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Eye Candy

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Five awesome novellas, each different but equally entertaining.

Let's start with Fallen Crest Nightmare what in the ever loving f Tijan !!!!!!! Are you trying to kill me cause I swear to gawd you pretty much did.

J Daniels So Much More. Oh I love these characters, I've missed them so very much and love that we got to see the Bama Boys again. I especially loved the fact that we got a chapter from each of them and a bonus chapter IMO that had me smiling and giggling so hard. It was the cutest thing ever.

Getting Down by Helen Hunting bring us the characters from Shacking Up. I loved Bane then and I love Bane now. The chemistry between Ruby and Bane is still smoking hot as you will see in this story. Playing dress up is sexy AF. And we got to see more of Amie in this as well, I'm hoping from what I saw in this story we will get an Amie and Lex book.

Unsafe Haven I am new to Bella Jewel but this story definitely makes me want to read this series. Oliver and Jade have definitely peaked my interest. They were so cute and this story had a little bit of scary that made me jump a bit.

The Pumpkin was Stuffed. So Tara is back at it again with her brand of downright hilarious. Never a dull moment with Noel and Sam. I seriously had some side pains from laughing.

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I loved all of these novellas! They were each unique and intriguing. I loved catching up with some of my old book characters and meeting some new ones that I need to find out more about. If these are some of your favorite authors or whether you are looking for new reads, check these novellas out.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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I totally LOVE these types of books/stories. I am always wanting more of my favorite couples and this one did not disappoint.

Centered around Halloween, each give a small glimpse into how they celebrate. I will say the first one was hard to stay focused on.

Then we get to all male POV (I'm a HUGE fan of this style). I have not read this series but have added all of them to my TBR list.

Next is Ruby and Bane from Shacking Up. HUGE HUGE FAN, the main reason for wanting to read this book. Also we get a quick glimpse into Amie's life and a bit of foreshadowing I'm hoping for her upcoming book, Hooking Up.

The last one is one I haven't read the main couple but again added to my TBR list.

All around super fun stories from couples we know and love, you can't go wrong with that.

~~I volunteered to read an advance copy provided by NetGalley~~

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This book has five stories from five different authors. The only thing that associates all the stories is the Halloween theme. Each story is unique in its own way and was easy to read.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Review of Getting Down by Helena Hunting

4.5 stars!!

Eye Candy, a Halloween anthology, is full of entertaining novellas featuring some of our favorite characters from some awesome authors. Getting Down by Helena Hunting is included in this anthology, and it drew me in and left me completely satisfied despite it's short length. Taking place in the Shacking Up world, it is a small morsel of deliciousness that cranks up the heat but also supplies the sweet stuff just in time for Halloween.

We first met Ruby and Bane in their book, Shacking Up, and now they are back and better than ever. Ruby and her bestie, Amie, plan a Halloween party and we get two stories in one - Ruby and Bane's amazing relationship and Amie and Armstrong's caustic one. Clever, sexy, and hilarious, this novella is an entertaining and wonderful interlude between Shacking Up and Hooking Up, Amie's story. Included are great characters, hilarious situations, fantastic banter, and a nice blend of sugar and spice.

Ruby and Bane are awesome. They are still madly in love and their relationship is wonderful and imperfect making it heathy and believable. The are real with each other and when they reveal insecurities, they talk through the challenges and deal with things as a functioning couple. They are also insatiable in (and out) of the bedroom and it is hot!

I love that we get so much of Amie in this novella. Best friends with Ruby, they have an easy friendship that is true and real. She is just as funny as Ruby and I loved watching her wild side make an appearance no matter how quickly it disappeared. When her past meets her present, I was literally laughing-out-loud. I can't be more excited for the set up of Amies story, Hooking Up, releasing November 7, 2017.

It was clear in Shacking Up that Amie and Armstrong are not meant to be. This novella does a great job illustrating how wrong Amie and Armstrong are together. We get a better idea of the dynamics of their relationship and we see what she's missing. I love that we get to meet the hero of Amie's book in this novella. He's swoony, sweet, and oh, so sexy. I can't wait to get my hands on him.

Sure to get you in the Halloween mood, grab Eye Candy today!

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What can I say about this AWESOME anthology with my favorite authors, with some of their best couples?

600 pages of pure bliss.

