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Doctor Who: Myths and Legends

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Member Reviews

A fun book for any fan of Doctor Who, of which I am one, but sometimes I just wanted a bit more depth from the stories, which I appreciate is difficult to do when I am used to hour-long episodes! I’d say the writing style is more geared at younger readers than an adult fan, but a fan would probably enjoy this nonetheless.

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This book is a great addition to the evergrowing universe of Doctor Who. Any fan would be pleased with the way this book adds to and expands the universe in unexpected ways.

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So, I'm a big Who fan, and have read quite a few of the books, so thought this would be great. However, most of the stories just didn't attract me the same way most of the Doctor's tales do. A little too much focus on war and fighting, and just nothing to keep me coming back. I didn't feel Dinnick captured the essence of the Doctor. Not overly bad, and I'm sure many will like them, but this collection was just not for me.

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YES! Doctor Who Legends!

I adore Doctor Who and these strange, fun stories were amazing to read as a fan. This is a collection of stories and each and everyone took me back to the things I love the most about Doctor Who. I adored most stories but there were a few (and I hate to say it) that I kind of just read in order to get to the next one. Like any collection of stories, there will always be mixed opinions. I've never watched the classic doctor who seasons (gasp - what blasphemy) and this made me curious if I was missing something in the stories that didn't click with me. I adored the way that mythology is used in these stories. I also loved seeing villains that have become so real to me over the many rewatches of the brilliant series. We see a few cameos and the Doctor Who fangirl in me just loved reading these stories! My rating is for an overall great experience (however there was a story or two that I didn't really feel anything for.)

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A very interesting book full of stories for doctor who fans. I ended up reading this from a library, since a lot of things happened and I did not manage to read the e-arc on time.

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The world of Doctor Who is incredibly vast and just the concept of this book made me happy. To be honest, I was expecting it to be a little different andd delve into the Time Lords mythology (especcially given that title, which might be a little missleading) and what that means to them, but it was otherwise interesting, especially since every story focus on different Doctor Who villains andd characters. That is one of the best things about the book, seeing the different persspectives and getting to read so many stories. Throughout the book I kept thinking about the tv show and trying to spot as many nods and references as possible,but the stories stand on their own and, like the tv show, make me think about all their possibilities.

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I loved this book! The full review will be posted soon at! Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to connect books to their readers!

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I was incredibly excited when I saw the book! As a big Doctor Who fan I was having problems due to breaks! And while it is nice to watch old episodes, it was even better to read more about things I did not know well or even learnt something new. The stories were good, some better than other, but I still enjoyed the book a lot.

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I really am not the biggest Doctor Who fan and was hoping this would get me a little more into it. Yet there is no hope for me I believe. Me and the Whovians are just not meant to get along! I believe anyone who absolutely adores Doctor Who will adore this as well!

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The stories are written in a simple but fairly descriptive fashion. I was not the biggest fan of the writing style, it seemed a bit childish and flat. That being said, I understand that a lot of background information needed to be packed into a few pages for each of these stories, and the result is decent. The stories are easy to follow and definitely stand on their own.

There is variation when it comes to the quality and depth of the stories. An avid fan would definitely love this collection, and if you're not as rusty as me when it comes to your Doctor Who trivia, you'll definitely enjoy most of them.

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'Doctor Who: Myths & Legends' by Richard Dinnick with illustrations by Adrian Salmon takes familiar characters from Doctor Who and weaves them loosely around stories from Greek mythology.

The table contents lists the story title as well as the myth that they are based on. There are stories based on stories that were more familiar to me like King Midas and Jason and the Argonauts. There are stories basedon stories I was less familiar with. The stories don't always follow the myth exactly, but that keeps the suspense going in the stories.

The Doctor shows up sometimes, but these are mainly about the different races that appear in the show. Some of these were more familiar than others. I liked this style of Doctor Who book. Each story has one or two black and white illustrations, and I thought they were pretty good.

I received a review copy of this ebook from BBC Books, Penguin Random House UK, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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A wonderful sideline to the world of Doctor Who. It's a must for every fan.

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I'm a pretty big fan of Doctor Who, so when I saw that this title was available for request, I requested it almost immediately. But after trying so many times to get into the book, I just gave up. From what I've read, the book was just boring, so I decided to DNF it.

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As soon as I saw Doctor Who, I had to request. For the most part it was good. The stories are cute, and my particular favourite was Lucy meeting Missy because it gave an insight into Lucy and her mindset prior to her shooting of the Master.
However, some were pretty boring and it was hard not to skip them in order to get to the better stories.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange got an honest review.
I loved the concept of the book. I am a HUGE fan of Doctor Who and I am also a big fan of Mythology. There were many re-tellings in this book that I thoroughly enjoyed, some being Pandoric's Box and The Vardon Horse. I really liked seeing characters I knew return to the Who world and meeting some I was less familiar with too.
I really liked the images in this book. They felt simple and clear but also very obvious what they were portraying and which characters were which. They seemed to appear at the perfect time in the stories too.

Like with all books that contain many short stories I did unfortunately find myself not enjoying all the stories and at times skimming through them to get to the next, one example being with Defiance of the New Bloods.
Apart from that this book was a positive for me. I'm glad I've read it and am always happy to delve into the world of Doctor Who!

3/5 Stars

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This is a deeply nerdy book that I enjoyed, though I did not love. It fills in some of the blanks as to how certain stories came out, or the in-between times, explaining how the Doctor might be familiar with other planets/aliens based on the Time Lords' history. There are a lot of good callbacks, but if one is not as familiar with Classic Who, this isn't going to be the book for them. I got most references, but I felt like I was maybe missing a few things. The writing is just okay, and the myths/legends themselves are mostly interesting, but this isn't going to be a book for a casual fan.

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Man, I love Doctor Who and books like this are the reason why. There's always something new to explore in this world, so many tales to be told and I doubt I'll ever get sick of them. This book was a great addition to those tales.

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I really enjoyed Doctor Who: Myths and Legends. Trust me when I say you don't have to be a fan to enjoy the intergalactic fun this title provides. Anyone who is looking for great sci-fi read don't hesitate to pick this up!

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Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows so of course, I requested this one. These stories will capture Doctor Who fans.

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I'm a Doctor Who fan, I'm a mythology fan and I am a also a fan of retellings. What's not to love about this book?
Well known myths with a Whovian twist is the greatest idea I've heard, The stories are so fun and enjoyable that any fan will love them.

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