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Face Off

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The first book in the Nashville Sound series a well written story by an Author I have not read before I want to read more in this series.

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***This review originally appeared with RT BOOK REVIEWS. There is additional material here.***

Pace drops the puck on a new series featuring Emile and Amy, delivering lots of the elements that fans of sports romance will enjoy. Amy’s struggle to come back from a devastating breakup and to draw new boundaries of self-sufficiency resonates, and Emile is a sexy, protective, and romantic partner. Some of the plot and character elements were a bit underdeveloped which made the story feel a little chaotic at times when there could have been nuance and complexity. Hockey romance fans will appreciate quirky details about the game, goalies, and fan traditions.

The advance review copy contained bits of dialog in French that were poorly translated, in my opinion. This was communicated to the publisher and it is to be hoped that those passages were corrected.

SUMMARY: Amy’s ex leaves her a true damsel in distress in need of Emile’s rescue. Stranded miles from home with a bricked phone and dead credit cards, she has few options, but gamely conceives a way she can substantially help Emile in exchange for his support. For his part, Emile falls early and falls hard, but Amy isn’t ready to go from one controlling partner to another. His need to provide and protect leads to an inevitable clash – the question is, will they survive it?

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Absolutely loved Face Off. Alicia Hunter Pace is a new author to me & a new favorite. She creates unique stories & strong characters.

Face Off is the first book in the Nashville Sound series & I look forward to the next book in. the series.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This was quite the little gem and I must thank my friend Carla for insisting that I read it. I have never read this author duo but I sure will be stalking them for the next book. I loved it!

Emile was such a joy to read about. He was so charming and just cute with his accent and how clueless he was at times. He made for a very charming Hero.

I was horrified on Amy's behalf over what her ex did to her. I hated that she felt she had to guard herself so much with Emile because of her ex, but it wasn't so bad that it ruined the book for me.

I really liked this couple and wish there was an epilogue. I'm hoping that the reason there wasn't one was because we will continue to see them in the next book in the series.

I highly recommend this fun, sports romance story. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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I love sports romance and Emile was the kindest, sweetest guy you could meet, definitely not the arrogant, sexy, bad boy, young top athlete's are usually depicted as.
I really liked him, it was hard not too! Amy, well she drove me nuts. She'd just been dumped on by her now ex boyfriend and refuses to make him pay for stealing her 5 million dollars, leaving her homeless and with out even a change of clothes....and then she practically throws everything Emile offers to help her back in his face, how this dumb woman was so successful in business is beyond me

I liked Emile very much, yes, he may have disregarded her wishes, but that could have been talked over and rectified, Amy not so much, she came across as a bit of a b*tch, and ultimately Emile was indirectly made to suffer for the wrongs caused by her ex and she over reacted to everything, I mean every time he tried to please or help her, she'd throw it back in his face. I really would like to say I enjoyed this story....not so much....I found my self wanting to shout out "Come on, give the guy a break" and "Damn! Poor guy", far to often, so just squeezes 3 stars.

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I loved Emile, Amy not so much. Emile was the sweetest guy ever, and he did so much for her, and she did not deserve him, she made him pay for what her idiot previous boyfriend did to her, even when Emile's sister Gabrielle told her not to make Emile pay for it. Her own grandmother did not understand why she was mad at Emile. Who in their right minds, does not go after five million dollars, come on, you expect us to believe that? You are just going to be like, ok, no problem, no that is ridiculous. Then you also find out, that said boyfriend, kicks you out, and now you are homeless, broke and he gets married, the very next day, and you are going to say nothing, do nothing, and we are supposed to believe that she is a smart person, oh hell no. Then the one person that does help you Emile, gives you a shirt that actually symbolizes something to him, and you shred it!!! That was so disrespectful, you did not have to do that, to him, you reacted, but not to your ass of an ex. The only reason, that I did not give this book a two star, was because of Emile, however I sure hope that this author was not seriously trying to give us a lesson, because she failed horribly. Emile, should not have been the one penalized, for helping out a very lost person.

