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The Lord Meets His Lady

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Good writing from a popular romance author -- you'll enjoy strong chemistry and appealing main characters here

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Lord Marcus Bowles has stained his family's reputation for the last time. Only after spending a scandal-free year restoring some far-flung property can this second son return in good graces. But Marcus isn't one to abandon a lone damsel on a dark country lane. One stolen kiss and Genevieve Turner's handsome midnight savior disappears. Typical. No matter, Gen is finally on the way to her new post, and hopefully to finding her grandmother as well. Instead she finds her mischievous hero is her new employer. Surely a few more kisses won't hurt...
I enjoyed this story. The book flowed well. Both characters were well written. I enjoyed the plot. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I voluntarily reviewed an Reader Copy of this book which I received through Netgalley.
I really liked this story, it's very well written.

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Review: Alert: Sex, Lust and Steamy… Ms. Conkle gave us some characters that you might not expect to be in the Georgian period.

Genevieve for one…when it came to sex she knew what she wanted when it came to sexual pleasure and was open about it as she wasn’t afraid to let her partner know. You think Georgian period and you think prim and proper. It was refreshing to know that it was possible for women to know that they want during any period in history.

Genevieve and Marcus both needed fresh starts that second chance…Marcus was born into money and was very scandalous. He needed to settle down, to actually be the adult that he is. Genevieve needed to reinvent herself to get rid of her questionable past.

Ms. Conkle’s characters were nice…you could tell that she did a lot of research. She paid a great deal of time on details. I however felt it was a little long. If you enjoy the historical part of the story then you will enjoy this story. I am not one for this much history. The plot though was interesting as it was different like I said previously to find someone so open about what they enjoyed sexually during this time.

I found that the characters had that chemistry and Ms. Conkle brought Genevieve into the story as an equal despite coming from a lower class and even though at times Marcus may not have liked her being so outspoken deep down I think he liked it.

Sometimes all it takes is just one kiss…

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Loved loved LOVED watching these characters grow throughout the novel. Such a well-written story. Interesting take on the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale with some intrigue and some hot HOT scenes. Beautifully written romance and suspense. Great witty banter. Amazing chemistry. Fabulous read.

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Good read. Story was engaging and fun and sexy. Would def read more from this author. I enjoyed the characters!

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This is dramatic, suspenseful and romantic. Marcus is a rakehell who drinks and gambles to excess. When he's banished from London he decides to turn his life around, and meeting Genevieve makes it easier. He becomes a very charming, amusing and responsible person. Genevieve is a tough but vulnerable woman who was raised in a bawdy theater and has left London to better her life. When she finds herself attracted to Marcus, she steels herself against him. Marcus has to slowly break down her walls, while becoming the kind of man she needs. Genevieve is also being hunted by a man who believes that he owns her. There is all sorts of drama and mystery involving him. I loved Marcus and Genevieve and their story.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. This is my honest and voluntary opinion of it.

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I throughly loved the other books in this series, but this one just didn't appeal to me. The "hero" of the story, Marcus, just came off as to smarmy to me. He is attracted to Genevieve, so he talks his friend into letting her come back to his place to be his housekeeper...

I almost didn't finish it, but I stuck it out. Since I loved the other books in the series, I'm still looking forward to the next one that comes out late next year.

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~~Reviewed by Monique~~

Lord Marcus Bowles had been banished from his elder brother the Marquis of Northampton because Marcus’ drinking and gambling were impeding the Marquis in his search for a suitable bride. Until he returns home, Marcus is to spend the winter at Pallinsburn cottage, and it was on his way that he saw what appeared like a coach being held up by highwaymen. It was not the case, still, there was a damsel in distress to be rescued. Not precisely a helpless maid, still Genevieve Turner was in a pickle; she is both running towards someone and fleeing another. Marcus and Genevieve have a friend in common; when Genevieve tells Marcus that she is in Pallinsburn under an assumed name, she begs him to keep her secret. She has secured a position as a housekeeper for Marcus’ neighbour and friend Samuel Beckworth, but instead, Genevieve ends up being Marcus’ housekeeper. It won’t be easy to ignore the pull that Genevieve and Marcus have felt right away on that fateful night and live under the same roof.

