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So Over You

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What's a girl to do when she's reunited with the one man who couldn't satisfy all her needs? The one man who was her equal and the one who broke her heart?

Izzy and Vadim are electric and are ready to melt the ice. If you're looking for a story rich with character development, hot hockey action and enough heat to melt the now.

Every book delivers a fast paced story and one that keeps you reading in one sitting.

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"Oh for Gretzky's sake", this book delighted me! There was this one quote, that pretty much summed it up for me: "This family is a soap opera looking for a daytime network slot."

•Pro: So much delicious drama. I am NOT a fan of too much drama between the hero and the heroine, but I tend to enjoy it, when it is largely outside of the relationship, as it was with this book. Mommy issues, daddy issues, identity issues -- there were a lot of issues, but Meader did a great job weaving all these things together.

•Pro: Isobel was a woman to be reckoned with. With her impressive hockey pedigree and sassy wit, I couldn't resist her, but what really made me love her, was her vulnerability. Isobel was sort of adrift following a career ending injury, and I was really rooting for her to find her way.

•Pro: Vadim was broody perfection. He was so complicated and I loved each and every new nook and cranny I learned about him. His adoration for Isobel totally endeared him to me, and even when he was a total grump, he made me smile.

•Pro: This is a second chance romance, and you know who loves second chance romances? This girl! These two had a short lived relationship back when they were teens, and Vadim always held a small flame in his heart for his Bella. It was great to see them back together fanning the flames, and I loved the way Meader slowly kindled the fire.

•Pro: I enjoyed all the relationships that were explored. There was the relationship between the "Chase" sisters, Vadim and his sister, Vad and his mother, Isobel and her father, but of course, my favorite was the relationship between Vadim and Isobel.

•Pro: The Chase sisters are an interesting bunch. I liked learning their history and seeing them their affection for each other grow as they supported each other through the good and the bad times.

•Pro: Meader knows how to write great banter and how to judiciously use pop culture references to spice it up. From Friends and Dirty Dancing to soup in bread bowls, there were all these little additions that made me smile.

•Pro: The epilogue was satisfying and did a great job setting up the next book.

Overall: This is my first Meader book, and I am already reading my next one (Irresistible You). I loved the drama, the complications, the romance, the banter, the characters. The Rebels have won me over, and I cannot wait to read more.

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When three sisters end up owning a hockey team, being surrounded by delicious men can be a good thing or a bad thing. In this instance it’s definitely a good thing.

Hockey is not one of of the Sports I usually follow however I can definitely get used to steamy hot guys that are associated when Kate Meader is involved.

This book to me was not as passionate or emotional as the first book in the series. Much of the plot was dealing with the sport side of the story and I didn’t feel quite connected to these two main characters. However, I loved them together. Great chemistry and I love seeing Vadim caring for Izzy.

There are many parts that were amusing and several parts that were sad. But to me the ending can be the most magical and this one ended with a wonderful feeling.

With one more sister to go, the next book in the series should be interesting and tie everything together. A wonderful series and definitely one to read, whether you love hockey or not.

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Isobel Chase knows hockey, she’s been playing since she was five years old, even winning the Silver medal in the Sochi Olympics. Since her father left her and her other two sisters the ownership of the NHL team the Chicago Rebels, Isobel has had her ups and downs. As a skating consultant, it is tough being a woman in a mans sport, specially when some of the players don’t take her seriously. What she really wants to do is be one of the coaches. Ever since the team acquired Vadim Petrov, her life has been turned upside down. Back when Isobel was 16, she lost her virginity to Vadim. When her father caught them, he had Vadim banned from playing hockey in the US and so he had to return to Russia. Now that he’s back, Isobel is trying her best to ignore him, until she is assigned to be his personal coach to get him ready to play after his knee injury.
When Vadim finds out that Isobel did not enjoy sex with him, since he denied her an orgasm, he makes it his mission to correct his mistake. Now all he needs to do is get close to her and convince her that they could be good together. Easier said than done.
This was a sexy and fun book to read with some extra side characters. A must read!