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You met Amy Callahan at the beginning of the book and you are drawn to her. Shortly after the book begins she is left high and dry by her live-in boyfriend. She is also penniless, homeless, and the guy sold her car. He also stole the 5 million she got for selling her company. Now sitting at a bench Hockey Goalie Emile Giroux who plays for Nashville sees her and remembers her from earlier in the day when he was in his teammate’s wife store. Now wondering why she is just sitting outside he stops and this begins her journey of finding out how bad it is when she realizes that they live in the same apartment building. The thing is her apartment has been sold and they find out that her ex started everything s month ago. Now nowhere to go Emile says she can stay with him and eventually hires her as a personal assistant. All is going well until she finds out that her ex got married and she has told Emile not to do anything, but he does. When she receives all of her personal belongings back, yes her ex took everything. All she had was the cloths on her back and $84.36. So she called her father in Georgia to come and get her which he did, and took her back to the families peach farm. Now Emile had to first figure out what he did and then where she went. I really enjoyed this story, from Emile’s sister, to the trainer and his stories about him and his wife. A very good story and the hockey action was good as well. Overall a very good book.

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I loved this first book in this series!! Each of this couple really drew me into their story. Emile felt like he had so much he wanted to prove. And Amy, well you couldn't help but hope she got her happy ending after such a crappy boyfriend. But you couldn't fault her for not wanting help from Emile. She'll soon learn that some times the best things can find you at your worst moment.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Awww, just awww! That's what I thought when I was reading this, mainly when Emile was center stage. Talk about sweet, adorable and sexy too. But that's not just Emile, it's this entire story.

Amy has been abandoned, literally abandoned, by her boyfriend. He's cleared out her bank account, sold her car, moved out of their condo and left her on the side of the road. When Emile, sweet, sexy hockey player Emile, sees her sitting there looking so lost and forlorn, he can't help but to rescue her. He moves her into his home and helps her get back on her feet. But, it's not just Emile helping her, Amy helps herself, too, because she's a strong woman who had let herself get into a dependent situation. Not so smart of her, but that doesn't mean she's not smart. She has to be smart, she sold her own company for $5 million dollars at the age of 26. But, then unfortunately she let Cameron take over her life and then he bailed on her. But, now, with Emile helping her get back to her own life, she and Emile have to figure out if they can mesh their lives together. If he can see what she really needs and merge it with his own needs, his need to be her hero, with her need to make her own decisions and to be independent.

I absolutely love Face Off. Emile is possibly the sweetest, most adorable hero, ever. He's French, so sometimes his grasp on the English language makes for hilarious results. And he's loving and kind and has a huge heart. When he's paired with Amy, more staid and grounded, they come together and make a fantastic couple. Even if you aren't normally into sports or hockey romances, Face Off should still be on your TBR list because it's sweet, emotionally satisfying and layered and sexy, too.

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I enjoyed this book. I liked how Amy found herself after she finally stopped her pity party and took control of her life. The relationship between Emile and Amy was great. I liked how they helped each other overcome their pasts. This was a great read and I would definitely recommend it.

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I am so pleased to have discovered a new Sports themed series. I enjoyed Face Off immensely. Alicia Hunter Pace set the scene well for the series, and kept the first book balanced and strong. I appreciated the layered portrait of the hero. Though I did not connect to the heroine as well as I would have liked, I give Ms Hunter Pace credit for the character's growth through the story and the fact that I was interested in the outcome of her story. The sports references were first rate, the dialogue seemed appropriate, and the story sensual and satisfying. I will definitely be looking for the rest of the series.

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I'm a big fan of sports romance, especially hockey, so the cover caught my attention immediately & the blurb definitely drew me in. The book itself, however, fell a little flat for me.

Amy has just been deceived and left with nothing from the man she believed she was going to spend the rest of her life with. Emile is a cocky hockey player, trying to navigate the American way while still trying to stick to his French Canadian roots.

This was my first book by Alicia Hunter Pace, and unfortunately this book wasn't anything that I was expecting from the description.

**ARC generously provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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I'm so glad that I got to read this sweet, sad & funny story. This was my first read by author Alicia Hunter Pace & it won't be the last. I really enjoyed this story of love out of the ashes of a destroyed life. Amy & Emile were total opposites but when they got together the sparks flew & burned up a storm. This down on their luck story was well written & kept me wanting to read until I finished it. Definitely recommend.

