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A Treacherous Curse

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This book is fabulous. I love the mysteries of the Egyptian antiquities and the disappearance of John De Morgan, whom we learn was Stoker's partner on his ill-fated Brazil expedition. If you haven't read anything in this series, I do recommend starting with the first book (this is the third), A Curious Beginning. You don't want to miss out on anything from Veronica Speedwell.

A man has gone missing and it's connected with a missing diadem - or is it? What accounts for all the bad luck from the expedition? Tiverton and his excavation crew came across a valuable find - a princesses tomb - but the site manager died and they had trouble keeping workers. Trouble has followed them to England. Veronica and Stoker are trying to figure out what happened to the diadem and if the exhibition's troubles are man made or a sign of something else.

Raybourn's writing just gets better every time. As the mystery unfolds and we meet more interesting characters, I had many theories about who was involved and what was happening behind the scenes. I liked the balance between their detective work and their everyday work - Veronica and Stoker are working with an Earl's collection to convert it into a museum collection. The day to day aspects of their work are just as interesting to me; learning about butterflies and other animals in a time when they were being discovered, and how they were captured and preserve. A research trip has been put on hold because the previously mentioned earl tripped over a Galapagos turtle that's lumbering about the estate and has to heal from broken bones first, so the setting is London in winter, providing a contrast to the stories coming out of Egypt and the artifacts at the same time.

For those of you who have been reading the series, you will learn more about Caroline and what happened. Finally!

Excellent pacing, character development, and an intriguing mystery, A Treacherous Curse is one to add to any mystery lover's TBR pile.

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The cover on this book is gorgeous. It read a bit slowly for me, but I ended up enjoying it overall.

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I have loved the first two books in this series and this one is just as fun, though I do think the author likes to torture us with Veronica and Stoker's almost romance but not quite, yet. I am holding out hope they are one couple I really want to see together as they have such great chemistry! 

In the previous two books we have gotten a little bit about Caroline and her relationship with Stoker. We know she broke his heart and he doesn't talk about it. In this book we finally get to know exactly what happened and why Stoker acts the way he does when it comes to relationships. 

The Tiverton's were on an expedition in Egypt and made a great fine, but then everyone thinks it was cursed as one man dies and then their photographer disappears. Veronica has enjoyed reading about in the paper then they get summoned to Sir Hugo who is under the weather. He just wants to warn them that things could get bad for Stoker. The photographer who went missing is the man who married Caroline, and Stoker and him have a past. 

So Veronica and Stoker set out to figure out what happened so they can prove that Stoker didn't have anything to do with it, alone the way they have to talk to Caroline. Oh my, is she deplorable!!! I don't think I have hated a character so much in a long time! I felt so bad for Stoker! 

As in any mystery involving Veronica and Stoker there are several misadventures as they almost get killed a few times and love to torment each other with their fun and witty banter which is my favorite part. I love how Veronica loves to embarrass Stoker with her talking about things he doesn't think a lady should talk about.

If you love the first two then you are going to really enjoy this one and if you haven't tried this series yet then what are you waiting for! I so can't wait for the next one, the only bad reason about reading these series when it comes out as that is a mighty long wait! *sigh*

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Veronica Speedwell and her stalwart companion Stoker find themselves drawn into the disappearance of a man associated with a cursed Egyptian excavation. Before he disappeared, however, he made off with a priceless artifact. This is not the first mysterious happening on the excavation but it is one that directly effects Stoker as the missing man is his former expedition partner whom after leaving Stoker for dead married Stoker's now ex-wife. If news of Stoker's past association, and bad blood, with the missing man gets out, he could be labeled as a suspect. Since there's nothing Veronica won't do to protect Stoker, they jump into the investigation with gusto.

When I first started this book I couldn't help but feel a ping of the great Ameila Peabody series with Veronica's no-nonsense attitude and the whole Egypt thing of course. And then there's Stoker so like Emerson....

I immediately got a smile on my face and was ready for our duo to embark on a voyage to Egypt. However, that is not exactly how things transpire, because of course Veronica will be her own person, as it were, and we wouldn't want her any other way.

In A Perilous Undertaking, readers were given a little insight into Stoker's past and background. I was really excited as events unfolded while reading A Treacherous Curse that we retain a lot of that focus on Stoker's past, here especially regarding his previous marriage. There's a lot of emotional struggle for Stoker in this one seeing as how his past is pretty much unavoidably thrown in his face. It's a good thing Veronica was there to knock some sense into him. And I must say I loved how downright fierce Veronica becomes in defense of her friend (from himself as well as those who would cast shade upon him), it's truly a wonder to behold.