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3.5 stars

This is the second in the Chicago Rebels series, and it could be read as a stand alone but you will want to read the first book, Irresistible You.

We are thrown in pretty much where the first book ended, and now we are learning more about Isobel Chase. Part owner of the team, she wants to be a coach, she gets her chance coaching the one that got away, Vadim.

Vadim... hmm, I want to love him, but he comes across a lot of the time a whiney b!tch, more worried about something that happened in the far past than what is in front of him now.

We all have baggage, but the baggage he worries about, well in my opinion just wasn't worth all the time and effort that was put into the story -but this could just be me.

I just didn't really feel it between Isobel and Vadim. I wanted to, but as I was reading, I got distracted by and more interested in other characters in the background *cough cough Cade and Dante**.

I do like the continuation of the Chase ladies and their running of the Chicago Rebels, and I am looking forward to the last sister's story, it is just that this one fell a little flat for me.

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Of course, Meader wrote a fabulous hockey romance. I couldn't help reading Vadim's part with a Russian accent. That powerful knucklehead had no idea how to handle feelings, such a guy. Isobel, powerful on the ice and off, she was trying to impress her decreased father and forgot her own heart. Three sisters thrown together by their philandering father to run a hockey team to the playoffs are striving to shock the world. I found the female characters strong and sassy while the guys were tough externally with soft hearts. Meader's hockey knowledge is extensive and accurate, and she knows how to get her characters motivated to heat the pages. The story works better reading them in order but you will not be confused if you start here. My copy was given through Netgalley and my review written voluntarily.

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This is the second book in the Chicago Rebels but it can stand on its own if someone hasn't read the previous book and I really think people should add this one to their lists because it was a great read.

The story follows Isobel who was a winning Olympic hockey player until an injury stopped her from continuing her career, now she's working as a coach on her late father’s hockey franchise and her first test is help a player get back in shape after an injury; only that player ends up being the guy with whom she had a "relationship" back when they were teens, only things didn't end up well between them, so you can expect things to get very interesting. As you read on the blurb, it was Vadim who took Isobel's virginity, only his performance wasn't really memorable and when he finds out he's determined to change her perception of him; after all, he now has a reputation to maintain. The chemistry is still very intense between these too, their banter was a joy to read and it's impossible not to fall in love with Vadim. With Isobel, though I got a bit frustrated at times because she was too stubborn. Still given their troubled backstory not everything will be easy for these two and they'll have their own challenges to face.

So Over You was a wonderful read, I'd absolutely recommend it and I sure want to keep reading the next books in the series.

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Isobel lost her dream in one defining moment. No longer able to play pro hockey she has embraced her role as a coach for the Rebels. She is trying to embrace her new life but still is haunted by the ghost of her father. Desperate to achieve the dream that was snatched away. Vadim is trying to move off the injured list and due to Isobel’s training he is able to be back with his team. Will they ever get to where they were both young and innocent and in love with one another? Vadim is everything she will ever need but will she realize it in time. This series is absolutely brilliant!

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"Eventually she'd rise above these setbacks, both her crushed ambitions and her ambitious crush."

I was so excited to dive into another installment of the Chicago Rebels series. I happened upon Kate Meador accidentally, enticed by a cover that captured my attention and a synopsis that was too intriguing to pass up. A hockey team owned by three sisters is some entertaining reading and this talented author has earned a fan. Though I'm very anxious to meet the man that takes on the third sister, I'm reluctant for the series to end. It's that good...

Isobel is the middle sister. The closest to a hockey playing son her father could get. She won an Olympic medal but still managed to be a disappointment to him. I can't begin to tell you how much he disappointed me. He had three beautiful, talented, amazing daughters and still wasn't satisfied. Even after he died, he still managed to make them jump through hoops. In spite of his severely lacking parental skills, two of his daughters have a deep love for hockey and desperately want to remain the owners of the team. The third sister is a lot of fun and is being cooperative, but it's not in her blood like the other two. I'm very curious to see if she becomes more involved when we finally get to her book.

