Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. It was a light read and the writing was good and fresh. Hannah was so down to earth and even though she was very hurt she still was willing to help. Will was a charming man who had internal struggles about what had happened and what may happen. There was equal amounts of humor and heartbreak in this story. The book showed both Hannah and Will's growth along the way. It was a great, fun, and quick read.

I received an e-book that was provided by NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Loved everything about this book! Humor, Faith, the Romance! The journey the two were on not only together, but their faith journey was a refreshing read! It was a great reminder that our words matter and how and when we say them do affect and hurt people. Also, the author did a great job of showing the reader God forgives and never forgets us. He loves us always! Highly recommend this book!

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3.5 stars

There were parts of The Engagement Plot which were excellent. I loved the writing, which was witty and original. I loved the dialogue, which was the perfect blend of clever and snarky, and allowed the personalities of the characters to shine. The plot sounded kitschy at first, but it soon convinced me: a couple who met and fell in love on a cheesy reality TV show, then broke up following gutter innuendo in a TV interview (as an aside, why do we call it reality TV? It's nothing like reality).

The other aspect I loved about The Engagement Plot was that it was Christian romance with an emphasis on the Christian. Hanna is a devoted Christian—at least, she was until Will's TV interview destroyed her reputation and cost her her job. Now she's just mad at God. Will was raised in church but isn't a Christian, which doesn't give her as much angst as it should (and the whole should-she-shouldn't-she is one of her major conflicts). As far as bringing the Christian into Christian romance goes, The Engagement Plot is better than average.

Unfortunately, there were also some less good qualities. The cover isn't great—it portrays Hanna as a ditsy teen drama queen when she's anything but. The txtspk is trying to be hip, but is as dated as my first Nokia brick phone (modern folk speak emoji). Will is a CEO with an iPhone. He's not going to write 'U sure?' or '2night'—an iPhone autocorrects U to I, and 2night actually takes more keystrokes than tonight (assuming autocorrect doesn't turn it into something else). If writing out the text message is too slow, he can use the iPhone's dictation function. It's not good with names like mine, but perfectly adequate otherwise.

Worst, the whole Doug subplot was too obvious, and Hanna fell for it too easily (especially the second time. Why? It was obvious he was only there to cause trouble). The Doug/Hanna scenes felt contrived, which is never a good thing. We know the story is made up—it's the author's job to allow us to suspend our disbelief and pretend it isn't. And the whole Hanna in the taxicab scene? At that point, I wondered if I'd overestimated her IQ and street savvy.

So there are weaknesses and strengths in The Engagement Plot. Overall, it's a quick, fun read.

Thanks to Shiloh Run Press and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.

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This was a new author for me. In this story, a reality game show features a handsome, influential, well-to-do bachelor with a choice of many young women. He chose Hanna and the story proceeds by Will's bad choices in letting the public think that there was more to their relationship then what really occurred. Hanna feels her reputation has been ruined and the engagement ends.

The Minnesota school teacher, Hanna, unknowingly rescues Will from a blizzard car accident and the story continues.

The story is fun, interesting and engaging. It was a fun read.

I would enjoy reading more of her writings.

I received a free e-book copy of this book for my review. All thoughts are my own.

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I actually didn't end up enjoying this book as much as I expected to. Maybe it's because I just don't "get" reality TV which is kinda the main premise of the story. Hanna, the heroine, had been on a reality show and was deeply hurt and disillusioned in the process. That part was believable. What I found less believable was why she agreed to be on the show to start with. I sure wouldn't have! I did find the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation to be encouraging.

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Delightfully entertaining, but somewhat sued by problems and perceptions. Getting engaged does not fix things, they should realize they would be in a media spotlight. and while the Hanna seemed secure in her religion she also seemed to fall apart when others didn't agree with or invent things. She should have known people would distort the truth to try to poke at her trying to tip her off balance.

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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Fast paced, fun, heart warming love story. Well written with well developed characters and a great story line, you'll finish this in a sitting, unable to put it down! I'm on m way to look for more from this author!

