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The Scot Beds His Wife

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The Scot Beds His Wife was my introduction to author Kerrigan Byrne and what a pleasant surprise! This fifth installment in the Victorian Rebels series is absolutely gripping in its storytelling and can be read as a stand alone book, which was the case for me. While the title leaves a bit to be desired, the writing is fluid and riveting to the point that it was easy to become immersed in the plot. Wild West meets Wild Scot would accurately describe the relationship of the main characters, Sam and Gavin. Raised on a ranch and married into an outlaw lifestyle, Sam seeks asylum with the help of a kind stranger and ends up in the Scottish Highlands, never suspecting her hardest battle would be with the neighboring earl, Gavin. The exchange of saucy words and gunfire keep the reader on their toes throughout this story, while endearing them to the painful pasts of all the characters. I dare any reader, once finished with The Scot Beds His Wife, to not go back and read the series in its entirety. That, of course, is my plan and I will anxiously await the next book.

I received this advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Scot Beds His Wife is the fifth installment in this wonderful and riveting Victorian Rebels series that this author has brought to us. I would like to point our first and foremost, that this author has a very unique style. A writing style in romance that has died the past few years. Her writing voice is tough, emotional and packed with characters that are flawed, but so very realistic. Each character you can see being real especially in this time period. I feel like the Regency/Victorian era has come across has light and fluffy but I feel that there is another side to this era most authors never talk about. However, Kerrigan Byrne doesn’t sugar coat her romances. These stories are filled with men and women that make mistakes, that suffer injustices but somehow turn out to have hearts of gold. In The Scot Beds His Wife we have the story, of Liam’s brother Gavin. Liam was our hero in book three “The Highlander”. So it was such a delight to finally have Liam’s story. I was crossing my fingers that this lovely author would writes his book so I couldn’t wait to pick this one up.

This story sets off with our heroine, who lives out in the American West. She has had to make some tough choices in life, and made a easy choice to marry a man more appealing than a old lecher who had multiple wives. Before she knew it, she was robbing trains instead of a quiet life out on the coast like she dreamed and was promised. But when her husband was going to murder an innocent woman, she killed him and made a friend for life. This friend offered her a chance for a fresh start in Scotland. To take her name, and take her property and never allow a Mackenzie to keep it. So she agrees and heads over to Scotland and right on the train station, she falls into the arms of a handsome yet dangerous Scot who makes her feel in ways she never felt with her late husband. But then she learns that he is Gavin, the man who wants the land that she came to claim. But the past will come back to haunt them both, and they may lose each other just when they find a love worth fighting for…

What a action packed and sexy filled romance that this story turned out to be. I instantly fell in love with this book, and I easily read it in one sitting and had more than my share of fun with this one. There are so many things to really love about this one. What was unique was the characters. You would think that they would make a good match at all. Our hero Gavin, is a rake and a scoundrel. He is used to getting what he wants and has the money to do it. Our heroine, is no pansy. She is tough, she prefers riding horses and can rope cattle. She swears on ocassion and has no talents for music or sewing. And she has spunk and isn’t afraid of Gavin. She stands up to him constantly and I loved seeing her put him in his place. It was pretty entertaining, seeing these two go at it so much. At first they don’t like each other very much, they want the same piece of land. They do have some sizzling chemistry, and boy this author can write some smexy scenes here. But soon this chemistry they have, turns these enemies into lovers. Two people that learn to admire and respect one another. They have some bumps along the way of course, but boy this author definitely knows how to keep me fascinated, enthralled and spellbound in this powerfully portrayed story that will tie you up in knots and keep you thirsty for more!!

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Gavin is part of an important clan, the MacKenzies. He is the third son to a man who is a terrible man. His two older brothers are becoming just like their father. Their father is willing to do what ever suits him and whatever suits him involves abuse of anyone who is weak and powerless. Gavin has vowed he will withdraw from the MacKenzies. He has inherited the title of Earl of Thorne and he intends to change his name and separate himself from anything to do with the MacKenzies. He will start a new life as soon as he purchases some neighboring land and starts a cattle operation.

