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Now That You Mention It

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An absolutely heartwarming romance sure to please most fans of the genre! I read it over the course of two days and swooned at the end. Higgins is truly the queen of the happy ending!

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This was the type of book that you could take with you to the pool or beach and read.

It was fun an engaging and I really enjoyed it

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This was just… not good. And normally I really enjoy Kristin Higgins books. I probably would have made it further if it hadn’t been for the blatant fat-phobia/weight bashing, DNF at 24%

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I found the main character's journey compelling and honest, but it was very difficult for me to move past the intensely disturbing sequence where she details her home invasion and assault. Readers who are more psychologically strong will enjoy this book immensely, but those of us with anxiety and trauma should stay clear.

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This was an okay story but I don't feel like Kristan Higgins did a good job of pulling in the reader. I didn't really connect with any of the characters. I guess Women's Fiction just isn't for me.

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This isn't a particularly happy book; it's more woman's fiction than chick lit. But it still is good.

Dr Nora Stuart was hit by a big green bug truck (!) right at the beginning of the story and thinks she's dying. Then when she comes to, she hears her boyfriend flirting with a colleague over her bed in the ER. He was complaining that Nora was so needy and said that he was planning on breaking up with her the next weekend. This was all after she'd dealt with a potential rapist who had broken into her apartment the previous year. So she decides to leave Boston and spend some time on the Maine island where she'd grown up, and where her mother still lives and where her niece was spending time since her mother was in prison. She lasts in the same home with them for just as long as she needed to recuperate, then rents a houseboat nearby and gets a part-time job in the local clinic. But she always is remembered by the islanders as the one who stole the college scholarship from the local sports star. For years she hadn't gone home because of her guilt over that, until she runs into one of her own teachers who tells her she'd won it fair and square. Will Nora be able to heal and find peace in the community she once called home?

I received an ARC from NetGalley but ended up listening to the book thru Rbdigital. I imagine it's good either way!

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I enjoyed this, but wished there was more romance in it. I'd classify this more as women's fiction than contemporary romance, although there is a small romance on the sidelines. It wasn't the drawing force of the book, which is what I like. There's deep issue that heroine must work her way through, and one was quite upsetting/hard to read. The writing was great (I like Kristan's other books a lot). This one was just not what I'd hoped for.

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Just like all Kristan Higgins books this one too had the perfect mix of humor, romance and lessons on life. I love feel-good books like this, especially ones that stress the importance of family and friendships. Home is definitely where the heart is!

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I wanted to love this book and even picked it up on three separate occasions but the way that Nora was treated by her family was uncomfortable to read and not enjoyable. Maybe another time, though many of my patrons have checked this book out and loved it, so maybe it's just me.

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Honestly, I don't know how she does it, but Kristan Higgins always puts together such wonderful stories. I was on the fence at the ending of this one... I felt a little cut off at the knees... I was just not ready for it to be over yet. I would have liked to have a better resolution there at the end. There were too many stones left un-turned. I can't go into detail, but in short, I think this book could have been a hundred pages longer. (And I don't say that often.)

All in all, another wonderful book. Definitely add it to your TBR.

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Ms. Higgins never fails to give her fans wonderful, believable characters who draw you in and stay with you long after you have finished the book. A must read!!

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This book contains a little bit of everything I enjoy in a book...romance, mystery, suspense, family issues, laugh out loud moments, endearing characters.
#netgalley #kristanhiggins #nowthatyoumentionit

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Kristan Higgins always hits it out of the park. I love the furry friends she has in each book-- lots of love and humor there. Her characters are often self-deprecating, which makes me love them even more.

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3.5 stars. I don't want to say this is probably my least favorite Kristan Higgins book, but this was probably my least favorite Kristan Higgins book. It was just so relentlessly sad. And it never felt gratuitous, but it was still just so hard to read at times. All that said, Nora was a really full character who I think I could easily know and be friends with. I also totally loved Scupper Island and all of the characters there. If you like Kristan Higgins then I certainly recommend this book, but be prepared for some sadness.

