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Bad Reputation

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I love finding new-to-me authors! And I LOOOOOVED this book! This book seriously packed a punch and held me completely captivated. As in, I didn't want to do anything else except devour this book! I love a good friends to lovers book and this one was exceptional! I enjoyed how Nicole brought the reader in on their friendship and expounded on it so that we had a good sense of their relationship, before things got HOTT!
I enjoyed the ease Chase and Cassie had with one another, but a friendship after so many years would do that for them. They know the good and bad things about each other, but yet they were still a part of each other's lives. I liked watching how things started to shift for them. And that pivotal moment that changes everything was quite amusing. I could picture it perfectly and found myself laughing out loud at what was happening.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Chase and Cassie totally lie to themselves and each other. Neither wanted to hurt the other one, but we saw the internal struggle they were having. They didn't want to ruin their great friendship, therefore they were at a standstill. But their love and compassion for one another only grew stronger. GAH! The FEELS in this book were real, ya'll! I loved how they bickered with one another or gave each other grief, but they were their biggest supporters of each other and were there when the time warranted it. I wanted to wrap myself in Nicole's words and now I have to deal with this book hangover ... I don't want to read anything else, I'm still dealing with living in Chase and Cassie's world and I don't want it to be over! Looking forward to more in this series. I can't recommend this book enough! Be sure to grab your copy on Oct. 3 or just go ahead and preorder now!

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It's as steamy as expected but I thought more development was needed with the romance.

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I am a big fan of Best-Friends-turn-to-lovers trope and this one didn't disappoint! I want me some Chase that is all I have to say!

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Cassie and Chase were both developed and underdeveloped. I wished through the whole novel that we had a little more background information on their friendship that started 7 years ago. I really did like the plot for this novel but feel that the author could've developed the characters a little more - then my review would've been bumped to at least 4 stars. I give this easy, light-hearted read 3 stars. I also felt that Cassie forgave Chase a little too easily at times for someone who was supposed to be denying her feelings for him. Overall, I enjoyed this quick read and look forward to other novels by this author. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review!

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Bad Reputation is the first book I read from Nicole Edwards - The cover attracted me and the plot was a temptation.

Chase and Cassie are friends since forever - long before Chase became a famous hockeyplayer. Long before Cassie became the most rising star in her company. But they never were a couple. Both thought it wouldn´t be a good idea. Because - you know - friendship lasts forever - and love and passion is just a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

But one trip to Las Vegas, some drunken nights - and everything changes. Fortunately or unfortunately not everything what happened in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas....

I do not want to spoiler - but I think it 's OK to say – of course they get their HEA.

While I found the two-thirds of the book could be tightened a little bit, I got the impression that the last third rushed to come to the point and to detangle the strings.

There were some situations where I thought the protagonists acts very absurd regarding their usual behaviour – they acted implausible – but – who cares – it is fiction!

Both main characters were well written and very lovable (although you want to strangle them sometimes!), but I really think, Cassie and Chase deserve their happy life together.

I am looking forward for the next „Bad Boys of Sports“ book.

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Bad Reputation by Nicole Edwards is a fun friends to lovers romance that kicks off Nicole's Bad Boys of Sports series! Easy to fall in love with Chase "Sin" the All-Star hockey player who is considered the bad boy of the ice. He is considered the King of the ice as well as King of the bedroom if rumors are said to be true. His best friend Cassie can handle his ways and put up with his playboy status, but is are their underlying feelings he is hiding for her that are burning to come out?

"I'm not looking to be tamed. However, if anyone was capable of doing it, it would be Cassie Desrosiers."

Cassie has been best friends with Chase for quite some time. She has a 5 year plane, type A personality, but yearns for more in her relationship status. Chase has "schooled" her left and right on the meaning of "casual hookups" but she can't seem to commit or find the right man. From what she has heard about her friend, she yearns what he provides to his ladies: to be treated like royalty, a princess and worshiped in bed!

After a wild trip to Vegas on a business trip that goes wrong, both seek a night of firsts, will she get her wishes of ultimate desires? What will this do their friendship?

This was a fast, light hearted read with a little twist thrown in the mix. I will have to say it had a slow start (reason for the low star rating). We didn't get to their encounter until about half way through the book and to me that was a drag, but once it took off it was interesting and had my attention. Chase definitely held up to his reputation... treated Cassie like royalty! He is every woman's hunk... I would like to have him as a friend!