Samantha is pretending to be Allison. Allison is the woman who actually owns the land Gavin covets. But, Allison does not want to leave her life in San Francisco. She sends Samantha in her place to take control of the land and prevent Gavin from purchasing it at any cost. Samantha is running from her past so she is quite willing to cross an ocean to begin again. She grew up in the western part of the States. She ran away from an abusive situation and married a man who said he loved her. It turns out, he did not really love her, but he needed her to help commit robberies. He and his brothers were bandits who swore they never really harmed anyone. When he was about to kill someone, Samantha shot him to death and also shot one of his brothers.

She is a good shot, rides astride like a man and knows all about raising cattle. She is brave, intelligent and capable of holding her own in any challenging conversation. She also holds her secrets very close. Gavin lusts after her in part because of her wit, her many unexpected skills, her humor and the way she looks in a pair of tight fitting pants.

Gavin has a history of being a womanizer. His reputation is less than sterling. Sam never really tries to appear to be Allison.

This book is part of a series, but reads well as a stand alone.

Ms Byrne has created an interesting plot with many twists and turns. Not much of what we see is exactly as it appears.

Gavin and Sam are not my favorite characters. Although they are attracted to one another and become involved in a relationship, neither one tells the truth. I understand that trust is sometime a difficult quality, but after a time, I felt at least some truth should have appeared between the two of them. I understand about the past coloring the present for people. But, eventually it seems this relationship simply cannot create honesty between the two of them. After a time, the lies seemed to go on too long..

There are secondary characters who add a great deal to the story. There are two elderly men who are wonderful. Gavin's best friend, Callum, is a fascinating man who is much more than he appears to be on the surface.

The language was a burden for me. Yes, I understand about using the “F” word for emphasis, but at times I felt this became overkill.

Ms Byrne writes wonderful characters who lead interesting lives. And this reader wants to go along to find out what happens.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley. I am voluntarily writing this review and all opinions are my own.

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I have loved every book in this series, but this one I've loved the most. Sam is a fantastic heroine. Action packed and full of emotion. I can't wait to read more of this series in the future.

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THE SCOT BEDS HIS WIFE is one of those books you'll either love or hate. I enjoyed it although I thought Samantha Masters seemed more of a modern day heroine than a historical one. When she's faced with a life and death situation, she finds herself in the Scottish Highlands on a run-down family estate impersonating Miss Allison Ross. There she encounters Gavin St. James who is desperately trying to buy the Ross land and the herd of cattle roaming the estate. Both of them have deep dark secrets and neither wants to give an inch in their back and forth fighting over the land until Sam is attacked. Injured and running for her life, she has no choice but to seek shelter at Gavin's castle. That's when things get more interesting and Sam must make a life-altering decision.

I had a hard time with Sam's constant swearing. Even given her harsh upbringing, it seemed a little over the top and too modern for the times. It took a while, but I did warm up to her. I loved Gavin--a rake with an irresistible smile that hid tortuous secrets of his own. Neither one of them seemed to be able to trust the other. Ms. Byrne did an excellent job of pulling the reader into their nightmares, feelings and fears. There was an element to Sam's situation that was surprising and it was interesting to see how the author wrapped up that. I did enjoy this book, but be warned, there is a lot of swearing and graphic sex scenes.

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I really enjoyed this book. However, it started off a bit slow for me. The pace picked up after Gavin and Sam married. That's when things started getting interesting. The return of the devious Masters' brothers. The intricacies of the relationship between all of the Mckenzie brothers, especially between the Demon Highlander Liam and Gavin. The lies and intertwining of familial ties, the discovery of a little sister and possibly a new brother. Identities revealed...All made this a fun read once the paced picked up. It seems I need to read the other books about the rest of this clan. I'm missing so much.

