Cover Image: The Trouble with Twelfth Grave

The Trouble with Twelfth Grave

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Another amusing read in this series! Thanks for the laughs.

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12th book in series

This one picks up where the 11th book left off.

More excitement!!
More dimensions to explore!

I could not put the book down. I even screamed out a few times
I am looking forward to the next book!!

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After I read the first book in this series I hoped that the author would continue to write about these characters. I have loved every book since then and the Trouble with Twelfth Grave is no exception. Charley and Reye's story never gets old. This book starts off right where the last one ended. Charley is trying to get Reyes back from a hell dimension but when he comes back he is not the same. Can love prevail? A must read if you like paranormal romance with lots of humor and heat.

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First let me say, I love these books and this one is no exception. So many places, had me laughing uncontrollably with tears streaming down my face (it is so hard to read with tears between your eyes and reading glasses). Excellent story, the end left things hanging and I dislike thinking we are close to the end of this wonderful series but now am anticipating the next. Rock on Darynda.

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I devoured this book in one sitting. Don't plan on getting anything else accomplished once you start reading. Just sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster ride of crazy antics and the supernatural along with her cast of loveable characters. Each book gets more and more intense and like I said in a previous review Darynda Jones is the queen of cliffhangers. If you have never read this series, what are you waiting for?

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I'm just not sure. I have no idea. What just happened? W-T-F?

One day since I've finished the book and I still really honestly don't know how I feel about it.

I'm at a loss if I liked it or hated it or somewhere between. I...just. No words. I want to write this review and explain all the things that I'm having trouble with, but I have to check to see if I can fully review it just yet since it has a full month to go before it comes out.

*goes to look up email from Netgalley*

Phew ok, looks like I <i>can</i> review the book fully. Ok. Let's dig in shall we?

<img src="">

Yes I'll be using spoiler tags, just fair warning. And this will probably not be coherent.

Alright so from the last book [book:Eleventh Grave in Moonlight|24154742] we know that Reyes is...not himself. While reading the first chapter we, and by we I mean the audience, are trying to figure out what happened after Reyes flew out of the god glass. Charley is meandering around the point. And all I want is to shake her and yell at her. GET ON WITH IT WOMAN!!!!

So. Reyes and a bunch of innocents rush out of the god glass but not the other two evil gods nor did Charley see the evil priest. Uh Oh. Rather than worrying about that though, Charley goes about her biz. You know, I'd have thought we'd have had just slight more character growth, and have Charley idk take some things seriously, and now it's just becoming annoying that she's purposefully avoiding the important things cause *oh look something shiny* happens. It's getting old.

Meanwhile Ubie has a case of some people who have burns and scratches on them and their circumstances of dying are weird. It must be supernatural.

Oh still wondering what's gone on with Reyes and wondering if Reyes is well Reyes? Yea. Me too.

I guess he just cornered her did a little threatening and then left. *shrugs* No big deal right?

So Charley does her investigating trying to figure out if Reyes is still Reyes or not. She goes to Rocket's place and guess what? The place is leveled. Apparently not-Reyes is looking for something and got mad when Rocket wouldn't tell him. You know since it's against the rules. I'm surprised by this turn of events because Reyes, real Reyes knows how this would hurt Charley.

More bodies show up with weird circumstances of death. The weird claw like marks, and the weird burns on the bottom of their feet. Still don't know. Lets drive around randomly.

I mean there are some funny parts in this book don't get me wrong. Like Swoopes having a girl in bed, and Charley giving him a middle of the night wake up call and said girl NOT having an issue with Charley's late night random appearance. Ok.

So much happens but then all of a sudden after we figure out who/what is murdering people we find out about not-Reyes.

Not-Reyes is actually <spoiler> Reyes. Uhhh what? Apparently he is ALL the aspects of himself, the god, the human or whatever, and the evil god. Ok. He suddenly tells Charley that he had to be sure....sure that Charley would still love him? Even when he's psycho? I really don't understand because it's like he was always aware of who he was while he was doing all those destructive things???????????? I just if that's true what an utter waste of time. He - what? - pretended to be the uber evil god to see if Charley would still trust him? If he'd trust himself? I just don't know it didn't come through clearly.</spoiler>

And here's the mega mega mega spoiler. SOME-FUCKING-HOW THIS HAPPENED <spoiler> Some how some way Amber is KILLED. Dead, bye bye, soul left the body, it's been 2 hours dead. Apparently the priest, who was the ultimate killer to the other victims (he held onto them as an anchor so he wouldn't go to hell, ultimately killing them and somehow allowing him to stay, oh and they are people who could see supernatural) he got to Amber JUST before Charley had summoned him. So. Amber's dead. And the ONE rule that Charley must abide by is that she can only heal a soul from death if they haven't left their body. Clearly, Amber is a lost cause. Charley ignores that and heals Amber back (don't ask me how) and is swept away into oblivion. I assume to be released of her human body because she broke the one rule. She looks to Reyes and says she will find a way. THE END. </spoiler>

Yea great ending to the book. I'm kinda over these cliff hangers. I mean we are in book 12 can we just stop? I sincerely hope that if Jones does do the spin off I think she might, that she will refrain from cliff hangerville. NO MORE CLIFF HANGERS. Tie up the story in the book or make the books longer.

