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The Trouble with Twelfth Grave

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Reyes is not in good place, and he's not as was. Let's just say that he might be making Daddy proud. Charlie has this whole new title resting on her scared shoulders. Someone or something is killing gifted people and Charlie needs to find answers while protecting her friends and dealing with this not right Reyes. Life is messed up, but Charlie never stops looking for answers, and a distracting laugh. The ending, oh my, I cried. To do such a noble thing to be struck with such a cost, sorrow fell hard. My poor favorite characters, bruised but never beaten, I hope.

Ms. Jones, you are wickedly good at this. You took my heart through the shadows, through the rubble, into the struggle for good/evil, life/death, love/faith, and then threw me into a dark ravine with no bottom in sight. I loved it, couldn't get enough, and want more pain and laughs.
if you love snark, romance, action, love and coffee read this series.

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With the way Eleventh Grave in Moonlight ended I couldn't wait to get my hands on the next book. I was lucky to get an ARC of the 12th Grave and I loved every word of it. The Trouble with Twelfth Grave is the penultimate book in the Charley Davidson series so I was savoring every sentence and every chapter, I didn't want this book to end. But I couldn't put it down so I finished it in one day.

The Trouble with Twelfth Grave is everything you expect from Darynda's books. A lot of sarcasm from Charley, a lot of brooding from Reyes, some very hot sexy encounters between these two, and nail-biting paranormal adventures for the whole gang. For me this was one of the best books in the series. I cannot wait for the 13th Grave and I already know that I will miss Charley, Reyes and the gang once the series end.

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This book is a 5 star book for sure, actually I would give it more than that if I could! Every time I read a Charley Davidson book I think it can't get any better and then the next one comes out. I am thinking this could be my favorite one yet, I mean Reyes just makes you melt and I love Charley! The Trouble with Twelfth Grave was just so packed with twist and turns and the ending, oh my gosh the ending. I can't wait for the next book, I need to know what's going to happen. I finished this book in one day and I am already telling all my friends to order it, it was just so good.

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Please note: I received a copy of THE TROUBLE WITH TWELFTH GRADE from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

Five stars and here’s why:

Holy hotness! I love this series. Darynda Jones rocked this book! I’ve read every book in the series and just when you think you’ve got a handle on what to expect next, Ms. Jones proves she’s a master storyteller. You’ve just got to chill and let her tell it her way so clear off your calendar and be prepared to devour the book in one sitting. If you love hella-sexy scenes with a dash of smart, sassy, and snark, this book is for you. Highly recommend.

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I loved reading the sensational and awesome 12th book in the Charley Davidson series. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC through NetGalley and St. Martin's Press.
Charley's husband, Reyes, has come back as Rey'azikeen. While Charley tries to find her husband Reyes inside the evil, the angels are warning her that it is time to end Rey'azikenn's life.
Read the highly recommended, fabulously written with a spellbinding story line captivating the reader from the first page until the last page, and a must read love story.

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I was thrilled to be offered an ARC of Trouble with Twelfth Grave and raced through it over the weekend. The further I got in the book, the more I enjoyed it... and the more I feared that the end would come so soon. Honestly, I enjoyed it so much that I've started reading it again.

Twelfth Grave picks up with Reyes being out of the god glass, but not quite being himself. No one quite knows whether he is Reyes, who would do anything to protect Charley, or is he Rey'azikeen, the violent deity?
I love the way Darynda Jones' catches you up on the story without it just being a recitation of the previous book. Our favorite characters are all there, each trying to determine what to do to protect those they love and the world as a whole. Charley's voice and wit carry on and the relationships between characters absolutely shine. Some of Reyes' actions honestly shocked me, the mystery element made me wonder, and I laughed at Osh and Garrett's plotting. The story moves quickly and the timeline is short - so much happens in a very short amount of time, it's almost enough to make your head spin. At the end, some things resolved quickly and I wondered at one point where the story could go from here... and then the ending threw me into an OMG moment and I CAN'T WAIT for 13.