I was happy to see there were happy endings for all. Looking forward to reading more from this author. I voluntarily read this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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In typical Kerrigan Bryne style, this book starts with a bang and keeps you engrossed until about halfway through the book. After that point, I thought the story slowed down a little until it picked up again towards the end. Although, this book doesn't compare to the rest of my favorites from this series, I really liked the characters which are both intriguing and complex. I also liked how the author has brought in flavors from both American wild west and Scotland. I also enjoyed meeting my favorite characters from the previous books. It was such a treat. This is book number five in the Victorian Rebels series. If you have never read this series, I highly recommend starting with the Highwayman which is the first book in the series and one of my all time favorite romances.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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Book: The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne

Release Date: October 3. 2017

Series: Victorian Rebels, Book #5

Reviewed by: Barb Massabrook (of)
1.Tartan Book Reviews
2.Purple Tulip Book Reviews
3.Celtic Barb’s Tartan Book Review Blog

Heat Rating:🔥

Overall Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is the story of rake and lady’s man Gavin St. James, Earl of Thorne. A highlander known to be a rake and ladies man, but a man with a dark childhood. His father was the demonic former Laird Hammish MacKenzie . Gavin covets the lands of Erradale Estate that Scottish heiress Alison Ross owns. Yet things don't go as smoothly as he expects. As this Casanova is not used to rejection in any shape or form whatsoever from the fairer sex. It was also obvious this lass was no damsel in distress!

Samantha “Sam” Masters kills her husband, saving the life of her new friend Scottish heiress,Alison Ross. Then they make a deal, as Alison doesn't want to leave America. Been living in the States since she was a child plus having a fiancé in San Francisco. They know both know the law and the Masters brothers are going to go after Samantha. As one of the brother’s witnessed the murder of her husband,their brother. This was unknown to Sam until after the murder was done.

Sam needs to get out of Dodge and fast! She is realizing she rather be hung by US Marshals, than have the diabolical Masters brothers deal with her! They would want revenge and torture to make Sam suffer for their brothers murder. Then Alison comes up with a plan for Sam to switch places with her! Killing two birds with one stone per say...

Alison realizes Samantha does have experience on ranches with cattle, riding horses and mathematics. All the things necessary to sustain her lands. As Alison has had put her wedding on hold due to this offer on her Scottish estate. She has to return to her Scottish estate as she made a promise to her dad before his die. Never allow a MacKenzie to take their lands away! So of course Gavin St. James is the one to covet her family's ancestral lands! The elder Laird now dead, who is a MacKenzie and is Gavin St. James demonic father! Plus she must live on her estate for a period of time to prove she has not abandoned her families lands.

Gavin thought this was to be an easy purchase, but then he realizes again-his father even dead, is ruining another thing for him. Plus he can't help but be attracted to what he thinks is a spoiled heiress. He uses duplicity to attain his lands to put him in a charming light. He is used to women falling and swooning at his feet, but realizes the tides have turned in this scenario. As it is he who has fallen for the American raised chit!

Samantha knows the Masters brothers will never stop looking for her. Marriage is her only answer. Gavin who wants both the woman and the lands is more than ready. Yet as always lies, betrayal and deceit have a way to catch up with you. Will this star crossed couple stay together with love in their heart. Will they go their separate ways with feelings of hatred and betrayal or just a shredded heart? You must read this

Lots of major surprises in this action packed captivating nail biter! Flawed characters with dark pasts that you can't help but adore! It is stored with all the memorable elements historical romance readers love. Including a braw, hunky, swoon worthy hero and a gorgeous,sassy, independent, gun toting heroine who rides horses like a man! Another beautifully written heart puller that readers won't be able to put down. Also a major compelling teaser for The Rook, which will be book #6 in this powerful Victorian series that I can't wait to read!

As always in this sensational unforgettable series….Ms.Byrne pens another page turning fabulous book. The type of book readers will want to revisit and read again and again. I know for me her stories stay with me for a long time after I have read them. Only the outstanding and remarkable novels do this to me. Her books seems more real to me, as I know cursing is in my everyday life. I am sure people cursed in the 18th and 19th century too. I actually love the cursing in her stories.

Kerrigan Byrne, is one one those rare extraordinary authors, whose stories bring every emotion out of me! That is from giddiness, to tears,to cursing, and to gasping for air! Her books are pretty incredible to me and I can't recommend this wonderful author enough! It is a definite book you don't want to miss! The

1)The Highwayman
2)The Hunter
3)The Highland
4)The Duke
5)The Scot Beds His Wife

Note: You can read any of Kerrigan's books in any order or just as a stand alone book.

(Victorian Rebels): Kerrigan ... -

I received this book From Saint Martin’s Press publishers for a fair and honest review. I voluntarily agreed to read, review, blog and promote through netgalley. All words, ideas and thoughts are my own.