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This book was an enjoyable read. Although on the surface it appears as a book for pure entertainment there is depth to it. The issue of socialmedia that was raised in the book is thought provoking, as well as the tendency to judge others without having all the facts.

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I'm a big fan of anything to do with reality TV dating shows and I don't care who knows it, so when I read the premise of Krista Phillips's most recent novel I knew I had to read it. In The Engagement Plot William and Hanna have fallen in love and gotten engaged on a reality tv dating show. But when the time comes for them to be reunited after the filming ends, WIlliam ruins everything but insinuating that he has slept with Hanna which goes against her faith and moral beliefs. This novel is about them finding each other and God again in the midst of a lot of outside influence.

I've read my fair share of Christian romance novels in my day, but it has admittedly been awhile since I've read one recently. This is probably one of the better contemporary Christian romance novels I've read, but it's definitely heavy on the christian-ese. I'm a progressive feminist Christian who bristled through a lot of their interactions and the way Hanna thought of herself. Just wasn't for me.

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The Engagement Plot is a Rom-Com that was very entertaining and a product of our times. Hanna is from a small town in Minnesota and goes on a reality show The Price of Love. She meets the eligible bachelor William Preston. Hanna falls for Will and even though he picks her, in the closing scenes of the show Will makes some thoughtless remarks that both hurt and embarrass Hanna and tarnish her Christian reputation. Months later back in Minnesota Hanna happens upon a stranded motorist on the side of the road. It is the middle of a snow storm and Hanna can not leave them out in the cold. She rescues the man and takes him home only to find out he is none other than Will. She can't figure out why Will is there but as it turns out Will needs her help. This is a very humorous book and also has Christian under tones to it. I loved it and would highly recommend it. This book and others like are definitely needed at this time. Exactly what is The Price of Love? (ARC) #Rom-Com, #Reality TV, #Christian fiction, #Judging Others

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-'If anyone deserved a good decapitation from an ex-girlfriend—if she could even be called that—it was him.'-

This is most definitely a Christian book, no holds barred. I enjoyed the storyline but I did find it a bit preachy. I understand the author wanting to drive her point across but, to me, it was a bit too much. Having said that, I liked that the characters grew and changed throughout the story. The romance was good, definitely clean but still yummy. I probably wouldn't seek out more works by this author but I did enjoy the book. There were some good, humourous parts in the story and I'm glad I read it.

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I was pleasantly surprised reading The Engagement Plot!

This book was a twist on the Bachelor/Bachelorette TV shows that are all the rage and is based on what happens AFTER the cameras go away.

Will and Hanna fell in love in front of millions of people. However, one stupid comment by Will and Hanna’s virtuous reputation was destroyed. After Hanna steps out of the spotlight and away from Will, he must beg for her forgiveness to save his job.

I enjoyed the moments between Hanna and Will where they seem to get to know each other all over again, even on a different level. I was surprised by the depth of the reflection as I thought this would be something lighthearted and full of fluff. However, I truly think it made the characters that much more likeable.

When Hanna decides to finally help Will, is there more to the story than she thinks? Will they ever get out of the limelight and be able to just be two ordinary people?

The Engagement Plot took my emotions all over the place, laughing, crying, happiness, doubt, everything under the sun. And I enjoyed every minute of it!!

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I really enjoyed The Engagement Plot! It was a quick, enjoyable read (I didn't want to put it down!). The characters were believable and well-developed. There were several surprises and plot twists along the way. I described it to a friend as a story similar to "The Bachelor" but with a nice Christian twist.

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This book grabbed my attention from the first page. I couldn't help but love and hate Will, along with Hanna! While I had an idea of the culprit of all the bad events that surrounded this couple, it wasn't until it's revealed that I actually knew. It kept me guessing. The character development was good.

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Hanna is a charming heroine and Will is an appealing hero. The story begins after they meet and get engaged on a show call The Price of Love. Hanna is a Christian and she kept her virtue and values front and center during the show which ended with Will on one knee and offering her a ring. During the airing of the finale Will said something that caused Hanna to break off the engagement.

