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The Last Mrs Parrish

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Loved, loved, loved this book. These literary writing sisters are onto something good. The Last Mrs Parrish had me gripped, right to the end and I'd almost expected it to finish half way through. Plot twists galore For any fans of BA Paris, this is Well worth a read.

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Amber Patterson is tired of being a nobody and is on a mission to become a somebody! How Amber accomplishes this forms this engrossing and wicked story. The 3 main characters include Amber and Connecticut Golden Couple Jackson & Daphne Parrish. Amber befriends Daphne at the local gym and soon insinuates herself into every area of her life including the role of Chairperson of the committee of the Cystic Fibrosis charity Daphne runs in memory of the sister she lost to the disease.
Amber wants everything that Daphne has - money, position, privilege - and decides that stealing Daphne' s husband, the handsome and powerful Jackson, is the best way to achieve this.
What follows is Amber' s systematic campaign to destroy Daphne' s marriage whilst masquerading as her closest friend.
But being a very well written psychological thriller all is definitely not as it seems and conveys the message that you should be careful what you wish for extremely well!
I absolutely loved this book and will wait impatiently for the next release by this author.
Thanks to Netgalley for the advance review copy - a very well deserved 5 stars!

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This is a fabulous read. I really loved it and was so sad when it was finished. Everything about it worked. The story revolves around a love triangle and the scheming Amber who is out to get Daphne's life and her wealthy husband ,Jackson. The three parts made for a good structure, hearing Amber, then Daphne's voice, learning how they outdid each other without the other person knowing was such a fun structure, I honestly couldn't put it down. And in the middle of it all, the controlling Jackson. It was all very believable and so well thought through. Brilliantly entertaining, shockingly plausible.

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The Last Mrs. Parrish is a brilliant read .The story has three main characters Amber who wants to be rich Daphne the Rich spoilt wife and Jackson the multimillionaire husband .Amber is out to steal Jackson away from Daphne as she wants to be rich so she wiggles her way into Daphne's life and then the trouble begins .This a unique story, nothing is as it seems, just when you think you know where the story is going it changes direction.I absolutely loved it couldn't put the book down, a very good and surprising ending.

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This is well-structured and has a surprising twist, but it was not for me. The characters are not very nice to say the least, and I found the whole thing distasteful. It is also far too long. I am glad I did not pay for it.

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Wow this had a twist that I hadn't expected. Just shows we shouldn't wish for someone else's life as no-one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
This is the sory of Amber who wishes to change her life - so much so she steals a false identity. On the other side we have Daphne who is married to the extremely wealthy Jackson. What one wants the other doesn't and has been wanting to change her life for years.
This is a real page turner and I look forward to reading more of this author's books.

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I had mixed feelings for this book and think that there are certain aspects that could have done with a trigger as it becomes very dark. I originally skimmed through the book though the second half is better than the first. The book is about a gold digger who gets her comeuppance. I cannot say much more than that because of the twists and none of the characters is as they first appear. The storyline is very good though for me I did not really enjoy the writing and would place it in the 'chick lit' genre though definitely would not recommend taking on holiday unless you like a dark subject matter.
I'm aware that the authors are sisters who write together, which is impressive. I'm curious to know if the first half was written by one sister and the second by the other because although the second half was more interesting it was also much darker.

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There's two sides to every story, is the phrase which comes to mind when reading this fantastic psychological thriller. The first part of the book is told from Amber's perspective and what a conniving creature she is. Two faced and devious, she sets about systematically inserting herself into the lives of Daphne and her husband in order to usurp Daphne's position as Jackson's wife. She's unapologetic in her actions and although quite clearly has no morals, she's a fascinating character to read.

Secrets and lies are revealed in the second part of this story, when it switches to Daphne's point of view. Not everything is as it seems in the Parrish household. Without wishing to give away spoilers, I thought this part of the plot was extremely clever in the way it showed how relatively easy it was for someone with intelligence to become entrapped and controlled when targeted by a determined person with certain personality traits. Things do take a rather darker turn from this point on, which some may find disturbing but I was unable to stop turning the pages. In part 3, I took great delight when it started to become clear that maybe there was some justice to be had. I do love a good comeuppance!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more by these authors in the future.

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Well I wasn't expecting that!
This is a really good book which starts by leading you one way, then turns it all on it's head.
Amber wants the lavish lifestyle and rich husband that Daphne has, and will do everything she can to get it.
Jackson is the charming rich husband who can do no wrong in everyone's view and Amber is desperate to be part of his life.
I won't say how it all turns out as I don't want to spoil it but this book is a great thriller.
Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for sending me a copy to read and review

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It is difficult to write a full review without giving away twists and turns in the plot, and spooling the book for the reader.
It starts as a regular chick lit book, and gets a bit schmaltzy at times. Then part two starts, and the tension builds, and I couldn't put it down.
Highly recommended.

