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Slap Shot

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This was a surprise. I expected a cliche sports romance when I picked up up and what I found instead was a refreshing storyline that pulled me in from, quite literally, page one. I loved the premise, the characters were both relatable and real, and I was overjoyed to discover that this author write's fantastic male POV. I didn't even realize going in that this was the 5th installment in this sports series, so after how thoroughly I enjoyed this one, I'll definitely plan on going back and reading the others. This was an emotional read, an incredibly sexy story, angsty at times, heartwarming at others... all in all, a really solid story. I really liked it!

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I am a long time fan of Kelly Jamieson - I think her work exemplifies what I like to read in this genre. Although I generally enjoy her books, I feel "Slap Shot" is a particularly good example of what she does so well. I'd go so far as to say that this book is the best of this series. Read it!

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After hearing about Max in the other books in this series I was excited to finally meet Chicago Aces hockey player Max Hall and read his story. Saddened by the loss of his wife to cancer, Max tries to get back to his life playing hockey and he does whatever is necessary to get him there, including a strict diet and intense workouts. What Max doesn't take into account is meeting Kendra. Somehow, what starts as a one night stand then turns into friends with benefits and finally love.

Fantastic read and is a good addition to the Aces hockey series. I look forward to reading even more by this author.

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Can I begin things off with saying that besides one book, I did not know what to expect from Kelly Jamieson in terms of writing, characters, or basically everything. <i>Slap Shot</i> was a good way to introduce me to Kelly's style of writing!

<i>Slap Shot</i> is about Max, an NHL star who took a break from the sport after his wife was diagnosed with cancer and eventually died from the illness. He's finding his groove with training for camp and the loss of his libido. Kendra is the owner of a sex toy company and the cousin of one of Max's teammates. The pair meet at wedding and are instantly attracted to one another. From there we see the pair become friends with benefits. We all know how these stories go. He's reluctant to feel anything for someone else because of the guilt and heartache from losing his wife. Kendra brings out a side of Max that he hasn't seen in awhile. The pair work well together but Max keeps her at arms length.

I LOVED Kendra! I'm a sucker for well written, somewhat flawed, female characters and she's no exception. Kendra has gone through heartbreak and is a fixer. She's also the owner of a sex toy company and is a great friend to those around her. I love that she never forced the issue. She wanted whatever she could get of him but also fell madly in love with Max. I also enjoyed Max's character as well. His heartache was too true and the guilt associated with moving on from a loved one. The push and pull and his rollercoaster of emotions was realistic. When is it truly acceptable move on?

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The balance between sex and character development in contemporary romance novels can be a delicate one. Sure, the characters are going to sleep together and have hot sex. That’s a given. But there has to be more to make the book a good one. In the first half of this book, the balance is off. Max is still recovering from the tragic death of his wife. He’s been in a deep depression for over a year and has left playing professional hockey. But now heating habits.

Then he meets Kendra, a cousin of one of his teammates and they fall into bed right away. She has her own business selling sex toys so that leads to more sex. They live in different cities, but start having long-distance relationship but agree that it will just be about sex.

Of course, it turns into more. And then the book gets better as their relationship deepens into more than just sex. That might be a metaphor for the book itself which also gets better. We get to see more of Max’s character as he struggles with whether he can have feelings for another woman while still loving his deceased wife. I enjoyed his development while reading about his exercise and nutrition routine much better than scene after scene of them having sex. I’ve enjoyed this whole series of Aces hockey and, once I got past the first part of the book, I enjoyed this one.

I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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In this book, we are introduced to Max, who is a professional hockey player. Max is not interested in long-term relationships, or any relationship really, and is very attracted to Kendra. They meet at a fellow team-mate's wedding reception and sparks fly. They end up enjoying the evening together and come to an agreement that it doesn't mean anything and was just for one night.

This is when the problem comes in - Max can't stop thinking about Kendra. During this "relationship" that is forming, Max is trying to get his body back in shape to be back on his hockey team. He had taken time off due to some personal circumstances. His biggest goal for himself is to make the team - not to find a girlfriend.

This book is told in the first person from Max's point of view. I have to admit that it was hard for me to get involved in the characters in this room. While the action was hot, I just didn't get any sense of who Kendra was. It might have been better if a couple of the chapters were done from Kendra's point of view so I could figure out how she was feeling.

Near the end of the book, I really started to understand Max but it took almost 2/3 of the book to get there. The writing was very well done but I really didn't feel one way or another towards the characters until that point.

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This was really good! I enjoyed seeing so much of Max's thoughts and I loved how vividly the author described him overcoming adversity. I was rooting for him the entire time and was so proud of him for becoming the man he was before his wife died. His relationship with Kendra is so strong and has such a powerful aspect to it. All in all, this was a great read!
I would recommend to any and all contemporary sports romance fans!

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Kelly Jamieson is one of my automatic one-click authors.  Her series of the Aces Hockey team players is naughty, sexy and so entertaining.  Of course, all the players are hot hunky males and the girls are gorgeous, feisty and sassy, but the stories are real, well-developed, and they submerge you into their world and their feelings.  The best part is that you keep on reading about the couples from previous books, so it's like a universe where you have been invited to participate and make friends.

