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Eye Candy

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5 Stories by 5 Different authors! Most of these authors are new to me and I have to say I really enjoyed their writing. Although these are characters from series I didn’t feel I missed out on anything nor that I couldn’t enjoy the stories without knowing the background. I look forward to exploring more by these authors

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I really enjoyed Eye Candy anthology, Each novella was well written, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Eye Candy, I haven't had the pleasure of reading many of these authors, and I will now be looking to catch up on what I've missed.

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These are just small little novellas of some of our favorite couples and families based around halloween 🎃

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For me, anthologies like this are a great way to be introduced to an author. I had not read any of the authors in this anthology, and I thought reading about the characters surrounded by a holiday and its events would be fun. I was right. I really loved the stories by Helena Hunting, Tara Sivec, and Bella Jewel. I enjoyed the characters and found myself wanting to know more about them and their stories. As a result of reading this book, I'm going to check out the series connected with the stories written by Hunting, Sivec, and Jewell.

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*The Pumpkin was Stuffed* by Tara Sivec

Hilarious!! I want to be apart of this family, these are the most insane bunch of characters I've ever read and I love them. Each holiday story gets better and better. Halloween might just be my favorite.

Tijan- I love you and hate you for that story. That's all I'm gonna say about that .

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Overall, this was an excellent read. Even if you’re only interested in a couple of these stories, I suggest getting it and giving all the stories a chance.

Fallen Crest Nightmare – Tijan
This was the one author in this anthology I hadn’t read before, so I saved this story for last. There were so many characters being introduced, all being interconnected and with what seemed like a big back story, I was a little confused. I thought about not finishing it, but since I was reading an ARC to review, and I figured I should finish the story, and I’m so glad I did. This one turned into a great horror story. If you’re not familiar with the Fallen Crest High series, I suggest you read this story anyway. You won’t be disappointed!

So Much More – J. Daniels
I’ve read 4 of the 5 books in the Alabama Summer series, but it’s not necessary to have read any of them prior to reading this story. It’s one continuous story, with each chapter told from a different POV of one of the men in this series. If you’ve read the books in the series, this story is like one really big epilogue, catching you up on all your favorite characters, but even if you’re not familiar with this series, it’s still quite an enjoyable and fun read.

Getting Down – Helena Hunting
This story takes place between Shacking Up and Hooking Up (to be released November 7th). It’s told in alternating POV between Ruby and Amalie. It isn’t necessary to have read Shacking Up before reading this story. While we do get more of Ruby and Bane, to me, this story is really more about Amelie and Armstrong’s relationship, or lack thereof, and what to expect in the upcoming book Hooking Up. It’s full of fun times, and now that I have an idea of who she’ll end up with, I’m even more excited to read her story.

Unsafe Haven – Bella Jewel
I haven’t read The Watcher, but based on its synopsis, some of the characters from that book are included in this story – although they aren’t the main focus. It certainly wasn’t necessary to read that book first. This story included a little romance and a little suspense.

The Pumpkin Was Stuffed – Tara Sivec
I’ve read books by Tara Sivec, although I haven’t read anything in the Holiday series. Even so, it was very easy to follow the story, and as to be expected with this author, the story was very funny. I’ll have to go back and read the Holiday series now!

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This is such a fun collection of stories by an amazing group of authors! These Halloween shorts and novellas will have you swooning, laughing, and a little scared all at the same time! In my opinion, the Eye Candy anthology is not really a collection of stand alone stories. I think each story is best enjoyed after reading the previous works of these authors so that you're familiar with the characters. You can certainly go in and read this "blind", but I believe it is so much more fulfilling if you already have a bit of an introduction to the characters.

Each author's contribution felt like an extended epilogue of sorts. A way to spend time with our favorite characters and see how they were and where they were headed. My favorite of the anthology was Helena Hunting's Getting Down, followed by Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan, and So Much More by J. Daniels.

I really enjoyed returning to the world of Fallen Crest and spending time with Mason, Sam, and Logan. Other favorites appear as well, but you can't beat the threesome fearsome. As much as I loved it though, this was definitely a darker and scarier read. Fans of the series will surely gobble this up!

