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Two Dukes and a Lady

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Hot and steamy historical with a twist on the typical erotica. Quick, sensuous read hits all the right spots. Light and fun novella with plenty of swoonage.

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Not sure how my review didn't make it to this site but here goes:

Historical sexy is my jam! And when they get smutty I love them even more. This was DELICIOUS from beginning to end. Not only was the story erotic as heck, but it was also very romantic. There was just a lot of heart to them above the sexual aspect of the journey. I enjoyed this little gem tremendously!

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I thought this would be cheesy but I requested it from Netgalley because the blurb sounded interesting and I wanted to see if the author could actually pull off a regency ménage story.

Well the story actually wasn't that bad. A bit cheesy in places but still a good read if you like erotica. It managed not to be a run of the mill erotica story with cut and paste sex scenes (cynical I know) and the story was interesting because of the characters.

After her crooked husband is shot dead because of his dirty business dealings, Lily flees from the colonies and returns to London. She realises that she needs to get married again and to a wealthy man. She needs someone who can help her pay off her husband's creditors and keep a blackmailer off her back. She never wanted the arranged marriage to her husband in the first place and having endured him for five years she is now somewhat free but the financial shackles remain.

Lily is in London, penniless and bereft. A grieving widow on the outside but on the inside a young woman who really wants to experience all that life has to offer. She wants to be free of her debtors and find someone who can awaken her passions because she knows that although her husband left her cold she is truly passionate inside. As a child she had begun to explore this passion with her childhood friends William and Charles but that went wrong and now here she is with another chance. Lily still feels deeply attracted to William and Charles and she is hoping for for an offer of marriage from one of them, what she doesn't bargain for is that both of them are interested in her and both of them are used to sharing their women.

When Lily meets up again with Charles and William they have a proposition for her. Charles will marry her but behind closed doors she will actually be a wife to both men.

The story focuses on the relationship between the two men and Lily, and the desire they have for her. There is the secrecy and the way the three of them indulge their passion on the inside while skirting the boundaries of respectability on the outside and running the risk of scandal. There are the women who Charles and William ignore in their efforts to get Lily and then there is the past and the dirty dealings of Lily's crooked dead husband.

Lily is an intriguing character. She is too scared to open letters from her husband's creditors but she isn't scared at all when it comes to stepping into a potentially scandalous relationship. Although she starts by being naive and nervous, and overwhelmed by her feelings for both men and what they do with her, she soon demands loyalty from both men especially when she realises that William and Charles have something of a reputation with other women. I can't say that I really liked her. I found her a bit irritating and rather gullible.

William and Charles on the other hand are rogues and very determined to live outside the rules of polite society whilst maintaining their position within it. They both love Lily and having lost her to another man before they are determined it won't happen again. Lily is going to belong to both of them but this is easier said than done and a slender threads of rivalry and jealousy emerge between the two men.

Both of them love her but only one man can marry her and then the past arrives on Lily's doorstep threatening to jeopardise this illicit arrangement and the whole emphasis of the story is how the two men made this menage relationship work without disclosing anything to the high society to which they belong. The author manages to creat a distinctive voice for each of her characters as well as including an interesting sub plot. Who is blackmailing Lily and why?

If you like erotica or romance then you will probably enjoy this. It manages to tell a story and is also romantic without being overrun with sex scenes. It does have engaging characters with an interesting sub plot. Not a memorable story but definitely an entertaining one.

Copy provided by publisher via net galley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Very Adult and very scandalous!! I was not prepared for the spiciness.

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Ménage à trios is not normally my thing, but this was well written. It was a quick enjoyable read, but definitely not for the faint of heart! 3 best friends found a way to all be together!

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What I learned from this book is that historical erotica doesn't work for me. Not that I don't believe people behaved this way or that it's not well written, it just didn't work for me.

