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The Whispering Room

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Once again, Dean Koontz has done it again. I love the main character and enjoy her adventures.

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Why had I never read Dean Koontz's work prior to The Silent Corner? I have no answer, but I am definitely a fan now. The Silent Corner was so intriguing and action-packed that I couldn't put i down & eagerly devoured The Whispering Room in the same way. Jane Hawk, the protagonist in both, is a complex, complicated character who is determined to avenge the tragic death of her husband and save her young son. She is highly trained, intelligent, resourceful, and creative. Koontz's prose is eloquent, beautifully descriptive, and highly evocative. I found myself rereading certain passages just to savor his descriptions of times and places. I certainly hope that he is hard at work on the next installment in this series because I am eager to experience another Jane Hawk adventure.

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This book, the second of the series of Jane Hawk, was the story of horror, technology gone wrong, and an amazing heroine. I would recommend this book and series to anyone who likes to think and enjoys plot twists and adventure.

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The Whispering Room picks up where The Silent Corner left off with American’s Most Wanted ex-FBI agent Jane Hawk still in hiding, trying to keep herself alive, her son hidden and to find the truth as to why her husband committed suicide. Just when she thinks she has answers, it gets more difficult to track who is behind it all. While following a lead, she finds an ally in Sheriff Luther Tillman from Minnesota. They work together but yet although some questions are answered, there are still much more unanswered. Koontz has created such a complex story with vibrant characters that I can’t wait to read the third installment!

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I received a free electronic copy of The Whispering Room (Jane Hawk, #2) by Dean Koontz from NetGalley for my honest review.

First I have to say I have always been a big fan of Dean Koontz. This was a great thriller filled with conspiracy and mind control. Jane Hawk's husband committed suicide and Jane is trying to avenge her husband's death by proving it wasn't a suicide. Jane then becomes one of the most wanted people in the US because of what she knows.

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Jane Hawk is running for her life and to save the world from those who want to take control of our minds. Can she do it? She's a one woman fighting force and makes progress in this novel. Yes I gave it away, hopefully there will be a third novel or more to wrap this saga up.

Jane is very creative in her pursuit of the dark force and Dean makes the novel very enjoyable to read. The pace is very fast and I was amazed at the twist and turns throughout the novel. The sub plots just add to make The Whispering Room a great novel.

About a year ago, a friend gave me an Odd Thomas novel. I read the novel and walked away thinking Dean is a good writer, but boy is he out there. I decided to give Dean another try and I'm glad I read The Whispering Room. Dean has a new fan!!!

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i'ts been about 20 years since I last read a Dean Koonz book. I remember really enjoying them, so was eager and excited to start reading The Whispering Room. However, it didn't live up to my expectations..
The main character, Jane Hawk, is an F.B.I agent on the run. She's been accused of crimes she didn't commit, all to discredit her and her claims, that high up, officials are experimenting with mind control.. All of the adult's in a small town called Iron Furnace are being controlled without their knowledge, and the children are being held as prisoners.
Jane is a like-able character, she's a tough woman, America's most wanted, and she runs rings around the people looking for her. She teams up with a local sheriff who has grown suspicious when someone he knows well does something terrible and totally out of character. You want the pair of them to get to the bottom of what's going on and take the bad guys down; it's the whole point to the story, but wow it's a disappointment.
The potential for a character like Jane is huge. A female action hero, but, in this story, was wasted. I was bored for the first half and kept hoping something would happen and it would get better, but it never did. I hadn't read the first book, but to be honest, I don't think it would have made any difference. It hasn't totally put me off of reading his other books, but it would be his old school stuff.

