começo, pois a autora vai nos apresentando o mundo ao mesmo tempo que dá respostas a certas perguntas, mas nada muito largado de paraquedas na história. Para uma duologia, senti que foi tudo muito bem desenvolvido, sem deixar aquela sensação de entender vários nadas.

A capa tem elementos que combina com a história, apesar de achar ela bem simples. O que importa é que tem a ver com a história, assim como o título. No final de cada capítulo, tem a imagem de uma flor, que achei bem fofinho.

Com uma proposta um tanto diferente e que deu certo, Wolves and Roses foi um livro incrível e que me deixou com aquele gostinho de quero mais.

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I realized that after I requested this that I probably was not going to read it. I regret requesting it cause it did sound interesting when I read the summary.

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Bryar Rose is not your typical teenager. There's something different about her but she just can't figure out what it is. Her fellow students at the academy are all a little bit "off" too, but it doesn't seem to be a bother for them.

Bryar's aunts have been caring for her since she's been a baby. Now it's a few days prior to her eighteenth birthday and Bryar doesn't want to disappoint them, but they're demanding she marry a stuck-up, snob who makes her downright nauseous!

So Bryar and her best friend Elle decide to take off and live their own lives for a change. But what should have been a simple adventure becomes something altogether different!!

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I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This has in no way influenced my opinion of this book.

I really don't know what to think of this book. Wolves & Roses has lots of potential. Bryar Rose, our main character, is supposed to live her life by a Fairy Tale Templet. To be specific, she's supposed to live her life like Sleeping Beauty. The book is obviously called Wolves & Roses, so it's pretty obvious there's going to be wolves involved. Awesome! Unfortunately, I didn't like it. It has many great elements that I absolutely loved. The first few chapters were wonderful, but then it went downhill so fast and eventually I was reading it just to finish it, and just skimmed the last 20% of the book. To be quite honest, I wasn't even interested in how it ended.

Like I said before, I really do think this book has potential. I loved how some people in this world live life by a fairy tale template, and that there are like "support groups" for people who aren't on the right path. The New York City setting is also really great! The main character was really interesting, since she likes technology, computers and hacking, but I couldn't stand her love interest. I just couldn't! I felt like an instant click with his friend Alec and desperately hoped he would be Bryar Rose's love interest. But no, he was actually Bry's friend Elle's love interest. Another thing I didn't like. Why do they both have to have a love interest that are also friends? Does this sentence make sense? I hope it does. Anyway, to get back to the "it has potential" part of the review; I really believe it does. The characters, the magic and the world are wonderful, really! It's just that the predictability and the "bad" elements were so bad the good couldn't make up for it.

Since my thoughts on this book are pretty black & white in terms of what I did and didn't like, I decided to make some lists! BEWARE: They might contain spoilers (and are hidden under the spoiler tag on Goodreads)

Things I LIKED:
- Technology! Bryar Rose is a total tech geek. She has these epic computer setups that I literally dream about because oh my goodness I can relate so much! And she (and her friend Elle) are both hackers! It was a really unexpected element of the story.
- Papyri! I grew up with a Dutch show called House of Anubis and I was totally obsessed with it because it involved hieroglyphs and Egypt and Egyptian gods and it was simply the best. Bryar Rose studies these papyri that she basically steals/copies and it's so cool! Like, who would have an epic computer setup and also steal ancient papyri to study hieroglyphs?!
- Some parts were quite hilarious. There was humour in this book, and that's probably what saved it from a total downfall. I genuinely laughed or giggled at some parts of the book!

- It was too predictable. Maybe I just read too many books, but I felt like everything was predictable somehow. Maybe the foreshadowing was too obvious? Or it was just predicable in general? I'm not sure, but I really didn't like it. There was like one "big-ish" plot twists that was undone within the page so I was like "No?!"
- Werewolves. I did like how the book centred wolves, but I also really didn't. The way it works with the Werewolves in Wolves & Roses, is that the human and the wolf are two separate/different things. Like, some the humans and wolves can pretty much speak to each other and argue and stuff and it really didn't work for me.
- Love Interests. From the moment Bryar Rose's love interest entered the story, I didn't like him. There was instant attraction between them, although they'd never met and although it's probably a wolf thing, I was so annoyed! I did like Alec, though. I wanted him to be Bry's love interest, but then he and Bry's friend Elle got together and although I liked them a lot, I also didn't because why do need friend 1 and friend 1 and friend 2 and friend 2 need to get together?!
- The Denarii. These "things" were so unimpressive to me, I can barely remember what they are exactly! All I remember is the story went downhill as one of them attacked Bryar Rose and there were guns involved. I just don't really like guns, I guess?!
- Julius Caesar is involved?! Like, how did that happen?! Oh, he's also called Jules, for short. Again, what?! When he was introduced, I lost it. On top of all the bad, that must've been the worst part. It's like the author took a bucket, threw in some random things and wrote a story with it. Egyptian Papyri and a Roman Politician don't go well together at all. Like, take a cool Egyptian god as a villain, it'll work much better, right?
- The "Final Battle" was very disappointing. After all the bad, Bryar Rose still needs to face some other bad people in her life. I was expected big things. Like, she's been raised/lied to by these people for 18 years. It should be epic! Unfortunately, it wasn't. It was very week and underwhelming. There was no big showdown, no big fight. And afterwards? Bryar and Knox just magically left.