THE LORD MEETS HIS LADY is a historical romance, which reminds me of some of the classics: while the timeframe does not cover years, it is a saga of sorts of a relationship, and it felt oddly genuine. Genevieve is not your typical historical romance heroine, which I thought was marvellous. Her whole life has been rather peculiar, and she had to make tough choices; it was refreshing to witness a different side of a woman’s life in 1768. She is straightforward, clever at fixing things; she only wants to have a better life but for one hurdle that stands in her way, and she will do whatever it takes. Marcus was a rake, but being forced to mend his ways has done him good; I applaud the fact that he had one serious problem that was not swept under the carpet, and it nearly ruined his life again. Marcus is also quite the novelty: he actually wants to marry for love; he was quite an endearing man, and he had even more depth than even himself would have wagered! Marcus and Genevieve are quite extraordinary characters, and so are the secondary ones; the nefarious – and handsome – Herr Wolf will not be soon forgotten, particularly since THE LORD MEETS HIS LADY is very loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood: Genevieve has a red cloak, and Wolf, well… Ms. Conkle also amused herself with some playful lines of dialogues indirectly referring the fairytale.

THE LORD MEETS HIS LADY is a very complex and layered romance, where character development reigns supreme; at the end, no one is as they were at the beginning. The prose is lush and luminous; the descriptions vibrant and vivid; the dialogues ring true, and I loved the flirtatious playfulness between Marcus and Genevieve. The romance was very compelling, the tone very sensual, and entirely in tune with the characters’ personalities, and the smoulder became a blazing inferno. There were some quite unexpected, and original, plot twists, and a fabulous ending with a little titillating extra that has me awaiting the next book with bated breath.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book

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Great characters and an interesting storyline make this a strong 4 Star. Some parts of the book were a little slow, but It has encouraged my interest in reading more from this author.

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Love love love Lord Bowles and Gen. They are fun and exciting. The story is well paced, with several twists and turns.

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Northumberland - 1768

Lord Marcus Bowles has been banished by his brother, the Marquis Northampton, for his excessive drinking and gambling. Galloping away, he comes across a stagecoach stuck in a rut. Thinking that it is a highwayman that has stopped the coach. Marcus draws his weapon and pulls up to the coach only to discover it is an inebriated young man who has come to fix the wheel.

Two women are traveling with the coachman. One woman, Genevieve (Gen) Turner, age 20, claims to have met Marcus before at a place called the Golden goose. She had worked backstage with a group of actors but is now headed to a housekeeper’s post for Mr. Samuel Beckworth and family in Cornhill-on-Tweed. When the stagecoach driver calls her Miss Abbott, Marcus’s interest is peeked and now he must find out more about her.

Going by the name Gen Abbott, she is now working for the Beckworth family. Her good friend, Elise Sauveterre, has just sent her a letter saying a man has come looking for her. Could it be the feared Reinhard Wolf?

Marcus’s friend, Samuel Beckworth, wants his help with a plan to raise horses for hostelries. It would be hard work repairing fences and gates but they could do that themselves. But Marcus insists that Gen come be his housekeeper or he won’t agree….so he agrees.

His home is filthy but Gen soon has it clean. As they get to know one another, she confides that he is searching for her grandmother, Maude Turner. She has never met her as her own mother left home when she got pregnant. Gen never learned to read until a couple of years ago. But she is very mechanically inclined.

Marcus does all he can to protect Gen, but Reinhard is very determined to have her. Will he succeed?

This is an adventuresome novel that I am sure is true to the time period. However, I found it to be simply too rough and raw for my tastes.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Aah! What a lovely couple. Lord Marcus Bowles is mysteriously drawn towards his gorgeous housekeeper Genevieve Turner and what follows is a full-fledged romance, full of passion and drama. But Genevieve has her own secrets and Marcus must save her from the ‘wolf’

A fairy tale kinda romance, with a hero and a villain, the book takes us through the country lanes and gives us a glimpse of the life of the life of a royal, abandoned by his family. I particularly enjoyed two things in the story:

A plot that hasn’t been complicated
Romance, and the sex scenes, which have been exceptionally written.
Gina Conkle has essentially captured the raw passion between these two lovers. And it’s not just the sex that shows their love and attraction. It’s the friendship and the intimacy that they share, not in a physical sense but of a more emotional type.

This one for the lovers of fairy tales, romance, and of decent and passionate sex. A witty historical romance and a great book to curl up with.

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A slow moving romance but full of feeling and emotions, this was a book I never found boring .
It was carefully and thoughtfully written ,and ,as my first from this author , I loved it .
Genevieve is running from her old life and from her old master Heir Wolf .
Marcus is the second son of a lord , and an ex soldier, with a passion for gambling, whiskey and horses .
The two meet when she becomes his housekeeper, and a relationship blossoms from there, now if she can just stay out of Heir Wolfs clutches she may be able to find freedom and peace , but could that peace be with Marcus?