Isobel's first assignment as a skating consultant for the team couldn't be more stressful. Of course, it would end up being Vadin "Asshatski" Petrov, the "club-hopping, vodka-sodden manwhore" who once took her virginity as a teen. It's all she can do not to roll her eyes every time she hears him referred to as 'Czar of Pleasure'. Those skills must have been developed over time, or his groupies are lying for the attention. That was certainly not how she would describe their time together.

Vadim is not happy to learn that Isobel has the power to keep him off the ice if he doesn't work with her to improve his skating after a knee injury. It's not that he doubts her skills, because he's seen her compete, and she has the knowledge. No, it's the bad blood between them that developed after they were caught together as teenagers. He paid a high price for his infatuation with the daughter of a man who tolerated no distractions on her path to the National Women's Hockey League.

Neither of them wants to work together. They both have their reasons. But the fact is that he needs her help, and she needs him to perform at peak to save her team. So they come to a grudging truce and put the work in. And when nobody is looking, she observes his sculpted muscles and he admires her heart-shaped ass. The attraction is still there in spite of their best efforts to deny it.

What fun it was to see the arrogant left-wing who dominates on the ice brought down a peg or two when his teenage performance received such low scores. He was determined to prove he had what it took to get back in the game and to melt the ice around Isobel's heart. He owed her some orgasms, and he was keeping score.

I am so glad to see that the estranged sisters are trying to spend time together and get to know each other better. Having the same father and different mothers made it hard when they were growing up. They all wanted to earn their father's love and attention and it was hard to accept when one received it and another didn't. But now that he's gone, there's nothing stopping them from bonding and showing a united front as team owners. Their sarcasm and witty banter are very amusing. I have my fingers crossed that they will learn to love each other and stay close whether they manage to maintain ownership of the Rebels or not.

The author has dropped a few teasers about the upcoming installment Undone by You and I'm very impatient to get my hands on it. Especially since I thought the series would be limited to three books about the only the three daughters, but it's not! Nope, it's about Dante, the sexy GM of the Chicago Rebels. And if we are going there, why not a book for each player on the team, right? Woo Hoo! The line forms here...

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I now have a new favorite Kate Meader romance! Hello Russian hockey god, move over, Playing With Fire (sorry, Eli). Vadim won me over with his total devotion to Isobel on and off the ice, despite a terrible first impression and an even worse final boneheaded gesture that only a man would think was a good idea.

Years ago, teenagers Vadim and Izzy tried for a tempestuous fling that ended disastrously, with Izzy’s team owner father exiling Vadim to Russia and sending her back to a lonely but driven life in hockey. Reunited again as new team player and co-owner/coach, Vadim and Izzy circle each other with equal parts lust and hurt.

As much as I admire strong women in athletics, I was completely won over by Vadim’s support and care of Izzy. This is a guy who admires and understands her unique strength, drive, and demons. Also, this is a guy who can admit he made a mistake - Vadim learning his taking of her virginity was less than spectacular was a doozy - and puts his laser focus into making things right (and oh, boy does he).

I thought this was going to be a romance pitting men versus women on the ice. Instead, this was a much richer, tender, steamy story about two people who thought they were nothing more than athletes but discovering they also had memories, love, and trust to give.

4.5 stars

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Will be posted soon at
SO OVER YOU – Kate Meader
The Chicago Rebels, Book 2
ISBN: 978-1-5011-6856-7
December 2017
Contemporary Romance

Chicago, Illinois – Present Day

Isobel Chase and her two half-sisters each inherited an equal share in the Chicago Rebels pro-hockey team, but per their father’s will, the team must reach the playoffs this season or it will be sold. Isobel has been trying to avoid the man who took her virginity years ago, Vadim Petrov, but it’s hard to do when he is now a part of the team. Isobel and Vadim haven’t spoken since that night, which ended when her father walked in on them and banished her lover out of the country. While Vadim is still devastatingly attractive, Isobel wants to keep their relationship businesslike. But will the desire that never died between them make her break the vow?

