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Four of a Kind

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Member Reviews

I devoured this book! It was a cute little contemporary YA book. It follows a set of identical quadruplets and their journey as they traverse moving back to the town they were born in and being the topic of most conversations. There is loss, healing, love and pain. It kept me hooked from moment one. I would love to read the rest of the series to see who/what they are about.

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Thank you for the opportunities to read this book. I have attempted it on a number of occasions but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get into it.

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This is a very cute contemporary. It made me feel super chilled out. It has been a long time since I've read a book where I wasn't stressed about what happened. This book has made me want to read the other books in this series. A really nice book to read while relaxing under a blanket.
If you love contemporary books, this will be your cup of tea!

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Book Review
Title: Four of a Kind
Author: Kellie Bean
Genre: YA/Family/Romance
Rating: ***
Review: All I knew about Four of a Kind beforehand was it is about identical quadruplets, one of which is Reagan and it is her journey to be independent and seen separately from her sisters and to find love. This book is described as Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants meets Gilmore Girls, and while I have never seen Gilmore Girls, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is one of my favourite movies and books series of all time.
We are introduced to Reagan, Reece, Reilly and Rhiannon as they move back to their mom’s hometown of Fairview. While the girls aren’t happy with this Rhiannon is particularly unhappy and refuses to speak to their mother. We also learn the girl are minor celebrities in their town due to the anomaly of their birth as giving birth to identical quads is 1 in 13 million. However, it does have a silver lining as Reagan meets Kent, the news reporter’s son and she immediately thinks he is cute. On the first day of school Reagan is excited to see Kent again and make a whole new image for herself as an individual rather than a quad, however, her first day is a disaster which leads to her dropping biology and taking drama which isn’t good for the shy and introverted bookworm that is Reagan.
Despite transferring into a class Reagan thinks she is going to hate she is surprised when the mysterious Kent happens to be in the class to and she finds it quite enjoyable. It is clear to see that Reagan already has a crush on Kent but her introverted nature is a major hinderance when it comes to making friends which I can totally relate to. We also learn that Rhiannon was so against the move because she has a boyfriend back home who is two years older than the quads making him 16 to the girls 14 but their birthday is in a few days’ time.
As the first week of school passes Reagan finds herself fitting into the drama class and is even invited to work with Kent’s group. While their first presentation isn’t great, they all decide to go out afterwards and Reagan is stunned she is getting to spend so much time with Kent. However, things aren’t great with Rhiannon as she skips maths class which is the only class she genuinely enjoys, and Reagan thinks it is because of her boyfriend but Reece and Reilly don’t know about him, so she can’t discuss it with them. The relationship between the sisters is unique while they are all independent character them seem content to also be seen as one cohesive unit especially when one or more of them is upset or struggling with something, but Rhiannon seems to be pulling away from the group.
As we approach the halfway mark in the novel, tensions are running high in the family especially between Rhiannon and her mother, but Reagan really seems to be coming into her own because of Kent. However, the fact that her friends back home are moving on with their lives and she is becoming less and less important because she isn’t there with them seems to be bother her especially where Nadine is concerned but at the moment she is just focusing on school and family, everything else comes second to that. All the sisters with the exception of Rhiannon seem to be settling in nicely and at the Halloween Festival we really see Reagan making friends and even developing more feelings for Kent however, this is overshadowed when Nadine lets slip that she is coming to visit Reagan for Thanksgiving as part of a reunion for the sisters. I really liked both parents in this novel, who are present and realistic, and it does highlight some of the downsides to living with 4 teenage daughters.
As we cross into the second half of the novel, it was interesting to learn that Reilly is a lesbian and while she was out in their old school she hasn’t officially come out in Fairview because she isn’t sure how people will react, it was also nice to see like Reagan she has a crush on someone as well. When Nadine finally arrives all seems ok for a little while, but it doesn’t last long especially when Nadine says she has a new best friend now Reagan isn’t around anymore which really upsets Reagan although she tries to hide it the best she can. Reagan suddenly realise how much of her identity was made up by Nadine and is thrown into inner turmoil now she is faced with the question whether they will stay friend at all in the future and if she doesn’t have Nadine as a close friend who does she have.
Despite the sisters being quads I really disliked Rhiannon, I felt she was standoffish and unnecessarily mean when she has no reason to be like that. I was a little disappointed that it has taken almost ¾ of the book for Reagan to even admit out loud to anyone that she likes Kent and this person happens to be her sister who gives her some advice on finding out if he likes her. When she finally gets her big date with Kent after being set up by Jen and Rosie, it all goes to hell when they learn that Rhiannon is missing, and Reagan has to cut their date short.
I feel that this acting out from Rhiannon has been building since the beginning of the novel, but it became really apparent that she was going to do something after Reagan learns about her boyfriend. In the end, the quads get a sappy yet fluffy ending where they are all happy but considering there are three more books in this series I believe, it isn’t going to stay that way. Overall, this book was good, but it was a little slow paced for my liking and it was also very character driven and focused a lot on the characters and their emotions where I would have liked a bit more action but still worth the read.