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Ooooo I loved this book it was so much fun and we got two hotties instead of one loving on our heroine. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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3.7 erotically steamy stars
This is a friend to lover read - Or should I say friends to lovers?
Lily is one of those heroines that you can't help but root for - her life hasn't always been the perfect combination of pleasures - that is until Charles and William
I enjoyed the rakish quality given to the male leads they were the epitome of bad boys but still held that gentleman's touch that every lady craves
I do wish the story had more depth with regards to the characters - also some areas felt a bit rushed -though I must admit it Lorna James did an exceptional job considering this was a novella length story

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ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A historical menage a trois involving childhood friends? Sign me up please! As soon as a I read the synopsis, I requested this book immediately. This is everything I wanted. Historical erotica is the best. Childhood friends to lovers is my weakness. Throw in a menage a trois and I am sold 100%.

And the novel didn’t disappoint. Overall, it was as erotic as it was romantic. I was a little annoyed at the characters, their actions/reactions to situations, and how they handled them. I mean, they haven’t seen this woman they loved for years, and the first time they do, they practically ravage her in the street after not contacting her in forever. It felt similar to reading a YA where the couple hasn’t quite figured out how to interact with their significant other as an adult.

Barring that, it was a great read. I wish I could find more novels similar to this mold (that aren’t garbage.)

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Really hot!

This is a really spicy MFM erotic romance of novella length. There is no S&M, but most other things are included in the love scenes. The dukes know what they want in the bedroom, and their recently widowed childhood friend Lily turns out to be just as adventurous as they are. In this case, two Victorian dukes are better than one.

Lorna James is the new pen name of the writing team of Jamie K. Schmidt and Lori Perkins. I read and loved Jamie K. Schmidt's book "Handy Men" and I loved it. To me, the writing style of this book is the same. It is engaging, compelling, and has very likable characters. The men have some faults, but they treat their lady well and with respect. They truly accept the other people as they are. In addition, there is a conflict that the trio must overcome. I also like how the author figured out an intelligent way for a threesome relationship to be carried out in London secretly.

I recommend this book to readers who like MFM books. I also think that fans of Jennifer Ashley's Mackenzie series would love this book because the dukes and the sensuality remind me of that series.

I received a free advanced reading copy from the publisher via Netgalley, and I voluntarily wrote this honest review.

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Two Dukes and a Lady is a sexy little MFM ménage set in England, 1875. Lily Drew has come home to England after a horrible marriage to a criminal who was murdered back in the US. She's hoping to see her childhood best friends, two men for whom she's always had feelings, Charles Ashdown, Duke of Densmore, and his best friend William Kenwood, Duke of Tennison. When she sees them again, it's as if no time has passed, and the attraction she's always had for them is stronger than ever.

She needs a husband to get her dead husband's creditors off her back, though. Whom shall she pick? Charles, the "big, handsome lion of a man with a mane of unruly blond curls and flashing dark eyes the color of topaz." or William, "his black hair short and neat, was as dark as Charles was fair." Or, would either man even want her as a wife? Did they still even have feelings for her? When she's delighted to find that she can have pleasure with both men, that they like to share their women, she's in Victorian heaven.

Things don't go smoothly for our threesome, though. There are people who aren't happy that Lily's back and spending time with the two Dukes. And there just may be an obstacle neither men can overcome, even once they iron out their differences over whom Lily will choose as her husband.

I liked Two Dukes and a Lady. As historicals go, it's not half bad. Generally speaking, I don't enjoy historical romances, but I couldn't resist this one since it was a ménage. It's not particularly deep, nor do any of the characters display any growth, and I didn't find myself connecting much with either of the men. They're pretty much asses, but at least they both love Lily. I did like Lily, though, and she makes up for any lack of pleasant qualities the men have.

If ménages and/or historical erotica is your thing, Two Dukes and a Lady is a nice way to spend an hour or so escaping into.

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I enjoyed reading about Lily, and her two dukes. Overall it was a quick read that was more sweet, spicy, and sensual, instead of scorching hot, but still charming. 3.5 stars.

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This is a great story of second chance with a twist. It is a friends to lovers with not one but 2 Dukes and 1 Lady. Its spicy, hot, full of drama, suspense, humor and spark. I loved it. I will be looking for more from this author.