3 Stars

***ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.....

Absolutely Brilliant Read !!.
This was Chase (Sin) and Cassie's story. Chase is THE GUY in the Ice Hockey Arena and Cassie has been his bestie for many, many years. She has been steadfast and loyal and has seen Chase fly through women as fast as he can skate across the ice and that's VERY fast !. Anyhow, circumstances, or I like to think fate pushes Chase and Cassie together in Vegas......say no more !!. Chase has always had a soft spot for Cassie but is she THE ONE who can make Chase want to settle down and give up his playboy ways ?. Well you'll have to read this wonderful Friends to Lovers tale and see !!

I enjoy Nicole's books and found this to be slightly different, but just as steamy and well written.

A Massive Well Done Nicole. Many thanks for this opportunity xx

Later peeps xxx

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Bad Reputation by Nicole Edwards was my first experience of this author and I truly loved it. The story flowed well and the characters were relatable and loveable. You can in a way guess the main characters end up together but you certainly don't see the twists and turns coming. I really want to read other work by Nicole and I look forward to the rest of this series! Fab job!!

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I have yet to read a book by this author that I didn't enjoy! I would recommend all of her books. Two best friends fall in love after a fun, but confusing time in Vegas. They say "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", but with this story that is not the case at all!

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I'll admit it. I haven't read a Nicole Edwards book in quite a while. I love me a good sports romance so when I saw the queen of steam was tapping the sports side too, I went all in. And when I learned Bad Reputation was friends to lovers, too I was even more enthusiastic to devour Chase and Cassie's story.

I liked how the two, life-long best friends were polar opposites. Cassie the shy girl with her head in the books and Chase the athlete with his larger than life persona on the ice. Whether it be for moral support, a place to vent or to just unwind and be who they were, they were always there for one another.

When the opportunity of a lifetime lands in Cassie's lap, it was no surprise she wanted Chase there to celebrate it with her. It's only a weekend trip to Vegas, what could go wrong? HA! What was supposed to be a work trip turned into a work nightmare. Cassie blames herself and the Vodka. Chase blames himself but puts on his best friend hat and does what he can to support a struggling Cassie. That support turned into more than either of them was expecting.

I could see it coming from two miles away but I liked the struggle between the undeniable attraction and not wanting to mess up their friendship. Cassie and Chase were dynamite between the sheets, and against the wall, and in the get the point. It was hot! Feelings were developed but neither one was willing to admit it until it was almost too late.

Once again, Nicole Edwards has written a book that was equal parts sweet and sexy with just a touch of drama. While there wasn't much sport to this "Bad Boys of Sports" story, it was made clear fairly early on that most of the book takes place during the off-season. I will say that Bad Reputation was a good start to what I'm sure is going to be a fun and steamy series.

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Solid 2.5

I almost chose not to finish this book around 40% in. It suffers from a heavy reliance of clichés. It was tedious to wade through them all. ("Bad boy", famous athlete, friends to lovers, accidental drunken marriage, jealous misunderstandings, etc)

There are many times when the author tries to hard to be witty, and it just translates as forced.

The characters were fairly lackluster. Neither of them were particularly interesting.

The heroine's token girlfriend, Natalie, was one of the most obnoxious characters I've read in awhile. Her behavior was more akin to a sixteen year old rather than a mid-twentysomething.

The most frustrating part for me as a reader was Cassie missing her presentation. Author sets up the entire first half of the book with how dedicated to her job she is and how she prides herself on her achievements. Yet, simply because she is told by Natalie "you can sleep when you're dead", she goes along and jeopardizes her career over something as trivial as a night of drinking.

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The book started a little slow for me. But after about 20% did it really pick up and the next thing I knew I was at 81%! Chase and Cassie's story is really good. I loved that they have a great history together. A great friends to lovers book!

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ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley.

LOVED this book by Nicole Edwards. and it was a fast read because it was so enjoyable! The story line of "friends to lovers" is a popular one but can be a great romance if written well. Ms. Edwards nailed this one in that it doesn't start out with anything major and almost reads like a tv show in which you can't wait to see what happens next. Of course, being a book we get the full story all together and there's no cliffhanger.

The first half of the book let's us get to know Chase and Cassie. It's refreshing because their banter is down to earth and funny/engaging to read. You're given the impression that Chase is the typical player while Cassie is reserved. There's an initial scene where Chase just walks into Cassie's house unannounced because he has a key and she has company. What ensues made me smile and also the writing let me connect to these two characters. This book is told in alternating POV's which I love and kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next. I'll definitely be purchasing a final copy when this one is released!

