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When the Bishop Needs an Alibi

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I love Amish books and I love mysteries so I was really happy to finally read a book that included both. Very different but a good read.

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Strangely written. Didn’t really enjoy this. I expected more of an Autobiography but it was hard to get interested

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Unlike psychics, who help in some murder cases, Bishop Henry Lapp uses his gift of photographic memory combined with drawing to aid in mysteries in his Amish community. His life as well as that of his dear friend, Emma, will be in danger because of his drawings. This 2nd book in The Amish Bishop Mysteries kept me guessing until the very end. I love reading about the Amish and I truly enjoy a good mystery, and this book is one of my favorites now.
While part of a series, the book can be read as a standalone although it might prove more interesting to read the first book in the series as well.
I am rating this book 5 ***** stars and highly recommend it to readers.
I received a downloaded version of this book from netgalley and Harvest House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.

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Vannetta Chapman's "When the Bishop Needs an Alibi" is one of those books that surprises you at every turn. My first surprise was how intense the suspense got - NOT what I expect in Amish fiction! My next surprise was how much I liked the bishop, which maybe shouldn't have surprised me but I was kind of reluctant to read a book featuring an Amish bishop. I mean, they're the rule-enforcers of the Amish church so they couldn't possibly be human, right? I should have taken the author into account, though. I haven't read a Chapman book that I haven't enjoyed.

Bishop Henry Lapp loves bird watching so when he has a free day, he requests a driver to take him to the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge to watch the crane migration. As he tromps through the bullrushes, he stumbles across more than migrating birds. The body of a young waitress at the cafe turns his joy to grief, and sets him on a course that eventually sees him arrested for murder. Can his gift of photographic drawing help or hinder the murder investigation?

This is the second book in the Amish Bishop Mysteries. I didn't read book 1 but I still was able to enjoy book 2. If you love mysteries or Amish fiction, pick this one up!

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WHEN THE BISHOP NEEDS AN ALIBI is the second book in Ms. Chapman's The Amish Bishop Series. The first book is What the Bishop Saw, but the mysteries are not intertwined and it is not necessary to read the first book to understand this one.

Henry Lapp is a dear sweet man and obviously caring about Amish and English alike. He willingly reaches out to others who are hurting and listens to them. Emma loves Henry and tries to help him reach out to others, but as a result is drawn into his mysteries and in this book at least, ended up with her life in danger.

A cozy mystery and one I didn't have figured out until it was revealed. Rare for me.

If you like cozy mysteries or Amish stories, you'll want to read WHEN THE BISHOP NEEDS AN ALIBI.

I bought my paperback copy used but not from Amazon so I am not a verified buyer to them. I also got a copy from Netgalley. I was not required to write a review and all opinions are my own.

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Before we talk book let’s talk bigger picture. I’ve had this book sitting on my Kindle app for more than a minute. Since before it was released if you must know. But then things happened, like launching a whole new website, like forgetting I had a book due with only days to spare, and during this time release day came and went. I didn’t completely panic, just a little. I like to post on release day but it was going to be OK. Then it was October and my computer decided that it was time, and there I was with no computer for about 10 days. And reading slacked off. And then…it was November and I was drowning. And then a thing happened. I could breath again first but also realized I start a LOT of sentences with the word and. However, if I scheduled things just right this book could be the ONE. The one that sealed the deal to be the 130th book I read this year, the one that would officially complete my Goodreads challenge. Not, by any stretch of imagination, my last book of the year. I’d just reached the point where I wasn’t going to up the total anymore, I’d done more than enough of that. So, ‘When the Bishop Needs an Alibi’ is officially my 130th book of 2017, it is officially the book that closes out this year’s reading goal, and it’s officially one of my top favorite books of the year.

All of that being said, I actually loved this book more than I did the first in the series ‘What the Bishop Saw‘. I struggled with the cast last time around, and I figured out the whodunit very early into the book. This book however fell into place like perfection. This is the book I mentioned on Facebook a while back that Ma had stayed up into the night to finish reading. She was hooked. This is the book I called her at the 75% mark and complained because I still hadn’t figured it out. OK, perhaps complain is too strong a word but ya know. I usually can unravel a mystery long before it’s even setup. Usually. This one kept be fighting along, dragging me through the grit of the story without my ever becoming the wiser. I have to applaud Vannetta on this as it’s hard to do. It’s hard to keep me in the dark. There’s still a few loose ends I didn’t quite ‘get’ but that could be due to my losing track of who exactly a couple of the law enforcement people were. That’s a me thing.

Putting this book off like I ended up doing is a double edge sword. I missed out on all of this so much earlier in the year. I missed out on the release day hype that I tend to find myself in. However, it also means I’m reading it that much closer to the next book coming out. (March people!) Mind you I might already have it sitting on my Kindle app. There’s a stack of books between us. December to March. This book has easily landed itself on my top 10 list for this year. The author has been there for more than a minute. This book was worth the wait but don’t wait to read it like I did. Jump in feet first and enjoy the journey!

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by NetGalley. I was not compensated for this review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.

