Cover Image: The Girls of Mulberry Lane

The Girls of Mulberry Lane

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Book 1 in the Mulberry Lane series . This was a really good read. It is set in the East end of London at the start of World War 2. I loved the characters and how in this book we were introduced to them all. This genre is a favourite of mine and I will certainly read more of this series .

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The Girls of Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke is pleasant departure from my typical contemporary romance/ women's fiction reading material. Drawn to the WWII time period, London as the setting, and the potential angst, I found myself escaping into this story. It certainly won't be the last Rosie Clarke book I read.

The story is told from a few different points of view which kept it very captivating. Peggy is the 40's- ish old pub owner with an 18 year old daughter Janet who has fallen in love and wants to marry. Maureen, in her early twenties, gave up her own chance to marry due to the death of her mother and her father treating her like she owes it to him to stay and mind his shop. Both face roadblocks to love and happiness and these are the kind that transcend time. This is very much a character driven story, with the impact of war serving to circumstances that drive certain secondary characters in and out of their lives. I can't say I had a favorite character but I enjoyed their positions in the community, and as friends to each other, in different ways.

It's relatively low in angst, yet high on drama. There is a war going on after all. These three women grow so much in the 2 years that we spend with them. Janet finds herself in a bad spot with her family, Maureen grows some backbone, and Peggy recognizes some life truths about her own relationship and being disappointed by the people she loves:

" Life was never going to be the same, but perhaps it didn’t have to be all heartbreak and regret."

The Girls of Mulberry Lane is the start of a new series and I anticipate we'll be catching up with Peggy and the ladies in A Wedding At Mulberry Lane sometime in 2018. I for one am looking forward to continuing the saga. 4.5 stars and recommendation!

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I love reading books set around and before the second world war. Rosie Clarke is one of my favourite authors and this book was really good.

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Excellent family saga set during World War 2. We meet the residents of Mulberry Lane, our main character being Peggy. She is the wife of publican Laurie and a friend to everyone. Lots of drama and I am just about to read book 2, Wedding in Mulberry lane,

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I really enjoy this genre/era and Rosie Clarke is an author who I feel describes it so well and brings the story to life. The close community feel where everyone helps each other and chats daily is portrayed through the Girls Of Mulberry Lane as we follow the diverse characters hardships, ups and downs through the war time in Londons East End. The author writes well and the great characterisation is evident as you find yourself turning every page quickly eagerly waiting to see and caring as to what happens next.
A well researched book about facing adversity.
My thanks go to the publisher, author and Netgalley for the arc of this book in return for a honest review.

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I have to confess that I fell in love with the cover as soon as I saw it.  This part of our  history is heartbreaking and yet, I find novels of this time period very interesting.
There were so many things that I  liked about this book.  The setting, the British slang and the close friendships of the women of Mulberry Lane.    Peggy was my favorite character by far.  She's the oldest of the ladies and runs a pub with her husband,  I loved her kind heart and her love for family and friends.  I could easily imagine her cooking the food that was a favorite of both her family and their customers.  I could just as easily imagine her shopping at the market where her young friend, Maureen works. I felt bad for the couples that didn't marry due to family obligations or objections.

This is a close-knit community where everyone knows each other and shares their joys and sorrows.  There are a few characters that have some secrets, but there are some that  can't be hidden for long.  As it becomes evident that war is looming a young couple make choices that will be life changing and cause heartache for one family.

I didn't realize that this is the beginning of a series when I requested the book from Netgalley, but I became so interested in the characters and storyline that I'm curious about the next book.  This is a new to me author and I was pleased that I enjoyed her writing so much.

I have to give a warning though!  This books contains some situations that readers of Christian fiction may not wish to read, such as some language and intimate situations between a married couple and an engaged couple.  I didn't realize this content would be in the book when I requested it.  I don't normally read anything  that contains situations like this, but I got caught  up in the entire story of the war and how it effected the daily lives of the characters.

I received an ecopy of this book and have given my honest opinion.

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The Girls of Mulberry Lane - Peggy, Maureen, Janet and Anne are our ladies of Mulberry Lane.  Peggy is a hardworking landlady, wife to Laurence and mother to Pip and Janet.  Maureen is a young woman who lost the love of her life Rory after being blackmailed by her controlling father.  Janet is the daughter of Peggy, in love with Mike but held back by her father who refuses to allow her to marry.  Finally we have Anne, a schoolteacher involved in child evacuations who is in love with her married headteacher.