Chase is a hockey player on break after his season ends and Cassie is in a high-level management role. There's an explanation as to how she arrived at her level but her job and some drama with it was a little far-fetched for me personally. This did not detract from the story at all or the romance but I believe it was added to give another story line to the book. With that said, Cassie and Chase take a trip to Vegas for her company and things get a bit heated after this point.

Moving on, this author can write some hot, intimate scenes! I found myself fanning a bit and reading Chase's thoughts melted my heart at times. I highly recommend this if you're looking for a good romance that is funny and entertaining at the same time.

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Would love to read something by this author again! The story was well thought out and the characters were very likable!

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Bad boy of hockey gets tamed. There was the right mix of sexy and sweet to make this a worthy read.

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Bad Reputation by Nicole Edwards is the first book in her new Bad Boys of Sports series. First up is Chase Barret. The bad boy of hockey with the reputation of a playboy who is all alpha and has a heart of gold.

Chase Barrett owns the hockey arena and the ladies who grace his bed, even if it is for one night only. But every woman who comes his way he treats right and ensures their pleasure and leaves them satisfied. But things have been different lately. The only woman that really seems to get him is his long time best friend Cassie Desrosiers.

Though Cassie effectively friend-zoned him years ago, Chase can’t deny how beautiful she is, her amazing smile and that body he cannot stop thinking about. But he needs her in his life, even if it is only as a friend. So, they remain the best of friends, while he lets Cassie believe the reputation he has with the ladies. Chase was known as the bad boy of hockey and spent enough time in the penalty box to prove it, but he was a good guy with a heart of gold. He was such a strong man, fierce and loyal, but one woman could bring him to his knees.

Cassie is all work and no play. Her job has been her priority, however, because of that her love life is almost non-existent. Which is okay with her. Relationships are not for her. Her mother showed her a man and love are not always the answer. She can take care of herself and does. But it also means being alone. Cassie was interesting. She was strong, independent and took care of herself, but was afraid to open her heart.

Cassie and Chase had an interesting journey. Both were so afraid to admit what they were feeling, they danced around each other letting the other believe they were only friends. Their friendship and each other meant more to both than they were willing to risk. But one visit to Sin City and everything changes. Can Chase and Cassie realize what they have before it’s too late?

Bad Reputation was a fun story of friends to lovers. Friends for years, one night, one explosive kiss changes everything. This was a slow burn story that exploded to sexy times between two friends that had to come to terms with their feelings. A great friend to lovers romance.

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I really didn’t think I was going to like Bad Reputation from reading the blurb and almost passed it over on NetGalley. I debated on requesting it because I wasn’t sure that I was going to like it. When it comes down to it, the cover made me request it. Yup, you read that right. I requested the book because of the cover. Something about the female and male model made me go…hrmmm, I should read the book. I needed to know if my image of Cassie and Chase would live up to the cover that the author picked out. Guess, what, it did and I actually really enjoyed reading the book.

I really liked Cassie. If she was a real, live person instead of a fictional character, I could totally see myself going to the bar with her, Natalie and Chase. Or hanging out with her and watching Chase playing hockey on TV. She was so sweet in the book. She did have her issues but hey, doesn’t everyone. I thought she was the cutest character that I had read about to date.

Chase, I liked too…even if he was a bit of a horndog in the beginning of the book. He made me laugh several times during the book and when a hot, main character can do that….it’s a good thing.

I loved the relationship between Cassie and Chase even before they hooked up in Vegas. It was friendship, pure and simple. And when they hooked up….oh my goodness, it was hot. And it was hot all the other times afterward.

The end of the book was great. I liked how everything fell together. But the epilogue was my favorite part. Not going to say why. You are just going to have to read the book!!

How many stars will I give Bad Reputation: 4

Why: Great characters, great sex scenes, and a good plotline

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and language

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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I loved this book!! Chase and Cassie are adorable together (even though shes got her head up her butt, like it's a hat through out the book). I like the way she screwed up and made the mive to fix it, you dont see that often enough in books.

This is not what I expected from tgis autbir and I was very pleasantly surprised!

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Chase and Cassie have been friends since college...just friends. Chase is a much loved bad boy of hockey who is admired by his fans and adored by all women. Could the just friends love they have for each other be more? Author Nicole Evans has scored with new book!

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Chase and Cassie couldn't be more different but maybe that is why they are perfect for each other. I couldn't put this funny, steamy read down. Perfect escape read and I can't wait to read the next in the series.

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