That’s what EYE CANDY is.

It’s like getting a Maxi-XXXL-Jumbo Pack of your favorite candies!!!

I expected a short and simple novella from each author, but it was so much more!!

An amazing reading, for those who know all those authors. Sexy. Yummy. Panties Melting and with some mystery… because, it’s Halloween!!!

And even if you’re not familiar with some of them, it’s the perfect opportunity to jump into their world!

A great anthology for the fans, and an excellent gift for a friend.

<b>***ARC kindly provided by St. Martin's Press through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review***</b>

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A great mix of sweet and sexy novellas that are also a bit frightening in unconventional ways and allow readers to reconnect with the beloved and crazy characters from some of our favorite authors.

Fallen Crest Nightmare - Tijan

I hate to admit this, but this is my first time in Tijan's Fallen Crest world. I've seen a crazy amount of posts about Sam, Mason, and Kade, and their entire series is sitting on my kindle right now, but I just haven't found the time to get to them. Regardless of my lack of knowledge, though, Sam's drunken Halloween is quite the nightmare and it's easy to understand why she reacts the way she does when everything in her life turns upside down in the darkest of ways.

Fans of the series will be quite frightened by the events that take place in this short novella, so it's a good thing they only exists in their nightmares!

So Much More - J. Daniels

If there's one cast of characters that have stayed with me far after I've finished their books, it's the crew from J. Daniels' Alabama Summer series. There's just something about the way these heroes and heroines love and it's not just one's all of them...and with each filthy word, soft caress, and kinky position, readers embrace the wild, sexy, and sweet times with Ben & Mia, Luke & Tessa, Reed & Beth, and CJ & Riley, and we also can't get enough of the next generation of southern gentleman - Nolan and Chase are well on their way of becoming swoonworthy young men!

So Much More checks in on each couple and provides an update on how they're spending Halloween night in ways that only these couples can.

Getting Down by Helena Hunting takes readers back into her Shacking Up world and illustrates just how much Bancroft and Ruby still constantly crave one another and how Halloween costumes add a whole new level of foreplay for this sexified couple. This novella also sets up Ruby's best friend's story, Hooking Up, and I'm hoping that Amalie scrapes off her 'average' fiancé for someone more worthy of Anarchy Amie!

Bella Jewel's Unsafe Haven provides a night of ghouls and goblins for Jade to realize just how strong of a woman she is despite her past and gives her the perfect setting to let go of her fears and start a new chapter in her life.

The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec had me laughing out loud from the first scene. As if Sam and Noel haven't had enough holiday mishaps but this time around not only is Noel pregnant and ready to pop but she also has to get through her best friend's Halloween wedding as well as her father's holiday decorating war with his neighbor, which definitely adds to Noel's fear of getting into the holiday spirit.

Tara Sivec's Halloween novella is the perfect story to close out this Halloween Anthology because in true Sivec fashion Noel, Sam, and her crazy family illustrates what true family dysfunction is in the most hilarious ways!

4 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)

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I absolutely loved this anthology. It's funny, sexy and super entertaining. Once I picked it up I couldn't put it down.

Each novella is well written with just enough to get you interested and leave you satisfied. I really enjoyed testing out a few authors that I had not previously read.

Eye Candy is quick read, perfect for a Saturday afternoon. Try to read just one of the stories and you will want to read them all. If you've read some of these authors already, you will especially love seeing some of your favorite characters again.

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I received this ARC for an honest review. This book made me excited for Halloween. The stories were a mix of suspense, romance, and horror. Each author pulled you in. There was a couple of new authors, for me, but I was able to follow the story without knowing the characters. Please, give this book a try. You will not be disappointed.

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The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec

Get ready for a Halloween like no other!! Noel’s family is in the holiday spirit and no one is immune to the antics. Noel’s dad is trying to hold onto his title for having the best display for the holidays. Aunt Bobbie will leave you in stitches with her bags of pills and pot brownies. A Halloween wedding is in the works proving that anyone can celebrate in style. Adding to the drama is Noel’s pregnancy. A first for Sam and Noel.

The antics of Noel’s family will leave you in stitches and shedding a few tears of laughter!! As always – Sivec treats her fans to unbelievable (yet oh so true) celebrations that are truly unforgettable and as unique as the characters that grace the story. A hilarious look at Halloween celebrations, family, and the unforgettable family members that grace every family at some point.

Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan

Your favorite Fallen Crest characters are enjoying a little bit of fun this Halloween. With Mason back in town, the gang is all here to enjoy the pleasures of the holiday. With a Girls Night planned, Samantha and her friends head out to enjoy a tour of Logan’s very haunted house. What they didn’t expect was to cross paths with a man in black that will change the course of the night. A scary tale that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time!!

Each story in Eye Candy is as unique as the author her penned it!! Five novellas that are sure to treat you to the most epic of Halloween celebrations with some of your favorite characters. All of the stories were engaging and full of Halloween fun!!

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***I received an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review***

Get ready to swoon, giggle, and white knuckle your chair when you pick up Eye Candy! 

I grabbed this book because Helena Hunting is one of my go-to authors, but I completely adored each of the short stories inside of it. These stories are sexy, fun, and all about Halloween. And the fall vibe was very much palpable. I wanted to grab a mug of apple cider and throw on my favorite sweater while I was reading! 

Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan was crazy suspenseful. One minute I was laughing at how goofy the tribe of friends was, and the next minute I was ready to chew all my nails off because an insane curveball came flying at me. This woman knows how to turn up the heat, and the fright, and this short story was a delicious  mix of all things sexy and scary. And it was so fun to return to the Fallen Crest world for a bit of time! 

So Much More by J. Daniels had me swooning all over the place! I haven't read any of the Alabama Summer series, but now that I've gotten a taste of these characters, I plan on diving right in. The characters struck me as beautifully developed and written, and the guys definitely know how to turn up the romance. I loved how Daniels took the stereotypical elements of Halloween and wove them perfectly in with the world that she's created with this series. 

Getting Down by Helena Hunting had me simultaneously laughing and fanning myself. I was so excited to get a chance to experience these characters again! I fell in love with them when I read Shacking Up, and this short story only made me adore them even more! Ruby and Bancroft are one of my favorite couples, and this little tale took their relationship to all sorts of sexy, new places ... and the costume aspect turned the heat from hot to scorching! 

Unsafe Haven by Bella Jewel had a bit more of a serious feel to it, but I enjoyed every word. Jade was a nice character to read about, and even though this is another book world that I'm unfamiliar with, after reading this short story I want to go back and check out the longer novels so I can spend some more time with the characters. I loved how this Halloween tale served as a new beginning of sorts for Jade as well! 

The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec had me rolling. This was a silly and fun take on Halloween, and I felt an immediate connection to most of the characters, even though I've never read anything from Sivec before. Honestly, everyone in this story was easy to relate to, and the family was hilarious and wacky, and that only made me love the story even more. 

If you're looking for a fun Halloween read, then this collection of short stories is perfect for you. And you don't have to have read all the novels that these characters come from to enjoy the silly, Halloween fun that these authors have crafted. 

Also ... who doesn't like a side of sexy alpha men with their apple cider? 

Five stars to this book!

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Before I give my quick thoughts on each novella in this anthology, I will say that you should have some knowledge on the books that they are each linked to before reading this. I was only familiar with Tara Sivec's Holiday series, so I was a little lost reading all of the others.

Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan
*** 3 Stars ***
Even though I hadn't read any of the Fallen Crest books before I read this, I found myself a little disappointed. I want to say that it was because I wasn't familiar with the characters, but that really wasn't it. This quick read is a rip-off from one of my all-time favorite movies. I hate to admit that I found myself rolling my eyes and wanting to get to the end too often.

So Much More by J. Daniels
*** 3.5 Stars ***
This is definitely a novella where I needed to be up-to-date on the series that it is connected to. This novella is told from multiple perspectives, with little side stories for each. Just when I really started to enjoy the stories, it just ended. It ended with no ending. I will definitely be reading the books that are connected to this novella, especially since I own them all.

Getting Down by Helena Hunting
**** 4 Stars ****
I have read one of the books in the series this novella is connected to. So I was a little familiar with the characters. Even if I hadn't read any of Helena's books, I think I still would have enjoyed this story. It was steamy and chuckle-worthy.

Unsafe Haven by Bella Jewel
*** 3 Stars ***
This one was the most slowest moving out of the bunch. While Bella tried to build some suspense and mystery in this novella, I just couldn't jive with the story. While it was cute, it honestly didn't do much for me.