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The Whispering Room is a wonderful second book a new Dean Koontz series. I highly recommend this book, but strongly suggest that our read the first book in the series, The Silent Corner so you will have the maximum understanding and appreciation of the characters and the story. Jane Hawk, former FBI agent, continues her search to uncover a plot that involves mind control that makes well-adjusted, intelligent, and successful individuals kill themselves. Jane’s persistence allows her to connect the dots in this immense web of treachery. Jane is joined by Sheriff Luther Tillman whose town is impacted by one of these seemingly random suicides. The action is non-stop and the pacing is relentless. Koontz effectively uses parallel plot lines as well as multiple perspectives to create an exciting and thrilling story. Dean’s masterful prose are mesmerizing and envoys powerful images and emotions. Jane Hawk is one of my favorite characters because she is a smart, no-nonsense, relentless, and kick-butt protagonist. If you are a Dean Koontz aficionado, you will love this book. For new Dean Koontz readers, this series is a great place to start. I am really looking forward to future books in this series.

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Wow! The Whispering Room picks up right where The Silent Corner left off. Jane Hawk continues her action packed quest to make a safe world for her son. The premise of this series is utterly frightening and utterly believable. I was once again drawn into the story, reading far into the night, unable to put The Whispering Room down. The ending was not what I expected, but sets things up perfectly for Jane Hawk #3.

This series is my favorite by Mr. Koontz because Jane Hawk is such a strong, kick-ass woman, but she also has a tender, loving side. Combining that with the scary, could be, nanotechnology take over the world plot makes for intense reading.

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Another great read from Dean Koontz. In the mood for a creepy thriller? This is the series for you! Can't wait for the third book to come out.

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The sequel to "The Silent Corner" sees heroine Jane Hawk on the run from a mass conspiracy of business elite who are out to control the destiny of the world.

After a rash of mass suicides that didn't seem like they were, including Jane Hawk's husband, a conspiracy involving new technology emerges. Nano technology, new to the industry, is already in the hands of the rich and powerful who see a way to manage the way the world is heading. Seemingly unpatterned targets are injected with a string of nanobots that make their way into the brain and control their subject and make them commit horrific acts that usually end in suicide.

As the novel opens, this happens to school teacher Cora Gunderson who drives her SUV, full of explosive material, into a crowd.

Investigating the tragedy, Sheriff Luther Tillman finds that more is happening that what any investigator can see. Meanwhile, Jane Hawk is following leads starting with reporter Lawrence Hannafin and his lawyer Randall Larkin that she hopes will lead her to the head of the organization organizing these suicides and stop their "Manchurian Candidate" style of operation which threatens the free world and human free will.

When Sheriff Tillman and Jane Hawk meet in the ideal town ironically called Iron Furnace after their trails lead them there, they wonder just how they hope to ever stop this dangerous game this elite group is playing as they run into a town where everyone seems under control of this new nanotechnology.

Told with the typical thriller-type style only Dean Koontz can pull off, "The Whispering Room" is an intense story of what happens when dangerous new technology meets bad guys. What exactly is this group planning? Why are they having certain people in the population kill themselves? Where exactly do they intend to take society?

Haunting questions we hope will be answered in Book #3 of the Jane Hawk series, but for now it's an adventure ride with a no-nonsense fighter who will stop at nothing to get to the truth.

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Assumptions can be a detriment to a bibliophile. I try not to make assumptions when looking for my newest crime fiction read but I do. I see a book, the name of the author and automatically associate that author with a certain genre and move one to another book. I was curious when The Silent Corner (book one in the Jane Hawk series) by Dean Koontz kept popping up in my searches for new crime fiction reads. When I finally read the synopsis, I was intrigued and brought the book. I was pleasantly surprised and I found a new heroine to add to my list of favorites. The Whispering Room is paging turning, action packed, edge of your seat, crime fiction story with a realistic and plausible science fiction twist.

Full review coming soon on

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DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION: I have a material connection because I received a review copy for free from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

The Whispering Room is the second novel featuring Jane Hawk, ex FBI agent who is now the most wanted woman in the United States. She is wanted for murder and various other charges that seem to pop up every day. Jane has been wrongly accused of most of the crimes and only kills someone if it is necessary.

The force she is fighting is more than one person. A group called Techno Arcadians wants to make the world a perfect place by creating peace through mind control. They have created a technology that will enable an elite group of people absolute power over anyone that has been injected with a nano-machine implant that will live in their brains. If the person is told to kill someone, they will do it. If they are told to kill themselves they will do it. There are unimaginable horrors that can and will take place if the few in power are not stopped. Jane is the unrelenting force that is pursuing them.