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Normally I do not read Amish novels but about a year ago I read one of Vanetta Chapman’s book and liked it so much that now I am a big fan of her books. So, I was excited to receive a copy of this book to read. And it was a delightful read. The characters in the story were very likable and you couldn’t help but hope that the Bishop would indeed get an alibi.
Ms. Chapman blends in some of the Amish words into her story but it isn’t too difficult to figure out what each one means. She very carefully blends some of the Amish customs into the story to help you understand their beliefs. I think it is important that after reading a book like this, I will have learned something in addition to just enjoying the story. And, while there is a romance built into the story, this book had action build in to keep it moving and me turning the pages.
I received a copy of the book from NetGalley in exchange for a review which is my own.

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There were times when I found it difficult to read the book. It took a while to get used to the style of writing and I had to make a decision to push in and not give up. I am pleased that I did and as a result I got into the story and enjoyed it. The characters are well thought out and the interplay between them was good. The pace of the story was a bit slow at times.

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When The Bishop Needs An Alibi by Vannetta Chapman is a thrilling murder mystery that has the reader gripped from the start.
The novel shows that no matter how old we are, God's not finished with us yet. Romance is not just for the young. Exciting times are not just for the young. It was refreshing to have main characters in their sixties proving that life is still for living no matter what your age. There are no retirement plans in the kingdom.
All the characters are wonderfully drawn, warm and welcoming. The Amish are an open community. All are welcome. There are some wonderful bonding scenes over food which really whets the reader's appetite for more. Homes and hearts are opened to all. In times of difficulty, the Amish community comes together.
In contrast there is a hint of menace peppered throughout. The reader 'hears' two hostile voices plotting evil. We try to guess who they could be.
A murder and a mystery to solve. Red herrings flying about. Romance bubbling. A question of trust. And a community that cares. When The Bishop Needs An Alibi has it all.
A fabulous read that I could not put down. And I leave you with my favourite quote:
"Courage is simply fear that has said its prayers."
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.

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When the Bishop Needs an Alibi is audacious, accomplished, brilliant, calculating, courageous, dangerous, deadly, and exciting, fascinating and full of faith in our LORD and SAVIOR. Poor Bishop, he keeps finding himself in a mess doesn't he? This time he steps right on into it. He is out looking at birds and his dog finds something in the weeds. Sickening. It breaks his heart and he cries. The poor man. He drew the scene from memory on his pad of paper exquisitely. What a fantastic gift from GOD he was given, and to be used in such a way. Will he be safe because of it? Will those around be safe? Or will the killer go after him and those around round him being safe because of the Killer?

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When the Bishop Needs an Alibi grabbed me from the beginning and held my interests right up to the end. We got to know Bishop Henry Lapp in What the Bishop Saw. It is not necessary to have read the first book in the series but it is nice to know where Henry's dog came from and more about his friendship with Emma Fisher.

Henry dines in a diner and in doing so he notices and tries to befriend one of the waitresses, Sophia. What Henry does not know is that Sophia is in a fight. A fight to discover who killed her husband. She has come to Colorado in search of the killer. She is following the clues her husband left behind. Sophia is fearful and does not trust anyone because she knows she is being followed but she is not sure who is doing it. She had been threatened with a knife when she tried to go to the police and still has the scar.

Henry and Emma try to befriend her and manage to get her to spend the night at Emma's home. But Sophia does not plan to stay put, she is on a hunt that has led her to the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge. In a last minute decision she leaves some evidence with Emma just in case she does not survive her trip to the refuge. She knows she is close but how close she is unsure.

The following day, Henry finds her body. The "bad guys" work hard to frame Henry for Sophia's murder and he finds himself trying to defend himself for a crime he did not commit. But Henry and Emma's faith are unwavering and when Sophia's sister comes to try and help solve Sophia's murder, Emma and Henry find themselves in the middle of a mystery and in the middle of danger just like they did in book one. But will their faith and trust in God save them?

When the Bishop Needs an Alibi combines suspense, action and a bit of Amish romance. I loved it. Chapman is a fabulous author who manages to combine all of these aspects in a way that draws you completely into the plot. I voluntarily received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Henry Lapp, a widowed Amish bishop in Colorado, keeps finding himself in the middle of murder investigations. This is the second book in the series and frequently references a "Monte Vista arsonist" he helped find previously. This go-round, the bishop is drawn to help a young waitress in the local diner he frequents. Sophia seems nervous and on edge, and Henry feels drawn to help her, even getting his lady friend, Emma, involved. They sense something very dangerous is going on in Sophia's life, but she won't reveal what it is. Still, Henry and Emma feel compelled to help, especially when a body is found. It's quite fascinating to consider how Amish people might help solve a murder. They are definitely not much help when it comes to technology (a subplot involving a flash drive is quite fun), yet their common sense and people-watching skills more than make up for what they lack in modern-day know-how. Henry and Emma's faith, naturally, is a big part of this story, and the author does a fine job of weaving in the spiritual elements without seeming preachy. Her characters come across as authentic—and authentic in their struggles—and watching these Amish folks solve a mystery was more delightful than I could have imagined. I'm hooked and look forward to reading other books in this series!