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I was hoping for a little bit more from this one, it was a quick, short read. It was filled with steamy love scenes, but it ended there. The book didn't capitalize on its historic aspects as much as it could have. I was hoping for an erotica book that had elements of the historical romance books that I love so much.

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Lillian Drew has returned home to England after the loss of her husband. However, she's faced with paying back her husband's creditors and without any money to her name, she realizes she has no other choice but to marry, if she's to have any chance of paying off the debt. Yet, choosing between her two childhood crushes is harder than she thought. But when they tell her she doesn't have to choose, will she give Charles and William a chance or will the fear of a scandal have her running from the chance of them all finding their happy ever after?

The two authors that bring their writing brilliance to the pseudonym of Ms. James have penned a super steamy and wonderful read in this novella where the pages flew by due to the fantastic main characters that had me hoping everything would work out for the best for the heroine and her two men; the dilemma the heroine faces because of her late husband's bad choices; the scandal Lillian would be associated with if anyone discovered the truth about her relationship with two men; and the wonderful blend of intense moments and playful banter between the main characters that had me loving the two heroes, even when they're being unapologetically crass and self-centered. The way this story started had me liking the two dukes, as they're determined to win Lily over, even knowing she might not be open to their plan to share her. Will she ever be able to accept their need to share women?

As for the dialogue, it was entertaining due to the main characters back stories and the obstacles they face to be together. Such as the scandal they face if someone discovers the truth about Lillian being with the two men; the jealousy of a woman determined to make the heroine see how bad she is for the men's friendship; and the moment she discovers another of her late husband's deceptions that could have an effect on her future happiness. What choice will Lillian make? However, I also liked how the men won the heroine over, even though it didn't seem all that hard, considering the feelings Lillian once had for the pair.

All three of the main characters were fascinating and I loved their back stories. Each have their reasons for avoiding a scandal, but most especially Lillian and Charles; as Lillian is a widow and it isn't appropriate for a woman in her time period to be with two men while Charles, his brother would do anything to have something to hold over his head. Moreover, the heroine is strong and brave in taking a chance, even though her being with William and Charles could backfire and bring her more trouble than what she's facing due to her late husband. I also liked the decision she made towards the end, as she couldn't abandon someone that needed her help. While the men, I liked the close friendship they shared, although being with Lillian could make or break the friendship, if they couldn't see eye-to-eye and treat the relationship like any other with the added bonus of love. I also liked how charming the men could be when it came to showing Lillian that being together was right.

Overall, Ms. James (a pseudonym for Jamie K. Schmidt and Lori Perkins) has penned a delightful read in this book where the chemistry between Lillian and the men was powerful, the romance fan-your-face hot, and the ending had me loving how the men won Lillian back, because there was no way they were going to let her go. Who knew the men could be so convincing? Not that it took a lot, considering how much Lillian loved the two men. I also liked the decision they made towards the end, as it allowed both men to have a place in the heroine's life without anyone questioning why William would be around Lillian so much. I would recommend Two Dukes and a Lady by Lorna James, if you enjoy steamy Historical Romance, the friends to lovers trope, or books by authors Stacy Reid, Jess Michaels, Samantha Holt and Tina Gabrielle. I would also recommend reading books by the authors that make up the Lorna James pen name.

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Fabulous romance book, more then enough heat but also a pretty good plot line as well!

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I decided to give a menage romance another shot and was disappointed. This book felt so rushed and the characters were shallow. It seems the story was more focused on sex than anything and even that was lackluster. I actually think this could have been a good story if the characters had more depth and their was more angst involved. It just seemed to all be too easy...

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I was really excited to read this book, however I didn't like how the author tied it all together.

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Short and ok

This was kind of corny. At times would laugh out loud with what the characters said and did. I just couldn't really get into the story.

Received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Fast paced steamy historical ménage. Lily, William and Charles had been friends since childhood. Lilly has just returned from America after her husband was murdered. William and Charles don’t plan on letting her go this time. Plenty of drama and suspense and very hot. I loved it!

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