Cover Image: The Doll House

The Doll House

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Thanks to Netgalley for my copy.

Corinne and Ashley are sisters still grieving nearly a year after the death of their beloved father. Ashley is a mother of three children and an increasingly distant husband James. Corinne is in a long term relationship with Dominic and is undergoing another round of IVF. Both sisters are dealing with different issues leaving them a little paranoid and emotionally strung out.

This book alternates between the "Here" and "Then" Who is the mysterious voice behind the then chapters? Morgan kept me engrossed throughout the book and I especially loved the flashbacks. Although I did figure out who was responsible for those chapters it really didn't detract from my enjoyment of this novel. The only small criticism I have is there is a little too much repetition in places.

Overall a very well written twisty psychological story. Will definitely look out for more by this author.

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You shouldn't read this book unless you want to give up everything else in your life until you are finished with it. It really is that good.

From the beginning, you are aware that there is something strange going on with Corinne and her sister, Ashley, but you don't know quite what. As the story progresses, you glimpse the past and things begin to make sense, but only just. This story is told from different points of view, but instead of making it confusing for the reader, I thought it added to the overall atmosphere and feeling that not everything is what it seems.

I liked the way the author used a red herring or two in order to throw the reader off the trail. I figured out who was responsible before the halfway mark of the book, but it didn't matter because in the end it didn't go the way I expected it to. Knowing who did what was only half the excitement.

All of the unimportant things in life--you know--like eating, sleeping and bathroom breaks were shoved to the side while I read this compelling book. I could not stop turning the pages. Yep. I loved it. I suspect you will, too.

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher, provided through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. The tile and cover drew me into this book and I ended up really enjoying. I liked how the chapters jumped back and forth between characters and you could know what each was thinking and feeling. I felt like all the characters didn't give Corrine enough credit and treated her too gently. I wish there were more possibilities of "who did it' to choose from as there were really only two characters in the book that you had to guess between. No spoilers involved but I think the ending was decent, but the last part was kind of unbelievable they she could just walk away. Overall, it was a good read and I'd really enjoy reading more from this author and publisher.

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Was drawn to the book by the cover. The description sounded great. Im glad to say I was not disappointed. It was well written. Fast passed to keep your interest. It pulls you in as all good thrillers do. Fantastic read and highly recommended

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I think it's fair to say that the psychological thriller genre has had its fair share of hits and misses the past few months. Try as I might to stay away, there is always one that lures me back in. In the case of The Doll House, I have no regrets or complaints whatsoever!

Since the book description is so vague, I won't add anything to it. Suffice to say that while the "why" is reasonably obvious, it's the "who" that'll keep you guessing until there's this fantastic "aha" moment! I had a list of potential suspects and found myself zeroing on the wrong one for a while, which I always think is fun.

The Doll House is a bit of a slow burner but it has a constant and deliciously creepy, threatening vibe to it like a current of electricity crackling away under the surface. The author's superb writing sucks you in and doesn't let go as the story slowly builds up to a fabulous and jaw-dropping conclusion.

This is one tense and suspenseful ride. It's incredibly atmospheric, haunting and a true page-turner. I had a hard time putting it down. I have no doubt that The Doll House will be a hit as it's one fantastic and gripping psychological thriller. An absolutely amazing debut and I can't wait to see what Phoebe Morgan has in store for us next.

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A brilliant physiological thriller! Devoured over 2 days.
Following the lives of a large family the story builds to an almighty climax full of intrigue, twists and turns along the way. I actually put the book down for a bit near the end as I really didn't want the story to be over. 5 stars from me!

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This book is told from different prospectives. Corinne's chapters are told in the first person. As is the parts told by our unknown antagonist. The other character's parts, Dominic's (Corinne's boyfriend) and Ashley's (her sister) are told in the third person. Corinne is trying to get pregnant, Ashley is trying to deal with her always absent husband and her three children, Domonic is trying to convince Corinne to not worry so much and also deal with the upcoming one year anniversary of her beloved father's death. All these issues while seeming separate, help to bring about the final climatic few chapters. I read this book in the course of a day. I liked that with each chapter we were seeing another person's story. Sometimes it was the same story just from the other person's perspective. This kept the book moving at a nice pace and left me with a few cliffhangers until a specific person had they own chapter again. There was a lot of suspense and the ending was getting me to the edge of my seat. I am giving this a 3.5 star rounding up to 4. I will definiently be looking to read more of Ms. Morgan's work.

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The Doll house is a haunting read that will leave readers clinging to the edge of their seats until the very end. Books like this are the main reason why I started reading in the first place and I can't wait to read more by the author. I loved this book and the way the author provided us a dark and brooding atmosphere to leave us chilled to the bone. Highly recommended!

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Phoebe Morgan's first novel, The Doll house, is due to be published in September 2017. The Doll House explores themes of family secrets and how they can come back to haunt us in unexpected and frightening ways.

Corinne and her boyfriend Dominic have been trying unsuccessfully to start a family and are on their last cycle of IVF. Her sister Ashley has three children with husband James and is troubled that he is spending more and more time at work. As the novel progresses, the sisters each begin having some unusual experiences that cause them to doubt themselves and their perceptions. Several mysterious phone calls raise Ashley's suspicions about James's fidelity, while random pieces left from a childhood doll house leave Corinne feeling stalked and threatened. The story is told from multiple points of view and the plot alternates between past and present.

I enjoyed this book but I didn't love it. The writing was good but I thought the story was somewhat predictable and too bogged down in details that became repetitive. More importantly, I figured out the plot twists and secret person way too early and I'm generally not a reader who tends to solve the mystery before the end of a book. In other words, I'm not that clever; I wish this thriller had held its cards a little closer to the vest.

Thank you to HQ Digital and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Interesting book. I liked the snippets of Erin's early childhood and how this fed into the story. I enjoyed how the story was told from different view points and thought the different characters had distinct voices. I enjoyed the ambiguity of the ending with June being present.

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Omg! I loved this book. Hooked from page 1 but the last 20% or so had my heart racing so fast. Brilliant!

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Great book. Excellent storyline and brilliant main characters. I would recommend this book.

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This is a brilliantly written book with great characters, good plot and an easy to read narrative style. I really enjoyed the way Phoebe draws you in through great characterisation; all the characters felt real and I was drawn in by them immediately. The structure was good, flitting between past and present with the anonymous voice threaded throughout, which kept me guessing. The suspense was pitched just right and there were some really tense moments particularly towards the end (but I don't want to spoil the plot line) so I shall keep quiet as to why exactly I found myself perched on the edge of the sofa, cup of tea poised in my hand!The setting was well executed and I could really see and experience the flat where Corinne and Dominic lived and the house where Ashley and James lived. The children seemed real and Corinne's quest to have a child was written really well and was compelling reading.I like the way Phoebe took me down a few paths to keep me guessing and I found myself thinking at times "it was that person or this person" which was really good, but half way into the book, I had a good idea where it was going. There were a few instances when I was jarred out of the plot, (can pregnant women eat scallops and would she risk it if she had been desperate to try for a baby) but apart from that, I really enjoyed this book. The ending was tense, (I had guessed it), but this didn't spoil my enjoyment of the book. It was written so well that I didn't mind at all and was happy to be carried away by the brilliant narrative. For me, I would have ended the book sooner, but the extra chapters at the end gave me a good excuse to stay in the character's heads a little longer.I'm not sure if I needed the ending spelling out to me as it appeared to be.
This is a brilliant debut and one which I whizzed through very quickly. I would thoroughly recommend it and defy anyone not to be drawn into it immediately. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my advance copy. I look forward to reading the next one from this talented writer.

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