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Seducing His True Love

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*Please note that I would have said the same thing if it was the male who had done this*

One of my biggest pet peeves, the ones I can't let go no matter what is reading about one of the MCs sleeping with other people. Cassie slept with Leo during their separation twice and brought it up to Blaine the first night they got together after their separation. I thought that since "Its taken more than a year for Cassie's broken heart to heal" she would have been the one to be celibate, but it wasn't the case. Blaine was so that's something. The book was too short to bring other people up and I couldn't like it. I would not recommend the book to anyone.

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Here is a book that I have been looking forward to for a long time! Can't wait to read more by this author!

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Blaine Richards didn’t believe in love at first sight, even when he met the perfect woman. They had an intense, passionate interlude sixteen months ago…and then it was over. Even after all this time, Blaine can’t forget Cassie Monroe. Now, he’s desperate to get her back.
I really didn’t like this story. Right from the beginning I just couldn’t get into it. I had a hard time buying the love at first sight theme in this story.

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I didn't know what to expect when i opened this book. But it fell a bit short. There really was no connection between Blaine and Cassie. In the beginning , she seem weak but in the end she was being contradictory and just plain stubborn regarding giving Blaine another chance. Blaine on the other hand was at times alpha and other times a bit of a pushover. I never really got into the book and it took me several weeks to finish it. In the bedroom scenes, there was chemistry but again I couldn't see Cassie and Blaine doing the stuff the characters were doing in the bedroom. There was a bit of a disconnect for me.

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Not quite what I expected to be honest. I didn't understand the insta-love between these two followed by borderline depression then maybe some mutual obsession. All I could think was how unhealthy these two were together.

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Seducing His True Love is sexy but that's about it. There's no strong connection between Blaine and Cassie, nor did I end up liking either of them very much.

Blaine broke Cassie's heart a year ago when they spent a week together falling in love and he left after she told him she loved him. He refused to believe he was in love with her because he was too logical to believe in love at first sight, so he left her. Now 16 months later he's finally come to the realization that he was in love with her before and is still in love with her, and he wants her back. So he drives to her small town and tells her if she'll come back and spend the weekend with him he'll be able to convince her to stay and give him a chance. She figures she'll spend a weekend having hot sex, live out a few fantasies, then walk away with her heart intact, and maybe even break his heart the way he had broken hers.

While this all sounds good, the execution was seriously lacking. Neither Blaine nor Cassie was particularly likable or interesting, nor did their connection extend beyond the physical. I never felt their supposed love for each other. It was all just a little meh. I almost DNF'd a few times, because it was boring outside the sex scenes. So yeah, not a good thing if I had to make myself finish it. Also, the lack of an epilogue is always annoying and Seducing His True Love didn't have one, so another checkmark on the the con side.

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wow! this was a super steamy second-chance romance. I loved Cassie and the fact that she didn't just sit around and wait for Blaine to come back to her. She tried to move on and live her life. The chemistry between these two was too intense for her to deny though and it was HOT! I really enjoyed this one!

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Blaine Richards is driving back to a town that he left 16 months ago to try and convince Cassie Monroe that he is in love with her and he want to marry her. The problem, which is huge is that he broke her heart by leaving after she told him that she loved him. He not only drove away but also told her he lived on the other side of Canada when he actually lives only 2 hours away. Now trying to find her at a Halloween party and to convince her. When he does find her and they talk she agrees to go away with him for the weekend and plans to leave him like he did her on Sunday. During their time together there is a lot of sex, and good food. Also he tells her about last year when they meet and what was going on in his life. Everything is going good and she understands everything and knows a lot of his issues are his mind being a scientist. The problem is she still feels that he will break her heart again. She does leave and now he must come up with another plan which he does. This is a very good book with some very hot scenes. There is also a beaver custom which is good for some jokes. Overall a very good book. Read this book to find out what happens.

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This book tore at my heart strings. I felt for Blaine and Cassie! You could tell they belonged together, but weren't sure it would even work this time. Even if Cassie was willing to take the chance to find out. She had already put her heart on the line once, probably never fully recovered, and he was asking her to do it all again. Will fate be with them this time through?
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Cute book! I really liked the characters. I loved that they were quirky and different but they understood each other. I also like that Cassie stood her ground and really made Blaine show her that he'd changed. They had good chemistry and the sex scenes were hot. However, there may be some who find the consensual rape fantasy offensive. Other than that this is a satisfying read, perfect for a day on the beach!

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Seducing His True Love by Laura Jardine is the latest sexy story in her scorchingly hot Small Town Temptations series. I really enjoyed the first story, Tempting her Neighbor, which starred a sexually confident heroine who hooks up with her reclusive neighbor and finds they are perfectly compatible in many ways. In this story, we get a sexy second chance romance as a couple who connected first in a week long fling find that neither has been able to leave thoughts of the other behind.

When Blaine Richard's father took his own life, Blaine spent some time during the following months regrouping and coming to terms with his grief. During one of those weeks, he'd planned a camping trip but in the small Ontario town where he stopped for a coffee, his eyes met those of a woman in the shop and all his plans went out the window. A week of sexual fantasies playing out in real time ensued as the two took a break from the world and spent it with each other. But Blaine didn't believe that he could really be falling in love with this woman he'd just met, and when their week together was up, he left with no plans to return.

