Member Reviews

I so love the premise of this book and will always jump to read a book about lost/hidden fairy tales. Great start and strong finish, but the middle got a bit thick and sticky for a bit. Overall a recommendation, especially for those who love stories within stories.

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I loved this book so much! The story is creepy and mysterious and completely unique while still playing with the ideas of fairytales we all love! Great world building. I wanted more, but just becuase the world is so fascinating, not because it's lacking at all. I would've liked a little more development of some of the characters, especially in the last 1/3 of the book, but again, this is because I liked them so much! If you like fairytales read this book!

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I first heard that this was kinda a Harry Potter-esque book, and I can see where people can get that vibe, but it is a definite Alice in Wonderland story to me-A pretty twisted version though.

When I first started reading, I was a bit bored with it. Although that was more of the because of the story set up and not the writing itself. About quarter of the way into the pick it really picked up and I'm glad I stuck to it.

I loved the blending of the worlds and the way the author brings the Hinterlands to life. It wasn't totally different from Earth, but there was enough differences to make it a world I could actually envision in my mind and not feel lost.

The characters were believable and I felt I really could put myself in their place and know what they feeling.

I would recommend this book if you love the other world stories such as Alice and Narnia.

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Not really being a fan of the more light-hearted fairy tales, I found this book description very appealing.  I came to the rapid conclusion that The Hazel Wood is wildly creative, and fans of dark fairy tales will adore it.  Writers in particular will enjoy the plot and character creation aspects mentioned.

With its heightened sense of mystery, ominous cast of characters, and detailed descriptions, this book enthralled me.  Twists, surprises, wonder - it's all here.  Some readers may not enjoy the pop culture references, but I did.  Alice is well-read, and it seemed right for her character.

Hinterland is both magical and threatening, and it's easy to fall down the rabbit hole with this book.   

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital ARC.

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This was one of my most anticipated of 2018 and I honestly don’t know where to start with it, it almost feels like I read three books wrapped into one to the point that I should break it down in that fashion.

The beginning was like your typical introduction into the genre with a girl thrown into a world of magic with little knowledge of how it works and with a trusty sidekick who is able to fill in the blanks and even though it’s been done I really enjoyed the addition of the twisted tales filtered in to help create the feel that this is not your average Disney fairy tale.

The next bit was everything I could have hopped for, it had elements of whimsical fantasy with a darkness to it while beautifully weaving elements of horror and surrealism into an exposition that answered some of the questions but left room for more to be discovered.

The last chunk was an absolute mess for me. It was such a sharp decline that it almost hurt to read and I am so sad that it couldn’t keep the momentum the earlier 2/3 had and instead lost me with a weird sort of “Once Upon a Time” arc that took multiple seasons to achieve whereas this book had only a handful of chapters and it did not work for me at all.

As much as my experience with the book was a bit of a let down, I do look forward to reading what else this author may write, this was one of the most original ideas for a novel I’ve read in awhile and I am hopeful to see what comes next.

**thank you again to netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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The Hazel Woods is a very dark and twisty story about family, fairy tales, and things that go bump in the night. The story is full of mystery and the author did a good job of creating suspense and misdirection which definitely kept me guessing right up until the end.

I enjoyed The Hazel Woods, however, there were a few things that kept me from giving it a higher rating. I found parts of the story, especially the first quarter of the book, to be overwritten. While the writing is good, I felt like many sentences were stuffed with figurative language which, in this case, took away from my reading experience rather then enhanced it. I also found that I never really connected to any of the characters; while I was invested in what happened in the story, I was only mildly interested in what happened to any of the characters.

That being said, I think many people are going to really enjoy this book, especially fans of Holly Black, Ransom Riggs, and Neil Gaiman.

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This was SO, SO GOOD. Wow. I'd heard so much about it, and it completely lived up to my very high expectations! What a delight! Everything about it was just perfect.

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While this book was too eerie for me, it will be great for those looking for a darker take on the ever popular YA fantasy series. Even if the novel was a bit too heavy for me, I greatly appreciate the author's unique perspective and really haunting, interesting style. I am excited to see what everyone thinks once this book comes out more widely.

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I'm only a little ways in, but its good so far! It reads like Janet Finch's White Oleander or Alice Hoffman, but with more up beat, current references (which is probably why it's going to be YA). The voice is unique. It can be little heavy handed with the fairy tale euphemisms, but that's also part of its charm. We'll see where that goes. The biting reality of the plot is keeping it grounded for now.

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This was a fantastic read. The prose was beautiful, and really made you feel like you were apart of the world. Most importantly, the premise was original and really engaging. Initially I thought that I would want to know more about the various stories (especially how they ended) but after finishing The Hazel Wood, I'm content. It really impresses me when an author can tie up a story so succinctly and wholly.

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A teenage girl who's moved around her entire life, mysterious grandmother with a cult following, and a mother who mysteriously disappears.

Alice Crewe has lived a nomadic life, moving from place to place with her mother, trying to run away from the legacy of her grandmother. As Alice grows older, and strange things start to happen, she realizes that she's been trying to outrun her grandmother's legacy in more than one way.

I found the first half of the novel interesting; Alice finds herself attending a city school after her mother finds yet another suitor. With the news of her grandmother's death, it seems like Alice might be able to have something she's never experienced before: a stable life. One day her mother disappears in suspicious (and alarming) circumstances, and the only lifelines Alice can find come in the form of her grandmother's hard-to-find book of fairy tales (a cult classic) and a classmate who is oddly up for a fantastic adventure.