Vadim stayed away from Isobel because her father had the power to ruin his career, but with the man now dead, he should have a clear path to rekindle things with her, right? But she’s as prickly as a pear and he will honor her request to keep it impersonal between them. She is assigned as his coach as part of his rehabilitation after an injury, and they grow closer, which has their mutual attraction bubbling once again. Will Isobel and Vadim be unable to resist giving in to passion? Will the team make the playoffs and save the sisters from having to sell it?

The sexual chemistry is off the charts for Isobel and Vadim in SO OVER YOU, the second book in The Chicago Rebels series by Kate Meader. Isobel was introduced in the first tale, IRRESISTIBLE YOU, which focused on her sister, Harper, and Remy, a star player on the team. As the middle child, Isobel was the one who spent the most time with her father, and always wanted to please him. Unfortunately, getting involved with Vadim displeased her father and he banished the Russian hockey star by getting his visa revoked. Now both Isobel and Vadim are much older, but the feelings between them are still there. Harper frowns on her sisters getting involved with the players (though she did so herself) and Isobel tries to resist Vadim, but they’re just too irresistible to each other.

Vadim deep down loves Isobel, but he stands back, hoping she’ll give him some sign. Of course, she doesn’t, but that still doesn’t stop the sizzling awareness between them. A big hockey player like Vadim shouldn’t be the one to voice his feelings first, but he suffers from the disappointment of his mother walking out on him and his father when he was a child. Vadim’s strict father is now gone, and his mother lives on the fringes of his life, mainly because of his young sister. Vadim cares for his sister, but his mother is another story. Isobel, who has had her own family issues, tries to bring the Petrov family together. Will it work? Vadim’s inability to push or fight for Isobel’s love during the course of SO OVER YOU will have readers rooting them on. They battle each other in love and in pain, and readers will be pulled in as they bicker back and forth.

Isobel and Vadim have a lot to fight for before they can find true happiness. She thought that all there was between them was sex. As they battle, they finally work out the issues from their past. SO OVER YOU is intriguing and enjoyable, and I highly recommend that you pick this up the next time you’re looking for a good read.

Patti Fischer

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4 1/2 Stars! Isobel was in the National Women’s Hockey League for 37 minutes before everything she worked her whole life for evaporated. After the injury she would never play hockey again, but she was lucky to be alive. So now she was trying to become a coach with the Chicago Rebels, the team that she inherited along with her half sisters. Vadim Petrov was just traded-in to the Rebels, even though he has had knee troubles for the past 6 months. And who is going to help him get back from this knee injury ... none other then Isobel. He took Isobel’s virginity when they were teenagers and then she ruined his life by having him blackballed from playing hockey in the US. So he had to go back to Russia to play for a few years and then made his way to playing hockey in the NHL. Isobel still makes his heart race, but can he ever forgive her? And Isobel can’t seem to resist Vadim with all those muscles and his smouldering gaze ... but he took her virginity and then never looked back. He became the face for Russian vodka, underwear and many other products. He had a different model on his arm in every photo ... how could he ever be interested in someone like Isobel?

This is a HOT hockey romance that will have you laughing out loud one minute and swooning the next. I liked that you still got to see the lives of the characters from previous books and a look at the characters in the upcoming books. This is a great series that shouldn’t be missed!

I received an ARC copy courtesy of Gallery, Threshold through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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The three estranged Chase sisters find themselves struggling to save their late father's hockey team.

Isobel Chase played NCAA and was on her way to fulfilling her career dreams when an injury ended it all. She can no longer play professionally so she coaches. Her first job as coach is training the man who she gave her virginity when she was a teenager

Vadim Petrov, who the tabloids call "The Czar of Pleasure" , has a tota!ly different memory of his time with Isobel than what she remembers.

