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Crossing the Line

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Member Reviews

LOVED LOVED LOVED this book!! I must confess i have read everything that Kimberly Kincaid has written and i have yet to find one i did not like...

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Kimberly Kincaid is a new to me author & I was excited to finally read her work! I got lost in the story and couldn’t stop until I was done!

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in Kimberly Kincaid’s Crossing Hearts series, but the second book, Crossing The Line took me by surprise in a good way. There was animosity, there were secrets, there was a lot on the line, and there were two people seemingly so mismatched but had more in common than either one ever expected. Multi dimensional characters, exciting opportunities, revelations no one expected, and falling in love when you least expect it made Crossing The Line a superb romance.

Eli Cross is the baby of the Cross family and the one his family sees as the slacker, the screw-up. Eli sees himself as the “extra” around their family farm; doing the jobs no one else wants especially him because while farm life might be in his blood, it isn’t in his heart. Eli has a passion for words and he’s been keeping big secrets from his family and hiding it all behind is happy, go lucky façade. When Scarlett Edwards-Steward, a famed photojournalist, comes to his family’s farm to chronicle farm life for her best friend’s failing online magazine, the tension between these two is fierce.

Ms. Kincaid crafted an exceptional story with many layers. The relationship between the four men who make up the Cross family is at times strained, but there is never any doubt that these four men love one another fiercely and will always have each other’s back. The farm has been in the family for generations and it means something to these men who have worked it all their lives. Eli’s reluctance to share with his family his secrets is selfless because he knows how much the farm and the land mean to them, and despite the fact he sometimes feels like the odd man out he does love them and the town he grew up in. I loved how Scarlett came in, a world traveler who never really had any roots anywhere, and not only fell in love with the farm, but had all of these men wrapped around her finger even Eli after some pretty harsh moments. She gave them hope, she gave them a different perspective on life, and in return they taught her about home, hearth, and family. It really was a beautiful thing to watch happen.

I loved everything about this book even the difficult times because that’s what life is like; you have to weather the storm to see the light. Light hearted yet heart breaking, fun but tempered with serious moments, sensual and sexy, Crossing The Line is a perfect romance.

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Kimberly Kincaid is a true wordsmith.
She has such an easy way with words and I truly enjoy all her books. This one is no different!

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I loved Eli and Scarlett together. Kimberly Kincaid's story is heartwarming and sweet, and I can't wait to read the next one.

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Farmers are a bold choice, but Kimberly Kincaid manages to make it work, in spades. The Cross family and farm are well-developed and will draw you in immediately.

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I tried so hard but couldn’t connect with the characters.

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This is an excellent book. I hated for it to end. I bought the 3rd book. I can't wait to read it. Eli's brothers think he is slacks off working on the farm, well maybe he does, His heart is just not in it. Scarlett has wanderlust and is
trying to help her best friend save her on-line magazine..

I highly recommend this book. thank you netgalley and Montlake Romance for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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This book was amazing! Fantastically written, and consuming from page one! I highly recommend!

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The Cross family is a close knit family that runs a family farm in a small town.
Eli is the youngest of the three Cross brothers has grin that charms and a wit to match. Eli works the family farm but that isn't where his true love lies. His passion lies in what holds as a secret.
Scarlett is a famed free spirit NYC photographer who has been to 6 of 7 continents - is never one place for long.
Eli takes a wager that puts the the family in a predicament. Scarlett helps a friend out by doing promo work on the Cross family farm. Eli is assigned to babysit Scarlett much to his dismay
Opposites finding a common ground. Banter and budding love with STEAMY barn scene

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I love a good contemporary romance every now and then especially after reading darker romances! This book was sweet and fun! I love stories where opposites attract! I definitely recommend this book if you’re looking for a small town country feel romance

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An intense return to Cross Creek.
The farm is under pressure and a photographer is brought in to save the day.
Opposites attract in this intensely emotional story.
The family is tested yet love and togetherness wins the day.

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Crossing the Line is the second book in the Cross Creek series. this is Eli's story. The book is about the farm and Scarlett a photographer for FoodE, an online magazine.
Eli has a secret he has been hiding from his family (no he is not gay) and Scarlett helps him open up to his family. It was very upbeat and I really enjoyed their story. Hope there are more to come...

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Plot Twist! This second book in the Cross Creek series was undeniably good! Scarlett was a fabulous infusion of quirky artist into this farming family. Eli was cocky, but it was all a cover for his real feelings about his place in the family. The ending had me reeling!

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With a sassy photographer female lead and the guy she meets on a photo op that could change her life and her view little by little. We all need someone to push us to cross the line of our comfort zone.

Eli, cocky and a hard worker he's put his mouth before his mind when he makes a bet with his rival Greyson that puts his family's farm at risk. Like win everything or lose everything-kind-of-bet. Eli has thought that he's been the black sheep of the family and he HAS to be like his brothers and father in that the farm is his life plan. But underneath that cocky, but sweet facade Eli always puts on he's actually a writer. Losing himself in beautiful words, his Eli's cup of tea. But the small thing is that he's been keeping it s secret for years, so much so that he actually has degree in it. When his brother thinks that the farm needs more exposure, she hires Scarlett. Eli doesn't expect to have to deal with a bossy, sexy photographer who has photographed end zones to war zones.