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The foul language in this book is too much for my taste. It's about even with what I expect when reading a Motorcycle Club type of book, not a Historical Romance. After reading the first few chapters I went back and re-read the description of the book, because I truly thought that I was reading the wrong book. The description is very vague and only touches on a very small part of what this book is about. I don't want to give away the plot, just wanted to let you know that it is a lot darker book then I expected.

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Kerrigan Byrne's novels are something I deeply and eagerly look forward to. DEEPLY.

And I was looking forward to read Gavin's book.

When I had a look at the plot however, I came out a bit apprehensive; I'm not particularly fond of marriages in the middle of the story, I've said it probably thousands of times, and I was worried that the heroine would have been the overly-seen tomboy female protagonist, who knows how to fire a gun and ride astride (which I generally like but from a series such as this I was hopping for something more unique).

I should have known better...the heroine, Sam/Allison is indeed unique. She is a bandit, and a murder. Gosh I adore how Byrne is not politically correct with her characters...her protagonists are those that would be depicted as antagonists in others' historical romances. I LOVE.

Moreover, in The Scot Beds His Wife, very interesting things are said and which will be hopefully developed in the future novels; apart from Alison and Callum's love story which I cannot wait to read, there is the Rook, who till now had been only mentioned but who here, being more relevant to the plot, has given the reader a lot to speculate about regarding himself and his relationship with Dorian (The Highwayman). I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ASAP.

All that said, I find myself partially in agreement with those who say that, compared to other novels in the series, this misses something that catches the reader's heart, soul, mind...bringing to hours of longing because you would have wanted to read the story slower so to have more time to enjoy it...and then you hope to find something as good to read as soon as possible and then you don't and you have to wait and wait and wait (I think I'm describing an addiction...); now, I really liked The Scot Beds His Wife, to be blunt I think it is better than the previous one, The Duke; however, since we like lists, I consider the The Highwayman, The Hunter and The Highlander on another level, a stellar one. BUT I will suggest this novel, with the rest of the series, to everybody, because I truly believe the Byrne writes amazing stories, also those that are less amazing than the others, still make great readings.

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Samantha Masters is wanted for murder. She flees America with the help of a new friend, Alison Ross. Samantha is to assume Alison's identity and go in her stead to her property in Scotland. She arrives there expecting things to be difficult, but has no idea what she is in for.

Gavin St. James, Earl of Thorne, has wanted to buy Alison's property for a long time. He recently made an offer and she refused. Now that Alison, or Sam as her workers call her, is home, Gavin means to do everything in his power to persuade her to sell... even if he has to seduce Sam to get it. Gavin has no idea what he is getting himself into.

Author Kerrigan Byrne is churning out some wickedly entertaining novels. Her VICTORIAN REBELS series is blowing my mind. How can all of these books be so good?! It is easy to see Ms. Byrne has a talent for writing as everything in her stories is described in such accurate detail you feel as if you are truly seeing it. Her characters just come right to life off the pages. I am positively over the moon at the latest installment in the series, THE SCOT BEDS HIS WIFE. Gavin and Sam are so different yet so similar. If ever there was a match meant to be made, it's between these two. THE SCOT BEDS HIS WIFE is a book readers will want to read again and again.

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I loved this book so much! Even better than the main couple (which was great and full of fantastic bickering) were the side pairings. I was rooting for Eammon with all my heart! I can't wait to see who this series follows next.

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This book was so different from historical s that I have read before and I wasn't sure that it would be to my taste. I was pleasantly surprised .I enjoyed Sam's sassy character very much, she was very colourful and I couldn't put it down.
I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley.

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Gavin’s story is as dark as his brother Liam’s. Both were raised by a cruel, sadistic father and have the scars, both emotionally and physically, to prove it. The Scot Beds His Wife is part of the Victorian Rebels Series. Ms. Byrne has written this series with these brothers growing up in a horrific childhood. Although this could be a stand alone book, I believe it would be best to read as the fourth in the series to truly understand the dynamics of these brothers and their families.

Samantha Masters is married to Bennett of the Masters Gang in the States. She is a decoy in a train robbery, the fifth and supposedly last. Along the way she becomes enveloped in Allison Ross’s kindness and quick friendship. When something goes wrong Samantha ends up killing her husband and saving Allison’s life. With gratitude, Allison gives Samantha her identity to allow Sam to escape Bennett’s brothers and the law.