J. Daniels brought plenty of sweetness and some delicious heat while giving us updates on our favorite BAMA boys. The last chapter though, truly stole the show and I can't wait for more! Seriously, that ending was too cute!!

Getting Down by Helena Hunting read the most like a regular book to me. Truth be told, I have not read Shacking Up, but I completely fell in love with the characters (Ruby and Bane are freaking amazing!) and didn't feel lost at all while reading this. I definitely plan on reading it now though and am excited to read Amie's story next in Hooking Up. This was an entertaining read and a great way to set the stage for the next book.

If you're a fan of these authors, you really don't want to miss this anthology!

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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There's tricks and treats & sweet and sexy!

I couldn't resist giving this one a try since a few of my favorite authors are involved. I confess, I didn't realize that the short stories were not really standalones when I decided to read them. It's best if you have read the different series as these are like little bonus books that will catch you up with your favorite book characters.

That being said, I did read all of them, and I enjoyed them. It made me curious to go back and spend more time with some of the characters by reading the series I missed out on. I was especially entertained by J. Daniels, Helena Hunting & Bella Jewel. Their contributions were extra spicy and fun.

I guarantee if you are a fan of these authors and their series you will be thrilled with Eye Candy.

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4.5 stars

I really enjoyed Eye Candy anthology, Halloween novellas from bestselling authors Tijan, J. Daniels, Helena Hunting, Bella Jewel and Tara Sivec.

Each novella was well written, entertaining, sexy, funny, thrilling and once I started reading I didn't want to stop.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Eye Candy, especially as I've not had the pleasure of reading any of the authors previous books other than Helena Hunting.

My fav was Getting Down by Helena Hunting.
Having read Shacking Up, I loved revisiting Ruby and Bancroft/Bane. They made me laugh, they made me swoon and I loved how they were together. These two have such a beautiful and special relationship that grows stronger everyday.

Getting Down is the perfect prelude for Hooking Up which is Amalie's book, coming out November 7th.
I loved Amalie/Amie from Shacking Up, she's Ruby's best friend who happens to be engaged to Bane's stuffy/obnoxious cousin Armstrong.
In Getting Down we get closer look into their relationship and you know these two are not meant to be together.
[In Getting Down we find out who will be the hero in Hooking Up. This guy is likable, smart, quick witted, funny and the chemistry between him and Amie is off the charts!! (hide spoiler)]

In closing, I found all the novella's entertaining and easy to follow. I didn't find it distracting not having read the couple's previous books, if anything it's made me want to go and read them now lol

Eye Candy is a great read, especially for those who love Halloween and I highly recommend it!

*Pre-Order now*

*I received an advance copy from the publisher in exchange for my honest thoughts*

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3.5 Stars

I think that I would have enjoyed this anthology a lot more if I had been more familiar with the series featured in it. Having only read a couple of the authors I thought this would be a great introduction to new to me authors.

The stories were good and I'll definitely be picking up some of these authors & series to read going forward, but I can't help but suggest that if you haven't read these series before that you might not enjoy them as much as if you had.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley for voluntary review

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A fun short read set around Halloween involving some of our favorite characters! I love that these authors came together and wrote these short stories for us. When we love a series ones book it's hard to let go so having little novellas is always fun to read. Plus, this book was based around Halloween so it made it ten times more fun! You also don't have to have read all the other authors or books to enjoy this one!

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Warning - don't read this book in public! I started in a drs office, read throughout a flight & finished in the airport, and received strange looks in every place because I couldn't stop laughing hysterically! This book was so entertaining, written by some of my favorite authors and some that I can't wait to read more from.

J. Daniels brought back some of my favorite characters, and her last chapter might be the best thing I've ever read! Helena Hunting gave us a glimpse into the main character of her next book, and while I was already intrigued by this character I am now so excited for her story! Tara Sivec brought her trademark humor, and kept me laughing throughout. Bella Jewel is a new to me author, and her story had me hooked from the beginning. I can't wait to read more from her! Tijan's Fallen Crest crew had a nightmarish Halloween, and I'm looking forward to going back and reading their story from the beginning.

I loved that it didn't matter if I wasn't familiar with one of the authors, or didn't know the characters back stories. I was able to jump right in and enjoy each without any confusion, and they were all so entertaining.

If you're looking for fun, spooky & sexy stories this is definitely perfect for you.