Final opinion? I loved it - the characters, the story, the humor, the dialogue, the wit, the fantasy, the romance, the relationship. Love, love, love it - Five shiny stars, two thumbs up, crowds cheering everywhere. Love the old characters, love the new characters, love that overall -- and god or demon withstanding -- the human part of the story is just as important. I've read a lot of series and am pleasantly surprised that this one keeps my attention and keeps me caring about what comes next... even though now I have to impatiently wait for the next installment. Guess it just gives me time to go back and start over at the 1st grave...

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I read an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. This book is the latest in the Charley Davidson series, I do think you need to read the other books in the series before reading this one. Charley is back… her husband Reyes is missing…people are dying mysteriously and Charley has a plan … actually several plans … none of which will turn out as she intends … so be prepared for a rollicking roller coaster of a story that I only put down to walk the dog and a short walk at that. Will now be waiting impatiently for the next one.

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This is the 12th book in the Charley Davidson series and I read it all in one day! When we left Charley she just found out that Reyes might not be himself anymore. All her allies have decided that Reyes must be killed, but Charley has faith he is still redeemable. While this is going on Charley is also trying to help clear her friend of murder and find out who is killing people in an untraceable way.
Lots of major series plot points revealed. Fans will not be disappointed even though we are again left with a cliffhanger ending.

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The Trouble with Twelfth Grave, Darynda Jones

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Mystery and Thrillers

If you haven't begun this series yet then get book one now! Its an amazing story, and from the first book Charley's world has so changed. Yet the original key characters are still all there, having grown along with Charley.

Its a story that's gripping, at times graphic but never gory, searingly sensual but never overly sexual, its one of those rare books where what isn't written is as important as what is.
The murders stack up yet are a tiny part of the story, the steam between Charley and Reyes is off-the-page erotic, always memorable ( shower scene back in the early books - I bet all readers member that!!)  and yet is only ever a fraction of the story.

Once more Charley's in the thick of murder, mayhem, trying to put things right in a bumbling, almost chaotic way but she's got such heart, such intelligence.
You love her, can't help it, she's never got a nasty side, whatever she's facing. This time its literally end-of-the-world stuff after Reyes went in the God Glass and his other parts, the more unpleasant side of him came out.
I was gutted at that ending, have been waiting so eagerly for this book, and dammit, Darynda has done it again, given us another nail biting ending.
I can't even begin to summarise what I love about this story, its much the same vein as the others, typical Charley snark, succinct and special humour ( love the names of Cookie's girls BTW), plots and murders that seem totally disconnected and yet slowly gel together.
Charley is just so special, she Cares, so much about others, her family, her freinds, and just humanity in general. She's come a long way since she discovered just who she is, and yet remains that slightly chaotic loving character we love. 
The secondary characters are huge in their own right, and yet still supporting to the story of Charley and Reyes. 
Reyes - well, even though he's not quite Reyes as we know he's still smouderingly sexy....but is he the killer? Would he really do the things everyone seems to think he has?
Charley can't believe it and yet she needs to get Her Reyes back ASAP before Michael and the gang descend. 
The secondary characters are huge in their own right, and yet still supporting to the story of Charley and Reyes, and most of them are here too. Cookie, oh how I love her, and Amber. Ubie, Charley's lovely uncle, always so steadfast, always so supportive. Beep, fleeting appearance but so welcome. What a nightmare, to have to give up your child for her own safety...
Then there's the "other" crew, Garret, human but more than that, Pari, also human with some great talents, but who can see Charley's light. Angel - great investigator who's a kid in body but been dead for so long he feels older, and who has a great line in flirting, Artemis - guard dog extrodinaire...oh I love that dog. Her existence is typical of the way key characters come into being, I remember she was way back in the early books, belonged to the biker gang that owned the asylum where Rocket, Blue and Strawberry reside.
That's just a smattering of the cast that holds up these stories, building and extending them, bringing in threads from way back to tie up with current ones, and leading to what's looking to be a Grande Finale. Part of me wants that Now, part wants the stories to go on forever....