I really wish I loved (or at least liked!) this book more and could give a more positive review, but I really can't! I think I might've loved this years ago, before I read a ton of good books. I think past me would've liked it! However, it does have potential and I can see why people would like the story.

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I received this ARC copy from NetGalley in Reuther for an honest review. This was a book filled with funny conversations, mystery, twist & turns. Even though it took me a long time to finish reading this book everyone I got back to reading it I got sucked back in & didn’t want to stop reading. I just wished the author would explain some of the other characters fairy life templates (example: the witches). The characters Bryar Rose, Knox, Elle, & Alec are a cast of characters you’ll fall in love with. I need fan artwork of these characters!! I can’t wait for the next book!

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Rating: 5 Stars

Wolves and Roses is a fairy-tale retelling with a modern and unique twist. Bryar Rose is almost eighteen and one of the Magicorum-part of three magical races of shifters, fairies, or witches and they follow a fairy tale life template. Bryar's is Sleeping Beauty. She isn't too fond of this and has no desire for it. Some parts make sense but others couldn't be further from the truth. Like the part where she can't stand her so call Prince Philpot but does have dreams of a hottie and a compulsion with finding ancient papyri from Egypt. So not the typical Sleeping Beauty she is supposed to be. So when she meets the literal man of her dreams the powerful werewolf Knox her already interesting life takes an unexpected turn.

I already adore this author and her other series but this one was something new and exciting. I love how quickly her books fly by. It's the style of writing that just go straight forward no holds barred where you are captivated in every second and don't realize where the last few hours went. There is a beautiful middle between kick butt female characters, action, mystery, magic, romance, and drama! It's a magical little bubble full of all the feelings you want in a story. I was instantly intrigued with Bry and her life. Anytime she got too excited or wound up she'd start to have an "episode" and could freeze like her SB counterpart if she didn't take her meds. Kind of sucks. But as we go on there is much more to the story and you just feel for her. Who wouldn't want to live their own life and not have it pre-arranged for her? Then her bestie Elle, whom I adore, and her constant cons were just amazing. Had some White Collar and Leverage feels come up, what can I say I love a good con story.

And of course we have Knox, the second POV in the story. I dig his story as well. A reluctant leader type. Powerful and flawed. Broading and sexy. He has his reasons to brood don't get me wrong and he makes some mishaps along the way but I loved his POVs and hearing him have internal debates with his wolf they had me cracking up. His friendship with Alec is grounding. It's the male version of Bry and Elle. I love that while they do spend time together they still have their special bond between original friends. That is important. I love how the friendship is strong and plays an important part and not just to talk about boys (or girls for the guys) though there is some of that.

As for the story itself there is a lot going on. Not only did we get to know and love all of these characters as well as despise some others. We have a larger hunt for a magical fountain going on and tons of little side plots afoot including Bry finding herself. I can't say much more there because I don't want to give away any of the fun but with the Denarii and all the different types of magic in the world and how they interact with the modern world I just love it and can't wait to see more. I enjoyed this story and am looking forward to Spring of 2018 for the next book Moonlight and Midtown so I can see what happens next. I highly recommend this series to anyone who is a fan of retellings, magic, or just an intense fast paced story!

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Bryar Rose would like nothing more than to be a regular girl, not stuck in this magical-world limbo she exists in where she is suppose to be a Sleeping Beauty template but she seems to even fail at that. Instead of being a good "Sleeping Beauty", she researches ancient Egyptian papyri, gets into mischief with her best friend Elle and has strange dreams featuring a boy she has never met. When a routine break and enter goes awry, Bryar finds herself in over head and getting unexpected truths in the most random of places. If only she can make it a few days to her 18th birthday and then she will be free... she hopes.

