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Sociopaths, how do so many people marry them? This was one of the more crazy psychological thrillers, it could have been a 48 hours episode.

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The book itself isn’t the most well-written but I can’t imagine stopping reading it knowing that it is ripped from the headlines of her own life! I’m reading an ARC so Poison doesn’t come out until November so I look forward to seeing what else comes out upon publication.

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Cass and Ryan have been married for three years and have recently moved to Seattle. This is Cass' second marriage after her first husband died. She has two children from her first union and a third with Ryan.

All is marital bliss until Cass starts to suspect that Ryan is being unfaithful. Late-night texts, suspicious hairs and other clues are driving her to these conclusions. Ryan dismisses his wife's accusations because, after all, Cass has always been a bit paranoid.

One night when Cass is being particularly accusatory, Ryan threatens to kill her and goes back to sleep. This event is the beginning of Cass descend into madness: is Ryan trying to kill her or is she imagining it all?

The book kept my interest until the end but at some points I was annoyed with the characters' actions. I feel that there were some questions left unanswered and that an epilogue would have tied up everything nicely.

Overall I enjoyed the novel and recommend it to all readers of thrillers.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this publication in exchange for an honest review.

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Poison is a very intense and sinister hard-to-put-down domestic thriller. I was on the edge of the seat the whole time I was reading it while trying to figure out what exactly was happening. Was Cass truly a victim or was she being paranoid and losing her mind? Was a crime committed and did Ryan try to kill Cass? One of the reasons it was hard to know what was happening is because Cass is very unreliable narrator. I got frustrated with her few times because she was making some very stupid, unsafe decisions for someone whose life was supposedly in danger. And Ryan was just plain horrible. He is creepy and manipulative, and doesn't have any redeeming qualities. I really didn't know which way the story would go and was guessing until the very end. Overall I was satisfied with the ending but I wanted a little something more, an epilogue perhaps. The Poison is very well written and I would definitely recommend it to psychological suspense lovers.

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Great psychological thriller! Carrie, a single mother with two children, marries Ryan and thinks life is perfect. Everything is perfect for this family - and then, Carrie suspects she may be being poisoned. Things get scary; she is really sick. She is suspicous of her husband, but she loves him. What is happening?

This book keeps your attention, but some of it is hard to swallow. Why would a mother, who suspects she is being poisoned at home, not get her children out of that environment? The book raises awareness of how women who are victims are suspected of causing or contributing to their victimization. It is seem many times with abuse or rape victims where reporting the crime can be as psychologically damaging to them as the crime itself. They can be suspected of being psychologically unstable or of contributing / causing their attack. This is done many times by police, medical professionals, or the justice system - all of which should be there to help.

Thanks to Galt Niederhoffer and St. Martin's Press through Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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An interesting novel, very well written and with realistic character development that simply failed to connect with me. This is not a bad book at all but it's just a matter of personal preference. The story devotes too much time for my taste to the main character's feelings, thoughts and mental constructs. It is too descriptive and slow on the action. More serious readers will probably love it.

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I really struggled with this book. It was wordy and awkward in so many places. I felt like giving up but the storyline gripped me and I wanted to know how everything turned out. Glad I stuck with it. The plot was worth it in the end. The book won’t be for everyone. It’s grim and gritty. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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Spoiler Alert!

I was honestly not a fan of the book. I thought it was well written, but I just couldn't relate to Cass at all! And there is something wrong with the book where you don't believe the person narrating. The following are the reasons why I didn't connect with Cass:

1. There was no leadup to why she wouldn't trust her husband in the beginning and need to go through his phone and accuse him of things. It would have been one thing if there had been an evident thread of tension between them, but it was like one second they were a perfectly happily married couple. the next paragraph he is having an affair and is poisoning her. It was just too abrupt, I thought Cass was the crazy one for invading his personal space in the first place
2. Why was Cass confiding in all of these practical strangers about her problems. The first time we meet Nora she is described as somewhat of a friend, but not someone Cass is close too, next thing you know Nora is deeply involved in everything that is going on and picking her up from the hospital, helping her find a lawyer, telling her her husband is crazy, etc. If the author wanted to use Nora as someone for Cass to confide in, why would they make her a random acquaintance? Describe her as a real friend. Then you have her confiding in the nanny she has met for 5 minutes, and the weird overfriendly neighbor. If I thought my husband was trying to poison and discredit me, I wouldn't be going around telling everyone I met!
3. Why does Cass go into some weird fit within seconds of the arsenic touching her, yet Ryan can sprinkle it on her with his bare fingers and be in contact with it constantly and not be affected at all? I'm not an expert at arsenic poisoning, but I just didn't believe this seemed realistic.

I did think the quality of writing was good, I was just so annoyed with all of the above that I couldn't enjoy it.

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A whirlwind romance opposed by her mother, a marriage made in heaven, and a move across the country. Was the move part of Ryan’s plan to have no family around for Cass?