This novel is set in the run up to World War II, and as my loyal followers will know, this is my favourite time period for historical fiction.  Conscription is in its infancy, and young men such Pip eagerly wait to come of age so that they can sign up to fight in what they deem to be an exciting war.  For others, such as Laurence, the memories of the Great War are still too raw and feelings of dread are flooding them.

I enjoyed following the stories of these women, particularly Peggy and Maureen, as they entered the uncertainty of wartime.  I really understood what they were feeling, and I wanted to follow their stories.  I felt that The Girls of Mulberry Lane gave a realistic depiction of women during early wartime Britain, as we learnt their hopes and fears for their friends, family and the future.  The strength these women showed during this time is very clearly exhibited in this novel.  

If I have any criticism it would only be for the ending - without wanting to give too much away I finished the novel wanting to know more about how the story ended for Peggy, Maureen and Janet.  I felt it ended a little too abruptly for my liking.  This however is the sign of a good novel...I didn't want it to end!  

Published in August 2017, this is a fabulous piece of historical fiction for 2017 - it'll be hard to beat this in my opinion!

Rating: 📖 📖 📖 📖

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London is preparing for a war, with the drumbeats on the horizon in 1938, Mulberry Lane and her residents in London’s East End have just started to find some sort of normalcy in life, but after the last war, nothing is ever quite the same. Spanning a 2 year period, the story focuses on Maureen, stuck caring for (and managed by) an overbearing father, she’s lost much of the hope she had in love and its power to transform her life. Returning to Mulberry Lane we also meet Rory, love of Maureen’s life but with a new, and pregnant, wife in tow. Janet, with her parents Peggy and Laurence run the Dog and Pheasant, the pub on the lane. Janet wants to marry Mike and start her life, but her father refuses to let them marry. Laurence was never quite the same after returning from the last war, and the last thing he wants is for any of his children to know that heartbreak and hardship. Both of his sons want to sign up, and his daughter wants a man who will more than likely go to war as well. With his own worries about being returned to duty, and his fear for his own children, Laurence is adamant that life stay the same for his little family, and the war doesn’t intrude.

As in most places, there is a center for the activity, advice, conversations and dream sharing, and that just happens to be the local pub. See Mulberry Lane is like most of its day: a small neighborhood within the city, where everyone knows everyone else, friendships are a given, and advice is free flowing. Quickly Clarke develops the story and presents the characters, flaws and all, to the reader, allowing us to see the spoken and unspoken, interactions and avoidances, and even the gossip and worry that the war will bring to the country and the lives of those we are getting to know.

While Maureen is dealing with love lost and her own family issues, Janet overrode her father’s refusal to marry and has ended up pregnant, now married to a serviceman and realizing that life as she imagined it is a far cry from her often romantic fantasies. Her mother Peggy is always willing to listen and lend a hand, with advice and time, but Janet’s realization that marriage, particularly in these troubled times isn’t easy, and she isn’t quite mature enough to actually find her own coping mechanisms, relying on Peggy who has plenty to deal with when it comes to her own marriage.

Each character is well-rounded and presented as a functional being, we see them change and grow, feel their slights and the slow adjustment of their dreams, struggles and actions. Yes, despite his wife, Maureen still yearns for Rory, although tied into caring for her father and discovering his misdeeds becomes more of a burden, daily. A true ‘slice of life’ story that keeps readers wondering and learning, providing answers and new questions nearly every page. While not a particularly action-packed read, it is character and motivation driven, with enough drama to keep readers engaged while telling the story. Yes, there are still some questions and some situations that aren’t fully resolved, but these are characters that stay with you, and call you back. I’m ready for the next.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appearerd at <a href=””> <a> I am, Indeed </a>

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I love to read family sagas and this is a great one. I loved it. For me reading these type of books gives me an insight into what life was like for women way before I was born in the late 80's and it shows how tough and resilient women are. This is the first by Rosie Clarke but it wont be my last.