Allison owns land and a manor in Scotland that Gavin St. James (Mackenzie) wants to add to his holdings to make his land more profitable. He is trying to sneakily take it from Allison since she is an absent landowner. Well, here is Sam claiming the land as Allison. Having been raised in the west on a cattle ranch, Allison can herd cows and shoot a gun.

The battles between Allison and Gavin keep you entertained throughout the book. She can shoot better than most men and threatens to shoot Gavin several times. Their HEA is challenged several times in several dramatic ways. This is a page turner you do not want to put down so you can see what is going to happen next.

This is certainly not a light-hearted read, but entertaining anyway. Dare I hope Callum and Allison will be the next book in the series? I hope so.

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This is book number 5 in the Victorian Rebels and I do have to admit I have not read any of the previous books or any other books by Kerrigan Byrne before but you don't have to read the other books to get into this book.

I liked the story very much and I there is a lot of swearing in this book but personally, that didn't bother me at all. There is also quite a bit of sexy time but again that is fine by me (I read a lot of books with sexy times in them).

This book has a good mix of humour and action.

I do recommend this book.

I give this 4 out of 5.

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After her husband is shot during a train robbery gone wrong, Samantha tries to escape the area before she is arrested and hung. You see, Samantha is the one who shot her husband! His brothers are after her and she willingly assumes a different identity and must travel to Scotland to pose as Alison Ross so the real Alison can keep her land and mansion. Samantha doesn't realize that she will have to keep the land, even with the notorious Lord Thorne fighting with all means necessary to become the Laird. A good story and a nice addition to the historical romance genre.

The Scot Beds His Wife by Kerrigan Byrne will be published on October 3, 2017 by St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley.

This is Book 5 in the Victorian Rebels series but I hadn't read any of the previous and was just fine jumping right in. Not only was this series new to me, but the author was, as well. And holy cow, where has Kerrigan Byrne been all my life? Okay, that's a little overly dramatic. But where the heck has she been over the past couple of years?!?! I freaking loved this book! And I can't wait to go back and read Books 1 through 4!!

Okay, first things first, a confession. I don't care for Wild West historical romances. I don't know why; I just don't like them. So when I started this book and Sam, the heroine, is in the middle of a train robbery in the Wild West... I was more than a tad disappointed. I thought Sam was really tough and she was a badass. And it made me feel like she was really mannish. Why is that bad? IS it bad? I don't know. But I didn't really like it. I like my historical romance heroines to be wearing ball gowns and stuff. I don't want her to ride horses and shoot rifles and herd cattle. Does that make me a horrible person? I'd never say that to a woman in real life. So I was disappointed in myself for not liking Sam right off the bat. But I eventually loved every dang thing about her... shooting, herding, and all the rest!

Gavin was awesome! The book starts with Gavin being a young boy and dang, he had it really rough. His dad was a real piece of shit. But everything that happened to him made him who he was when he meets Sam for the first time. He's so smooth, such a ladies man. I really liked him but he definitely had this sort of undercurrent of sadness or anger or something. The crap he had to live through at the hands of his father absolutely caused that undercurrent, whatever it was. It's like he doesn't expect much from anyone so that no one can disappoint him and no one can hurt him. He's this sweet lothario-type and everyone loves him because he's caring and kind and all that. But he's just secretly so sad and let down by people. He ended up being so much more complex that I thought he would be.

The Sexy Time was hot and plentiful...typical for a historical romance. I really enjoyed the antagonistic relationship Gavin and Sam had for the first half of the book. I thin I liked it so much because, damn, Sam really gave Gavin the business! She was a badass and could seriously take care of herself. It killed me that she had to keep up her lie for so long. But I couldn't really blame her for it - what the heck else could she do?!

