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The Wife Between Us

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This book gripped me from the first page and I could not put it down! This is a story about what happens behind closed doors within a marriage, and that you can’t always take appearances at face value. It tells the story of Vanessa, who is left devastated with nothing after losing her husband to another woman. But who is her replacement and who is telling the real story of Vanessa and Richard’s marriage and its ultimate demise? “The Wife Between Us” is chock full of twists and turns, and will take you on a roller coaster ride where you won’t know what or who to believe. It will definitely keep you on your toes! The ending was great as the author was able to neatly tie up all of the loose ends; it was as if all of a sudden, you were able to see the full picture, where before you didn’t even realize you were only being shown pieces of it. This was the 20th book that I have read this year and hands down one of the best! Pick this up, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Perkanen.
4 Stars.
This will be a big success.
I would put this book in the category of Psychological/Suspense Thriller. The authors take you down a path and at the last second your going in a different direction. Wow, what a ride!!

Don't want to give anything away and spoil it for the next reader. But if your looking for a entertaining book that will keep you guessing...this is for you.

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The Wife Between Us was incredible. I could not put it down. It is one seriously wild ride. I had a hard time trying to figure out who was the crazy one ! Lots of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. I highly recommend this book ! It is a great read !

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Ohhhh wow!
The ONLY reason this book is getting 4 stars is because the "big reveal" is poorly timed.

Other than that this book is phenomenal. With a twist at the very end you just don't see coming.

From the very beginning I was skeptical about Richard. Everything about him rubbed me the wrong way.

Nellie made me want to punch a wall, in the beginning. She portrays the naive little girl all too well, but I quickly fell in love with her as a woman. Her strength, courage and honesty are endearing.

I felt similarly about Vanessa, her "woe is me" BS got really annoying really fast, but she too grew on me.

The epilogue, while totally out of left field (sorta) is probably my favorite part of the entire book.

Very very well written. I'm hopeful for a follow up book!

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Wow! This was everything it promised to be. Suspenseful, thrilling, and with so many twists & turns you don't want to put it down! I had been in somewhat of a reading rut and this definitely brought me out of it.

Thank you to NetGalley for my copy of this ARC.

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Make no assumptions. If possible, go into this one blind. Quite a few twists. And yes, a few jaw dropping moments. At one point, I even thought "Wtf, I have to go back and read the first half of this book to see if I missed any clues." How could I not have seen what was coming? But I didn't.

The writing was brilliant. That is why your mind is left reeling. And I seriously couldn't read this book fast enough!

Highly recommend it!

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This is a psychological suspense read with a twist. It has a slow start, is divided into three parts, and the beginning read like one of those predictable Lifetime movies unfolding--but gradually the story got better.

▣ This book was interesting to a point but didn't blow me away. There were bits in this story that seemed tossed in as to divert the reader's attention in another direction, but then there wasn't much follow-up supplied.

The ending was disappointing (for me) as I felt there was a huge build-up that led to a so-so conclusion, but this was an okay read. Richards POV would've been a nice touch, if only for one page.

▣ The unreliable narrator's POV was superbly written and had me fooled, but this story ran out of steam before it ended.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was very suspenseful and I loved the hidden connections between all the characters. I would definitely read this author again. Fantastic!

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I’m so glad that I got the opportunity to read an advance copy of The Wife Between Us. What a unique book! At first, I mistakenly thought I could predict the whole story, so I wasn’t too excited about it. Once I realized my assumptions were all wrong, I couldn’t put the book down. There were surprises all the way to the epilogue. I thought the book was very cleverly written, and I’m impressed that the work was a collaboration of two authors. I highly recommend the book and look forward to reading more from the writing team.

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I have loved Sarah Pekkanen since her first book came out in 2010. This collaboration is seemless . I could not tell when Hendricks was writing and when Pekkanen was writing. Holy plot twists, Batman. This book kept guessing with all of its twists and turns. I may go back and reread it to look for foreshadowing. Fans of Gillian Flynn will love this one. I hope Hendricks will continue to write books, too.

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As I'm beginning a new book, I start contemplating what kind of rating I will give it when I do the review. Usually, the number of stars either goes up or goes down from that point. What was different about this book, is that the number kept fluctuating. For instance, it started out as a 5, went down to 4, back up to 5, was even down to 1 star before I was less than half-way through, I was so confused. In fact, I was going to quit at that point till I went to Amazon and read the blurb which promised a good read.