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A tale of envy, greed, psychological manipulation, betrayal and revenge, this one has all the tantalising ingredients for a mouth watering, delicious read!

Exquisitely entertaining and oh so addictive, I finished this one in record time... I just couldn't put it down, with writing that was fast paced and flowed easily.

The book was well structured , broken up into 3 parts. In part one we learn about Amber and her meticulous plan to con and weasel her way into the Parrish family, in order to get the life she thinks she deserves. In part two, we discover Daphne Parrish's perspective from when she first met her doting husband Jackson and how her life has changed since marriage, children, and since Amber came into her life. Part three then becomes a combination of both Amber and Daphne's perspectives, leading up to the books delightful conclusion.

The incorrigible characters had my jaw dropping on several occasions, and my blood boiling to new highs in others. First prize goes to Amber for the woman you love to hate, for being a master of duplicity and manipulation. Will she get the life she deserves?

All I'll say is that the authors have gifted us with the créme de la créme of endings!!!! This is how it should be done! I've got a feeling I'll be having quite the book hangover now that I've sadly reached the final page.

BRAVO and congratulations to the authors on a very impressive debut read. It was my absolute pleasure to have read an ARC supplied by Netgalley and Harper Collins UK, HarperFiction, in exchange for my unbiased opinion. I will be eagerly awaiting the next read from the Constantine sisters.

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What an extraordinary debut novel. I loved every minute of it. In part one (third person) Amber Patterson accidentally on purpose befriends the wealthy Daphne Parrish on a lie. Amber has delusions of grandeur and envies her "friend" As a ruthless and wily woman she plots and plans how to join the elevated one-percent social circle. But are both these women what they seem? Will they be rumbled? Amber's agenda is rather unrealistic and not all her strategies work. In part two in first person Daphne goes back through her memories, analysing and making decisions. What a shock. In part three it's back to third person to tie up all the ends. This format worked well I thought. There is a lot of humour and I sensed a certain mocking satirical note here and there which kept me smiling. There are plenty of sub-plots like DV, Art, Cystic Fibrosis, fashion, wealthy lifestyles. In the latter I didn't find myself envious. It's such a false, superficial kind of living and I'd hate all those boring parties, dinners and other social and business gatherings etc. My preference is warm, cosy and homely when choosing a nest. A sneaking envy over the jewellery but I guess I'd look a bit foolish trundling round Tesco's dripping in diamonds. The end is a plethora of shocks. Brilliant book. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for letting me read it. I shall post this on, Kobo or GoodReads and my blog.

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I waited anxiously hoping I would be approved to preview this book. The wait was well worth it! I read this book in one sitting, well into the early morning hours as I could not put it down! There are so many "No way?!" moments inside the pages of this cleverly written book that I couldn't possibly list them all! The dialogue flowed easily and I had no problem believing these characters actually existed. I felt for Daphne, was shocked by Amber's behavior, and felt deep dislike for Jackson. I highly recommend this read for anyone who loves to hate characters in a book, and loves seeing the victims finally freed from their hell on earth!

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A really good psychological thriller. At first it appears to be a straightforward tale of a manipulative gold digger, determined to get her man, despite the fact that he is married to someone else. However, it becomes a much darker, more convoluted tale which leads to a far from predictable conclusion.
The characters are realistic, and the story moves at a cracking pace.
Highly recommended

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The Last Mrs. Parrish is described as a psychological thriller with a shocking twist and it more than lives up to that! It would be so easy to tell all as my head is buzzing with everything which happened between the pages - but I don't do spoilers!

Daphne Parrish has the life of luxury. A loving, attentive and extremely rich husband who showers her with only the best things in life. Designer wardrobe, the very best accessories, jewellery of the highest calibre, a most beautiful home with staff to keep it in perfect tip-top condition and two wonderful daughters. From the outside it is the perfect marriage - but what about from the inside?

Amber Patterson only just makes enough to cover her rent on an apartment which is one up from a hovel - at least in her eyes. She wants what Daphne has and sets out to befriend her in an effort to become her 'bestie' and an indispensable friend. But is she what she really seems?

This is a striking and sensational novel. With superb characters and a highly-crafted plot, it is so easy to read, drawing you in and immersing you in the lives of the two women. The pace is relentless and the story moves along at quite a clip. The final chapters are mind-blowing.

My first thought was 'I wish I was only just beginning this'. It is a breathtaking read. And, as with all good stories, justice is served - and on a silver platter at that. I wouldn't have missed this read for anything. It is one astounding novel and I really cannot recommend it highly enough - it's THAT good!

My grateful thanks to publisher Harper Collins for letting me access an arc via NetGalley in exchange for my honest, original and unbiased review.

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Amber has her sights set on marrying Jackson Parrish and finally getting the life she thinks she deserves. The only problem is that he is married and completely devoted to his wife Daphne - but Amber's not going to let a little detail like that get in the way of her happiness.