She has lost the people she loves one by death and another by separation due to the Archadians.

Tough as nails and willing to die if she has to, Jane uses all of her skills, those she was born with and those taught to her by the United States government when she worked for them, to complete her self-imposed mission. She has made many friends and made alliances during her career. She will call in those chits as needed through her ordeal as well as create a few unlikely alliances. But will it be enough?

There is a reason Dean Koontz is a best-selling author. The story is full of plot twists and surprises. He paints the scenes so vividly with his words the reader is drawn in immediately and stays with Jane for the duration of her ordeal. There are so many beautiful bits of description and subtle humor Koontz books are a joy to read. One of the best in this book in this book is when one of the characters loves his truck a little less than his wife, but more than his cat. I know a few men that feel the same way.

The supporting characters have a depth that pleases readers without even realizing the richness it adds to the novel. It appears effortless, but I am sure it cannot be. Therefore we can only attribute it to the talented Mr. Koontz. A couple of my favorites were Jolie, a very strong, smart young woman, Dr. Walkins one of the kindest characters in the book as well as Bernie Riggowitz. I hope I see more of all of them in the next book. And a brief personal note: thank you Mr. Koontz for not killing Dixie.

I have read many of Dean Koontz books and he has never disappointed me. I thoroughly enjoyed The Whispering Room. It is smart, well-written and entertaining. It is the first book in the Jane Hawk series that I’ve read, but I plan to pick up the first book, The Silent Corner.

Copyright © 2017 Laura Hartman

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As in Koontz style, this one keeps you on edge and hooked from page one to the last!! In true Koontz style, it is all here!! A well written story with well developed characters and a superb story line that will raise the hair on your arms! I have to go read the first one now as this is a series and somehow I missed the first one, "The silent Corner. I can't wait to see more of our heroine!

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Thank you, NetGalley for dishing out this awesome arc!!

Omg!!! This was another equally can't-put-down thriller as the first installment! My only disappointment was to find out there's ANOTHER book coming out which I don't have now and I need to know now what happens next... Jane Hawk is one my favorite heroines. She's tough as nails, but when we see inside her thoughts, we know that she's actually a regular human being with emotions, she just forces herself to tamp down on them to seek the revenge for her husband's murder. Sheriff Tillman was a pleasant surprise. And Grandpa Bernie, I hope we see him again. The ending, at least for me, was a bit of a shocker, I did NOT see that coming. Can't wait to get my hands on the next installment!

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Another slam dunk for Jane Hawk. Dean Koontz has created a masterful female lead who uses skill, wits, intelligence and sheer grit to bring down a sinister and shadowy group bent on remaking the world into a horror show. This time paring up with a new ally, there are even more obstacles to overcome and a surprising twist. This series makes you re-think everything you know about conspiracies. I hope we will see more of both Jane and her new pal. It will be difficult to put this book down once started, so pick a day with a clear schedule.

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I liked the first book of this new series but was on the fence about reading Book 2. I'm glad I did! "The Whispering Room" is a great, suspenseful read that I enjoyed more than "The Silent Corner." Rogue FBI agent Jane Hawk will let nothing get in her way to clear her husband's name and protect her 5 year old son. She's unstoppable.

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This is the sequel to The Silent Corner, which should be read first. I tore through SC in a day, just could not stop reading. I took more time with this one; not because it is lesser, just so I could enjoy it longer. Jane is still a badass and the plot still fresh and interesting. Koontz has an ability to make any plot seem possible, and this one moreso in today’s world. Highly recommend! Thanks so much for this opportunity to read this one, which is sure to become a bestseller!

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I've been a long time fan of Mr Koontz and read his books as soon as I can. While I enjoy the new character and story line it's not as original as say Odd Thomas. However still an enjoyable read.

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As I was reading this book, I thought to myself that it was right up there with books by the masters, such as Dean Koontz.

Then I looked at the title page and discovered it was written by Dean Koontz...

This is a remarkable book with great characters and extraordinary suspense. It builds inexorably toward its climax, with many adventures along the way. Highly recommended.

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