The friendship (and dare I say blossoming romance) between Veronica and Stoker is further explored much to my delight. I think that Deanna Raybourn has now written my all-time favorite slow burn romance. You can clearly see that both Veronica and Stoker care for one another beyond a simple friendship or work-colleague relationship, but it's the fact that their friendship has been built up so well that makes anything that comes after between them seem like the cherry on top of the cake. There are some truly lovely and poignant moments between Veronica and Stoker in this installment, many that I highlighted or re-read just because they were such sweet and beautiful moments. It's not all just sweetness, however, as they both show they can push each other's buttons, but what better way to illustrate how well two people know each other than by showcasing all the ways, good and bad, in which they use this knowledge.

As a consequence of the strengthening of the bonds between Stoker and Veronica, I almost think that the mystery plot suffered. I didn't get caught up in it as much as I did the previous books. And I felt like, at the end when all was revealed, I wasn't particularly surprised. Honestly, though, I was ok with all of this because I felt like it was more about moving Veronica and Stoker forward, and what better way to do that than incorporate it with solving a mystery along the way?

This series is one that I continually look forward to, and with so much said throughout the story, there's still things left unsaid. I cannot wait for Veronica and Stoker's next adventure. If you haven't picked up this series yet, I highly recommend that you do, and definitely start from the beginning. The character developments over the course of these three books so far is not one to be missed.

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Veronica Speedwell is back, the little spitfire!

Deanna Raybourn can write authentic historical dialogue so beautifully. The language! It just gets me. And the characters she crafts are so wonderful. Veronica is truly going down as one of my all time favorites, she is such an atypical Victorian little saucy, feisty spitfire.

Egyptology plays a large role in the story, it is something I knew to be popular during this time but didn’t know much about. It was definitely interesting to learn more about this subject.

I feel like I definitely missed out by skipping the second in the series - I went straight from the first to this one, the third, which I wouldn’t recommend. I look forward to going back to seeing how the characters developed here.

For me, this book has 5 star writing and a 3 for plot/pacing, so I’m going with 3.5 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley, Deanna Raybourn and Berkley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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In this installment Stoker's past may ruin everything that he has worked so hard to rebuild. His ex-wife's husband an former best friend John is missing and he may be suspect. Veronica knows he had nothing to do with it and wants to quickly prove it. Not only is a man missing, but a priceless artifact from an Egyptian dig has been stolen The dig has had all sorts of bad luck that adds to the mystery. They work together so well reading the clues and the people involved. Loved the character development of Stoker and Veronica. Fast-paced, plenty of action in this unputdownable third book. Can't wait for the next one.

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Raybourn cleverly incorporates Victorian fascination with Egypt into this latest installment in the terrific Veronica Speedwell series. Don't worry if you haven't read the earlier books- you'll be just fine with this. Veronica is a classic feisty independent woman at a time when many women were not as mobile due to society's strictures. Her pal, Stoker, comes to the forefront here, as it's his frenemy John de Morgan who has gone missing (with some jewels btw). We all know curses aren't real and that Anubis can't really be alive and in London but something creepy and bad is happening. Trust Veronica and Stoker, who have a fast repartee and good instincts, to untangle things. I know some might want them to get together romantically (or see a Veronica/Tiberius match) but that would ruin the books, imho. The tension is part of the charm. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Two thumbs up!

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It's only fitting to include this review on History Thursday, as it is set back in Victorian London! As we know, Victorian London was agog over all things Egyptian, so it's only fitting to have a book that deals with both topics! This is book 3 of the Veronica Speedwell series, and I SO SO wish the series would be picked up for a movie or mini series! In many ways Veronica reminds me of so many modern day sleuths, but adding the historical 'woman out of her time' has given this series such a wonderful edge. Not to mention how intelligent and forward she is, making her someone you wish had been in your ancestry tree! Add some quality chick-lit romance with Stoker, and you literally have a book you will not want to put down until the end. I do have to admit I figured out who was the suspect early on, but the path that Veronica and Stoker made it all that more interesting! if you're a fan of the series, you'll be thrilled to learn more about Stoker's background in this book. But either way, you be asking when Book 4 is coming out before you finish this one! So make sure to add it to your New Year reading list!

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Another terrific installment in the smart, funny, romantic Veronica Speedwell mystery series!

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I have been a big fan of this series since I read the first book back in May. Veronica Speedwell very quickly became one of my favorite characters of all time with her intelligence, humor, and spunk. This series is a breath of fresh air compared to other historical fiction books set during this time period, and A Treacherous Curse did not disappoint. The plot was exciting and fast paced, the new mystery was interesting especially with the connection with Stoker. I was on the edge of my seat the entire way through the story and the twist at the end was incredible, something that I enjoyed a lot trying to figure out along the way.