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The story sounded so interesting but reading it, it wasn't what I thought it would be and I just couldn't force myself to read beyond the 50 pages I give books.

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I loved this book! The full review will be posted soon at! Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to connect books to their readers!

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This was such a cute, quick read. Bein the oldest of my siblings i like reading about these 4 sisters as i wished i had a sister the same age asme so wecouldgo through milestones together and to always have my back. I enjoyed getting to know allthe sisters and their deifferent personailitys and background stories. I really liked Reagan as a main character as i feel that she is the one i most relate to and i really enjoyed here becoming her own person and finding love and discovering her ownself. I cant wait to read the second book to find out more about the sisters.

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h man, did I love this book.

It was gentle and sweet...the perfect read for when I'm still in a bit of a reading slump. I love contemporaries that are a bit meandering and I feel like I haven't read one like this in such a long time. It was like putting on an episode of Gilmore Girls. All cozy and stress-free.

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Four of a Kind by Kellie Bean was so cute and relatable! I love that the author is a Canadian too. I was exactly like Reagan growing up (except drama classes). If you’re looking for a cute contemporary, this is it! Thank you Netgalley for this free ebook copy.

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Reading the description of the book made me incredibly excited. I think Sheridan did a good job of portraying sisters with a complicated relationship. The romance felt half baked to me by the end and I wanted more from that relationship. Regan herself was not the easiest character to relate to or root for but over I found her voice interesting enough to keep going. This book is probably better for a younger audience instead of young adults. Ultimately I wanted more romance, but seeing as how this is the first book in a series I can see the room to grow with Sheridan’s characters.

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As an only child, sibling relationships and dynamics interest me. I watched that Quintuplets show many moons ago, so reading a book about quadruplets sounds just like me. It was a good story, written well, but what didn't sell me was that the characters felt two-dimensional. Each sister has her "thing" and I don't really feel it strayed much for that. It was enjoyable, but I felt it could have had just a bit more character development. Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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There were a few things, I wasn't super happy with.
The author always talks about how the 4 girls were in their "old life". She describes Regean as the shy and nerdy girl or Rhiannon as the ambitious and school loving girl. But since they moved to a whole town all their personalities changed completely. I found that hard to believe.
Although I had times when Regean was quite annoying. She always makes everything such a big deal and describes everything as soooooo embarrassing. In my eyes that were a bit over the top.

I would recommend this books to younger reader around the age of 12. I guess I am a bit too old with my 22 years. I am sure younger reader would love that book and wouldn't criticise the things that did.

Over all, I enjoyed the book. It was a quick and easy read. It was really interesting to see how the relationship between the 4 sisters worked.

------------------German Review ---------------------------------------------
Obwohl die Namen der vier Mädchen alle mit R beginnen, hatte ich von Anfang an wenig Schwierigkeiten alle auseinander zuhalten. Lediglich bin ich mir immer noch nicht sicher, wer genau Reece und wer Reily ist.
Etwas klischeelastig finde ich es trotzdem, dass die Namen der Vierlinge alle mit dem gleichen Buchstaben beginnen. Wirklich einfacher macht es das für den Leser nicht. Im Verlaufe des Buches wird erklärt, dass die Eltern von der "Gleichheit" ihrer Kindern fast schon besessen sind.
Was in der Tat etwas merkwürdig ist, da die Mädchen vom Charakter her unterschiedlicher kaum sein können.

