Member Reviews

This was a truly fun read!

Super excited to pick up the companion novel as well sometime in the future.
It has a super enjoyable plot, interesting and great characters, a world building and magic system I absolutely loved right from the get go, easy reading writing and a bit of romance - was expecting some more romance but seeing as how I really liked other elements as well, it wasn't bothering me too much haha. Sorry, I'm just always craving for romance, lol.

Definitely a book I recommend picking up when you're looking for an addictive YA fantasy read and the synopsis speaks to you. Like I said, I haven't read the prior written book yet, and am definitely planning to do so in the future!

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I tried to get into this book numerous times but it just doesn't seem to be the right time whenever I try. I actually own both of the authors books now so I will be trying again in the future. The covers are gorgeous and the plot sounds good so I hope I am in the mood soon.

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It had a slow start and it ended with a lot of questions unanswered, at times it had lots of details that felt self indulgent by the author- just a paragraph or two of words strung together that didn’t make a lot of sense. That said it was the perfect fairytale escape for my mood today. The castle and the woods and the ruins... the mystery and slow build romance. So fun!

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This book sounded fun, but the poor "Pride and Prejudice" vibe and the inane atmosphere of the school made me balk every time I went to read it. Did not connect with it and eventually gave up.

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I was bored. Sadly. I honestly have nothing to say. At least I wasnt as confused as I was in book one, but sadly I won't be continuing this series. I think the idea for the series is good, but yeah I just felt like it was executed very well.

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What if you were given the power to design your own fate?

For Emma she's already gotten what she's ever wanted. Her friends listen to her, her father is the headmaster at her school so it's not likely she'll ever get in trouble. Still when she discovers an old book in the library that allows her to write truth into the world. As she writes her own fate and destiny, she discovers that she's not the only one who knows about the book and they'll just about anything to get the book from Emma.

This book wasn't the best, but it's certainly not the worst book I've read. It's well balanced, but overall not terribly exceptional. I've read similar stories which makes the plot not terribly original.

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Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish this book. The story line did not pull me in and it is entirely possible that was only due to my mood at the time. I will give this book another try at a later date.

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A cool gothic Scottish setting, lots of literary references to please book-ish readers, and a snarky, accessible protagonist who navigates it all with bemused flair―this novel is a well-balanced treat.

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So sorry I didn't get around to reading this! I got really busy with school and work. I completely forgot about it.

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I am pleased to see more and more books in translation being made available to American readers. The cover to this book is one of the most beautiful I have seen so far this year. Emma is a student, and her father is headmaster, at a prestigious boarding school set in an old German castle. When Emma and her friends decide to clean up an old library in an unused wing of the castle, Emma finds a mysterious book that has magical powers. The tales that are written on the pages of the book come true, but the book's interpretation may not be as subtle as the writer intends, and soon Emma has more than she bargained for, and strange events transpire at the castle. Darcy de Winter and his friend Toby show up (clearly based on Darcy and Bingley in P &P), looking into the disappearance of Darcy's twin sister four years ago at the castle. Emma's book may hold the key to that mystery. Glaser manages to combine a mystery plot well with a little romance and fantasy. It might have improved the flow if certain unimportant plot points were removed, but the ending was very satisfying.

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What drew me to this book first was the cover, and then I read the synopsis and I was even more excited about it. Though the cover is in the same vein as The Book Jumper, they are not companion novels or sequel/prequels. But they are both entrancing reads and I think book lovers will enjoy both of them.

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This book started a little weird, but it had a strong finish and enough surprises to keep me very excited about reading it. ☺ I thought it was set in the Victorian era, but it was not at, there were references to very current events and people. I liked it quite a lot. ☺

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a digital ARC of “The Forgotten Book” by Mechthild Gläser. This is a beautiful story. The writing creates a fluid picture in my mind as the story is well detailed. The characters are interested and I cared about what happened to them. I will continue to watch the author.

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I found this story to be kind of cheesy. I had a problem with the fact that all three love interests for these 16-year-olds were 20 years old. I don't think that's a good message for younger YA readers, which was clearly the intended audience for this book. The Pride and Prejudice elements were weak and the characters didn't reflect Elizabeth and Darcy at all, in my opinion. The story was also very info-dumpy. I felt like the author spent a lot of time describing things that weren't relevant to the plot. This left the actual plot feeling rushed and incomplete to me. The storyline about the main character finding the book, the boarding school's history, and the mythology surrounding both had so much potential, but I felt like it wasn't explored enough. With more attention paid to that over minuscule details, this story could have been really beautiful. Overall, I thought the book didn't really have a good flow because of the breaking up of the storyline for random descriptions. Also, the relationships between 16-year-olds and 20-year-olds left a bad taste in my mouth. This story also had no impact, very forgettable.

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An incredibly unique story that absorbs the reader.
Reminded me a lot of Sharon Cameron but in a more contemporary tone.
There were quite a few LOL scenes which hardly ever happens when I am reading. Loved this.
The cover to this is amazing.
I don't especially love the title but I guess it's fitting.
Each character was unique and fit in extremely well with the whole story line.
I look forward to reading more by this author.

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Glaser, Mechthild The Forgotten Book, 336 pages. Feiwel and Friends, 2018. $18. Language: PG-13 (42 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

Emma loves Stolzenberg and not just because she is glad to be back after following her mom’s new boyfriend around England. But now she’s back at Stolzenberg School in the fabulous Stolzenberg Castle, with her father as headmaster. This year is going to be different. Emma is strating anew club with her best friends Charlotte and Hannah in the old abandoned library. Cleaning it out, however, Emma finds a mysterious book – a book that seems to control things. But someone else or more than one someone wants to get their hands on the book and will do anything they can to get it.

I am not sure what the author wanted to do with making this based loosely on Pride and Prejudice, but it did not work for me. The similarities kept intruding on a story that is jumbled enough as it is. Time clues are lacking the most. The author would have been much better off to leave the classics alone and just created their own character names. I would have rather had another book in the Book Jumper universe.

MS, HS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this title. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to read and review before it was archived. Reviews will be posted as titles are read.

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This book was a little slow for my tastes. The plot was interesting and the characters likeable and intriguing but the story just took a while to get going. There were also quite a few side stories that were a bit distracting. The idea for the book, A journal where everything you wrote came true, was a really good one and made for some really funny moments. Overall it was a pretty good book but nothing great.

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This book was slow to develop for me. About a girl finding a mysterious book in her German castle boarding school. I liked the interactions with de winter and the supporting characters helped this book plot move along. Like I said, the pacing was slow to me but otherwise a good read.

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Going into this, I had expectations that this book would feel like a Inkspell-written-by-Jane-Austen kind of vibe. In some ways I feel like I definitely got that, but I also feel like this book quickly became its own, and I really enjoyed it. To be this seemed to be a bit more of a middle-school level novel rather than YA, but I feel like readers of both would like this book. I'm such a sucker for boarding school settings and stories with magic, and Glaser was able to meld them into something fun and original. I loved the setting, the beautiful writing, and as we got to know the characters I really grew to like them.
Overall I had a fun time with this book, and I look forward to seeing more of Glaser's work!

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