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A good romance with a twist.
I do like most things with a supernatural element, and this one didn't disappoint.
If anything, the relationship felt rushed, but they both admitted it, so it was almost like 4th wall breaking, and somewhat funny.

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Art historian Mia Fleming has battled with skepticism about her precognitive skills all her life. But her visions about Carpenter Techtronics are so vivid she sends anonymous emails and makes an anonymous call. After having a vision of a gorgeous man that leaves her frantic with desire, Mia is shocked when the man himself shows up in her office sending her silent messages. Dan Romeo, CEO of the mysterious Phoenix Agency, is in town to help his friend Chase Carpenters track down whoever is threatening Chase’s company. When he meets Mia, he has a hard time thinking about anything but what he’d like to do behind closed doors with this intriguing woman. The electricity between Dan and Mia is so intense they find themselves in bed together before they’ve hardly completed introductions. But then bodies begin falling. As Mia’s visions escalate, so does the explosive relationship between her and Dan. When an attempt is made on Mia’s life and she is almost killed, Dan and his team must race to find the culprits before they can strike again—or put Mia down for good.
Overall this was a pretty good story, but there were a few things that annoyed one. One is a pet peeve of mine, just the reinforcement that Dan lives up to his last name. I really don’t like it when authors use this and point it out. That led to my second problem. With Dan being like that, it made it hard for me to buy that within 12 hours, he was already smitten with Mia and knew she was way more that a fling. The other thing that hurt this book was the continuity with the timeline in the first part of the book. It happened over several days but by that Monday Mia was referring to things that happened on the Friday before as yesterday. It happened at several points and was just a little irritating.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Extrasensory is the second book in the Phoenix Agency series by Desiree Holt. This much awaited title continues in the Phoenix Agency mythos. It brings to light new faces along with some of our favorite characters from the first book.

This book introduces Mia Fleming, an art historian par excellence. She is a psychic and can see things that are going to happen in the future (precognition). However it is hard for her to interpret her visions. Although she is skeptical about her visions, they don't leave her alone until she solves the puzzle. Her visions about Carpenter Tech are so strong, she sends anonymous emails to the company to help.

Dan Romeo is the CEO of the Phoenix Agency. He is helping his friend track down the person threatening his company, Carpenter Tech. His chemistry with Mia is combustible and he has a hard time keeping his mind on the ball until the murders start. As Mia's visions escalate, so does the explosive chemistry between her and Dan. Things get very dangerous for Mia and Dan's priority is not only keeping the new invention safe but also to protect Mia.

Together, Mia and Dan work together in a race against time to find the culprits. This book does justice to its name and is truly spellbinding.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC

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As usual, Desiree rocks! A sexy and wild tale with great characters, wonderful writing, and sex scenes that will melt your panties! LOVED IT!!!

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I totally love this sexy paranormal romance series. There is great and electric chemistry between Dan and Mia whose life is changed forever when they meet. The story has plenty of suspense, too, and I will definitely read more in this fast-paced series.

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This was a decent paranormal/romantic suspense novel. The romance was a little rushed for me but so is the timeline for the book.

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This is a standard romance, with a lot of sex. Strangely enough, it was the back and forth with her job that bothered me. Her boss is egotistical, she's worried about losing her job because she's spending so much time assisting the agency. The book requires such a suspension of disbelief, but then focuses on something so mundane.

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Book 2 in the Phoenix Agency series gives the story of Mia and Dan while they find who is threatening his friend's company. Good book with characters and story line.

Ebook from Net Galley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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Extrasensory (The Phoenix Agency Book 2)
Aug 1, 2017 | Kindle eBook
by Desiree Holt
I received an uncorrected ARC of this book from NetGalley for review purposes
“The Phoenix men were well trained for all occasions.” Including dealing with a precognitive like Mia and her visions of Carpenter Technologies latest gadgets. Visions she can't even figure out herself. Dan and his team of ex-military and computer geniuses must work with her to pick apart the mystery hiding in her visions.
The story it self was interesting, however for men of action, men who were SEAL and such, they do a lot of talking and sitting, so the action moves slowly. A book that should have taken me a day to read took several. It was only my love for the concept that kept me going.
The solution to villianry is plainly given away when we first meet the mastermind. But the book is a sweet love story wrapped in a silly mystery. Given half a chance and maybe a little chat actual military men (I come from a family of officers, presidential helicopter guards, a real Spec Ops, and my father won a distinguished flying cross and flew for 22 years, most of them SAC – they are men of moment even when planning) or a little Christine Feehan or Donald MacDonald mentoring, Desiree Holt's series will improve.
4 out of 5 – This book is Book Nerd accepted if not approved.

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I really enjoyed this series which has paired the men from the Phoenix Agency with the unique gifted woman they are fated to be with. I especially enjoyed the element of suspense and how each woman's unique gifts come into play to drive the story to a satisfactory conclusion.
Mia is a precognitive. She has dreamed about Dan Romeo and the assignment that he's coming to San Antonio to complete. It's love at first sight when they do meet for both of them particularly since Mia has drawn a ton of skepticism and even enmity from her prediction.
Can Dan keep Mia safe, save his friend's company and live happily ever after. Another extremely well written fast paced romance in the series.

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I often wonder what it would be like to have a bit of something extra then I read books about it and realize at times it can be a curse as well as a blessing. Strong female character, a man that's not too annoying - what's not to like!

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Loving this series , can't wait to read books 4-6 which I have as an ARC, and looking forward to getting book 1 to read, with that said I would love to say thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read more of a series I'm hooked on.

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Emotionally gripping, action packed thrill ride filled with mystery, danger and devastating betrayal. Highly enjoyed this entertaining short but exciting romantic adventure.