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The Girls of Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke is the first book in The Mulberry Lane series (1938). We are swept back to London’s East End on Mulberry Lane in 1938. War will be breaking out across Europe and England will soon be getting into the fight. Peggy Ashley and her husband, Laurence own the Pig and Whistle pub in London’s East End. Peggy is the mother figure to the people of Mulberry Lane. Maureen Jackson is Peggy’s closet friend. Maureen wanted to marry Rory Mackness after her mother passed away, but her father used emotional blackmail (playing sick) to keep her at his side. Maureen takes care of her father and runs their little discount store on Mulberry Lane. She still loves Rory, but he moved on when she would not leave her father. Rory is now married and full of regrets. Janet Ashley is eighteen years old and is in love with Mike Rowan. Mike is ready to enlist in the Navy, but he wants to marry Janet before he departs. Laurence refuses to give his blessing and sign the necessary papers (Janet is underage). Mike knows there is one way to ensure they are able to wed. Two young people in love cannot be denied their passions. Janet ends up pregnant and quickly wed with Peggy’s blessing. The Ashley family is divided and Peggy wants to find a way to bring them back together. Is there a chance of happiness for Maureen? Will Peggy be able to heal the rift in the Ashley family?

The Girls of Mulberry Lane is a well-crafted novel. It contains good writing and the book is realistic of the time period. You can tell the author did her research for this novel. The book has a slower pace, but it suits the story. The characters were brought to life. As a reader, I could feel their struggles, heartaches, love, joy and regrets. The book contains British slang that was common during that time period. It added realism and flavor to the story (did not feel like an add in). My rating for The Girls of Mulberry Lane 4.5 out of 5 stars. I was drawn into the story and my attention (for the most part) was held. There were a couple of slow areas, but they were few. I like this gritty yet hopeful novel. It contains real life struggles that people encountered during this era (as they prepare for another war). We get to see the characters overcoming adversity. The book has hope, love, friendship, secrets, sacrifice, and the ties of family. The Girls of Mulberry Lane is a lovely, wholesome story that I enjoyed reading. I am looking forward to reading A Wedding at Mulberry Lane when it comes out.

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This is a good old fashioned family saga written by a born storyteller. Nothing is neat or clean for these women. It's 1938 and like It or not, the fathers rule the roost. Maureen, Janet, and Peggy all are better than they think of themselves. Each of them is aching for love and yet are stymied by circumstances beyond their control. This will make you think about how much women's lives have improved, especially with regard to financial independence and the ability to make choices for oneself. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. You'll know if this if your genre-it's a good one.

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A wonderful war-time story of the lives of ordinary people living on Mulberry Lane in England. Meet Peggy, married to Lawrence who is fighting his own demons from a past war. He's terrified he'll be called up even though he's well past the age. Their daughter Janet is in love with Mike and even though her father forbids the relationship, Janet runs off with Mike. Poor Peggy is left holding her family together.

Also on Mulberry Lane you'll meet the poor, near spinster Maureen whose overbearing father not only makes her feel guilty for wanting a life of her own but is an obstinate ogre. When the love of her life comes back to town, she's left feeling even more alone and stuck in a life she didn't choose for herself.

This is truly an incredible story that will leave you wanting more and more. I can't wait to see what is in store for me on Mulberry Lane in future stories.

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With believable characters and great storyline I was hooked from the first chapter. I can't wait for the next book.

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The Girls Of Mulberry Lane by Rosie Clarke I did not know this was a series of books until after I had read this one, it is a wonderful stand alone book. I loved it! The book is rich in history of what it was like for young woman during the time of WW2, This is a heartwarming story or stories of three different woman who work on Mulberry Lane, how the war affects each of their lives! This book will make you feel emotions, I love a book that makes you feel real emotion while you are reading. Rosie Clark has become one of my favorite authors after reading this book!

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Saga writer extraordinaire Rosie Clarke kicks off her fantastic new series with The Girls of Mulberry Lane, a gritty, gutsy and compelling tale set in 1930s London that is simply perfect for fans of Donna Douglas, Nadine Dorries and Ellie Dean.