We catch up with them about eight months after the show’s finale when Will arrives at Hanna’s Minnesota home to apologize. Her first inclination is to throw him back into the blizzard, but as they spend a few days together, they see a way to save both her reputation and his job, so the engagement plot is on.

Overall, I enjoyed this a lot and it kept me turning the page. It is definitely a Christian romance, but the faith elements rise organically from the characters.

Hanna and Will each had their own reasons for going on the show, for ending the engagement, and for concocting the new engagement plot. I have a few quibbles with some plot points, but they didn’t detract from my enjoyment.

The Engagement Plot is a fun and charming story of romance, second chances, and true love persevering against all odds. I recommend it!

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I started this book one night after my husband and kids went to bed. And honestly had to cover my mouth to keep from giggling. The start of this book was just what my heart needed after a long and stressful day. I am normally not a fan of contemporary writing but this one was definitely worth my time.

I enjoyed the story of Hanna and Will. The remake of a reality dating show and how to keep Christ the focus of our lives. I was very much impressed by the spiritual content and the scripture that was shared. It was refreshing to see truth and not just glossed over.

I really enjoyed reading a book in my home state. It gave details about Tennessee and it was exciting to read about places that you have been to personally.

This was my first book by this author and I will definitely be on the lookout for more of her books!

I received a copy from the publisher, Barbour publishing, via NetGalley. Thanks Barbour! All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

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This was an interesting look at the reality behind reality TV. I was intrigued by the knowledge of how much this reality was all publicity and how it became a problem for her and her job. I found I liked both characters and kept rooting for them until the end!

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This book is a fun take on the whole Bachelor/Bachelorette craze on reality TV, but we are taking a look at what happens after the cameras stop rolling. Both of the main characters, as well as their family members, felt real and authentic. So much so that it was a little heartbreaking to read about the harassment on social media and constant paparazzi. There were some twists and turns in this story, which made you want to keep reading. I wish we could read more about what happens to this couple; the end seemed to wrap up way too quickly for my enjoyment.

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Oh how I enjoyed my time spent while reading this novel. I started it right as I was leaving on a trip which entailed lots of driving. I laughed out loud, had some pretty big smiles, a few grumpy face moments and possibly a couple sighs. My hubby kept asking me for updates and what was happening in the plot to cause my many different moods. He'd smile and shake his head at me, I'd smile back and dive right back into this fun read.

A fun twist on the Bachelor/Bachelorette premise with all the twists and turns you might expect of a couple who met on a reality TV show and the aftermath of the show. The book starts several months after the show and a pretty epic blunder on the Bachelor's part. With a little bit of a hidden agenda, work pressure, longing of the hearts, relentless paparazzi, some behind the scenes intrigue and much more going on, the question is whether or not Hanna and Will can forgive each other and have closure or possibly move forward with their lives, happily and together.

There are many great moments throughout this book. Not just great moments between the couple but moments of individual, quiet reflection, growth and healing. These two characters were well developed. I wasn't quite sure when I started reading if I should expect that or, if this would be more of a lighthearted and fun fluff type read. I was very pleasantly surprised that it was fun and fluffy, but it was also full of depth and some great gems scattered throughout.

There's a theme here, probably a theme that may not be as noticeable as others but still one I believe the author wanted to be noticed...realizing that when mistakes (incidents, moments) happen, it isn't always just the other person's fault, that the old phrase 'it takes two to tango', definitely is true here. I loved seeing both of these characters realize that some of their choices (individual and as a couple) could have been handled a little differently and the outcomes of those choices would have been different (better) for them and those involved.