I've had this one on my kindle for a week or so, promising myself I could read it as a reward when i'd finished a couple that I thought I'd like but which proved dull, boringly so, and I needed an incentive. Did that Sunday so had a glorious few hours in Charley's wonderful world yesterday.

I'm going to need a couple of free weeks when this finally comes to an end so I can do a wonderful back-to-back reading fest of the whole series. 

Stars: five - well, five hundred wouldn't be enough. If you're hooked on Charley's world then this book is a must. 

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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WOW!! Once again another excellent novel by Darynda Jones. What can I say - action packed, quick paced and what an ending!!

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OH MY GOD! This latest installment has left me completely speechless and craving more Charley! Darynda's writing weaves such a magical tale I found myself getting totally lost in the writing. The plot was incredible, full of twists, turns, and humor that completely surround you and take over.
Charley and company are back at it again, this time it seems it is Charley against Reyes. Charley is on a race against a heavenly clock to bring Reyes back to normal before all hell breaks loose. When it seems that Reyes is after Beep, Charley is preparing herself to do the unthinkable. Are Charley and Reyes no more? Is Reyes too far gone?
This book was full of surprises right from the beginning. Definitely a book you can read again and again.

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I was given an early copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

WOW! Darynda Jones does not disappoint. Her writing will mess with your emotions more than you think possible. But it's so worth it. In fact, I was so anxious and excited to read this book that I may have to read it again now just to reprocess everything.

Charley has so much going on in her life. Poor thing is unsure of what she released when Reyes stepped out of the god glass.

Her P.I. business does take a little bit of a back seat in this one only because she is so worried about Reyes. But never fear, she does have cases to solve!

The ending...well, you'll just have to read it for yourself. All I can say is I need the next book now. I will even sell my first born for it. Just kidding. (Maybe)

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The Trouble with the Twelfth Grave by Darynda Jones a heavenly five star read. This is the Twelfth book in the Charley Davidson series and I so heart Charley she is the woman I would love to be, sassy and brutally honest and marries to the one man if I could have one wish it would be to make him real. I must saw that you will need tissues for this read, and not just for the amazing one liners that have you crying with laughter. This will have you sobbing and not for the normal reasons, like Reyes leaving. There is so much going on in this story that you could get lost very easy as there are always several things happening at once, but Darynda Jones has such an amazing talent at writing that it all flows so seamlessly and you don’t get lots, it’s a true talent.
I could write pages and pages about how good this book was, I have read the series a few times but I think this will be one I will read and read again, by book twelve in the series there is usually so much filler you don’t know the plot, but that’s not the case with this series. I am now heartbroken as I know I have such a long wait until book 13!! I don’t want to give the game away and reveal any of the details as they all twist and turn into each other, the story reveals itself like a maze becoming open and showing you the way. This is definitely the best story I have read this year.

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Holy green guacamole! This book gave me anxiety! My poor jaw aches from clenching my teeth shut with every page I turned and revealed something. Dary, you fabulous, yet evil woman you! I damn near cried in this book! And that's saying something since I NEVER cry while reading a book. My poor heart is still racing! This book was full of humor, action, sexiness, angst, and OMFG moments! The story captivated me from beginning to the very end. It kept me on my toes and had me trying to solve the cases along with Charley and the gang. Well done Dary, well done indeed!

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, so thank you for this. If I could unread this book just to be able to read it for the first time again, I so would. For now, all I know is I will have to re-read this story once my hardcover copy is released because, WHOA MAN!!!! It is so worth a re-read!

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I am a fairly devoted fan of this series. Jones has not allowed the length of the series to flag the storyline. She delivers a fast paced, never let up installment with this book. The beloved characters are back with a clever plot that won't let you put the book down. Cliffhanger that makes you ask : "when's the next book!".

What Jones does so well is maintain consistency within her canon. There is never a false note. I really enjoyed it.

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Oh wow, was WW ever jealous when she heard I got my hot little hands on this ARC!!!! (Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press!!) For full disclosure, Reyes is WW’s book BF, not mine…but I may call dibs on Garrett now! He is seriously hawt in this book!

