Member Reviews

Not one for the e-reader this you really need to have the map and puzzles in your hands. A nice mix of puzzles ranging from the pretty straight forward to the mind boggling. Would make a nice gift for an enthusiast.

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What a great concept for a book. I love books like this that take such great stories and make them interactive. Bringing together the master sleuth Sherlock Holmes and these puzzles was brilliant. This is the type of book that will bring hours of fun. Also, for those interested in getting into Sherlock's tales this is a great place to start. I can never get enough of mysteries and puzzles myself. I'd love to have more like this.

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Book – Solving Sherlock Holmes
Author – Pierre Berloquin
Star rating - ★★☆☆☆
No. of Pages – 192
Genre – Comic, Puzzle Book, Children's, Mystery


When I first received this book, it had no maps. Since that was the entire point of the story, I contacted support on Netgalley, to have the issue reported to the authors/publisher, but as of today – 16/10/17 (2 months and 6 days after reporting the issue) – I've had to go ahead and read the book without the aid of the maps.

However, reading the book without the maps is impossible. There is no way to move from one page to another without any hint of where to go next. There are puzzle map answers at the back of the book, but without any context of where the answers should lead you.

For this reason, I was unable to review this book. I gave it 2 stars, due to the impossibility of reading it without the maps and the fact that my requests for assistance were answered by Netgalley, but not the author or publisher, who could have provided me with the missing pages I needed to read this book. I knocked one star off the 5 because of the missing maps, one star off for the lack of concern or response, and another for the fact that I was unable to read or review the book for reasons beyond my reach.

This could have been fantastic, but with no way to follow the story as intended, the book ends up a jumble of mismatched pages that don't make sense. Though the puzzles were easy enough to follow and complete, when I tried them, the book is pointless without the maps.

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I love puzzles and Sherlock so this appealed to me right away. This is a bit like a 'Choose your own mystery' book but the puzzles after each section help you find out what should happen next and lead you to the next clues.

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Looked an easy selection of logic puzzles, but without the maps needed to fully play along this was impossible to review on a netgalley file.

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This is a fun puzzle book with a Sherlock Holmes theme. The puzzles are easy to hard. What I really enjoyed was following the map, solving puzzles and finding clues.

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Brilliant book to pass the time and play individually, though I think that it is better for team playing. I love playing games during family and friends gatherings and this is a great book for that. The puzzles are of different degree of difficulty; personally, I had trouble working them out on my own and that is why I think this book lends itself for team playing. The pictures are perfectly fit for the puzzles and the whole presentation of the book is flawlessly appealing and exciting. Old fans of Sherlock Holmes will find it a great addition to their collection and the book will surely attract new fans as well.

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Cant wait to have my physical copy. If you are a puzzle enthusiast or a Holmes collector, this is a must-have. The art adds a lot to the Victorian feel!

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I cannot review this title because the file wouldn't open on my computer.

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Anyone who is a fan of Sherlock Holmes or the Nancy Drew interactive games will enjoy this mystery solving puzzle book. You can definitely hone your detective skills by completing the ciphers, cryptograms and various logic puzzles to discover whodunit. It's fun for all ages as the puzzles have varying degrees of difficulty.

With over 144 puzzles, some were easy but others had me stumped. Just between us, I may have peaked at the answers to a few. ;)

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This puzzle book will appeal to any young Sherlock fan and some more mature ones. A good blend of puzzle styles requiring observational, logical, mathematical and language skills means there is no monotony and you can easily loose yourself in solving them for an hour or more without realizing. Being able to work in order through all puzzles in each of the 6 chapters, or to use the boxed clues at the bottom of each puzzle page to direct your route on the chapter maps adds another level of challenge to things. The game is on...

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This puzzle book focuses on six stories (Speckled Band, Dancing Men, Scandal in Bohemia, Hound of the Baskervilles, Red-Headed League, and Naval Treaty). Some of the puzzles aren't too challenging, so this could be a fun way to introduce younger readers to the Sherlock Holmes stories.

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This was an intriguing concept - a puzzle book based on the stories of Sherlock Holmes (the book covers 6 of the best known short stories). The reader is invited to solve a series of puzzles, plotting the answers on a tear-out map, which then allows them to find the next section of the story.

Generally the puzzles are fitted quite well in the original stories - there are a few tenuous links, but I think they can be forgiven in the author's quest to create engaging stories with something to work out on every page. It doesn't matter whether you already know the stories or not - the puzzle format takes you on a step-by-step journey anyway, so the pleasure is in the process of working out the clues rather than the solution to the whole mystery.

My main issue with the book was with the puzzles. Some of them were very simple to solve - I was expecting some really tricky puzzles, but this felt a bit like it was aimed at younger readers in places. There were a few tricky ones in there, but a lot of them just required patience (e.g. working out repeated letters in words or completing simple wordsearches). I'm quite a keen puzzler and there wasn't much that was very difficult. There was also a lot of repetition of the formats of the puzzles, which wasn't a problem in itself but more variation would be better. All the answers are at the end of the book.

This will be a lovely book to own in hard copy as the pages are well-designed and attractive. However, this doesn't work as an e-book because the reader needs the maps to follow the story properly - I couldn't see the maps in the e-book and, even so, you wouldn't want to keep moving backwards and forwards electronically.

Overall, I'd say this was an interesting concept, but that the puzzles aren't consistently aimed at either younger readers or a more experienced puzzler, which proves a little frustrating.

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