I received an Arc copy of this book from Netgalley, and I chose to submit a review

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I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review. The story of Marcus and Gen probably would have never happened at that time in history. Saying that, this is a good story full of intrigue, danger and eventually love. There is a HEA but a lot happens before this comes about. The book is well written and worth the time it takes to read it.

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This is the first book I've read by Ms. Conkle and I'm not sure I'll read anymore of them. While this book was well-written overall, this book was not for me. It was a bit wordy in spots and I found myself skipping paragraphs at a time. I did enjoy the witty banter between Marcus and Gen, but the graphic sex scenes were a bit much. This book is loosely connected with the fairytale "Little Red Riding Hood," except this book does end in the typical HEA for romance. The villian, Herr Wolf, had an interesting story and even though all 3 characters are interesting in themselves, I didn't connect with them overall.

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This is a well written historical romance based on the Little Red Ridinghood fairytale. Geneveive even has the red cloak. Marcus is a worthy hero and it is obvious that these two will be together in spite of the bad guy (wolf?). It was an enjoyable read, but for me, too long. If you don’t mind the length than this will be for you. Ms. Conkle is a terrific author. This is a standalone novel.

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Lord Marcus Bowles has been living reckless life, gambling, fast horses and fast women flitting from woman to woman. He been banished to the isolated country so his brother can find a wife before Marcus creates another scandal. Genevieve Turner is the illegitimate daughter of a light skirt who’s upon occasion has had to sell her body. She can’t read and she unknowingly signed an indenture servant contract not knowing it for a long period of time. Her life became unbearable and she decided to run away to a new life as a house keeper with a fake identity. Marcus and Genevieve meet when they’re both traveling to country. Both of them have big caring hearts, and just want to better themselves to become better people and a better life. The past catches up with Genevieve and protective Marcus becomes intent on saving Genevieve from Wulf. A wonderful story of two people trying to turn their lives around, to become better people and learn to trust each other as they fall in love along the way.
This is my honest opinions after I voluntarily read a copy of this book of anthologies that was provided to me with no requirements for a review.

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Publisher's Description:

Lord Marcus Bowles has stained his family's reputation for the last time. Only after spending a scandal-free year restoring some far-flung property can this second son return in good graces. But Marcus isn't one to abandon a lone damsel on a dark country lane.

One stolen kiss and Genevieve Turner's handsome midnight savior disappears. Typical. No matter, Gen is finally on the way to her new post, and hopefully to finding her grandmother as well. Instead she finds her mischievous hero is her new employer. Surely a few more kisses won't hurt...

My Thoughts:

This is the third book in this series of adult retellings of fairy tales.
I own the first two books but had not read them prior to reading this book.
It really doesn't matter which order you read them in because each one can be read as a standalone title.

Lord Marcus has a habit of causing his family to be knee deep in scandal, but this time is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.
He has been banished to a family property in the middle of nowhere. There he is supposed to spend the next year restoring this rundown property. Only then will this second son be able to return to London. When he sees a woman in a red cape in desperate straits he can't leave her to her own devices.
Genevieve Turner is on the run from a man who tricked her into signing an indentured servant agreement that she had no way of understanding. She after all couldn't read well enough to understand what she had signed until it was too late.
This adult tale loosely based on red riding hood is a delightful read. I did run into parts of the story where it bogged down, but the pace picked back up quickly enough so that I wasn't tempted to jump ahead or skim through.
I gave this title a solid 4.0 of 5.0 stars for storyline and characterization and a sensual rating of 3.75 of 5.0 flames. The intimacy is hot and not to be missed.
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publicist to read. This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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The Lord Meets His Lady by Gina Conkle is book Three in the "Midnight Meetings" series. This is the story of Lord Marcus Bowles and Genevieve Turner. I have read the other books in this series but feel this can easily be a standalone book.

Genevieve is a illegitimate daughter of a light skirt / whore and she doesn't know who her father is. Genevieve is on her own and had to sell her body some. Genevieve was even tricked into signing an indenture servant contract for a long period of time. Now making a run under a fake name to try to better herself.

Marcus too is trying to better himself after being sent off to an isolated home after one to many times of messing up. So he is trying to stay on the strait and narrow way of life. Both of them are trying to better themselves and be what others want them to be. But the are both caring and loving people that have handled their lives the best they could at the time.

I really enjoyed their story. Genevieve wasn't you typical heroine but she was just as strong and caring and so was Marcus.

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