The dark clouds of war are gathering in 1938, but in Mulberry Lane, London, the inhabitants of this street are waging war and fighting their own battles. Three years ago, Maureen Jackson had been head over heels in love with the man of her dreams, Rory. Maureen had been hoping to marry Rory and spend the rest of her life in total bliss with the man who had come to mean more to her than life itself, but she had quickly learnt that fate could be a very cruel mistress. Her mother had died leaving Maureen with no other choice but to care for her cruel father and turn her back on the love of her life. Her father has grown more overbearing and more impossible with the passing of years, and just when Maureen thinks that things couldn’t possibly get any worse for her, Rory comes back into her life with a pregnant wife in tow; a cruel remainder about the happiness that can never be hers.

But Maureen is not the only woman in Mulberry Lane nursing a broken heart. Janet Ashley wants nothing more than to marry her sweetheart, Mike. However, her father refuses to give his blessing and makes it perfectly clear that he does not want the marriage to go ahead. However, with the war approaching, Janet realises that she cannot bear to live with the regret of never giving herself fully to the man she loves. Yet, when Janet falls pregnant, it is up to her mother Peggy to keep the family together at all costs!

Will the girls of Mulberry Lane find the happiness which they have been desperately searching for? Or will war and circumstance put paid to any hope which they might have of being with the men they love?

When it comes to writing sagas, Rosie Clarke is up there with some of the best in the business. Her books are always redolent of past times, packed with full-bloodied and powerful characters and there is always plenty of heart, emotion and pathos and The Girls of Mulberry Lane is certainly no exception! A terrific saga guaranteed to keep readers up well past their bedtime, The Girls of Mulberry Lane is a terrific tale of sacrifice, family strife, powerful secrets and the ties that bind I found absolutely impossible to put down.

I’ve been a fan of Rosie’s books for years and she gets better with every book she writes! I am counting down the days until the next release by this phenomenal talent.

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Thanks everyone for letting me review this book. This is a heart warming story that takes me back to my roots where I started reading books that I wanted to. This is a real good read.

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I love books set around the war years and Rosie Clarke has created a wonderful cast of characters from Mulberry Lane. You quickly get to know them all and feel as though you live amongst them and are filling your wicker basket in the shop ready to go home and prepare the dinner whilst experiencing the start of rationing and how that would affect the home front.
Peggy owns the pub with her husband Lawrence. He was never the same since he came back from the first world war- and although he is in his 40’s he is dreading being called up for the approaching war. They have two children and their son is desperate to sign up when he is old enough.
Maureen works in the shop and resents her father who stopped her marrying her childhood sweetheart.
You feel the different ways that the war affects all of the characters and feel the sense of loss and anticipation in turn.
I can’t wait to read the next book in this series

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A really well-written wartime saga set in a small neighbourhood within the capital city which involves families, friends, businesses and neighbours as the country makes the transition from peacetime to the start of the second world war.
This is a period which has always fascinated me - being too young to have experienced it - and I love all the small details of daily life. This book is very descriptive, bringing all the characters alive and concentrating on the people and how they cope with the day-to-day changes and challenges which war brings upon them. At the heart of the tale is the local pub and the family who live there; I love the fact that they are written about individually and not just as a whole. The diversity of the inhabitants is true to life showing the bad along with the good, and the reader really becomes invested and cares about what happens with the characters.
This is the first in a new series and whilst there is scope to continue the story, I really appreciated that all the loose ends were tied up - be it loosely, so they can be unravelled and continued - as I do so hate it when a book leaves me hanging. No such worries here as this is a full and complete novel, whilst still being part of a series.
Rosie Clarke writes a compelling saga, and I shall certainly be watching out for the next volume .. in fact, I wouldn't miss it! A really satisfying and fulfilling read, thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommended.

I received an arc via NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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This story starts with some of the residents of Mulberry Lane.

Peggy who is married to Lawrence and have two children Janet (who is 19) and Pip who is still at school, they have a nice life and own their own pub, though Lawrence is plagued by the past events of World War I which plays quite a part in their storyline. Are they all happy together or has it just become an habit??

And then there is Maureen who run the local shop and lives at home with her demanding and demeaning father, where has Maureen life gone and should she have done things in her life differently??

Nicely written story with a good mix of characters, which keeps you interested in the story though would be interested to read book 2.

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Thanks to netgalley, bookouture and the publisher for letting me read this book. What a beautiful story. Loads of laughter and tears. Highly recommend it to everyone!

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