Cover Image: Comics for a Strange World

Comics for a Strange World

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The art in this book is well done and fun to look at while enjoying the stories laid out for the reader. It's funny, relatable, and simplistic in the best possible way.

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I've heard so much about Poorly Drawn Lines and myself used to read the webcomics.

This was a nice collection with silly, quirky, absurdly funny comic strips which I found rather cute! :)

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'Comics for a Strange World: A Book of Poorly Drawn Lines' by Reza Farazmand is the second collection in the Poorly Drawn Lines series I've read. Either the series has gotten funnier, or my sense of humor has changed.

I reviewed the first volume of comics by this author/artist and didn't find much to laugh at. This time around, I was pleasantly surprised. The punch lines seem to hit better and are funnier. Maybe my favorite is about the guy whose beard grows longer as he imbibes stronger caffeine, until finally: tea!

The comic art is the same. Mostly droll faced humans and animals staring at the fourth wall. They are simply drawn figures, but that makes for clarity to the reader, and doesn't make them poorly drawn.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Penguin Group Blue Rider Press and Plume, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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I have read all of Rez Farazmand's work. The absurd humor and recurring characters would lighten anyone's hard day. Ernesto the Bear and company try to navigate their world. Is it that their behavior is strange, is it just our world that is strange?

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This was a fun, silly collection of comic strips that really put a smile on my face. The simple and cute illustrations matched the humor very nicely. Some of the jokes didn’t quite work for me while others did—there was some level of obscurity with many of the comics, which maybe was not the best way to go about writing things. This may not be as accessible to everyone when the point of the collection weighs so heavily on your readers getting all the jokes. I thought that Farazmand went a little overboard in that department. Overall though, this is a pretty humorous, quick read that will brighten your day. It’s not the best comic collection I’ve ever come across, but it was definitely enjoyable. I would recommend giving this a try if you are into dry but quirky humor!

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I really enjoyed this collection. I cracked up laughing several times, which isn't something I do often. Definitely one I'll come back to again.

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I really liked this book with these comics. They are not hilarious, but more of a dry humor. sometimes not easy to get right away. The comics cover a variety of issues with human life. I understood the comics and what they were trying to convey. Not all of them are hysterically funny, but they still made me chuckle. Some show the sad parts of life, but it is what the book is all about. It is a good book, and a fun way to spend a couple of hours.

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One of those books that make you giggle and smile, There are some "spit your coffee out" funny comics, so I don't recommend this with your morning coffee.

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Honestly, I loved this book. I had no experience with the author/artist's previous work and it took me a while to realize what the heck I was reading, to be honest. But once I did, I thought "Wow, this is definitely my weird, quirky sense of humor."

It's not all perfect and hillarious, there's a few misses, but enough of this had laughing at the dry sense of humor, snarkiness and non-sequitors that seem very NY intellectual... in fact, I think a few of these would be right at home in "The New Yorker."

Not that you need to be from NY to enjoy it or get it (in fact there are no local or NY references here if you're wondering)... it's just a feeling I get, I guess.

Again, I had nothing walking in to compare this to, never having seen the author/artist's blog or other work... but now that I've seen this I definitely think I would enjoy his other stuff.

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I might have adjusted the title of this book to "Strange Comics for Strange World". Of course, I mean strange in a good way. Are these jokes and observations weird? Sure. But they're also witty, sometimes insightful and usually at least chuckle-worthy.

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Most of these little comics made me sad and melancholy. They didn’t really come off as funny familiar anecdotes, but rather reminders of things that we all deal with on a fairly consistent basis. I guess I was hoping for more irony and satire, rather than just cartoons depicting real life circumstances, pretty much exactly how they occur. There were a couple that I found entertaining, but overall, I was disappointed and actually felt slightly depressed after finishing it.

Copy received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A lot of these were really funny, and I'd definitely recommend it to a friend that shares this sense of humor.

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Read this in one sitting. While the kind of humor is not for everyone, it certainly appealed to me!

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I wasn't familiar with the author but I'm sure I've seen the odd comic around the web somewhere, the style looks very familiar. But unfortunately I think this type of humour isn't for me, I gave it two stars because there was only one comic strip I found very funny, the second last one, where the mouse is trying to understand it's role and value in a human world. I don't know how much more I can say than that :( sorry Reza

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I love these comics so much. They're so bizarre, and sometimes you have to sit for a couple of seconds to let the joke kick in, and I think that's what I enjoy about them the most.

A really fun collection of funny.

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Despite not being familiar with Reza Farazmand's previous work, Poorly Drawn Lines , I decided to read this collection of comics after recognizing the artist's style from my Instagram Explore pages. I follow quite a few artists who draw lil comics on Instagram and while I don't specifically follow Farazmand, I had stumbled upon enough of his pieces to recognize his work and some of his recurrent characters.

This collection of comics, with each page typically consisting of a set of four images that compose a single comic, was slightly funny, but not laugh out loud funny for me or revelatory in the way that I found Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half even though that collection didn't make me laugh much either. Each of the comics can function as a standalone, unrelated from the rest of the book, and the characters don't often repeat, save for Ernesto the Bear and Kevin the bird that pop up frequently on Farazmand's Instagram account (and were probably prominently featured in his previous collection too).

The collection is loosely organized into the following themes, but doesn't always flow smoothly from one piece to the next: The Human Experience, Social Creatures, Changes, A Strange World, and Thoughts on Things.

Comics for a Strange World is a smidge existential, a touch sadistic, and full of dry humor. While I remember chuckling a few times while reading, none of the comics really stuck around in my mind after I finished reading it. I did photograph a few of the pages to send to my friends and I included one on my blog post that I think that we probably all could use help remembering sometimes.

To see the included comic, visit!

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The cartoons are witty. Even though I read through the entire book in two sittings, they never got old. The humor is primarily of the absurdist variety (squirrels, bears, and ducks discussing philosophy, purchasing guns, and so on), interspersed with examples of the perversity of human nature. Recommended.

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extremely nice and funny compilation. love it!

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I've been a fan of Reza's comics for a little while now and was very excited to have the chance at an advanced copy of this book. I definitely got more than a few giggles from it. The only reason I didn't give it five stars is because I've read other comics from the author that I enjoyed more (but weren't included in this collection) but that is just because of my personal humor and nothing else. Reza writes a lot of jokes about how difficult being an adult is and how often we all just want to lay in bed, watch TV and gorge ourselves on ice cream and pizza. The jokes are extremely relatable and the artwork is completely adorable. I loved the book and will continue to read whatever I can get my hands on from Reza. Keep up the great work!

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