This is a Christian fiction book. There are plenty of moments of self-reflection and moments where the characters focus on Christ and his role in their lives. It wasn't over the top preachy, for those of you who don't like reading that. It is definitely a relevant part of the storyline and even helps guide the plot along in many scenes. Hanna goes on this reality TV show and chooses to guard her virtue and continue to live her values and beliefs, no matter the criticism that comes her way, even when she earns the nickname Holy Hanna. Let me just say she gets plenty of criticism throughout the book for her beliefs but I enjoyed how the author handled it. She shows the pretty intense people who are more judgmental towards Hanna, especially over something that didn't happen, as well as showing how Hanna handled it all. Lots of healing for sure throughout this book, in many different aspects. It was great watching Hanna grow from the beginning of the book, where she is still very angry and hurt and holding on tightly to that. Then slowly throughout, realizing herself how holding onto those feelings has affected her and brought her to act in ways she wouldn't normally do. That's kind of vague but let's just say it might have to do with how she treats a certain person, namely a certain male, quite possibly a Bachelor... I'll let you piece that one together.

Will...what to say about Will. Lots of character growth, a great character arc for him. Yet, even from the beginning he was great! I loved the first scene where these two, Hanna and Will, are thrown back into each other's lives. Fun. Part of Will is torn because of his love for Hanna, the other for the havoc that has been wreaked on his professional life. How can he fix both and reconcile the differences, yet have the outcome that he wants, when all signs show it might be nigh on impossible? Pain from his past has him protecting his heart and life, somewhat more than he realizes. There's no future for him with Hanna unless he can fix that and allow for healing to occur. So another aspect of the Christian genre here, the need for healing and allowing Christ in his life (Hanna as well).

The chemistry and friendship between these two characters is very well written. Definitely lots of sparks and tension between them. Can they reconcile their differences and allow the love that each other feels bloom? Those late night kitchen excursions were pretty fun scenes. The ring, the dress, the business, the snow, the mud, the family moments...I just loved it!

Don't let the religious aspects throw you off from reading this one. It is definitely a fun storyline, several great characters and a fun adventure throughout the book. I highly recommend this one and suggest you snuggle in for the long haul, because I don't think you'll want to put it down. I probably wouldn't have put it down until I was finished, except I was at a wedding over the weekend so lots of fun and excitement that I ended up enjoying my reading time while in the car for the many hours of driving to and from the wedding.

Content: Clean. I think I've explained pretty well throughout the review the religious aspects of the book. Some scenes of kissing but nothing further.

I received a review copy from the publisher, Shiloh Run Press, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!

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The idea behind this book is fun and spunky, after all who doesn't love a reality TV show that brings two people together in true love? While I stopped watching shows like The Bachelor many years ago, I have read a few books that follow these same kind of lines. That one girl amongst the fake, who's ended up in the house for some valid reason or another. While the actual initial meeting is shared, the story doesn't really go into the TV show events. Which I like. It can get a bit same old same old. Instead we pick up the relationship of Will & Hanna, some time later - after she has angrily ended it based on a TV interview Will does. She's back home in northern Minnesota, where its knee deep in snow and trying to move on from the months of painful tabloid articles & letters from judgmental angry viewers.

Will is in trouble. As CEO of a major corporation, something isn't right. He believes sales to be tanking and he is under pressure from the board to take drastic measures. It takes the form of going to Minnesota, proposing to Hanna, and earning the company some positive - and free - publicity. He knows he made a massive mistake over his choice of words when answering the TV interviewers question. He'd implied that things had gone much further than Hanna would ever have let them go. She unashamedly proclaimed during the show that she was a dedicated Christian, with a strict set of morals. She informed the viewers and Will there was a line she wouldn't cross. But now she won't even speak to him. Why did he say those things? Will she ever forgive him?

Interestingly - you expect them to already have been madly in love with each other, but I think the author quite rightly starts them out in the right place. There is plenty of mutual attraction, as you'd expect, but a huge lacking of devotion. The kind that leads a person to look beyond the mistakes we make in our relationships, to forgive easily and move past the small stuff. That essence of love is not there yet, and it sets us up in an accurate, more true reflection of where they both are on their journey.

Sometimes, it's a little too predictable, but overall the story is light, and simple. I need to read books like this once in a while. It's refreshing after a deeper more serious read. There's a fairly even pace and unfortunately I couldn't grasp more than an hour a day to read this. It truly is one of those you don't want to put down. Enjoyable read, engaging plot.

Thanks to Netgalley for the complimentary eARC, this is my honest review.

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