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This was a great book. 4.5 Stars for me. I love the main characters' connection, but I also really love the strained sister relationships that this series explores as well.

Isobel Chase is a great hockey player. Or she WAS. He father, Clifford Chase was a famous player, and then the famous owner of the Chicago Rebels pro hockey team. He raised his middle daughter to follow in his footsteps. She was a top player in college, and went on to win a silver medal with Team USA in the Olympics. Then, she played one game in the new professional women's hockey league, before her dreams were cut short by a career ending injury. So, now she's been coaching in the minor leagues in Canada. That is until her father died and his will requires her to co-own and run the Rebels team with her 2 estranged sisters. She still isn't really satisfied with her life, and the way her decisions were taken from her regarding how her life would go, due to her injury. When her teenage crush, and the popper of her cherry, comes back in the picture, she isn't sure what she'll do about anything, especially him.

Vadim Petrov, or the Czar of Pleasure, as he's known around the world, is a star hockey player. But, he's been sidelined by a knee injury, and he's been working hard to come back from it. Getting traded to Chicago is not his idea of fun, especially when he knows Isobel will be in his face all the time. Little does he know how much, as she's been chosen as his personal skating consultant, to get him back on the roster ASAP. Vadim had it bad for Isobel when they were young, but the consequences of their relationship cost him 3 years he could have been playing in the NHL in America, instead of getting stuck playing in Mother Russia. He is not ready for the feelings he had for her as a boy to come back even stronger. He's even more surprised to find out that he didn't please her properly during their first and only time together back then. He's determined to make it up to her, and get his knee back in shape at the same time.

Isobel and Vadim's chemistry was through the roof, and I loved their banter. They have a lot of unfinished business between them, and I loved seeing them work through each of their issues and insecurities. They both had very stern fathers, and they've both lost them. They both have complicated sibling relationships as well. Isobel and Vadim both had a lot of history to overcome in order to have a chance together, and there were times I wasn't sure quite how they would pull it off. Additionally, Isobel's complicated interactions with her sisters, as well as the influence her dead father's wishes still have on her, caused for some drama as well.

Isobel's sisters are amazing characters in their own right. The oldest sister, Harper, was the heroine of book 1, and the youngest, Violet, will be the heroine of book 4. I love the sisters' interactions, and their clearly still strained, but improving, relationships. I really enjoy the tenuous connections between the women, and their winding road toward being functioning siblings. They are all truly working on it, in their own ways, and I love watching their awkward bonding sessions. Vadim's sister, Mia, was a highly entertaining side character as well. She was still very young, but clearly driven, smart, and opinionated, especially when it comes to her brother's life.

This book made me laugh, and cry, and swoon, and worry, and hurt, along with the characters. I enjoyed it immensely, as I did books 0.5, and 1 in this series, as well. I cannot wait to read the next book, a M/M novella about the team's GM and one of the star players! I expect it to be just as fantastic!

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OMG, OMG!!! Isobel and Vadim are everything! I loved the layers to both of them and the way Kate Meader peeled them for us slowly but without making things drag out. Now I need the next one NOW!!!

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2.5 I've enjoyed the heroines of Meader's HOT IN CHICAGO series, as well as Meader's strong writing style, while finding the novels' celebration of protective, dominating male leads more than a little annoying. This trend continues with Meader's hockey series, but dishes out some even more objectionable sides with the main course.

In book one (which I haven't read), three half-sisters inherit the professional hockey team owned by their father, and one of the women ends up falling for one of the players. Boss/secretary romances are problematic from a power/sexual harassment potential point of view; books that invert the gender of the paradigm aren't any better. Book #2 continues the pattern, with another sister, tough-girl ex-hockey player Isobel Chase getting involved with another member of the team. Isobel had a brief fling at 19 with Russian hockey sensation Vadim Petrov. But Isobel's father, determined that his daughter devote all her time to hockey and not to boys, breaks the pair up, in the process scuttling Vadim's chances of playing professionally in the States.