A second chance with a man that she never dreamed would come into her life after her husband died was what Cass needed, and Ryan fit the bill.

Everything was perfect wasn't it? A perfect marriage, three perfect kids, and a loving relationship until..…

The Connor family looked perfect on the outside, but the Connors were not perfect at all. Ryan and Cass started out as the dream couple until Ryan showed his true colors of physical as well as psychological abuse. When Cass would confront him with things that happened, he would turn it around and make her feel as if she were the guilty party.

Ryan went from the perfect loving husband and father to an abusive monster that Cass put up with and even denied.

POISON had good writing that pulled you in, but it seemed to drag on and brought up one crazy situation after another.

Domestic abuse was the main theme of POISON and very upsetting, but not as upsetting as some domestic thrillers. It definitely is frightening how often domestic abuse occurs and how many books have this as a theme.

Cass made some very stupid decisions that put herself and her children in danger when she knew she should have just left. It was pretty tense at those moments.

POISON was not a bad read, and the ending was unexpected, but it could have been shortened.

It definitely is a psychological thriller and makes you wonder who you can truly trust.

I would not recommend reading this book if you have been in a similar situation.

If you like intense situations, you will enjoy POISON.

I read it very quickly because I was nervous about what would happen. 4/5

This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Slow paced psychological thriller that takes quite a while to reach it's stride. The characters aren't very believable and their choices get more and more bizarre the farther into it you get.

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Review goes live on Butterfly-o-Meter Books on Nov 17 at 00.00 am gmt+2 and will show up on Goodreads sometime later.

In a Flutter: Dark and engaging
Fluttering Thoughts:
Worldbuilding: Mainly Madrona, Washington idyllic setting of a perfect house, in the perfect neighborhood, for the perfect family.
Characters: Cass is a working mom, and on her second husband after becoming a widow. Her life is very orderly, there’s this sense of efficiency about her in the beginning. It made me think that everything I was reading was a big fat lie, for some reason. As the story went on, my heart went out to her. I got her weaknesses and strengths, and appreciated her thinking even when it was tough to make out just what the truth was.
The rest of the cast of characters came across as a bit too much toward the end there, though each in itself seemed authentic enough.
Plot: The story started well, then took a turn for flashback-town which is a pet-peeve of mine. Why won’t a story just start at the relevant point and follow the natural direction of time? Sigh. There was too much on “how it all began”, which slowed the story down for me. We’re talking literary, so character focus not action focus, I was aware, but even so I didn’t like the tempo going slower, almost dream-like somehow. But it picked up again after that, to my utter joy. Spoiler alert: at about 30% in I felt physically ill. It’s a tough story to read as a woman, and I’m not that faint of heart I think. It’s an exercise in abject horror, to be more exact. Very tense, terrifying in fact, and with a positive though realistic(ish) ending which didn’t manage to pull me out of the horror state of mind, though.
Writing: Third person, present tense narrative, Cass’s POV. The style seemed somehow odd, as if from omni POV. The tone is somehow distant, succint, fact-related – a bit like a newspaper article maybe, in a way? It was a weird but interesting effect.
Curb Appeal: Cool cover, hooking blurb – psychological thriller impulsive buy material.

I recommend Poison to fans of marriage thriller – naming a genre at this point, lol, because so many reads in it and I’m sure there’ll always be room for SO much more -, women as victims and social/authorities reactions. It has a very sociological tone, in a way, and as a sociologist I appreciated that very much.

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I did not intentionally request this book. Instead, I received an email from a publicist, which included a link that auto-requested the book on my behalf. I did try to read this book, however it really was not my personal tastes and I decided DNF'd it. Out of respect to the publisher & author, I will not be reviewing a book that I did not request or finish.

This is another one of those psychological thrillers that surrounds a seemingly happy couple. The writing and the characters were actually quite decent, but I am honestly tired of reading this plot. I also personally avoid family-drama stories, which I why I would not have intentionally requested this particular book. This is good book that has an audience, but I cannot personally advocate for it.

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Cass is sure her husband is trying to poison her. What do you do in that situation? What about the children? Is he really trying to poison her or is she becoming paranoid? This story is terrifying and thrilling!

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At times in Poison it is as if there is a narrator standing over a small world telling the reader what is happening. The heroine is one who the reader wants to reach through the pages and stop her from doing various actions. Galt Niederhoffer does an excellent job of unfolding the story in Poison. Looking forward to reading more by this author. I was given an early copy to review.

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I loved the way this book started. It just felt so everyman, how each of our families are perceived and how that perception can be totally off from what is really happening. I think to some degree this happens with every single one of us. And I know that people lament Facebook and Instagram and the like, saying that we only post what we want people to see and it’s just not authentic. But, on the other hand, can you imagine if we all posted our problems for everyone to read? I’m pretty sure that would not go over well either.