Dadurch das in diesem Buch vier Geschwister mit sehr unterschiedlichen Charaktern vertreten sind, sollte sich für jeden Typ von Leser etwas finden.
Nach wie vor ist Regean die Hauptperson und die Geschichte wird aus ihrer Perspektive erzählt.

Immer wieder wird darauf angespielt, dass Regean die Schüchternste der Vier ist und nur eine Freundin in der alten Heimatstadt hatte. In der Fairview soll ich das nun ändern und Regean ist wirklich sehr aufgeregt, dass wird ihr Neuanfang sein. Ihre Chance alles anders zuändern. Und Zack, plötzlich ist alles anders.
Ich fand es merkwürdig, dass Regean diese Sachen einfach so zu gefallen sind und ihre Familie der Meinung ist, dass sie sich so verändert hätte. Ich als Leser habe von dieser Entwicklung leider nichts erlebt.
Teilweise war ich von Regean genervt. Sie hat verschiedenen Situationen sehr über dramatisiert und sich unnachvollziehbar benommen. Sie hat mehr verstellt gewirkt als ein authentischer Teenager.
Also wollte die Autorin diesen klischeehaften Txp von Teenager kreieren, den wir alle aus Filmen kennen. Tollpatschig, nerdiger Typ und sehr schüchtern.

Mit ihren Schwestern war es ähnlich. Dem Leser wurde immer erzählt, dass sie so oder so in ihrem alten Leben waren. Und plötzlich nach dem Umzug waren auch sie vom Wesen her ganz anders. Die beliebten Schwestern, waren auf einmal nicht mehr so beliebt und die Streberin schwänzt Schule.

Gerade zu Beginn des Buches war ich mir unsicher, in welche Richtung die Autorin mit ihrer Geschichte gehen möchte. Weitenteils dachte ich, es würde sich um eine reine Liebesgeschichte handeln. Dann wurden diese Handlung unterbrochen und es wurde sich einzig und alleine auf die Familie konzentriert. Eine mehr durchmischte Handlung hätte mir besser gefallen.

Teilweise hatte ich auch das Gefühlt, dass die Autorin selber nicht wusste, wo sie mit der Handlung hinwollte. Einige der Szenen habe ich sehr genossen, diese haben kein bischen zur Entwicklung der Geschichte gepasst. Sie waren einfach total aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen, sozusagen kleine Lückenfüller. Da es sich bei "Four of a kind" um eine Trilogie handelt, wäre es möglich, dass diese Szenen vielleicht für die nachfolgenden Geschehnisse wichtig sind.

Mein Gedanke war, dass sich das Buch an jüngere Leserrichtet und es mich deswegen nicht komplett überzeugen konnte. Meiner Meinung nach wäre das Buch für Leser der Altersgruppe 12+ gut geeignet. Die Sprache ist leicht und sowohl für Anfänger als auch Fortgeschrittene geeignet.

Kellie Bean hat eine wunderbare Geschichte geschaffen, die sich sehr flüssig lesen lässt und vor allem jüngere Leser begeistern könnte.
Ein guter Auftakt der Trilogie um die Vierlinge aus Fairview mit Luft zur Verbesserung für den nächsten Band.

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Reagan is one of four girls who are quadruples at a new school. Reagan may struggle at the new school but her sister's lives aren't as perfect as she first thought, Rhiannon, Reilly and Reece are all going through stuff, not being able to do their favorite activities like seeing old friends, boyfriends and clubs means finding new one's within a new community and as the family is news to moving to the area they're all feelings the pressure to keep up a good image for the whole family, especially their mum.

Reagan however finds herself chancing the brushes of love with Kent and throwing herself into the school's drama club as well as keeping up online with her old friend Nadine.

We really see how change impacts life as a teen and how much it changes us and the people we thought we knew. I enjoyed this book and it had a great Halloween section too. I recommend this if you can relate to the situations mentioned or just like a nice young adult fiction.

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this for them!

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