Darynda just writes the funniest, snarkiest, hottest lovin’ books EVER! (And there is one scene I am thinking about in particular in this book that’s sizzling!) But she is also the meanest person at the same time…these endings are KILLING me! At the end of book 11, you will remember that Charley sent Reyes into the god glass in an attempt to reconnoiter, but when she attempted to recall him it didn’t work. Instead, the pendant exploded and Rey’Azikeen appeared…the god, not Reyes her husband. But is her husband in there or is he gone forever?

So when we pick up in book 12, it is 3 days later and Charley is still trying to find a way to restore the Reyes she knows and loves. In the midst of investigating a haunted house and a disturbing series of murders, she has not told any of her cohorts what has happened with the exception of Angel who has been looking for Rey’Azikeen. Charley is afraid that he might be behind the murders, and she reluctantly brings in the rest of the gang in to help discover a way to bring Reyes back.

At the same time, she has to help Pari avoid arrest for murder, and provide guidance for Amber and Quentin who are investigating the theft of office supplies at their school. Soo…pretty much normal life for Charley! All the while dealing with knowing that the being that was her husband has the knack of showing up whenever he wants, and that he is searching for something that he thinks she knows the location of, and he’s not happy she won’t tell him. (I figured it out early on, so I beat Charley!)

The whole book is a roller coaster of emotion, for both the characters and the reader. That is the thing about these books; there is a LOT of humor, but it’s equaled by all the negative emotions as well, especially guilt and grief. There are 2 moments in particular where I was like, whoa, this can’t be happening! And the last few pages…I just can’t. We thought the end of 11 was bad, but this one was SO much worse for me. Especially knowing it’s going to be another year until #13, but then again I don’t want the year to end because I know that will be the last book in the series, not fair!

If you haven’t read this series, wtf are you doing reading this review? Get yourself to the library, or the book store or Amazon and START. You will not regret it…unless you have no sense of humor. (I’m sure that there are some people like that out there.) I don’t recommend starting with this book as you really, really need the background of the previous novels to really understand what happens in this book. But if you are an old-timer like me, sit back and enjoy (most) of the ride!

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Time to tell the truth, when I saw the release date for this book I was practicaly stalking Netgalley and when I finally saw the chance to request an ARC for it, I was over the moon. I'm so grateful to Marissa for giving me the chance to read it, that I could jump from joy.
Darynda did such a good job with this story, it's amazing. This series is one of my favs for years already and it's no secret that I'm a huge fan of Charley and Reyes. This time I feel in love with them even more. Also with Osh and Charleys family. At the end of the book I was so shocked to find out what horrible tragedy had almost befallen them but don't worry, Charley saves the day yet again. The plot from the previous book continues and there were so many twists and secrets. But not all is as it seems and I was kinda grumpy with Reyes for a minute but he's Reyes, so... I love him. I only wished we'd get to see more of him. There were five or so scenes with him, so that was really disappointing. I really do hope we'll get to see more of him in the next, last book. As far as the plot goes, we get murder, accused murder, lots of threats and get that, we eve get to meet God. To say I loved it would be an understatement. Of course the story end on a cliffhanger and I have the feeling the last book will be quite the action packed story that we are used from Darynda Jones. I am already counting down the days to it's release.

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There are few series that grab your attention year round. This series is by far one of them. Another masterful edition to the Charley Davidson world of ghosts, gods and gangland killings. Page turningly good.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the E-ARC copy of this novel.
What to say about Darynda Jones? Oh, the torture. I always think when the next one comes out that maybe it will start to lose it luster or I will be okay with this series ending because the writing or story is starting to lose out on something. Yet, here again she brings a great novel full of rich characters and pulls no punches. If you have never read this series you are so wrong! The Charley Davidson series is one of the best well written series in fiction. It's fun, serious, paranormal entertainment! Reyes and Charley are probably one of the most interesting and sexy couples in paranormal fiction today. Darynda Jones has to have one of the best jobs in the world. The next book is supposed to be the last. I am so sad because 12 was fresh, funny, and one of the best in this series. Thank you, Darynda Jones for making Charley such a great character!

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