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This Love Story Will Self-Destruct

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Member Reviews

This was a cute and quick love story! I don't typically opt for this type of story but found it charming in that NYC When-Harry-Met-Sally sort of way.

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I tore through this novel, so compelled by the protagonist. I would definitely recommend this to friends!

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I went into this one with high hopes and unfortunately, it just didn't work for me. I couldn't connect with the characters and felt like I was just waiting for 'the big thing' to happen and it never seemed to get there for me.

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I really wanted to get into this book but it just was not for me. it started off slow and was hard for me to get into. i was able to read about 3/4 of it before putting it down. i will try to get back into it another time.

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This was an amazing story. The characters were amazing to get to know and the love story was heart wrenching. This was so good and I recommend.

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This Love Story Will Self-Destruct is a surprising novel about chance encounters and how love doesn't always come at first sight, but true love endures.

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I really enjoyed this quirky, fun, yet deep at times novel. Great characters and wonderful flow. Thank you NetGalley, author and publisher for the e-reader for my review. All opinions are my own.

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This coming of age tale of Eve and Ben is well-written and engaging. Eve's self-sabotaging ways are endearing, yet at times maddening, to readers. Cohen has done a masterful job of adding layers to the characters that bring them to life instead of being one dimensional and bland. Readers enjoy learning the history of the characters and all the factors that influence their current choices. New York City is the perfect organized chaos to back drop this tale of a hurricane of a woman who has to learn how to grow up and function in an stable environment that is unlike anything she has known.

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The Girl He Used To Know has stolen a little piece of my heart, and I was sad to see it end. Did you ever have one of those books on your ever growing TBR pile, and when you finally get it to it; you’re so upset it took you that long to get to it? That's how I felt as I was reading this book. I should’ve known I would love this book by reading the back, because four of my favorite authors sang their praises. The Girl I Used To Know is a beautiful love story that is both sweet and sexy, and the last 30 pages will literally have you on the edge of your seat engrossed in every word.
Annika is unlike most girls her age; she’s brutally honest and never says the right thing in a social situation. When Jonathan and Annika were in college they met playing chess, and Annika knew the feelings she felt just being around him were different then she’s ever felt before. Jonathan is taken by this beautiful girl who is honest and charming, and even though she is very different, that’s what he likes about her the best. The two move slowly in the beginning and appear to have the perfect relationship, until heartache tears the two apart and Annika needs time to recover on her own.
Annika and Jonathan have a history and memories that bind them together. When they see each other after years of distance, all of those emotions come flooding back. They didn’t break up on the best of terms, but their love for each other was so true and genuine that they quickly start where they left off. They have things they need to talk about and decide if they want a future together. The two will be put to the test once again, and this time what’s important is coming out of it alive.
Tracey Garvis Graves has written a beautiful story of love and acceptance. I fell in love with the main characters, and found myself cheering them on throughout the book. Just as I was settling into the softness of the romance and relationship between these two, Tracey takes your heart and squeezes it tight. From page 249 until the end I’m pretty sure I read at the speed of light while holding my breath. Pick up your copy ASAP!

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(this book was provided by NetGalley for an honest opinion)

This book was a lovely surprise! At first, I didn't know if I would like it as much because it all seemed too... young for me. But then, after the first few chapters, we finally got deeper into the characters and I loved it,

We're introduced to Eve and her life navigating through NYC, her relationships and her psyche. I think what I connected the most with her character is how flawed she is. She's young, but she also has so many issues - like all of us. And she doesn't hide them, she knows she has issues.
Her and her group of friends always crosses path with a group of boys from the same college - and that's where our love story starts. Ben is the black sheep from his group - the only engineer, says little to nothing and it's very intelligent.

Their relationship is the problem and the solution. Both of our MC are intertwined with their issues and in one side we have an over anxious, and very doubtful about relationships in general (thinking they're all doomed to fail from the start). And then we have the other side, Ben, who's very mellow and takes everything with such a grace.

The different POVs also helped get inside their personas and how appearances are deceiving. If we're seeing trhrough Eve's eyes, Ben looks collected and cool. But when reading from his POV, we see that he's freaking out!

I really loved this story and was happy about the ending! It ended just as it needed to end.

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Because the thing about Eve is, when she does land, she sticks that landing something hard, and suddenly, walking away is the very last thought on your mind.”

The friends to lovers storyline has always been a favorite of mine. Readers will be happy to know that This Love Will Self Destruct has a different take on the popular trope. It’s not conventional in the way of normal friends to lovers stories. The two main characters don’t really have any type of relationship until later on in the book. They are acquaintances that are loosely in the same group of friends.

Eve is a very quirky character but I feel like her quirks are what make her so love-able. In the beginning of the novel when are introduced to Eve and her gang and her love interest; a moody musician, Jesse. She re-meets Ben but pretty much blows him off for Jesse. So the two in fact, do not end up going home together. Ben is the real love interest but his interactions with Eve are non-exsistent. Which was different for me. I’m used to the hero and heroine meeting and having something happen very early on in the book.