Mia Fleming has struggled with vision she has never been able to fully understand since she was a child since even her parents never believed what she saw. She is kind, sweet, sexy and has very few people in her personal circle until Dan crashing into world. Dan Romeo is sexy, strong, alpha male stubborn and leaves nothing to chance in any op he plans. He is investigating an email warning a friend of danger when he finds the woman for him in the most unexpected way.

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This is the 2nd book in this great series - all the books can be read as standalones , but reading them in order helps place the characters in context .

Mia has always had her precognative visions - unfortunately they are haphazard , giving only glimpses of what she is seeing .
Analysing the vision she manages to deduct that something is going to happen to a new prototype robot , Carpenters newest spyware --determined to remain anonymous she sends an encrypted email warning the company to take precautions at their presentation .
Dan Romeo , CEO of the Phoenix Agency , is visiting his friend Chase Carpenter prior to the presentation of the new revolutionary robot . Using his company he soon finds out that Mia is the e mailer - he discounts the scepticism from Chase and his partners , he has met psychics who are real
and determines to find the threat that Mia has forseen .
Mia's visions increase - a hand holding a bloody knife , a rock rolling along - trying to put them in context is difficult especially when deaths occur and the robot is stolen - or is it ? .
Can she identify the murderer , save herself and her sanity in time ?
Spending time with Mia , Dan finds their attraction growing explosively - he is determined to protect her at all costs .
Who is trying to to steal the prototype robot ?
Who is behind the murders ?
The Phoenix Agency brings all its resources to the battle to save Mia and Dan , and keep the robot out of enemy hands .

Another really enjoyable suspense filled , fast paced romance with characters that draw you into the action . I look forward to reading the other books in this series .

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DNF @ 11%

I know every story needs exposition, but in this case it was too heavy-handed, slowing the pace even more than it was slow to begin with, and making the narration rather stilted.
The same can be said about the dialogues; they were rather stiff and formal, not really flowing with what was actually happening on the page. Instead of full of camaraderie of men having been through loads of missions together, these guys appeared mere acquaintances on their first mission ever.

All combined, the reading experience quickly turned rather "painful".

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I’ve always been intrigued and fascinated with psychic abilities, the trials and tribulations of being accepted and judged, honing those abilities for the better and trying to live a normal life amidst the abnormal.

The mysterious Phoenix Agency is as mysterious and intriguing as the amazing soldiers who founded it. As the CEO, Dan Romeo has seen things unexplainable as the wide-open skies with its many mysteries. In town to help his friend Chase Carpenters with his company any new invention, Dan runs into Mia as the person of interest sending warnings of threat on the company.

With precognitive abilities, all Mia Fleming wants to do is enjoy her job as an art historian and lose herself in her passion. But with visions of danger and numbers, of Dan and his erotic presence, Mia is drawn into a deadly game of danger and death. Sparks fly, passion flares and with the body count raising and Mia nearly at the jaws of death, Dan and his team have their job cut out to save the world from being destroyed.

It’s been a while since I’ve read Desiree Holt and it was a reading pleasure. Mia and Dan rock the chemistry charts, with an intriguing plot and captivating suspense, “Extrasensory” is an adrenaline read of danger, trust and a courageous story of the psychic powers.

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The Phoenix Agency is my kinda place! Hot men, great action and a little bit of...weird added in for good measure!

Dan is used to being the boss and his Alpha gene is very much in evidence. But he is also quite tolerant of unusual skills - after all one of his friends can talk with his wife in his head!

Mia was great as the scholar trying to play down her ability. but she has tried to help people in distress before but she has had as many losses as wins and she feels marginalised by law enforcement. But when her visions are very strong and recurring, she takes action to ensure that a robbery does not take place. but her Good Samaritan e-mail gets her onto the Phoenix Agency radar and she finds herself sucked in the maelstrom!

I loved set up and I really enjoyed the fact that Dan had such a strong impact on her, even before they met through Mia's "personal" vision! LOL! I did manage to suss out the baddies, which is unusual for me cos I'm generally still in the dark! The author manages to mix real life problems, technology, social media & paranormal elements brilliantly!

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Extrasensory is a fast paced, action filled story that will keep your attention on the page. The combination of paranormal, military, romance and suspense ticked a lot of my personal favorite buttons with this one.

I found Mia and Dan to be a believable couple in an unusual situation. It’s difficult for Mia to talk to anyone about her visions for she’s dealt with the resulting suspicions far too often before. She needs someone to help her understand her gift, how to focus and dig beyond what she’s seeing to the message within the vision. Right now she’s guessing right as often as she’s guessing horribly wrong. Yet this vision feels different. This time the man she saw is now right in front of her… and what is between them is far more than she ever expected.

If you’re looking for a story that will grab your attention, give you a mystery to solve and introduce you to some amazing people along the way… then Extrasensory is a story you should be reading. I enjoyed my time in this world, and I’ve no intention of giving anything away. If you love paranormal romance and mysteries, then I’d recommend this story.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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I enjoyed this story, the characters were great. The story line was well written and flowed pretty well. Loved that Dan and Mia connected so completely and got through all the suspense and came out the other end together with their HEA.

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Although this is the second book in The Phoenix Agency series it is the first book of Desiree Holt's that I have read and one of the best things that I enjoyed about this book was that it could be read on its own. In series books, not all authors succeed in writing books that can be read completely separate from other books in the series but Desiree has done that with this book. You can easily pick it up, read it and thoroughly enjoy it without feeling as though you're missing out on a whole heap of backstory.
I really enjoyed the characters and plot of this story and I'm interested to see where Ms Holt takes the series. Extrasensory definitely won't be the last book I read in the Phoenix Agency series

An arc of this book was generously provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review

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