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Excellent story! Starts out a little slow but ramps up fast and then is non stop til the end. Ms Chapman’s stories are so high energy and unlike other Amish books I’ve read. They have a fresh life to them that is invigorating. Her attention to detail and ability to keep the reader guessing throughout is top notch. There is such detail in these stories. There is not an over the top fake Amish feel to this story at all. Loved the first one and loved the 2nd one in the series even more. Read this book! You won’t be disappointed.
I received a digital copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Vannetta Chapman never fails to surprise me with her books. She pulls the reader into the book and delights readers with her stories.

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I am really liking this new thing of instead of Amish Romance but Amish mysteries. This one did not disappoint and I highly recommend it.

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Another mystery solved by my favorite Bishop. This is a series that any reader can enjoy, and you can hop in at any time. I highly recommend reading this book as Henry is a character that you will root for and feel connected to. He is kind, quiet but a bold character by following his path. I can’t wait to see what is in store for him next.

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Couldn't Put it Down!

Vannetta Chapman has found a winner with her Amish Bishop Mysteries series. I was blown away by the first in the series, What the Bishop Saw. But could Book Two, When the Bishop Needs an Alibi, measure up? Absolutely!

Mild-mannered Bishop Henry Lapp…who happens to be a savant…is back! He is loving his laid-back life – until he’s in the middle of a murder, yet again.

There’s a new Englischer in town. She’s a waitress at the local diner, and something is not right. The Bishop tries to befriend her – to help her and whatever is causing her major distress.

When there is a murder, all signs point to the Bishop – and he’s in need of an alibi. His long-time friend (and then some), Emma, and her family must solve the crime quickly – before anyone else turns up dead. Perhaps Henry’s infamous sketches will help? Read and find out!

I was give When the Bishop Needs an Alibi in exchange for my honest review. It is incredible. Your heart will beat at a rapid thrum as you fly through the novel, late in the evening. It can be read as a stand-alone, but I strongly recommend reading Book One first to give you the history of Henry’s gift – and to create an even deeper richness to the storylines. I can hardly wait to see what Chapman does in the sequel. Grab your copy today!

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I rarely read novels in the saturated Amish genre but this mystery caught my interest. I'm glad I read the book as I really enjoyed it.

Chapman has crafted a novel that shows how Amish and “English” form friendships and work together. The plot is woven around a murder. The bishop of the local Amish community had tried to be a friend to a young woman, new in the nearby town. I liked his compassion for her, knowing she was troubled by something. But when he finds her body, he is accused of the murder. I liked how the community, both Amish and “English” friends, come to his aid, determined to find the real killer.

I really appreciate that Chapman has portrayed the Amish community in what seems to me to be a realistic way. I like that she has added some humor to the story too. Her research into the local scenery and the migratory birds was informative as well.

I recommend this mystery to readers who appreciate a well plotted one. You'll learn how people in a small Amish community relate to the “English” too.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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When the Bishop Needs an Alibi

by Vannetta Chapman

Harvest House Publishers

Christian , General Fiction (Adult)

Pub Date 01 Sep 2017

I am reviewing a copy of When the Bishop Needs an Alibi through Harvest House Publishers and Netgalley:

Henry Lapp the Amish Bishop is eagerly waiting on the arrival of 20,000 Sand Cranes to theSan Luis valley of Colorado. His visit to the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge reveals more than just God’s creation. He finds the body of a deceased young woman.

As the local cops try to unravel the mystery of the young woman’s murder. Henry feels that God is calling him to use his extraordinary talent to aid the authorities. His ability to draw from memory in photographic detail may help solve this case.

Henry’s closet friend Emma has always encouraged him to use his incredible gift. As the case deepens and his relationship with Emma grows, he realizes she could be in danger too.

I give When the Bishop Needs an Alibi five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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When the Bishop Needs an Alibi is the second book in the Amish Bishop Mysteries series by Vannetta Chapman. I want to take a minute to freak and geek over this book. First off, I won this book and I never win ANYTHING. Seriously, I rarely win anything. I happened to win this autographed copy. How exciting is that?

Okay, we have that out-of-the-way, now to geek out...I love this author. I just do. She's one of the coolest authors in the Amish genre. Seriously, if you've not read her books, you should. If you've not stalked checked her out on Facebook, you should. She's funny and engaging with her readers. But, putting that aside, she's one of my favorite authors because she's taking the Amish genre and doing something new with it. I mean, she's a special kind of cray-cray to think Amish and murder go together. But, go together it does and it's a fresh, new take on the genre.

This book reminds me a bit of Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie—with an Amish spin. I love it! I couldn't put this book down.

Vannetta does a fantastic job taking you to the scene of her stories. From the diner, to the beauty of the wildlife refuge—I felt as if I could clearly picture the scenes from this book. In addition—the "who-dunit" of this story wasn't overly obvious.

Henry's character is what makes this story, however. His savant gift and his unwavering faith in God makes me feel as if I know him. He's become an old friend to rally behind when the going gets tough.

I would definitely suggest this book to readers of Amish fiction—especially those that also enjoy a good, clean mystery.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and have not been compensated for this. All opinions are my own.

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