I'm still not sure what to rate this as I'm still confused. So I'm going to go with middle of the road and do a 3 since I can't seem to decide.

<b> Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book for free in exchange for my open and honest opinion. All opinions in this review are mine.</b>

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic ARC of this novel, received in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love this series and this book! It will be sad to say goodbye to so many great and laugh out loud characters after the next book.

Twelfth Grave is another incredible Charley Davidson installment that I didn't want to end. There is so much happening, with Charley, with Reyes, and the rest of the gang we’ve come to love. Reyes isn’t himself at the end of the last book so Charley is doing her best to bring back the man she loves while solving many other mysteries at the same time. As usual, she survives on coffee and very little sleep and she’s always her snarky self who would rather apologize than ask for help or permission.

It's a crazy, wild and always funny ride that fans of the series won't want to miss! But that ending! So hard to wait for the next book.

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This latest installment has left me completely speechless and craving more Charley and Reyes! The book picks up where the last one left off—Charley’s insanely sexy husband Reyes is gone, and the evil Rey'azikeen is in his place. Even through the mystery of what and who the "new" Reyes is, we get that delicious heat and chemistry between him and Charley. And of course all of our favorite characters are back. And the ending! Oh my goodness the ending!!! I cannot wait for the next book! I received a digital ARC of this novel courtesy of NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for a honest and voluntary review.

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OH MY GOD!! just when I think I can't love this series more it gets better. I actually found myself cackling at some parts till i cried from laughing. I love Charley shes such a great character and if you've already gotten to the 11th book then you know that too.

So I will just say this book had its usual high jinks with the gang and figuring out what was going on with Reyes was interesting and awesome. And then the ending UHG that's all I will say. And also I NEED the next one ASAP.

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I am always excited to get my hands on a new Charles book. Seriously, I don't know how Darynda does it... Hitting it out of the parking each time? This one did not disappoint!

There's everything you'd expect, and more.

Hilarious chapter titles /quotes? ✔️
Charley's inner diagolue and coffee addiction? ✔️
More naming of inanimate objects? ✔️✔️ (this one deserves two checks... You'll find out why!)
A case that needs to be solved? ✔️
The literal hotness that is Reyes Alexander Farrow? ✔️
Appearances by all your favorites? ✔️
An epic battle brewing between good and evil? ✔️
An ending full of laughter and sweetness and heartbreak and OMG WHAT IS SHE DOING? ✔️✔️✔️✔️

Dammit Darynda!!!
If I close my eyes and say your name will you please appear and give me the next book? Yes I am well aware that this one technically hasn't been released yet but still. Will you?

I guess I'll just have to do what I normally do... Reread until I get my next, and (sniff sniff) final fix.

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What can I say another good interesting suspense, angst story.
Poor Charley and Rheyes.
Now waiting for the next again.

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I absolutely loved this book! This is an author that will make you laugh and cry at her wittiness and characters. I have read other books by her, and they have been remarkable, as well. Well thought out plots and twists are her specialty! Charley Davidson is the main character, but the entire cast of players is strategically placed and implemented. I read an advanced copy of this book, and am so glad I did! In short, Darynda Jones is amazingly talented, and I would recommend these books, and have, to everyone I know.

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So I was sent a pre-release copy of the latest Darynda Jones book to review, it comes out in October and oh my god it was amazing. I couldn’t put it down, I read it in an evening!

I have to say, I didn’t think the last instalment was that great so I’m really pleased that I enjoyed this one more. I love Charley and the series in general, I love the humour in the books and that it’s coupled with a sexy edge.

In this book, Charley has to find out what happened to Reyes in the god-glass to make him come back as not-Reyes as well as stop not-Reyes from going all angry, destroyer God all over Earth. When the plot twist at the end happened, I admit, I didn’t see it coming at all. However, I’m a little confused as to how Reyes knew he had to do all that to protect Beep (stardust is a way cooler name than beep and I totally guessed that beep was what he meant earlier on.)

I wish Charley had gone to see the prophet who wrote the books, I was surprised she didn’t but I figure it might come into play at some point. Generally, I preferred the plot in this book to some of the recent ones but the whole Reyes and Charley just barely missing each other all the time is growing a little frustrating and tiring.

The last chapter killed me. I thought early on about them missing Amber in the supernatural watch list. Oh god. Oh god. Also, more Quentin and Amber is needed, Q&A Invesigations was brilliant!