​I thought the Angelbound series was my favorite, but I think Wolves and Roses may have stolen my heart. Did I mention there are werewolves? And the mate bond?? Well, once I discovered that tidbit, there was no going back. (My favorite supernatural anything just so happen to be werewolves!)I am always a sucker for fairytale retellings, and this was a one of a kind type of fairytale, completely new and different from anything I have experienced before. I am a super fan of Christina's Angerlbound series so when I saw that she had a new fairytale series coming out I knew I needed to read it. And I am so happy to report that the book lived up to, no actually surpassed my expectations. I was kept on my toes right from the start, enjoying the twists and turns the characters took. I ended up being lost in the pages within the first paragraph at magical teen group therapy, enjoying this humorous, dangerous, action packed ride...oh and there was some romance...just what I need for the perfect book recipe.

And as I mentioned, there is some romance (even if a grumpy Warden resisted), so I was incredibly happy that the story was dual narrated by Bryar and Knox (a certain Warden of werewolf persuasion). Romances that are told from both parties points of view are my favorite because I get to be omniscient. Bryar was so incredibly quirky, her personality practically bursting out of the pages. Her life is such a random grouping of things, be it her group therapy, her unhinged aunties or her almost-fiance, or her true self, Bryar sums in up nicely- "In other words, my life is the fairy-tale equivalent of the Island of Misfit Toys". (As per Madame “And that, my children, is why Bryar Rose is a total disaster. Any questions?”). Knox was my favorite kind of Were, all growly moody beast on the outside, but warm soft gooey teddy bear center. His conversations with his wolf made me giggle and his bromance with Alec was sweet.

I loved the relationship between Elle and Bryar, they were besties, pretty much soul sisters. I loved the dynamic between them, always having the others back and the willingness to get involved and potentially slay the other's demons (aka Philpot Herbert Utrecht the Third just to name one of the people who need slaying). Elle may have had some secrets from Bryar when it came to her life, but there was zero doubt she would fight to the death for Bryar in any circumstance (and the feeling was very mutual!) They were honestly the best depiction of female friends, none of that catty, back-stabby stuff you see in a lot of teen stories (and in real life sometimes) but tried and true, the way friends should be.

I am totally fan-girling over this world, these character, this book! I loved everything about it, would not change a thing. My only complaint is that I have to wait for the next book to come out, which is hard to do since patience is not one of my virtues. There was a little bit of everything included in the pages, pretty much something for everyone. There was so much world building that took place and potential for more stories, be it with Bryar and Alec or some other random characters (ahem- Elle and Alec). I now have a new favorite book by Christina, and I need more.

I received this title for reviewing purposes but I plan on getting a physical copy asap so I can hug it to me and sigh dreamily every chance I get. Come visit me at for a chance to win some bookish prizes.

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Wolves and Roses (Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #1) by Christina Bauer

I enjoyed this fun paranormal YA fairy tale. A modern day tale with two fun snarky girls that are besties, Bryar Rose and Elle. And two hot boys, Knox and Alec.
Wolves and Roses has a fun but evil plot with Bryar Rose smack in the middle. Bryar Rose is one tough babe and can truly stand on her own, she just has to believe in her self. In this tale she finds out things about herself that have been hidden from her. There are still secrets to unlock and we can read about them when Shifters and Glyphs (Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #2) comes out.

I give Wolves and Roses 4 stars for its action packed good time.
I would recommend this book to YA Paranormal fans.

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I was not expecting to like this book as much as I did. I read it in one night which happened to be Halloween night as I was handing out candy to the few trick-or-treaters that came by. I found myself pulled into the story and wanted to know what happened next. I really love the story of Bryar Rose and cannot wait to find out what happens next in her life. I have so many thoughts but I don't want to share too much and spoil the book for anyone else. Overall, a wonderful book and I cannot wait for the sequel!

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This book is so amazing! I finished it in one day because I couldn't put it down! Now I am really excited for the next book in this series. Christina Bauer skillfully wrote this young adult fantasy with well rounded characters and settings adding intrigue and mystery. The premise for this book is fantastic and the way it ends there is so much she can do with this story.

Magic is leaving the world. Humans live side by side with Magicoriums (shifters, witches, and fae). Magical or non magical humans are given fairy tale templates to live by if they fit a template at birth. Bryar Rose is a 17 year old who was adopted by three fairies when she was a baby. She is beautiful and has a sleeping condition which makes her freeze. It's actually a curse out on her by a powerful fairy. All of this means she should fit the Sleeping Beauty template.

She has to marry her prince by her 18th birthday which happens to be this week. The thing is she doesn't want to marry Philpot. He isn't her type. He has an ego for days and doesn't really care about anyone but himself. Not to mention she is a super fast hacker. So she is sent to a reform therapy type group for people who aren't fitting their template. It's there she meets her best friend Elle who is supposed to be fitting the Cinderella template but instead is a intelligent thief.

I don't want to ruin the book but let's just say the girls run into a little trouble and the guys that help them may not be what they seem...

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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