I loved this book! It had an amazing mix of humor, action, adventure, danger, mystery, sweetness, and bad guys! There's a couple twists and turns that I didn't really see coming. Of course, I was fully invested in what was happening between Gavin and Sam that everything else that might have been hinted at, was a total surprise for me. If there's anyone like me out there - you don't like Wild West romances or you don't like Scottish Highlander romances - whatever it is, set it aside and try this book. I'm betting you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

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Another fabulous addition to Kerrigan Byrne’s Victorian Rebel series. Though not as dark as previous books in the series, this story has everything I’ve come to love and expect from this author. A beautiful and suspenseful story with era detail, passion and danger, with emotionally moving characters that overcome perilous threats and obstacles to find love. And, as with every book in this series, I was riveted. The Scot Beds His Wife was beyond stunning and, for me, was definitely a love at first read.

Gavin St. James, Earl of Thorne, was a notorious Highlander and Casanova. He used his charm, intellect, good looks, and wit to get what he wanted. As a son of the brutal Hamish Mackenzie, he’d grown up hating the name and scars, both physical and emotional, that came with it. He didn’t want or need the Mackenzie name in order to make his way. He’d establish his own name. His own land. His own legacy. Gavin had plans to purchase the neighboring, vacant Erradale estate and cattle from Alison Ross. Mackenzies had never been cattle folk but as soon as he could, Gavin would no longer be a Mackenzie.
In a desperate need to escape a life of drudgery and oppression, Samantha had married Bennett Masters. She’d gone from one bad situation to another. Bennett and his brothers were thieves. The Masters Gang. Her conscience had settled for a thief as a husband, but never a cold blooded killer. In a train robbery gone wrong, Samantha was forced to shoot her husband to protect a female passenger. Samantha found herself with no money, no prospects, and nowhere to go. She was now a known member of a gang, hunted by federal marshals, and by Bennett’s brothers. The passenger she saved, Alison Ross, was so grateful to Samantha that she proposed an offer Samantha couldn’t refuse. In order not to forfeit her legacy, Alison had to physically take custody of her family land, Erradale, in Scotland and put it in working order. Though Alison had no interest herself in the land, a Mackenzie was after it and Alison had promised her father no kin of a Mackenzie would ever own it. As Samantha knew ranch life well and needed to get out of the states, she found herself traveling across the Atlantic posing as Alison Ross. This was her chance to finally have the life she’d always dreamed of.
After disembarking from the train, Sam fell right into the arms of a fierce Celtic god. He was magnificent, but he was also Gavin St. James. A Mackenzie. Her enemy. He might be handsome as the devil but she’d be damned before she’d let him charm her. She couldn’t yield her wits to a handsome man. Not again. Erradale no more belonged to her than it did to him, but she was willing to fight to keep him from taking it. Gavin was just as driven. This Alison Ross was slight, crude, and prickly. Nothing like the coy, buxom mistresses he usually bedded. But if she planned to stand in his way, then he’d do whatever it took. “He’d be whatever she needed to get the papers signed. Savior, father, brother, friend, or hopefully, lover.” Either way, Erradale would be his.
But Sam was immune to the charms Gavin had always relied on. He’d thought she’d waste away on the ranch and not be able to care for the land, much less herself. But he’d been wrong. What she lacked in brawn, she made up for in pluck. She seemed right at home with ranch life. Riding astride in trousers. Incredibly tight trousers. She cussed like a sailor and shot better than any man he knew. He couldn’t remember the last time someone angered him so. She impressed him, she intrigued him, she aroused him. He desired Erradale above all else, but he was also beginning to desire its current owner.
Samantha was affected by Gavin too. Yes, he was relentless, ruthless, and cunning. But he could also be generous and kind. And boy, was he handsome! She was starting to respect him. And the way he looked at her sometimes made her feel things she’d never felt with Bennett. She was starting to feel differently about this land and the people too. “The one place that truly never belonged to her was the one place she never wanted to let go of.
When Gavin, on a reckless impulse, kissed Samantha, their fate was sealed. Though she spoke, swore, and rode like a man, Samantha tasted and felt like a woman. And when she matched his kiss just as fiercely, Gavin was a goner. The passion in her kiss set him on fire. Lust was fine, but passion was a dangerous feeling. Gavin “had thought to seduce her, dominate her, leave her panting, and walk away and take her land. That couldn’t happen now.” He wanted her. For more than just a night. Samantha wanted Gavin too. But would he want her when he found out who she was? An orphaned nobody. A thief, a liar, a murderer. Samantha’s not the only one with secrets though. And if her secrets don’t destroy them, Gavin’s may.