I appreciate the fact that the novel didn't dillydally and jumped right in with Amber's deception as she infiltrated the Parrish's lives. The novel plods along through Amber's mind and her inwardly brewing jealousy and duplicity and though you start to feel bad for Daphne who is being scammed right under her nose - you also feel annoyed that she is missing the signs that are so clear to the reader.

However, all the things that you slowly start to find grating and unbelievable add to the overall authenticity of the story which I found so clever. It's like the authors are saying "Don't worry, we know you're not stupid - we got you."

Throughout the first half of the novel, where we are Amber on the outside looking in, we begin to suspect something is amiss but nothing prepares us for what's really happening in the Parrish household - and that surprise and the psychology behind it all is the real crème de la crème.

I could talk all day about the psychology of Jackson Parrish, Daphne and Amber - but all I will say is that their characteristics played off of each really well and the topics were well researched.

The reason I want to bump my rating up to a 3.5 is because the juxtaposition between Amber's viewpoint and Daphne's is so stark it's like you're reading a completely different novel. The language and tone changes so distinctively that you are pulled in again with renewed interest just as the novel was starting to wane.

Would definitely recommend as a quick and interesting read for psychological thriller veterans and newbies.

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Amber lies her way into the Parrish family intent on stealing the husband for herself. She seems to succeed but is it really all it appears. Meanwhile the wife Daphne is oblivious or is she?

This book is told in parts, it begins with Amber then switches to Daphne. The end intertwined both of them. It's so cleverly done.

This was really good. Right from the start I was hooked. It's a different concept to have the mistress be the focus of the story and it's easy to hate her. I loved the switch then to the wife and to realize how amazing she is and what she's capable of.

The ending wow that was clever and so utterly perfect. I loved how each character is written and how easily we believe one thing only for it to twist the whole book and leave you going wow.

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I started reading The Last Mrs Parrish on my train journey to London and I could not put it down.

It’s billed as a mesmerising psychological thriller full of delicious twists and it certainly lives up to its promise.

Amber Patterson is fed up. She’s a nobody, plain and uninteresting. She believes she deserves a life of wealth and power - like Daphne Parrish who doesn’t even appreciate what she has. Everyone in the small town of Bishops Harbor believes Daphne and he’s husband Jackson are the perfect couple with two lovely daughters. Amber is green with envy, but she has a plan, and slowly worms her way into Daphne’s life and becomes her ‘best friend’ and confidante.
But Amber has a secret, if anyone finds out it could ruin everything for her.

This book is full of twists and turns, addictive, compelling and a guaranteed page turner. It’s a debut novel written by two sisters and more than impressed. I can’t wait to read more from these authors.

Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK and the author for the chance to review.

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I always feel books like this one are a bit of a guilty pleasure, well written page turners featuring enviable lifestyles. From the beginning you know the good characters will win in the end and the bad ones get their come uppance but it's fun to go along for the ride!
I have great admiration for the authors as I imagine an easy to read book is very hard to write particularly when two people are working together

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How far would you go to make all your dreams come true?

Amber has come to the town of Bishops Harbor, Connecticut with the express purpose of seducing Jackson Parrish, an obscenely rich man. Amber’s first order of business is to get into the good graces of his wife Daphne, pretending to be her friend. Once she accomplishes this, she thinks it will be short shrift to Jackson’s bed and then becoming his wife. Amber has worked out her plan of action from A to Z and the first part of the book is told from her point of view. But WHY is she doing this – why does she wants Mrs Parrish’s life and why will she go to any lengths to get it?

There are hints from the beginning of the book that Amber has had problems in the past and is running away from something. Could her efforts to destroy a marriage and make herself the new reigning Mrs. Parrish be as easy as it seems?

Daphne and Jackson Parrish have it all. Jackson is a successful business man making millions and showers his wife Daphne and their two daughters with everything and anything they could want. Jackson and Daphne appear to be very much in love. Daphne is beautiful and kind, welcoming Amber into her friendship circle easily and has everything, including Jackson that Amber wants and believes she is entitled too. She has always dreamed of living the pampered life of an elite, upper class New York society wife, Daphne’s life, and she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

The first half of the book is told from the perspective of Amber who manipulation and lying are second nature to her. She was evil, calculating and is not a character that you will like, but knowing Amber’s true thoughts of envy and ambitions is really interesting and unsettling at times.

The second part of the book is told from Daphne Parrish’s point of view, seen through her eyes it gives you things from a completely different perspective. It quickly becomes apparent that her “golden” life is anything but, and that she is living a nightmare with her abusive husband. Once we hear Daphne’s side of story she is not naive and clueless as she seemed!

Although I had guessed the twisted plot early on it did not take away any of my satisfaction watching it play out. The manipulation and planning from both women is excellent and the final twist in the book was a brilliant comeuppance for the vile Amber and Jackson.

If you enjoyed Hand That Rocks The Cradle and Single White Female then you will love this book! This will give Gone Girl a run for its money!

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