Cassie Monroe was heartbroken when her lover left, and though she hoped for a while he'd return, she eventually gave up on that dream and tried moving on with her life. But sixteen months later, Blaine suddenly shows up, asking for a second chance. Cassie had once given him her body and her heart, but this time around, she's clear – a weekend is all he gets. Once burned, twice shy. Blaine will give everything he has to convince Cassie that it's not a game and that he wants a real future with her. But can she trust him not to break her heart again?

Because this is part of the Scorched imprint, it means a pretty high heat level and lots of sex, which it definitely lives up to! Cassie and Blaine dabbled in some BDSM the first time around, and they do again here, with some kink scenes including consensual 'non-consent'. It's clear these two enjoy sexual experimentation, but Blaine also cares a lot for Cassie and makes sure everything they do is pleasurable for her. He's an affectionate lover and really wants to show Cassie that she's not making a mistake by letting him back into her life. Opening himself up to her emotionally goes a long way to convincing her that he means what he says. Blaine comes up with a plan to show her he's serious, and it works, resulting in a sweet happy ending for the couple. If you're looking for quick, sexy reads with couples who aren't afraid to express their sexual desires, Small Town Temptations is a great series to add to your TBR!

This review will be posted at Straight Shootin' Book Reviews and feedback updated with the link. It will be posted at sale sites during release week.

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What started with passion turns into obsession in Laura Jardine's, Seducing His True Love. Blaine and Cassie push the envelope at every turn with their trigger happy, almost co - dependent relationship. There are moments that are disturbing. Situations that are enlightening and drama that is heartbreaking. Ms. Jardine makes sure there is never a dull moment and that she will get people talking about this firecracker romance. (3.5 stars)

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3.5 stars

Book 2 in the Small Town Temptations series and it was an ok read for me.... I liked the first book, so I gave this one a go.

This book started off with the characters meeting and having a fling in the past. I am not really a fan of that. I like the build up and romance. This one was like I missed that whole "getting to know you" part of the book. I like the tension and romance. They already had that and it was more like a second chance romance, minus the real romance.

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A whole lot of seriously sexy steam but not much story. After a week long sexy affair and 16 months Blaine Richards shows up in Cassie Monroe's life again! He knows he screwed up but he hasn't been able to get over her so he's determined to get a second chance with Cassie. Cassie is just as determined to keep him at arms lenght. Yes the sex may be off the charts hot but risking her heart again isn't something she's willing to do. Will Blaine find a way to convince her he's all in this time??

If your looking for a hot read you found it!

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Cassie and Blaine we're interesting characters, and I really think this book benefited from having dual point of views. Especially because the story centers around his attempts to win her back and prove how much he cares about her.

I liked both their groups of friends. They added a lot of humor but were not over used nor did they distract from the central plot.

While I liked the characters and more emotional sides of the story, some of the scenes weren't for me. I do read a lot of romance, but this one wasn't my cup of tea. I would say this book tends toward the 2.5 to 3 stars rating for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I wasn't to fond of this novel because I had a hard time getting into the storyline and connecting with the characters.

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this small town tempations novel is as risqué as the first. in seducing his true love, blaine richards has finally, after eighteen months, accepted that he fell head over heels in love with cassie monroe when they had a week-long interlude. now that he's accepted this fact, he's ready to win her back. but cassie was left hurt and heartbroken and isn't really into the idea of giving blaine a second chance.

but their sexual chemistry was off-the-charts, and she hasn't been able to recapture those feelings with anyone else since blaine left. but she wants to move on, move forward with her life. so she agrees to spend one weekend with blaine, and if she finds she can't live without him she'll stay. except she has no intention of staying.

however, they are super in-sync when it comes to their sexual compatibility. the kind of fantasies they are both willing to explore, how far they are both willing to go for pleasure is kinky and hot and disturbing all at once. one thing that is wonderful about these characters is how open and honest they are about their kinks. even when they are fulfilling fantasies that are taboo and require trigger warnings, it's kind of refreshing how forthright the whole thing is.

there is no way that people this in tune with each other won't work this out. but cassie does make blaine work for it. even if the sex is perfect, she doesn't let that be the only thing that sways her decision to give him another chance. he earns it, and their relationship is stronger for it.

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Please note: I received a copy of SEDUCING HIS TRUE LOVE via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

This was a fast and fun read. There is so much you can do with a second chance romance and Laura Jardine delivers! Sometimes when you meet a person, you just know he or she is the one for you. Such is the case with Blaine and Cassie.

Blaine and Cassie are perfect for each other – from their quirky behavior to their sexy scenes. **fans herself** After a week-long passionate affair, Blaine bails on Cassie because he can’t handle the intensity of a relationship so soon after his father’s death. Cassie spends the next eighteen months nursing her broken heart until one night, Blaine returns to reclaim her. A hilarious Halloween party scene ensues and the whirlwind romance in and out of the covers follows.

I thoroughly enjoyed this sexy rekindled romance with a touch of humor and I bet you will too. Highly recommend.

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This book was amazing. The storyline is stunning and the novel was hard to put down. Fantastic author who has gone on my go to list for authors. This book is that good. Can't wait to read more by this author. Would recommend

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