Kerrigan Byrne can weave a story like nobody’s business! I become immersed in her stories as they flawlessly unfold before me. As I mentioned before, this story wasn’t as dark and gritty as earlier books in this series, but that matched Gavin’s character. While Gavin’s brothers consisted of a hanged traitor, the king of the London underworld, and the Demon Highlander, Gavin was considered the black sheep of the clan. Rather than the temper of his brothers, he hid his pain behind vice and levity. And I loved him just as much as I loved his brothers. I think I fell in love with Gavin when I realized his first meeting with Samantha was a setup. Like most women in Gavin’s life, I was a sucker for his charm. It took me longer to love Samantha. She harbored some pretty huge secrets. And she harbored them a lot longer than I was comfortable with. Still, Kerrigan Byrne has a knack for taking characters you would think incorrigible and completely redeeming them. I think I fell in love with Samantha when I saw her relationship with the two old grisly highlanders who were working her land with her. It made me see another side of her that I was missing. And once I saw that side of her, I couldn’t wait for she and Gavin to find their happily ever after. Though they came from 2 different worlds, Gavin and Sam had much in common. Both of their souls were stained. They’d not lived a pure life before. Gavin was a womanizer. He was proud of it. Sam had stolen and killed. They were both wounded. Gavin carried physical and emotional scars from his childhood. While Sam’s wounds weren’t physical, like Gavin, the emotional wounds she’d carried since the death of her parents, had made her stronger. They both hid behind masks. Sam hid her desolation and loneliness behind her tart vocabulary and tough façade. Gavin hid his pain behind his wicked behavior and humor. Also, they both loved Erradale. For Gavin it had been a sanctuary as a child to escape his father. Now it was a chance to put the Mackenzie name behind him. For Sam, it was home. It gave her purpose and a chance at survival. They both thought love was out of the question and so their feelings for each other scared them. In each other’s arms, they felt sensations they’d not felt in a long time.
I loved watching their relationship develop. Their interactions were a thing to behold. The flirtatious arguing rife with sexual innuendo was titillating. Their wedding was hysterical yet one of the most romantic weddings I’ve read in a long time. Their animosity towards each other changed to a partnership with laughing, teasing, and still bickering, but with a smile. They were discovering each other. And in discovering each other, they discovered something about themselves. That their need for each other superseded their own needs.
It truly was a beautiful story. The secondary characters added so much to it too. I loved the cantankerous Locryn and Calybrid who bickered like an old married couple. I fell in love immediately with Gavin’s childhood friend, Callum. His story is very intriguing and I’m anxious to see it revealed. The budding relationship between Gavin’s mother and Callum’’s father was sweet and tender. I would have loved to see it in a book of its own. As you can see, though vastly different from others in the series, this story was every bit as captivating and beautiful. This is one series I hope never comes to an end. Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy to read and review.

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I loved this book, couldn't put it down because I just had to know what would happen next. Would they realise what the other was hiding, would everything come out in the wash or was it ruined forever? I just had to know.
Kerrigan Byrne has written well rounded characters who were a joy to read about and who I want to read more about so the rest of this series is now on my to read list!

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Right from the start, there was too much going on and I could tell immediately that all the different plot lines would take away from the romance, which should always be the main focus. The story itself opened with a deeply disturbing and didn't exactly get me in the mood for an epic love story. While I've read and loved other dark romances, this just felt overly grotesque and added nothing to the story in my opinion.

One of the things that bothered me the most was the lack of tenderness between Samantha and Gavin. To me they felt bullish and stubborn and were both unappealing and unlikable. It all comes down to chemistry between the hero and heroine and with this romance I felt none.

Byrne's writing style is very wordy. There wasn't enough dialogue to balance out the long, boring descriptions of everything. Even the love scenes were spoiled by the constant stream of narration going on in the characters' heads. Similarly, the language itself was so modern, I felt the story could have taken place in present day. This especially bothered me with the dialogue. The characters did not sound like they lived in the 19th century and it was jarring and constantly pulled me out of the story.

Finally, there was too much usage of the word "fuck" for my taste. To my point about there being no tenderness between Samantha and Gavin, the whole story just felt crude and cheap.

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