**amazon review to be posted on release day**

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A simply delicious set of stories for Halloween. I would love to have some more of this candy.

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This review will be about Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan, So Much More by J Daniels and Getting Down by Helena Hunting. 

Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan


I almost peed my pants reading this Halloween novella.

But let's start at the beginning. Fallen Crest Nightmare, as the title already promised, visited  my beloved FCH cast during Halloween. That alone was absolutely MAGNIFICENT. Add a dose of haunted house and it was the perfect novella to start off this Halloween anthology.

I had no idea that Tijan had such a scary side in her. This novella could have been easily turned into a movie - I swear she must have devoured those scary Halloween movies that I usually ignore. Her novella was on par with them.

Besides the scary factor, I absolutely adored meeting my favorite FCH characters. Sam and Mason - love, love, love. I was absolutely floored!!! I had no idea that it would be a FC novella - I was all OMG - YAY - I'm so damn lucky!!!

So, yes, be prepared for a scary ride with your favorite FC characters!!

So Much More by J Daniels

So Much More was the most perfect novella to catch up with beloved Alabama Summer characters. I swooned, smiled, and was just delighted about these short but very sweet glimpse into lives of favorite characters. Of course, Nolan, stole the show. That boy!! I can't wait to read his book.

This one was truly delightful!!!

Getting Down by Helena Hunting

Getting Down felt like an entire book!! I'm amazed by Helena Hunting's talent. She delivered the most perfect interlude between Shaking Up and Hooking Up. This novella is a MUST for anyone that has read and loved Shaking Up. I'm telling you right now, READ IT!!!

I can't wait to see if I'm right about who the perfect guy for Amie will be. If it's true, this book needs to be read. Getting Down explains so much, and now I can't wait to read Hooking Up. Amie, is  a spitfire with the right man - I LOVED her and having to wait is TORTURE!!!

I don't read that many anthologies, since it's often only one author I'm interested in, but this one was a HIT!!! And if I have more time I'll be checking out the last two novellas as well. I love Halloween, and seeing so many favorite characters again just cemented why these anthologies are so much fun to read. So for everyone that likes to have a short something for in-between and is fan of any of these authors, don't hesitate to buy it - you won't regret it!!!

This review will be posted on August 21 on,,

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Only read a couple of the short stories, but struggled to finish even those. I am not familiar with the authors, and that may be the problem. Seems to be stories based on characters developed in other books, which I have not read. I also didn't like the young voices, as it has been a couple of decades since I suffered from teen and twenties angst. The whinny, party all the time, sex crazed minds of the youth didn't appeal to me. However, if that is what you want you may enjoy this. Lots of evil, Halloween themes of course, but not my style overall.

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This book is full of fun, flirty and plenty of Halloween costumes and pranks. If you are looking for a not so scary Halloween book this one is perfect. These short stories are really creative and just fun. Overall great characters!
Fallen Crest Nightmare was so cleverly written with how everything played out and how the characters were reacting to what was going on in her nightmare. Oh my goodness, I would have woken up screaming from that nightmare. Fun costumes and really clever was to incorporate Halloween into this story.
So much more - It was clearly lost on me. maybe I needed more context around these characters because I felt like I was joining in the party late. These characters already have a long history together and I just missed some of the how do you know each other connections. Nolan sounds like a really hot and passionate character and one I would love to read more about.Wild sex scene at the pub - damn that was a bit over the top especially with a prego character.
Getting Down - This was my favorite story in this collection. I read the book Shacking Up by Helena Hunting and it really helped to have some background info on these characters. Oh my goodness this one was by far the funniest with these costumes that Ruby came up with! Loved it!!! Bane is still sexy as ever and he shows a bit of vulnerability when he is talking to Ruby about how she interacted with Lex, it just added to my love for Bane!Auction at the end was hysterical! Armstrong needs to go! Don't like Armstrong and so glad he was not able to attend the party in the end - he is a classless jerk! Love this author and these characters are just fun!
Unsafe Haven - Oh so sweet! I love how shy Jade is and how much she really wants to talk to Oliver. I love that he was there for her in a positive way. He showed her support and cared for her when things got wild and crazy.Oliver was so sweet at the end when he just wanted to sleep. Despite everything they went through that night and all the chaos and drama he still wanted to keep Jade safe in his arms.
The Pumpkin was Stuffed - This story is just weird. The parents are super strange and Aunt Bobbie is high, drunk or taking pills constantly. It is really a turn off in the story. How does a husband buy a house without his wife knowing? financially she would have to know, the money had to come from somewhere, you can't keep that a secret from someone. That was odd. The creepy clowns in the front yard then dressing them up for a wedding, still weird. Not my favorite in this collection.