The Pumpkin was Stuffed by Tara Sivec
**** 4 Stars ****
The perfect ending to this anthology, for sure! I love the Holidays. I hope we keep getting stories about them for years to come. I really enjoyed this novella and laughed so much!

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I always love going back to visit the wonderful characters from the Alabama Summer Series. I loved that we got a chapter from each of the yummy men in this series and especially the chapter from Nolan's POV. That boy needs to grow up some so he can have his own book...wink wink J. Daniels. I wish there were more from them, which is always the case when I finish one of the books from that series. They are just never long enough.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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Overall, I did like the Eye Candy anthology. Some of the stories can be read without reading the series they are connected, and some you might want to read the series to get acquainted with the characters.

First up is Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan. Now I did feel like should have read the series before reading this story. I honestly didn't feel any emotional ties to the characters, so it was a little struggle for me. However, the story was pretty darn creepy. Reading it was kind of like watching a Wes Craven movie. For that factor it was an all right read.

Next up So Much More by J. Daniels. Another story were it ties to a series. I get the feeling that this story was to tie up any loose ends in the series. However, the ending was adorable. Seriously, adorable. Overall, I liked the story.

Getting Down by Helena Hunting was the third read. This is one of my top favorite's in the anthology. I seriously wanted to go back and read book that it's tied to, because it was that good. Plus, it didn't focus on the couple, but the friends. I seriously wanted the one girl to ditch her fiancee and get with his cousin. My wish didn't happen yet. I'm hoping it happens in the next book. Fingers cross that my wish comes true. Anyway, a fun read.

Following was Unsafe Haven by Bella Jewel. Another quick Halloween read that was kind of cute. I mean the couple Jade and Oliver are adorable. Then a bunch of weird things happen, and you start to think something sinister is about to happen.

You can never go wrong with jumping aboard the crazy train in The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec. Now this is part of a series, but it's hilarious. I definitely wanted to see how all this went down in the previous story. This was crazy funny, and I expected nothing less from Tara.

Yep, I did had a good time with Eye Candy. Yes, there were some stories that were all right, but majority of them were a lot of fun. So, if you are in the mood for spooktacular read, you might give Eye Candy a try.

Copy provided by St. Martin via NetGalley

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4.5 stars for The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec ! I am a big fan of Tara Sivec's Holiday series, so I couldn't wait to read the Halloween installment of their antics. Tara's sense of humor is spot-on and the Holiday family is back with their trademark absurd antics. I was laughing out loud from the beginning, but whenever I see shouty capitals, I know I am going to choke. Absolutely choke! What a riot! I hated to read that Tara was gathering "the Holiday family together one last time"..... I need more!

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Storyline: 5
Angst: 3
Tissue: 0
Value: 5
Panty Scorching: 5
Over All Rating: 5 Stars
Kindle eArc reviewed by Robin

Eye Candy is a Halloween anthology that catches you up on some of your favorite series by Tijan, J. Daniels, Helena Hunting, Bella Jewel and Tara Sivec. Some stories will give you some chills. Some novellas will have you laughing. And some will make you jump and down waiting for the next book in that series.

“‘You said you were trying on costumes. I assume that means you were both without clothes on multiple occasions.’

‘What exactly are you asking?’

There’s silence His and mine. His chest rises and falls. It’s distracting. So is the very obvious lump jacking up the front of his pants.”

This is my favorite anthology book I've ever read! I actually was offered this to review Helena Hunting’s story but I fell in love with all of them! It starts with Tijan's Fallen Crest gang and that story freaked me out. I was texting my friend in the middle of it saying what the heck is going on here!?!? I thought these are fun Halloween stories! Next, we have J. Daniels Bama Boys and celebrating at the tavern where you can catch up with the gang and get a couple surprises. Helena Hunting's Shacking Up crew is having a fundraising Halloween soirée...fancy schmacy! I can't wait to see how Amie survives her engagement! This little tease of a story made me really excited for Hooking Up in November. Like stalker excited! Bella Jewel has an adult Halloween get together at the Sanctuary but spooky things start happening when the lights go out. And who can forget about the Holiday family with Tara Sivec? I love Noel and Sam with the insane Holiday family and their inappropriate antics. Who in their right mind would take on Reggie with their neighborhood decorating competitions? I pray for their soul. I laughed, got freaked out and just really enjoyed every single story. What a great collection!

