Member Reviews

This book started out with such promise that I was drawn immediately into the search for Autumn who disappeared 10,years earlier. The story unfolded at a great pace and I was fully invested in Francine’s quest to find out what happened to her and whether she was still alive.

However, half way through the book once she started hunting down Glenn Schilling, the book became implausible and took a turn into the ridiculous. It was hard to believe and understand Francine’s thinking and actions and it all felt a bit ridiculous.

For this reason I can only give 2 stars as the book started great, but finished disappointingly.

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This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

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With thanks to netgalley and the author.

I know where she is. Is a great thriller that kept me hooked and guessing right up to the final page. I really enjoyed this book.

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Thank you for the opportunities to read this book. I have attempted it on a number of occasions but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get into it.

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Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

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Ten years ago Francine’s daughter Autumn was abducted. No signs or sightings of her except leaving the mall with a man and another young child. One day Francine receives a note saying I know where she is. Is this true or is this someone playing a cruel joke on her? The very next day a young lady visits her claiming to have posted the note the day before and also knowing her daughter. At first Francine doesn’t believe her until she tells her things that only Autumn would know. Knowing that her daughter could be alive Francine starts to look for her again with no help and no assistance.
This book was slow to start but quickly gained my interest and became fast paced with twists and turns and kept me guessing at every corner. I highly recommend this book for a good read.
Thank you to netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest views.

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So, I started this book without knowing a lot about it. I read the synopsis and it sounded intriguing enough. However, I never knew it would focus so much on sexual assault. There’s no warning so, if you’re planning on reading this book, keep that in mind.

Autumn, Francine’s daughter, has been missing for ten years. Francine’s life has crumbled around her but, when she receives a letter with the words “I know where she is”, hope springs back up.

I did not like any of the characters in this novel. I understand the need to create flawed people but these were too much. The book also felt repetitive. Francine was always having the same conversation, with the same people and it honestly got boring.

I DNF’d this book halfway through. I tend to avoid doing this but I felt like I was forcing myself to read something I was not enjoying. I wanted to like it but, sadly, couldn’t.

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A gripping thriller and very well written. It follows Francie who's daughter was kidnapped 10 yers ago and the young woman who says she knows what happened.
Highly recommend

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I read this a long time ago but really enjoyed it.
It wasn't the most original book I've ever read but I'd still recommend it to a friend.
Looking forward to reading more from this author

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Thank you for letting me read this book. Missing for ten years, a mother will do anything to get her daughter back. Suspense filled thriller, although I feel the story just ended so was a bit disappointing. I'm hoping it has been left so a sequel can be written as I did enjoy the story and will definitely read another S B Caves book.

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Really enjoyed this. Kept me enthralled and turning the pages. Great characters. Great plot.
Thank you NetGalley for this arc.

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Wow! This was fabulous! The storyline was tense and fast paced throughout. I found myself walking round the house with earphones plugged in for the whole time! I couldn’t stop listening. I was gripped with the plot, a mother determined to find her kidnapped daughter! Amazing!!
This Psychological Thriller has everything you want from this genre.

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Really enjoyable read. Good characters and a Good story. Well worth a read. Think others will enjoy.

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Great story by S.B. Caves. Really fabulous story, that kept me turning the pages!! A thrilling plot, and characters.

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On the tenth anniversary of her daughter Autumn's abduction, Francine receives an anonymous note containing just five words: I KNOW WHERE SHE IS. A brilliant and gripping book about every parents worst nightmare.

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An interesting concept that was well written. I enjoyed this book - would read more by this author in the future.

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This mystery thriller has it all - abduction, enslavement, torture, a cult, a private army, but most of all, incredibly strong women. Francine has lost everything except hope and goes to extreme lengths to find her daughter, willing to do anything that gets her closer to finding out what happened to her. This fast-paced psychological thriller has the reader glued to its pages, desperate to find out what happens next and how its characters extricate themselves from impossible situations. I loved the absolutely badass women in this book and the unwavering dedication of Francine to find Autumn, as well as Autumn's incredible commitment to helping the girls.

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I started out really liking this book. That did not last long. It goes from ridiculous to downright unbelievable. Francine turns into Superwoman in the blink of an eye. Not to my liking. I doubt that I will read other books by this author.

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I loved this book! A full 5 stars from me as it hooked me, pulled me in and kept me gripped from the first page to the last.
It's at times a harrowing read as it tells the story of a girl who is abducted as a child and the trauma experienced by her (and other girls) as well as her mother and her father. The fabulous thing for me is that the subject matter is handled so, so well and at no time does it become gruesome or 'too much' as is the case in some books.

This one romps along at a great pace and left me wanting more from this excellent author.

I read in 24 hours, just, couldn't put it down.

Wishing every success to SB Caves and thanks so much to you, netgalley and Canelo publishers for the opportunity to preview. Wow!

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An excellent book that carried me along with it from start to finish! Francine's search for her daughter was an emotional roller coaster that any parent could understand and identify with. The story was a great study of physical relisiance under the most extreme circumstances and I was rooting for a successful outcome while never being sure if Francine would ever be reunited with Autumn. I read this book in one day - always the sign of an excellent read!

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