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Dr. Nora Stuart has not had a good year. She was hit by, of all things, a bug truck and woke up to find her boyfriend flirting with a colleague over her hospital bed. But none of that touches the Big Scary Even that happened last year when Nora was attacked in her home. She decides to leave Boston and heal both her body and her heart on the Maine island where she grew up. She arrives home to find her teenage niece living with her mother since her sister was in jail out west. Moving back in with her frosty New England mother is exactly what she expected, horrible. Being back home has stirred up all sorts of memories from her childhood. Her father, who went MIA, her less-than-affectionate mother, the scholarship that she fought for and won, but left her a pariah at school. The thing about small towns is that nobody forgets anything. Especially the Fletcher brothers, whose lives were changed when Nora won the scholarship. Will Nora be able to heal and find peace in the community she once called home?

I absolutely adore Kristan Higgins. Her novels are smart and funny and wildly entertaining. I love the character of Nora Stuart from almost the very first word, but even I could tell that she was a fish out of water in her hometown. She did have one friend from high school that welcomed her back and I loved to watch their friendship blossom. Her with Poe was also fun to watch, Nora really is a great aunt. Then there is her relationship with Sullivan Fletcher. There is one scene, involving her mom's parakeet that had me laughing out loud. Mostly because of Sullivan's reaction to the whole thing. AND, there is Nora's obsession with Harry Potter I absolutely loved that as I am listening to the Harry Potter series via Audible right now. It seemed appropriate. In the end, things worked out exactly like I expected (even with a few revelations) and I was okay with that.

Bottom Line - Kristan Higgins is a familiar author and her books make for comfortable reading. Even though the formula is the same, the characters are developed and interesting and it is easy to fall in love with all of them. Now That You Mention It is exactly the kind of book that you want to read during Christmas vacation.

Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins
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Pages: 416
Publisher: Harlequin
Publication Date: 12/26/2017
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The more I read Kristan Higgins the more I like her books. This book was awesome! I enjoyed the strong female character that she turned from a caterpillar into a butterfly. It was interesting to see how she left the island and became a confident person but when returning to the island her old insecurities surfaced. Most people I think can identify with something like this somewhere in our lives. I also like that Ms. Higgins always has a strong animal, usually a dog in her stories. They always add an interesting element to the story. If you want a quick excellent read, I would highly recommend this story. It grips you at the start and holds you until the end.

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Dr. Nora Stuart finally returns home after a long absence to recuperate from an accident and a bad break up. Her goal is not only recovery but to reconnect with her estranged mother and niece. It's hard when the town believes you stole a scholarship from the golden boy who expected to win it and has become a troublemaking addict, but Nora does her best to set things right and learn the truth about her parents' past. An enjoyable light read with well drawn characters and real issues.

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This book was different from what I usually read, and I found that refreshing. I enjoyed Kristan's smart and easy writing.

I admired the heroine so much, her tenacity and drive were amazing. I loved that this book focused on many different types of relationships, and not solely on the romance. For me, that made Nora's character even stronger.

I experienced many different emotions while reading this book, and it was definitely a welcome change from what I am used to.

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This is actually my first Kristan Higgins book and I don’t know why I waited so long. I don’t know what I was expecting but I will admit my expectations were a bit low. I didn’t think I would enjoy it this much, I thought it would be more of a pass the time just fine book, but I actually really, really liked it. I do wish certain things were developed a bit more (like the relationship with the mother) but overall it worked really well. The big bad event made me sick to my stomach. I could have done without the mediocre sex part, but I’m glad they ended up together in the end. I really liked Poe and Audrey, and the other characters – though Gloria deserves to have her woman-card revoked. What a jerk. Boomer sounds delightful and I obviously adored Sully. I loved the Harry Potter references, this book made me laugh several times. Sometimes when things keep going wrong in a book (like at the dinner party) you kind of roll your eyes and some of it seems just a bit much, like trying too hard, but instead it was hilarious. Nora was such a fun character, strong and funny – I loved her inner dialogue. There was a lot going on in this book, maybe a bit much, but it all worked pretty well except for some things being a bit underdeveloped because of it. I do wish the romance was bit more of focal point, but I’m not complaining.

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