If you are looking for a fun catch up by your favorite authors, you won’t go wrong with this collection. I love Halloween and I can tell by these stories, these authors love Halloween too. Let these novellas be the treat you treat yourself with.

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Eye Candy is a Halloween themed anthology. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I was excited to read this one. I have read books from 3 of the 5 authors included in this anthology. My plan was just to read the stories just from the authors I have read before but I ended up reading this one from beginning to end. Every one was great. I was exactly surprised that my favorite story was one from an author I hadn't read before. I think whether you have read these author or not before you'll still enjoy reading this one.

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What a sexy, scary and all-around entertaining group of stories from all these wonderful authors. I definitely recommend this book especially with the upcoming holiday. I look forward to reading more books from all of these authors.

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Not having read the Fallen Crest series I was a little lost with the characters and their connections in Tijan's short story. Without that....this was one scary, horror novella. The whole story is a bit uncomfortable from beginning to end. There are characters with drinking problems (despite being in college...I think), a serial killer on the lose, and just all around odd relationships. I didn't feel that it truly fit in with the other more jovial novellas of the anthology. But for those that are fans of darker romance...this could beep your alley.

SO MUCH MORE by J. Daniels

MY BAMA BOYS. I laughed. I cried. I needed a minute to compose myself. Then I cried again. Daniels' gives us another look into each Bama Boy & Girl in our lovable gang and how they are handling life. There's Ben & Mia with adorable Prince Nolan (#RYAN! OMG! J BETTER WRITE THE ONE STORY WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!) Then we have the jaw-dropingly dirty Reed and Beth who somehow have a heartfelt and naughty moment at the same time. Luke and Tessa's short story will leave you in tears (with only a little laugher ) but OMG i can't give any of them away. And finally CJ...sweet, southern, sexy CJ will leave you all in bouncy squeaky masses of happiness. I LOVED THIS LOOK IN TO OUR BAMA FAMILY!

GETTING DOWN by Helena Hunting

Hunting's new world of Bane and Ruby is back! We've got a sexy sneak peek in to the new couple's life as a Halloween party turns in to a costume gala. We UNFORTUNATELY get to see Amie with her fiancé Armstrong as he continues to be the douche-canoe (I'd say pardon my French but we all know we're supposed to hate him) we all know and hate him to be. BUT Hunting likes to tease us to the story of HOOKING UP as there is an interesting testosterone battle between Armstrong and his brother, Lex. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Now we must all wait for Amie's story, HOOKING UP coming later this year to find out what's going to go down.

UNSAFE HAVEN by Bella Jewel

Jewel's short story was another heartfelt halloween party. I don't know the previous characters stories but Jewel does a good job setting it up with letting you know who the story is truly going to be about. We meet Jade and Oliver, two shy and quiet people who work at a women's shelter and obviously come from rougher pasts. When terror strikes the shelter on the night of the Halloween party, somehow Oliver and Jade have to help figure out what's going on. All while navigating how they may feel for one another.


Ok this last novella was just plain much craziness! We follow Noel as she tries to navigate her family during a halloween themed wedding. There's a neighborly feud with the house across the street the makes her father bonkers....I mean i was generally embarrassed for this man and his antics. Noel's new husband Sam is sweet and caring but his best friends (who is the groom) is also on the wacky side. Although this novella is one the oddball side, it's sweet and ends on a happy note.

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What a treat! I loved these short stories from authors I cherish and it was a kick to read them with the theme of Halloween.

I don't want to give too much away but one of the stories had me gasping with horror. I was on tender hooks until the end. Another story looks like a filler between two books, and boy has it made me want the second book even more now and I'm hanging out for the new release. There is also lots of laughter, one had me snorting and waking my husband up when I kept reading into the wee hours of the night. A couple of authors are new to me, and I still really enjoyed reading theirs. It has also made me go look them up and want to read more from them, so don't be put off if you haven't read any of these writers, you will be able to follow along easily.

I found this was a great book that you can read a story in between full novels or fantastic for taking on holidays where you can read a story a night. Or you can devour it all in one sitting like I did. Either way, it is a fun easy read I throughly enjoyed.

* I received a copy from Netgalley for an honest review.

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