Years go by and the two run into each other again. And it happens over a look Ben and Eve share. You know what I’m talking about, the look. They then start a relationship of sorts but Eve and her past trauma hinder her from being fully invested. Then Ben has a huge freaking secret that could make or break up the couple. When I find out the secret, I became sad. Can’t really explain it without giving it away; but it brought up memories.

I truly enjoyed this book. I felt at times the story was a bit too much. There would be times when we were completely in either Ben or Eve’s head and there wouldn’t be any kind of dialogue for a few pages. That annoyed me a bit. I also would have liked to get more from the side characters. I don’t feel like we ever truly got to know them. Side characters are just as important in my opinion. Overall, I loved the book and adored Ben and Eve. Their character flaws are what made them real. I look forward to reading more from the author.

On side note, I’d also like to add that I liked Jesse. I have an unhealthy addiction for bad men just like Eve did. Plus he’s a musician and those are a weakness for me. Bleh.

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I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. The story was just so predictable--the very overdone "artsy girl meets engineer guy in New York City." I didn't even hate the book (well, Eve really started getting on my nerves...), but it just wasn't anything new or special. I'd still give author Leslie Cohen another chance, though. There's potential here for something better.

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THIS LOVE STORY WILL SELF-DESTRUCT by Leslie Cohen is superbly written, there is no doubt that Ms. Cohen is a gifted author. She did evoke emotions from me, not sure all were good ones, but I was drawn in, because I DO like Leslie Cohen’s sense of writing style, sharp, edgy and strong enough to create a world where not everyone feels warm and fuzzy.

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Gallery Books and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of This Love Story Will Self-Destruct. I was under no obligation to review this book and my opinion is freely given.

Eve's past drives her present, as she cannot allow herself the opportunity to be happy. She has dreams and ambitions, but has not yet figured out how to move forward from a toxic relationship. Ben is an engineer, solid and steady with a level head. He does not even appear on Eve's radar when they first meet. After time away from the city, Eve returns with a clearer perspective on her life and her goals. When she meets Ben again, will they have an attraction worth exploring?

The title of this book should have been as follows: How Many Times Will Eve Self-Destruct? Alternating between the perspectives of Ben and Eve, the story weaves the characters in and out of each other's lives. The focus of the book is more on Eve, as her issues regarding her life and relationships garners more attention. I never got the attraction between the characters, especially with regards to Eve. The novel is just another mediocre and not all that memorable story about messy relationships. For these reasons, I would be hesitant to recommend This Love Story Will Self-Destruct to other readers.

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This was a very slow start and it wasn't attention grabbing for me. It felt like it was more tell than show, rather than show and tell. I couldn't really relate to the characters at all and I was a bit disappointed.

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I was unable to finish this book. It did not draw me in and keep me reading. I was expecting a love story and it fell flat for me. I personally did not enjoy it. I am only giving it one star simply because I did not finish. I do not feel comfortable saying that this novel is not a good choice. It was just not a good choice for me.

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I liked the twisty way Ben and Eve's story came to be. It seemed more real as they continued to cross paths, how their relationship would eventually change.

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I thought this was a really cute and witty love story. This is a story about Eve and Ben, who are total opposites of one another. Ben is responsible and level-headed and Eve lives with her heads in the clouds and can be quite self-destructive. They don’t initially hit it off, but keep running into each other over time. This is a moving story about friends becoming more. This book is relatable and real. I love how Cohen told the story in a unique and fun way that moves through time. I really liked it a lot and will be looking for Leslie Cohen's books in the future.

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This book was cute! That's the best way to describe it. I wouldn't say it changed my life or kept me thinking about it when I finished. But it was entertaining while it lasted.

To be honest, I don't usually read the description of a book before I start. I'm one of those people who judges books by the cover (GASP!), the author and the title. I usually know right away if I'll like it. And when I do read the blurb, I try my best to skim over it and forget about it when I start reading it. I like going into books completely blind so I don't have super high or low expectations. So I'm moved by the present and not what I think it'll be about. But this story, I kept reading and reading and wondering - what in the world is this? So I gave in and re-read the blurb and things started to make sense. And like I said - it was cute!

Eve was tough and independent, but there were times I wanted to shake her to her senses. She's neurotic and sometimes a little crazy and very relatable. Eve is a writer and the way she described the way she was feeling I sat there like - whoa, I thought I was the only person who did that.

Ben was logical but also didn't hide his feelings. He wasn't afraid to love and feel and hurt. I also am pretty sure this is the first chick lit book I've read that had chapters from a male's point of view, which was a great change of pace.

I did have a little but of a hard time keeping up with their friends - they each had their own group of friends with different personalities but I couldn't keep them straight. And now that I finished the book, I honestly couldn't tell you who was who. What happened to them? Who are they? Who knows.

So I'll end this yet again saying this was cute. It was fun. It was relatable. It didn't change my life but it left me content.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book. Was easy to read
It's funny, romantic, engaging and very well written
this is my first book by her will look at the others she wrote

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