In this book we have Hallsy, or Max Hall, attending Marc Dupuis wedding to Lovey, Duncan's sister.  See how they all connect?  We saw Hallsy in previous books where he started playing bad, then it was known that his wife had cancer, and later on died.  He left the team to be with his wife during her last days, and stayed away after, sunken in a deep and devastating depression.  He had recently come back from his leave, and was training hard to make the team again in the October try offs.  At twenty-nine years, he was a little old for hockey and there were many eighteen and nineteen young men vying for a place in the Aces team.  At the moment of this wedding, all Hallsy was feeling was horny.  His libido had gone dormant during his wife illness and subsequent death, but nineteen months after, it suddenly woke up, hungry and desperate.  There was a redheaded bridesmaid who was dancing and having a great time, and had a beautiful smile, and she was the cause of this sudden explosion of desire.  Her name is Kendra and she's Lovey's and Duncan's cousin.

So Hallsy is undergoing a very excruciating physical training and a very strict diet.  He loves junk food but is sacrificing in order to bring his body to the peak condition it was in a year and a half ago.  Kendra lives in New York, where she's partnering her best friend in the development and production of, wait for it, sex toys developed for the woman's pleasure.  She is unashamedly fond of sex and in touch with her sexuality.  Since the Aces team is based in Chicago, they connect and have a one night stand, expecting the distance to cool off the night of passion.  Not so!!! That night was so outstanding and their chemistry so explosive, they kept in touch.  Max was very clear that he had nothing to offer, he was empty after his huge loss and all he wanted was fun and sex.  Kendra agreed, mostly because she was happy in New York and Max was aiming to play for the Aces, based in Chicago.  But the heart wants what the heart needs and the chemistry they had could not be denied.  They kept connecting over and over, yet Max still hadn't gotten completely over his wife's death and there were loyalty issues.

I loved the development of love in this story.  Kendra was a very sexually expressive woman, plus she was kind, generous, and understanding.  The fact that she has a degree in counseling allowed her to understand and help Max.  Max had his issues, afraid to be vulnerable to the kind of pain he had gone through, and still felt faithful to his dead wife.  It was a soft story, not strong in angst, but subtle, slowly developing, with its necessary separations to allow both characters deal with their feelings.  It was a very enjoyable read with the feels of a person coming to terms with a huge loss.

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Max Hall is getting over his wife's death from cancer. he's been away from hockey for a long time but he's moved on his grieving process and all he wants is get back on the ice and get laid. Basically, his career aspirations and his wife's death has made him scared of anything more than a one-night stand. At Marc Dupuis' wedding he hooks up with one of the bridesmaids but a one-night stand turns into the morning after as well. Kendra lives in New York and Max lives in Chicago so it could never go any further, until they meet again at Kendra's cousin's (Duncan Armstrong) lakeside home for a weekend. Suddenly the idea of a long-distance friends with benefits (FWB) arrangement seems like a very good idea.

To start with Max comes across as an arrogant, sex-obsessed, alphahole - totally unlikable, but he improves as the book progresses, by the end he's kind to small children and animals and giving freely of his time to charitable causes. Unfortunately, Kendra goes down in my estimation from a confident, professional woman with her own business to a whiny, drippy loser. Max has issues: he isn't over his wife's death and he views any progress he may make in that direction as an insult to her memory - consequently he denies being in a relationship with Kendra (or wanting more) on several occasions, and she gets sad, but she keeps coming back for more. I just wanted to shake her and shout "YOU AGREED TO A NO-STRINGS LONG-DISTANCE FWB THANG, GIRL!". And Max "sees" this happening over and over again but he doesn't make the connection - even though he's been married before so he should have SOME experience of what it means when a woman looks at you all misty-eyed after sex FFS.

This book felt like someone had said to Kelly Jamieson, "hey Kelly what we really like about your books is the hockey details, the sex (obvs) and the food - put more of that in the book", and she did. The sex just goes on and on, despite Kendra owning a business which makes sex toys for women and Max being liking so-called dirty sex, the sex is pretty mundane - there's just so much of it! And the broiled chicken/ salmon, brown rice and steamed veggies combos got boring very quickly. The hockey? Most of it was Max's brutal training regime BEFORE he finds out if he is back in the team, lots of crunches and torturous moves but no actual hockey.

But hey, these are just detail, I enjoyed the story and probably would have given it three and a half stars if the last quarter of the novel hadn't been just full of long navel-gazing speeches about how they had realised that they were running away from their feelings/ projecting blah, blah.

Looking back at my reviews of other Kelly Jamieson books it seems as though I have a love/ hate relationship with them.

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This was by far the best Ace's novel to date. I couldn't put it down. Everything about it was perfection.

