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Reload A Red Ops Thriller Book 2
David McCaleb

Tony "Red" Harmon is back and he faces a new threat. His family had been targeted by unknowns and America has a valad threat to worry about. There is a conspiricy to cripple Americas currency and steal information. Oh, and there may be a mole passing information to the bad guys.
I love thrillers like this one. A fast paced military novel, lots of action, well developed characters, and attention to detail. Adding the storylines involving other people in China and North Korea may seem confusing at first, but it all comes together with a bang. Countries that are in the current news, just sweetens the brew and adds to the realism.

The cover was eye catching giving a hint as to the action inside.
This story was so well written it was easy to get lost in, I just kept going until it was done. Then I wanted more, so I bought "Recall" the first book in the series.

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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This is the second book in the series I have read by mr. McCaleb. It continues the story of Red, a special operator for th Det. His wife works for the CIA. Someone tries to kill his family, or was it his wife? Red suspects there's a leak that endangers his people. It might be his wife. He has to go to North Korea to try and get an answer. The author does an incredible job in describing the hell and brutality of the North Korean regime. I would definitely recommend that you read the books in order. Well done Mr McCaleb. I look forward to book 3 in the series!

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Wow, what a great story. I really enjoyed David McCaleb’s first story ‘Recall’, and this is a fantastic follow up. It was so well written and easy to read, and one thing that really adds to this book is the detail and background the Author has put into the characters. For me it’s great when a story is based in a couple of different countries, and also goes back in time to a characters childhood. Moving their family around to stay alive isn’t the most convenient thing for Red and Lori, but they certainly can’t relax until they find out who is after them. With North Korea, China and Israel all in the mix, it’s not going to be an easy thing to work out who wants them dead. Then to make things even more difficult, there could be a mole in either Mossad or the CIA that is assisting in their demise. Since Red doesn’t know who he can trust even in his own organisation, he asks his friend Carter who is an ex FBI agent to help investigate. Red and Lori are both in jobs where they could have upset someone enough to target them. Red is quite surprised at how well Lori is handling begin shot at, especially for a CIA desk jockey. If you enjoy Action Thrillers then you’ll certainly enjoy this book. It’s definitely entertaining, and well worth a read.

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Reload by David McCaleb
Red Ops Thriller #2

Before reading this book I searched online to find out what the first book in the series was about and found that Tony “Red” Harmon was in an elite spec ops group, had his mind “washed” of his brain enhancements and thought he was just the average guy with a wife, three children and a house in suburbia until an encounter in a parking lot triggered memories that must have caused much to happen because…

Beginning book two, the one I am reviewing, Red and his family were visiting the home they were leaving to start a new life. Why leaving? Three weeks earlier a wet team came in to wipe them out but first they wanted to say goodbye to the place that had been home. While there Red finds a gun that he then asks Detective Carter to start investigating. He also asks Carter to try to find out who might have sent the wet team in. He is now the team leader of DET: 5 – his team of spec ops and we find out that his wife also works for the government but is employed by the CIA chasing financial trails.

While settling into their new home trying the investigating begins to pay off but also brings more trouble to Red and his family. Throw in two side stories that are taking place in China and Korea that will eventually intersect with Red’s next Op and you have an intriguing story that concludes but without the “bad guy” found or brought in SO there will be another story in the series.

This is an action-packed fast-paced book with much going on. It all comes together in the end but at times I wondered how it would all be tied together. As I read I felt this is probably a “guy story” – one that might make more sense to a guy…but I still enjoyed it and would like to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books-Lyrical Underground for the ARC – this is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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I received a free electronic copy of this novel from Netgalley, David McCaleb, and Lyrical Underground in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for sharing your hard work with me.

This was a fast paced military novel, with a tight storyline and lots of excitement. I found myself having to use a cheat sheet to keep up with the many varied characters, some still being added during the last bit of the novel, but that confusion may have just been me - it's hot summer here and rainy, so humid as well. In any case, this is a novel I will refer to my Military family, as I know they will all enjoy it.

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Red Harmon and his wife Lori are being targeted. They and their family are in danger. Red is an operative and Lori is too. However, Lori is more involved than Red knows.
The second of a series of books, this is just as well written as the previous one. Action, adventure, strong characters.
5 Stars

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The best developed subplot was the dad breaking his daughter out of the North Korean prison camp. . I'll give the author a chance to tie up a major plot thread in the next book

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Good book, good plot and well written. Would read the author again,.

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