Scarlett doesn't stay in one place in and being a photographer allows her to travel around the world. But she takes a photo op to help her best friend's failing magazine; it's not really she expected it to be. Dealing with Eli who's tip-lipped about everything. It takes a lot of persuading (more like 75%) of the book that we finally get to see all of Eli. I loved getting to see Scarlett's past and how Scarlett pushed Eli outside of his box. I loved the family relationship between Eli and his brothers and his dad.

Final Thoughts:
The bombshell at the end had me slightly shook...SHOOK!
But nonetheless, the family relationships warmed my soul.

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The youngest of the Cross brothers Eli has dreams that don't involve the family farm. Scarlett is a famous photographer who just wants to help her best friend. When Scarlett gets sent on assignment to Cross Creek, Eli is less than pleased. Since he is her point of contact on the farm a friendship and more blooms between them. I loved how Scarlett didn't fit into a box. A city girl who cuddles chickens. I loved how the Cross family sticks together now matter what!! There is a doozy of a plot twist that I didn't see coming! I loved this book and can't wait to learn more about the serious Owen!! I definitely recommend this book!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book in the series, and if you read Crossing Hearts, you will be very happy to know that it is Eli's turn to get his story and all being well happily ever after, too.

When we met the Cross Creek clan last time around, we found Hunter to be a man who worked hard on his family farm and when injured, he was super unhappy. Well, his younger brother Eli is not so wedded to farm life, and has secretly been planning for a different future... if only he could be honest with his family. The arrival of a sexy photographer from New York and the need to win a foolish bet work together to force his hand. As the story unfolds, we get an insight into farming life, and into the thinking of a couple who have no memory of maternal love. It was fun to have Scarlett find out how good at being romantic Eli turned out to be – I did wish we had seen something of their future and her taking charge, but maybe that will be mentioned in future installments.

A big family secret is revealed towards the end of the book, which will be an interesting feature in the next book, as must surely be the recently widowed Kate. I love it when there are hints of what is to come!

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
Eli Cross is trying fit in, both with his family and on his family's farm. He loves the farm but he knows he doesn't belong there full time. His love of writing exceeds his love of the land, so what's holding him back from fulfilling his dream? His love for his family.

Scarlet Edwards-Stewart is a modern day gypsy. She’s an exceptional photographer with a base in New York, but she's on assignment more often than not. Taking a month-long shoot in the hinterlands of South Carolina will be the longest she's been in one spot in a very long time; however, as a favor for a friend, she's more than willing to tackle the assignment.

As Scarlet and Eli work together to promote Cross Creek Farms, their friendship grows into something more with each learning to appreciate the strengths of the other.

The twist at end gives the reader an added hook into the rest of the series.

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Kimberly Kincaid has brought her A game to the table with Crossing the Line. This awesome story takes place on a farm of all things, there are no billionaires or CEO's driving million dollar cars, but I absolutely loved the characters in this book.

The family dynamic of the Cross family is truly interesting and I loved everything about this book.
When Eli makes a bet with a competing farm his family may think he is crazy and give him grief, but they will stand beside him to the bitter end and I have to say Eli and Scarlett are just too cute together.

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I Loved Eli and Scarlett! These two had amazing chemistry and were opposites that weren't so opposite. I loved the way things developed between them.

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Book number 2 in the Cross Creek series still has the older brother Owen and the younger one Eli butting heads, but this story is mainly about Eli and a photographer who comes in first to help her friend’s E-business which is suffering. Scarlett Edwards- Stewart has traveled the world and never thought that she would be going to a farm in the Shenandoah Valley. When she arrives the brothers are in a very heated discussion because Eli had gotten into a verbal confrontation with the one person he has been arguing with since birth, and now there is a bet of $5,000 which farm will bring in more during the festival. After she arrives Eli is told that he will be the one that will be with her for the four weeks. Still smarting from the argument there first few hours together are not that talkative. For the next few days he is still not himself and though he is taking her around the farm and she is trying to help him with his chores. It is not until she climbs up into an apple tree and he is yelling for her to stop, she is thinking that he is still being grumpy but she did not see the bee hive and when she is being stung he catches her before she falls to the ground. Treating her stings they are back in the orchard and when he says for her to go back up in the tree for her shot he does so holding a ladder. There whole time together has changed and when she begins to spend time at night at his place she begins to see a totally different side of Eli. One who reads, writes and has gotten his degree on line which his family knows nothing about. When she finds out that he does not like farming like the rest of the family she finds a writing job for him that is with her in Brazil. Eli though is full of fear he has never left the valley let alone the state or country. Will he loses the women he loves because he thinks he needs to stay at the farm or take the risk and go knowing that together they will be stronger and she will help him? Read this wonderful story to see what he does. A very good book. I cannot wait for grumpy Owen’s story.

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