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It feels like I've been waiting forever for Hallsy's book and Kelly Jamieson did not disappoint. Max Hall took a leave from the Ace's hockey team when his wife was dying. Max is now ready to join the team and begin living again. Max and Kendra share an attraction at a team mates wedding. They diecide they could be friends with benefits, that's fine until they develop feelings for each other. Max still feels guilty over his wife's death and is back and forths with his feeling for Kendra. Kendra has been hurt in past relationships she has had and even though she has feelings for Max she keeps it to herself knowing he is struggling with his emotions. Max and Kendra together are hot. I love how understanding Kendra is with Max and the internal struggle he is having. Max attempts to turn off his emotions and focus on his training but he realized that he's a happier, whole person when Kendra is around. Max and Kendra have the passion and het that all the Ace's couples have but they are emotionally connected as well. I LOVED every single page of this book!!

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Was not very pleased with this book. Was kind of confusing for myself, and based on the description I thought it was going to be more than I perceived it to be. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review your novel!

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This story gave me a serious case of whiplash!! I didn't understand how he was sweet one day and then the other he was indifferent.. I really felt bad for the heroine and the story was a little predictable

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Slap shot by Kelly Jaimeson is the story of Max and Kendra. Max, an Ace hockey player has been away from the team while caring for his wife (at the start of this story she has passed away ) and he is trying to get back in shape physically and mentally. At the wedding of his friend and fellow hockey player Marc, he meets Kendra, one of the bridesmaids and a no commitment hook up turns into a long distance will they or won't they relationship. I think that the author dealt with the pain of loosing a spouse and the guilt that comes with re building a life very respectfully and I really admired the writing style. I also enjoyed that all of the story was told from his POV (except for the epilogue); not something you "read " a lot. There is a lot to like, love and admire in this book: the character development, the friendships, the familial relationships (Max's and his late wife's) and the extremely hot chemistry! Youza!!!! Plus, I got to catch up with Ben from Cross Check so that was a bonus.

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Kindly provided with an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review....

This book was so much more than I expected. It's Max and Kendra's tale and it was quite the emotional read !!. Max is grieving the loss of his wife and whilst trying to keep going every day he has to attend a friends wedding. This is where he meets Kendra (she is going to be a bridesmaid). Could this twist of fate turn into one of the nest things to ever happen to Max, or will his broken heart rule his head and not allow him to ever find peace and happiness. See quite the in depth story line !!

Kelly did a brilliant job of mixing a sad subject with new romance and all that heat and passion that goes along with the thrill of a great relationship adventure. The series features various Ice Hockey Hunks and their stories. Can't quiet find any faults with that story line !!!

Great Work Kelly !! Many Thanks for this opportunity xx

Later peeps xxx

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.This is another story in the Aces Hockey series. Max Hall “Hallsy” took a break from hockey to care for his young dying wife. He is now back, training hard, his goal to regain his place on the team. He meets Kendra, they have a mutual attraction and explosive sexual chemistry. He is more than ready to satisfy his basic needs with Kendra however, that is all he is willing to give because he is still trying to come to terms with his loss. This is a well written, entertaining and sexy story that details Hallsy’s struggles to cope and come to terms with his loss and eventually find his HEA with Kendra.

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This was a very sexy book! I lost count of the sex scenes, which did at times overshadow the story. My heart broke for Max and also, for Kendra. They needed each other, and I was rooting for them to come together as more than lovers!

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I have loved each book in the Aces Hockey series but Slap Shot may just be my favorite. Max, the hero, had taken over a year off from his professional hockey career to deal with a personal family crisis. Max is still broken over a year and a half later but he has set a goal to help him try to get back among the living. His goal; make it back on the roster of the Chicago Aces hockey team. Despite his friends efforts to get Max to socialize and bring him out of his depression Max's laser focused on his career.
While attending one of his best friends wedding he spots a beautiful woman. The first woman that's caught his interest in a very long time. Kendra is a bridesmaid in the wedding. She's come to Chicago for the week to participate in the wedding and several other events while in town. Kendra has her own business in New York. (Her business....cough, cough, wink, wink....provides a lot of laughs!)
When Max and Kendra meet at the wedding reception sparks fly. But neither of them wants a relationship. Max is not emotionally ready and Kendra is focused on her business. So they agree to hook up for a night of steamy sex.
But with each of their best friends now married they are bound to run into each other occasionally.
Slap Shot is the most emotional of the series. Both characters have conflicted feelings about each other. Their lust filled hook ups, which continue after the wedding, begin to bring feelings into the relationship. That brings conflict and heartache.
All of my favorite characters are back and that's half the fun in this series. I want to be a part of their close knit family!
This book is a standalone and has a HEA.
I not only recommend Slap Shot but I recommend reading this whole series beginning with Major Misconduct. The rest of the books in order are Off Limits, Icing, Top Shelf, Back Check and Slap Shot.
I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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I'm an Ace's Hockey fan. I love this series.
This story is a second chance for love and life. Max is troubled after losing his wife from Cancer and we know his struggle from the beginning. This story is a new opportunity to love and to enjoy life. I enjoy reading this story.
Receive an ARC from Netgallley for a honest review.

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