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Face Off was an enjoyable read and drew you in from the very beginning. Amy is pretty much abandoned with nothing more than her clothes in her back and a few bucks in her purse. Her credit and debit cards and phone aren't working and she's worried and confused over so many things. Emile sees amy sitting outside a store and stops to help. He's the type of guy who loves to be the rescuer and helps Amy find her way and helps get he questions answered. Amy has vowed never to lean on another man, to be independent and of course Emile wants to help Amy as much as he can. Emile is a strong, lovable alpha male that you instantly fall in love with. As Emile and Amy spend time together, they realize they have feelings for each other. But when Emile steps over a line trying to help Amy, will she end it all? I absolutely LOVED this book, I didn't want to put it down once I started it. I am looking forward to more in this series!

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I have never smiled as much as I did while reading Alicia Hunter Pace’s, Face Off: Emile. This is the perfect feel good book with a perfect hero.

Amy has been abandoned with nothing but the clothes on her back, a phone that won’t work, credit and debit cards that are worthless, and $84.38. She’s worried, alone and confused. Emile is just the kind of guy to stop and help a distressed female, especially since the parking space in front of her is available. He’s a rescuer and he sets out to right the wrongs that have been dealt to her.

Amy is definitely broken and struggling to find her way as well as building up resistance against anything that might take away her independence again. Emile knew that he had been searching for his happy ever after but despite a few good women in his life he had yet to find it. He begins to see that in Amy.

I absolutely loved Emile! So many heroes are described as being charming and sweet but Emile is the pure definition of the words. He is French Canadian and speaks with a stilted formal accent that just about pushed me over the edge of never coming out of this book again. He often confused his idioms which just endeared him to me more. However, despite being all of that, at the heart of him is his desire not only for Amy, but to protect her and bring her away from the hurt and mistrust she experienced from her ex.

I was already deeply in love with this hero but when I reached the end and he presented his “grand gesture” I wanted to laugh and cry and throw my arms around him. I’ve never read such an incredibly heart felt declaration.

Ladies, do not dally. Get to one clicking.

ARC provided through NetGalley and gosh dang it I’m so glad I got one!

Dual POV
Possible Triggers – some abuse off page that is mentioned
Push and pull - some but completely understandable considering what she has gone through

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I try not to have preconceived expectations of a book, but must admit that this story was a let down.

While the sport aspect of the story was good, and Emile’s character held his own for the most part, Amy’s character was hard to warm to; she was weak and her persona seemed underdeveloped.

An average read at best for me, but may appeal to others.

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I was graciously provided an ARC of this title by Netgalley and the publisher and an honest review.
This are my personal thoughts and feelings towards Face-Off/Emile.

This is my first novel written by the writing team known as Alicia Hunter Pace and it was a very close DNF.

While the description of this book showed much promise, I had a very difficult time connecting to the characters, Emile and Amy.

I like for my stories to 'show me' not 'tell me'. This story was very much told. We were told how very smart each Emile and Amy were, but both made decisions which begged to differ. We were told how the characters felt about each other, not even by them, but by supporting characters. Although Emile did show good intentions, while Amy just showed she was immature and crazy. We were told how amazing their moments of intimacy were, when, while reading, they just seemed awkward and unrealistic.

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When the descriptor says Sensuality Level: Sensual, I'm thinking this'll be a more sophisticated book. But this story started off with such wide-eyed innocence, happy-go-lucky, backwards thinking it was almost a DNF. That other characters had to insist that the heroine was "smart," was very sad. Had the author demonstrated that she is smart, that would've been better. Despite listing her accomplishments, I just didn't think Amy demonstrated any backbone or brains at the beginning. Overall, I just did not get any depth from the characters.

Poor Emile was relegated to speaking a lot of rough English and French. As a teen, he lived and trained in N Dakota and has been US-based for 14 years. There are plenty of bilingual folks I know and admire (including proud Quebecoise), but I've yet to meet anyone as caricatured as Emile. However, am hopeful for more depth when the author gets to his sister Gabriella's story since they hinted there was more to her than meets the eye.

And as for that sensuality... it was kind of awkward to envision. I get the agility of an athlete, I mean the guy can do splits, I just did not get the feels in the emotional connection. And in case that's not clear to any of us readers, we're just told it's the best sex ever. The authors are light on emotional descriptors and prefer to tell you. I like a story that tells the journey and I wish the authors dug deep to come up with words that would've transported me.

The sneak peek of the 2nd book in the series sounds way better, but I don't know if I'll put the time in after a very rocky intro to the world of Nashville Sound.

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I just didn't feel much from these two. The story was okay, but I just didn't feel it. Plus, I've never seen a team play three games in three days, at least in the pro's.

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