But Cass, the narrator of the story does have a pretty fantastic life. Granted, she lost her first husband to leukemia, but she has beat the odds and found love again. She has a great and flexible job, three beautiful children and she lives in Seattle (which is my dream). Ryan is gorgeous, employed and the perfect husband, stepdad and father until he just isn’t. The story definitely deteriorates quickly.

I don’t want to give much away, but I will say that early on into the downward spiral, I couldn’t believe that no one believed Cass. I find it a little hard to swallow, given that she didn’t have a history of mental illness or the like, for absolutely no one to take her seriously. I found myself as I read on wondering if anyone was on her side, and if she was actually in fact the problem.

I found the book to be very readable and I did stay engaged with the story the whole time. I’m not sure about the ending. I feel like it kind of came out of nowhere, but it did provide a resolution.
I haven’t read any of Gail Niederhoffer’s other books, but I did notice she has produced over 30 indie films. I actually love independent films and the more I think about it, flaws or not, this book would make a fantastic movie. Even a Lifetime movie, I kind of love those too.

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They had the “perfect” life. Cass and Ryan were successful, had three beautiful children, two incomes and a home that had the potential to hold all of their dreams. Like a house built on shifting sand, their lives together began to crumble and their bond of marriage, fidelity, trust and honesty was being shattered. Far worse, one of them was wielding the deadly sledgehammer and doing so without anyone being the wiser.

POISON is the story of a marriage and a family’s demise, the mental games and the physical threats something that no one should ever have to face. Galt Niederhoffer tells a brutal tale of one woman’s fight for her sanity, her family and her very life as we live this nightmare through the eyes and mind of Cass, the only character truly developed while all others are almost blurry, like shadows.

Without a doubt, this psychological thriller is the ultimate nightmare on steroids. The author has created an atmosphere of terror, doubt and futility as Cass finds herself isolated in her own hellacious world. What was difficult for me wasn’t the subject matter or the razor-taut tension, it was how Cass’s world seemed so insular, so cut-off from everything and everyone around her. There were times I felt like I was standing in a blank room with millions of ping pong balls coming at me from every direction. I really didn’t care for Cass, she allowed-no she AIDED in creating her victim persona. For every step she took to save herself, she stepped back almost as far. From medical personnel to the police to neighbors, she was supposedly waved off or blindly naïve. And, my goodness, what about her children? We hire caregivers for our most precious possessions without vetting them?

In the end, POISON may have gotten a rise out of me, but it wasn’t in a positive way.

I received an ARC edition from St. Martin's Press.

Publisher: St. Martin's Press (November 21, 2017)
Publication Date: November 21, 2017
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Print Length: 304 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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When Cass was left on her on raising her two young children she thought the dream of a perfect family life with a loving husband was quite out of her reach, that is until she met Ryan. Ryan was unlike other men that Cass had known when he didn’t run away from the mere thought of her young children and instead proposed marriage and having more of their own someday. The two came together and formed the perfect little family and eventually did have a third baby added to their lives.

After their family expanded Cass and Ryan bought a fixer upper of a home to grow into with their children and with the two working and raising their family everything looked picture perfect for them. Things slowly began to do downhill for Cass though when she would find evidence that maybe, just maybe her husband might not be fully invested in their charming little family. Instead of denying though Ryan would always turn the tables onto Cass until on drunken night he let it slip that he would kill her.

Poison by Galt Niederhoffer is a psychological thriller that was a tad different than most. This story lacks the usual twists and turns and keeping a reader guessing at who done it with the fact that there really could only be two outcomes, either Ryan poisoned his wife or he didn’t. But with knowing from early on it was an either or situation the story still gives the reader plenty to follow along as it unfolds and has built a much bigger message into the book.

What this book has done is fit into it the idea of our society being one that immediately questions victims of crimes and turns the tables onto them instead of the accused. In this story it’s a matter of poisoning but that could be replaced with numerous other crimes that are suffered every day in society. Victims of rape or abuse for instance could really be living Cass’ entire roller coaster ride as she brought the allegations up in the story. This deeper message of victim shaming or blaming is one that society deals with daily and that is what made this one an intense ride while waiting for the answer in the end.

Cass was the perfectly flawed character that she needed to be to make this story work and keep readers guessing all throughout. From one moment to the next I had no clue whether to trust her narrative or to question her side of the events being given in the story. That is exactly what the author seemed to be going for with the deeper meaning to the book and it was done wonderfully in my opinion. In the end I’d definitely recommend checking this one out.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I found the plot of this book to be too unbelievable. The fact that medical doctors or law enforcement did not even take a second to consider that she might be telling the truth even though she had evidence didn't work for me. I felt there should've been a little more to the book then just the domestic violence and that the read was a waste of my time.

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Sorry I requested this book by mistake. Not interested in story I'll keep a lookout for next book by author

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