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I loved reading about Bane and Ruby again, what a beautiful and perfect couple.
In this short story we again see a bit of the Shacking up characters after the book ended.
Bane and Ruby are so cute and have so much chemistry together that I always love to read about them. I died of laughing in some scenes of them two.
In this case Ruby is planning a costume party for Halloween that gets out of her hands through the intervention of the odious Amstrong, Amie's boyfriend and Bancroft's cousin. What a man I really hate since the previous book.
Then they have the intervention of the moms of Bane and Amstrong as well, and in the end it ends up being a great charity gala.
I loved knowing more about Amie, because there are several POV of her as well, made me super intrigued, I already want her book to she get rid of the hateful boyfriend she has. She is super cute and with a great personality, and think that Hooking up will be a great book, I can not wait to read it.
And also left me super intrigued Lex, the brother of Bane, who also comes out in the book, I want to read more of him. I loved his personality and manner of being.
This is a short story very light, super fun, made me laugh with Ruby and Amie, are so beautiful and so good friends, with a lot of chemistry and sexual tension, and I'm also looking forward to my desire for the couple of Amie.
If you liked Shacking up this will be the perfect complement to this story.

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Eye Candy is a compilation of stories from some of my favorite authors and their series. I specifically wanted to read it to find out what was next for the Fallen Crest, Alabama Summers, and Shacking Up peeps. I have written a quick mini review for each book below and rated them separately.

Fallen Crest Nightmare - 4 stars

This started out like any other Fallen Crest High book. I loved getting to know what all of my favorite characters were up to, and having Sam as the narrator. Then, this book took a crazy Halloween filled trip. I liked it, but it was crazy! It left me wanting more of these characters! I didn't realize how much I missed them!

So Much More - 5 stars

This was a super cute Halloween catch up with all of my favorite characters from Alabama Summers. Each chapter was dedicated to a different couple in the male’s point of view. I loved knowing where they were in life now. My favorite was little Noah’s, though. So stinking adorable!!! Now, I'm ready for the next full length book!

Getting Down - 5 stars

I had forgotten what a kick I got out of Ruby and Bancroft. Those two are so funny together! What I really loved about this short story was getting Ruby's best friend Amie's perspective on her relationship with Armstrong. That guy is such a dork. I'm really hoping there's a book coming about Amie and possibly a new suitor. Anyway. I loved this Halloween filled story based on Shacking Up characters.

Unsafe Haven - 3 stars

This was a sweet but suspenseful Halloween tale. I loved shy Jade and Oliver. The were so perfect for each other. I loved them both of them worked at a business that was set up to help those in need. Their Halloween was a little terrifying, though! I wish I would have read books about these characters before because I didn't feel as connected to them.

The Pumpkin Was Stuffed - 4 Stars

This short story was over the top hilarious! I couldn't believe the crazy characters in this it. I loved all the Halloween goodies throughout the story. If this was based on characters from a previous book, I need to read it!!! I loved Noel and Sam. I want to know how they began.

Overall, Eye Candy was an incredibly fun Halloween read, and a great way to catch up with some old book friends.

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Before today Halloween wasn't one of my favorite holidays, but now how can I help but not like it again. A few of the stories included in this book were a little creepy while others like Getting Down by Helena Hunting with Bane and Ruby was hot, funny, sad, and amazing. I enjoyed all the stories in this book but now I need to read more; some of the stories were over with to fast, Thank you NetGalley and all the amazing authors for letting me read and review this book.

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Is it ever too early to start celebrating the Halloween season?? The answer is no!
I loved this book of novellas! My favorite is Tara Sivec's crazy Holliday family crew! I love them and all their craziness.

I must say, this was an awesome way to get to see some of the characters I have come to love and miss!

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