The second half, where the reader learns of Alice's background, lost my interest. This part seemed a bit rushed, and I felt like greater detail could have been paid to the solution of Alice's problem. All in all, I felt like the "twist" was pretty obvious, and I think that played a large role in my no longer being invested in the story.

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“There are no lessons in it. There's just this harsh, horrible world touched with beautiful magic, where shity things happen. And they don't happen for a reason, or in threes, or in a way that looks like justice. They're set in a place that has no rules and doesn't want any...”

...and now this place lives inside of me.

Once upon a time I read a book called One Hundred Years of Solitude, and was introduced to the ambrosial world of magical realism. It changed the way I read, and contemplated, and imagined. It provoked within me a hunger that demanded more from every literary thing I consumed. In those warm, summer days of halcyon youth, Gabo's book changed my reading life forever.

Taking up the mantle is Melissa Albert's debut novel, The Hazel Wood. It is a ferocious fairy tale so richly told that it pulses with its own anima as it demands a little piece of your own. It is a cleverly crafted powerhouse, the caliber of writing is phenomenal, the world-building is extraordinary, and the main character, Alice, is gritty, sharp, and fierce AF.

There is no way you can read this book and it not change you in some way. There's no way to read this book again and have even it be the same.

There are very few writers this day and age who can get you to discern magic, and Albert weaves an articulate trance, atmospheric enough to carry over into your every day. It is gripping, nightmarish, sets your nerves on edge, kicks you in the chest, and the whole thing just clamors with a vibrancy that keeps you revved till the very end...and beyond...I'm still having palpitations...

Melissa Albert's The Hazel Wood is astounding! Absolutely, 100%, hands-down, one of the best books I have ever read.

I would like to thank Flatiron Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I was immediately drawn in by the cover and didn't know if the story would keep me entertained, but I did. It felt like watching a noir film on the page, a supernatural mystery I wanted to solve. It had a very eerie and suspenseful feel to it, which kept my attention. The characters could have had more depth. Unfortunately, Alice does feel like a special snowflake and Finch her encyclopedia sidekick. But, is a good book I would recommend to people who like dark fantasy.

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First, the cover of this book is gorgeous. This was a very strange book, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. It kept me captivated. It was unlike anything I have read in a while!

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I didn't finish this. It just didn't hold my attention.

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It began well with the mysterious grandmother and the strange disappearance of Alice's step family but it soon became convoluted.

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Well first I'd like to thank Netgally infinitely for giving me an advanced copy of this book. I can't even express how much I appreciated it.

I looooved this book. Everything about it was unexpected. It was darker than I thought, more grown up, smarter and a lot of twisty bits I didn't see coming. The whole thing was surprising in the most wonderful way. I love fairy tales and I really love dark fairy tales so I'm always impressed when somebody can write one that adults can appreciate, but keeps it's sense of magic and wonder. I this Melissa Albert pulled it off in this one.

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Sadly, this book didn't live up to it's hype. It starts out magical and wonderfully written. It sucks the reader right in. But about 5% in it loses that charm and it falls into familiar patterns of other books. Girl meets boy, something horrible happens and boy and girl must go fix it, leaving behind all actual responsibility and families like its nothing. Except worse, Finch is completely used just for his money. Because he's rich, it allowed Alice to go searching for her mom despite the book leading up to the fact Alice had been forced to survive in pretty had conditions but doesn't actually use that. Finch is only good for his money and turn leaves him one dimensional. Worse, he becomes a villain and a sacrifice so the main character can live. Being the one Person of Color actually important in this story, I was honestly disgusted between this and how Alice treats him after an encounter with a police officer, having her brush off the fact Finch could have actually been hurt and ignoring the facts of why he's scared. Alice became that white person.

The story itself is interesting. Alice's mom disappears and Alice must find her and what the Hinterland and Hazel Wood truly are. It turns out the stories her grandmother wrote are real and Alice just happens to be one. She ends up back in the world of her story and trapped in a loop of it which has no happy ending. Until she's saved from it. The thing is, it's extremely unsatisfying to have read. Some things are resolved but a lot isn't. The ending felt rushed and not fleshed out completely. Nothing about the ending felt like a true ending and it dragged on a bit. Characters get left behind, including Finch.

The writing itself like I mentioned before was beautiful in spots, but the rest of it felt like someone was trying too hard to find that rhythm again and couldn't. Things got repeated and over analyzed and described. Some parts needed more description and didn't get it. It was inconsistent.

I had high hopes for this book and was left pretty disappointed instead.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was weird and just the type of weird I want when reading a book like this. I honestly liked that there was little dialogue, too!

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**Thank you to Netgalley and Flatiron Books for sending me an uncorrected proof to read and review. If you’re interested in reading this book, it will be released on January 30th, 2018.

This was one on my most anticipated book's of 2018 and i'm so sad that I was disappointed with how the story fell flat. I was hoping for a dark magical story and there were elements but I wanted more. The book moves at a pretty slow pace and i struggled to stay invested. It was interesting, but I found a lot of the time I would get bored and distracted easily. What I did like was the cover ohmygod its gorgeous that's what first drew me to this book. Secondly the writing, it was whimsical and flowed nicely.

My issues with this book firstly was the plot. I felt really confused and tried to follow what was happening but I found myself just not caring what happened to the characters. Secondly I didn't feel a connection to any of the character's. I felt for Alice having her mother go missing but that was about all. I didn't connect with her personality and Finch I found was annoying. He made Alice's problem his way of jumping into the adventure and tried to make it about himself.

I realize this is an unpopular opinion compared to other reviews who are rating the book 4 or 5 stars, but honestly I'm surprised at my reaction too. I was really looking forward to this book but maybe it just wasn't the right time for me to read it.

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