So, by now, you're probably wondering what I DID end up with. Four stars, mainly because of the surprises I didn't see coming.

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I have to say that I don't normally care for psychological thrillers, and this one may be the first one I've ever truly enjoyed all the way through. I typically rate them based on the writing style and cleverness instead of if I really liked them, because I know they are not my type of book. Even with this, I continue to read the ones with lots of hype and am continually disappointed.

I am so happy to say that I have finally found one that I really loved! I don't want to go into any detail on the plot and accidentally give something away, so you can go to the synopsis for a teaser on the book.

There are twists and surprises, and plenty of clever turns that will keep your mind racing. I applaud the skillful and adept plot and character development by these authors. I felt that the story was complex and very adroitly handled.

I am a longtime fan of Sarah Pekkanen, and believe this is the best of her books to date. I will now also be looking for anything that Greer Hendricks writes in the future. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a copy of this ARC in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's press for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review. I am definitely recommending this book. There are so many plot twists and suspense that I kept wanting more and could not put the book down.

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I've read several books by Sarah Pekkanen so I was really to happy to see that she (along with Greer Hendricks) teamed up to write a thriller. Thrillers are my favorite but I wouldn't say this was a "thriller" more of a psychological thriller, and there is a difference.

A story of the perfect husband, a marriage on the rocks, spousal abuse and the price you pay for your mistakes. The synopsis says to assume nothing. It's a safe assumption.

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I really enjoyed this twisty. suspenseful story. It seems at first like a domestic drama of a marriage that has suddenly ended, and then you realize there is quite a bit more to it. It is well-written, with complex characters. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good psychological thriller.

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I received this book "The Wife Between Us" from Netgalley for my honest review.

Assume Nothing. Wow! This was an excellent read. Twists - Turns - Unexpected Everything! Fast paced and definitely a page turner to keep you up at night saying "I'll read just one more chapter" but then you end up not wanting to put it down. Very unique writing and again WOW.

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I received an advance ebook copy of this book from Netgalley.

At first, I thought I was reading a fairly straightforward story that jumped back and forth between the viewpoints of the ex-wife and the woman who is about to replace her.

And then I kept on reading, and all of my assumptions went out the window when the plot twist to end all plot twists hit like an oncoming freight train.

I really don't want to say anything more and risk spoiling the surprise for other readers. But a word of warning. Don't start reading this book late at night, because I guarantee you will stay up way past your bedtime.

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I received a copy of The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen from Netgalley. I would classify it as a psychological thriller. If you enjoyed reading The Girl On The Train, then this is the book for you. I personally found it hard to keep things straight in the beginning, but yet was so drawn to it that I couldn't put it down. The more I read, the more it came into focus for me. There are so many twists and turns, it's almost impossible to figure out who to side with. I found it to be a very riveting read, and one you won't want to miss. I'd rate it at 4 stars, only because I found it a little confusing in the beginning.

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Wow. This was a clever mystery, perhaps the most clever I've read since Gone Girl. The author plays the same psychological tricks on the reader that the characters play on each other. This book is told in 3 parts, from multiple perspectives within each part. It is the story of love and obsession, perceived crimes and punishments, actions and reactions. I absolutely loved it.

There is no easy way to review this book without spoiling it, at least in my opinion. Fans of Gone Girl and Girl on the Train and Behind Closed Doors will definitely get into this read.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley and the brilliant author for taking me in this wonderful ride with the characters

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Then.. Vanessa was a young carefree woman, teaching preschool, loving her life, loving her work, loving the man of her dreams. Sure he seemed at times to be a bit of a control freak but what woman in love won't look past a few flaws when she feels like the luckiest woman alive about to marry her soul mate?

Now.. Vanessa is not so young, not so carefree, has lost touch with her friends, works to survive, has lost everything she ever was and spends most of her time stalking her "replacement" Emma, the beautiful young woman who is engaged to marry Vanessa's husband. I can't say much more without giving away the intricately woven twisting turning plot. One thing for certain, I sure didn't see the end coming until it held me by the throat. What really went wrong in Vanessa's marriage? You'll be shocked by the answers.

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