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It’s Victorian London and Veronica Speedwell and her colleague Stoker are on the case. In this 3rd installment of the series, Stoker’s former expedition partner has disappeared after abruptly leaving the Egyptian expedition he was working at. Also missing is the necklace worn by the Egyptian princess whose grave was uncovered. Further complicating things is the curse that was released when the princess was uncovered. One man is dead and another gone missing. Will Veronica and Stoker be able to unearth the culprit and find the missing necklace?

What a delight is was to spend a few hours with these two! Veronica and Stoker play off of each other really well and neither is your typical Victorian detective type. The story has some very unexpected twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. I really loved how the author incorporated some much Egyptology information into the story and do it in a way that feels natural. Lovers of period detective stories should really enjoy this one.

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I love Veronica Speedwell, secrets and all. Stoker is as enigmatic as always but he does give up a few of his secrets. Both are outside the pale in Victorian England but they seem to have found a good base to operate from. This time something from Stoker's past comes up to haunt him and he and Veronica try to solve the disappearance of someone from his past before it destroys his present. There are plenty of twists and turns. Danger seems to be around every corner. I missed clues that would have explained much of what was happening and the end was a big surprise. I hope these two continue to surprise and thrill me.

I received a free copy of the book in return for an honest review.

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A wonderful new addition to one of my favorite series. I was thrilled to see more of Veronica and Stoker, and to witness yet another small step in their relationship. I do wish that there would be a bit less focus on the mystery and more on the characters and the romance but that's just me. The mystery was still interesting however. I loved Egypt and as always I wasn't able to solve it early, which I enjoy. I absolutely cannot wait for the next one :)

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Snuck this in pretty close to the wire to wrap up 2017. And what a way to go!

"<i>I won't kill a man on his knees.</i>"
"<b>There, you see? Stoker has standards.</b>"

Right now my brain is just kind of an endless happy-pained shriek (ala the snapchat voice filter) because of that ending. I was sort've warned and I thought I could handle it but oh god I couldn't. I lost it. Raybourn is wicked, totally wicked, and I have to respect her for toying with the fangirls the way she is.

"<i>They disrobed you?</i>"
"<b>They stripped me mother-naked.</b>"
"<i>Well, that must have intimidated them.</i>"

A TREACHEROUS CURSE has all the hijinks, snark, atypical historical behaviour from our leading lady, investigative gumshoeing, and still-not-a-couple torment we've come to expect from this series. It's funny, clever, and in the third installment we really got into the deep, dark, and heavy with some of Stoker's past (which I so desperately wanted after book two!) and it was delicious and rewarding and made me equally murderous, too. I'll admit that somewhere around the 70% mark I did lose a little traction with some of the wind up of the mystery coming to a head but the first half was so strong, so solid, and the ending made me feel all the things.

"<i>You fight harder for me than you would ever do for yourself. Why?</i>"
"<b>Because there is no power on this earth that could make me abandon our friendship.</b>"

There characters are so strong, so flawed, so brilliant when they get on and yet I love them equally when they are in sync as when they are fighting and sulking and refusing to speak to each other. This relationship is so real and true and honest and it's just everything.

"<i>What is it about the pair of you that you must be so contrary?</i>"
"<b>What is it about the rest of the world that it cannot take us as we are?</b>"

I can't wait for book four (and I'll be waiting a long ass time, sigh, #arcproblems).

4.5 "she regarded him and counted only the damage; I saw only the places where he had stitched himself back together" stars

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If you're looking for a historical mystery series that features a female protagonist who is smart, determined, fiercely independent, speaks her mind and has a penchant for getting in the middle of police investigations then let me introduce you to Veronica Speedwell.

Veronica is a modern woman whose disregard for societal rules raises some eyebrows in Victorian England and her complicated family history adds an intriguing element. But it is her close, yet complicated relationship with her friend and colleague Stoker, their witty banter, and knowing I'll get a solid mystery that keep me coming back to this series.

In this third book in the series, the mystery surrounds a supposed curse surrounding an Egyptian expedition which has brought its relics to England for display. The mystery has twists and turns but I'll be honest - I was more intrigued about getting a better look at Stoker's mysterious past.

As with her other works, Deanna Raybourn combines beautifully crafted prose, a healthy dose of humour and a twist-filled mystery that will keep readers glued to their books. I highly recommend this series for people who enjoy well written, engaging historical mysteries with a protagonist who stands out from the rest.

Tip: Read this series in order

Disclaimer: This ARC was generously provided by the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.

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In this third installment of Raybourn's Veronica Speedwell series, Veronica and Stoker are faced with Egyptian curses, stolen artifacts and mummies that aren't all they're cracked up to be. As always, the descriptive detail is superb, the language on point and the mood is deliciously tense. But, as in the last two novels, something was missing for me. Despite how well written the story is, despite my admiration for an independent woman character set in the Victorian era (a rarity in those times, I'm sure!), I just don't like Veronica Speedwell.