I’m so glad I didn’t give up on this series because this was honestly so good and I can’t wait for the next one!

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Beaucoup de tension dans ce 12ème tome, plusieurs intrigues s'entremêlent et parfois on a juste envie de dire à Charley d'arrêter de se disperser dans tous les sens et de se concentrer sur un truc quand même vachement important!!! Mais non, elle mènent tout de front et évidemment elle ne peut pas s'empêcher d'aider ceux qui en ont besoin...ou alors c'est juste le moyen qu'elle a trouvé pour faire face ou plutôt éviter de faire face à ce qui la déchire! Bref j'ai été aussi tendue qu'elle durant toute ma même si certaines choses finissent par se résoudre, on termine à nouveau sur un énorme cliff, merci Darynda, tu n'épargnes pas notre petit cœur :( .
Cela reste tout de même une très très bonne lecture, mais ce n'est pas mon tome préféré!

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This series is one of my favorite and this book is the epitome of why!!! Oh my!!! I was on edge the whole book and just when I thought things were ok the world upturns and cliff hanger!!!! 😳 How much longer do I have to wait for the next book to come out to see what happens??? Oh the suspense is going to kill me!!! Come on Darynda Jones, please don't leave us hanging, I just gotta find out what happens next!!! LOVE THIS SERIES!! 😍❤️❤️❤️

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Love love love this book.. They just keep getting better and better...💙💜

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Review goes live on Butterfly-o-Meter Books on OCt 31 at 00.00 am gmt+2 and will show up on Goodreads sometime later.

In a Flutter: Delicious torture
Fluttering Thoughts:
Worldbuilding: OMG how I missed this fascinating world of the badass Grim Reaper, full of ghosts, gods, magic artifacts, plus armies of angels here and there.
Characters: The ever-charming Charley starts out strong with her snark for the win. I missed her and Reyes, and kept missing Reyes for a good bit of the story. Poor Charley…but she’s so entertaining she could probably just tell the time for half a novel and still have my full attention.
Plot: The story picks up right where the previous novel ended, with Reyes missing and Rey’azikeen (I probably spelled that wrong – screw it, lol, you know who I mean!) at the wheel things got tenser and tenser until I thought my eyes would pretty much pop out. The mystery of the murder victims is also interesting, casting doubts and suspicion on our beloved Reyes and his multiple evil sides. The story is very tense and full of action, and the almost-ending was very cool, touching, and rewarding. But then the actual ending came and it almost broke my heart and all I can say is: seriously, Darynda Jones?!?!?!?! Seriously?!?!?!?!?! Arrrrrghhh! I might not survive this series, for freak’s sake!
Writing: First person, past tense narrative, Charley’s POV. Snark galore voice – my fav ever. Nobody can say anything as awesomely as Charley can xDDD
Curb Appeal: Cool cover, hooking blurb, autobuy series forevah <3 I recommend The Trouble with Twelfth Grave to masochists who love snark galore, uber hot chemistry in millenia-long love stories, and getting the rug pulled from under their feet with each installment of a series when it all seemed to be as good as any Charley-involving situation can be – because let’s all face it: damn it, Charley!
My only complaint is that while I’m writing this review the novel isn’t even out yet, technically, and I have to wait a whole freaking year for the next one. This is unusual and terrible cruelty, sigh.

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Best one yet! I think I say that every time, but it's true. With each book Darynda Jones outdoes herself. I can't get enough of Charley and Reyes. Hottest couple ever! I'm addicted and not ashamed to admit it! Fantastic read start to finish.

*ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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I was given an early copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I have read all the books in this series and loved them all so I was excited to read this one!! I was not disappointed!! Darynda has done it again!! I don't know how she does it!! After getting to know Charley and Reyes and the rest of the gang over the years I can't believe how many times I still found myself literally laughing out loud and being surprised by some of the twists and turns in The Trouble with Twelfth Grave. Still one of my All-Time Favorite Series!! I cannot wait for the next book but at the same time I am going to be so sad when it ends!!

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Reyes is not in good place, and he's not as was. Let's just say that he might be making Daddy proud. Charlie has this whole new title resting on her scared shoulders. Someone or something is killing gifted people and Charlie needs to find answers while protecting her friends and dealing with this not right Reyes. Life is messed up, but Charlie never stops looking for answers, and a distracting laugh. The ending, oh my, I cried. To do such a noble thing to be struck with such a cost, sorrow fell hard. My poor favorite characters, bruised but never beaten, I hope.

Ms. Jones, you are wickedly good at this. You took my heart through the shadows, through the rubble, into the struggle for good/evil, life/death, love/faith, and then threw me into a dark ravine with no bottom in sight. I loved it, couldn't get enough, and want more pain and laughs.
if you love snark, romance, action, love and coffee read this series.

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