At least for a few years. Because in the present time of this story (both characters are now 27), Isobel and her sisters have urged their GM to trade another NHL team to get Vadim for theirs (seems their asshat father's will says they will have to sell the team if they don't make the playoffs this year, so they really need some star firepower). Vadim's recovering from a knee injury, though, and the coach assigns Isobel to work with him to help him recover more quickly (she's gone through the recovery thing herself after her professional career ended on the day it started with skating blade to the head and a cracked skull). Of course, arrogance reins, sparks fly, and the two end up back in the sack.

So we have potential sexual harassment problems; we have a woman who keeps saying no but then saying yes to sex; and, for bonus points, we have a ton of Russian stereotyping (the author tries to joke about some of them by having Vadim NOT be a fan of vodka, but he doesn't often laugh, he's stoic and bossy, and his father was into some shady business stuff. Just to name a few of the many the story does buy into). And perhaps worst of all, the big issue that breaks the two apart near the book's end results from Vadim totally interfering in Isobel's career without her knowledge or input, just because he loves her SO MUCH that he cannot stand it if she puts herself in harm's way. An act that Vadim doesn't apologize for, and which the book supports by having her sisters later say they would have done the same thing. Ah, no. You do not take a woman's decision-making ability away from her, no matter how wrong you think her choices are. And you do not have her be ok with it just because she finds out that <spoiler> Vadim was at her professional hockey debut game, and snuck into her hospital room to make she she wasn't dead all those years ago</spoiler>.

Yeah. Not going to win any feminist awards with this one.

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Earlier this year, I read the first book in the Chicago Rebels series. I liked Irresistible You, but so much of it was a setting up the Chase family drama for books to come. I felt like Harper and Remy's relationship took a back seat, and I didn't connect to them as much as I wanted. I finished that book wondering if Isobel's story would feel the same way.

It didn't. Isobel and Vadim's story felt more like their own. There wasn't as much family drama, and what there was fit into their lives. It made it easier to connect with them and their love story -- which I adored.

Isobel and Vadim had a lot in common. They were both in love with playing hockey, both had previous injuries, and both were strong-willed. The first two things bonded them. The third had the potential to destroy them. Every interaction between them was passionate. I never thought coaching someone in drill could be fiery, but I was wrong. I loved how their shared hockey experiences connected them.

The sisters weren't quite as involved in this story, but the moments they were together were magic. Instead of bonding, they had moved onto a deeper relationship. They were there for advice and friendship. It wasn't such a struggle for them anymore. I liked that.

I also liked Vadim's family dynamic. It was almost as scandalous as the Chase family. His relationship with his sister was so sweet. (Can she grow up and get her own book?)

Overall, So Over You was a fun second chance romance. It moved the Chase family onto a new time in their hockey owning career while spotlighting a special relationship.

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This is book 2 of the series. I fell in love with the premise at the start. 3 women taking over a failing NHL franchise. Isobel is the golden child. The star athlete. She is perhaps more affected by their father's death than the other two. I loved that her and Vadim have a sketchy history. Walls need to be broken down. Is it a bit taboo to do so given their roles? Maybe. Great build up to them finally admitting they need each other to be complete.

Loved all the hockey time. Loved all three sisters together.

Looking forward to the last book and could we pretty please have the GM's story???

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Vadim Petrov, the Czar of Pleasure, failed to bring Isobel to her big O moment the one time they were together. Of course that could have just been nerves, since it was young Isobel’s first time. Isobel is the team owner and she wants to be a coach too, but she wants to do things right so she starts off by being personal coach to Vadim.
Vadim is bone-melting hot and his chemistry with Isobel is sizzling. Overall I really enjoyed their witty banter and how good they are together.

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Love love love Vadim! Remy still holds my fav hero but he's great! so... Russian 😉 Isobel was very determined and oh so stubborn! 😍😍😍 loved them together! can't wait for more in this series!

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