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley; all opinions and thoughts are my own.

I love this series. Veronica and Stoker continue to entertain me as they embark on their adventures together. As the series unfolds, the depth of their relationship strengthens, particularly in this one, “A Treacherous Curse.” The author shines a little more light into Stoker’s dark and troubled past and tightens his bond with Veronica even more.

Recently, I read critiques of the character-building in the Veronica Speedwell series, particularly that they are shallow and one-dimensional. However, I heartily disagree. With each book in the series, Raybourn gives readers a greater look behind the scenes into the people and the events that have shaped both Veronica and Stoker.

Honestly, I don’t pick up this series for the mystery (though their cases are usually quite interesting); I choose them for Veronica, Stoker, their repartee, and Patricia, the Galapagos tortoise.

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A Treacherous Curse is book 3 in the series of historical mysteries featuring Veronica Speedwell and her trusty partner Stoker. This one leads readers on a mystery involving a missing person and missing Egyptian artifact. Readers are also given insight into Stoker's past, to include his ex-wife who was mentioned in previous installments of the series. The author stays true to Veronica's spunky, no nonsense, independent woman in the Victorian era attitude, which I enjoy immensely. I appreciated that the potential romance that could be developed between the two authors still didn't bloom. I really enjoy the professional relationship these two characters have and how this relationship helps them solve their mysteries. I felt that solving the mystery dragged a bit in this one compared to the first (I hadn't read the second). Still very interested to see where things go. If you enjoy a good Victorian mystery, I highly recommend this series.

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I have yet to read a Deanna Raybourn book that I did not like. I might not like particular plot points, but I liked, okay loved, all the books. I have to say though, the Veronica Speedwell books are my favorite.

Veronica is a woman after my own heart. I just wished I had her strength of character. She does as she believes is right, regardless of what others might think. I don’t know how realistic this is for the Regency time period or any time period, but I love her anyway.

She doesn’t have much use for most men and even Stoker is subject to her managing ways. Most of all, she is funny. A lot of the humor is found within her thoughts rather than what she actually says or does, but it is quoteworthy nonetheless.

He proceeded to lecture me for the next quarter of an hour, about what I cannot say, for I turned my attention to the contents of the packing crate. I had long since discovered upon my travels that men are largely the same no matter where one encounters them. And if one is prepared to let them discourse on their pet topics of conversation, one can generally get on with things quite handily without any interference.

As for managing Stoker, she knows him, and herself, well.

I pressed my lips together, holding back the question that rose to them. Whatever had caused him to react so strongly, he had no wish to share it and I had no wish to pry.

(I have pledged myself to honesty in these pages, gentle reader, so I will admit that in point of fact I had a rather ferocious wish to pry, but I had learnt through painful experience that Stoker responded far better to the oblique approach than to more direct methods . . .)

And just a general touch of humor:


Been there, done that. Haven’t you?

I just realized that I haven’t said a word about the plot. The entire thing turns around a archaeological find in Egypt. There is a missing team member, a missing (or was it stolen) diadem belonging to an Egyptian princess. And to just stir things up, a woman from Stoker’s past. Just how does Stoker feel about her after all these years?

If I have any criticism of this book, it is the use of words that I have never heard before. Just as an example: eclose, froideur, exsolutus, and vulneraverunt. The silver lining is that my vocabulary is definitely increasing. Thank goodness for my Kindle. It was able to define most of these for me.

Having said all that, my initial thought when I reached the last chapter was “when is the next book coming out?” As I said earlier, I love the Veronica Speedwell books and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

This book was sent to me by NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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I love Julia Raybourn’s Lady Julia Grey series, so I was anxious to dive into her new Veronica Speedwell series. I’ve not been disappointed, and in fact, may like Veronica even more than Lady Julia. Brilliant, outspoken, strong-willed and far ahead of her time, Veronica is a fascinating character, as is her partner, Stoker. I received this as an ARC through Netgalley, but decided to read the first two books before diving into this one. That turned out to be an excellent decision, as the relationship between Veronica and Stoker develops through the first 3 books, and secrets from both their backgrounds are revealed over the course of the series, and there are surely more to come.
The lovely relationship that has developed between Veronica and Stoker has been enjoyable to watch develop. Their banter makes me laugh out loud at times, and conveniently the mysteries they solve are interesting. And while I feel like I have a pretty good vocabulary, I’m always grateful for my Kindle’s built-in dictionary when I read a Deanna Raybourn book - I do believe I use that feature more for her books than for any other author’s. (And that’s a positive in my book.)

Copy provided by Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group in exchange for an unbiased review

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