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Her Master's Redemption

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Master Aiden has always been the most intriguing and mesmerizing of all the villains I've read.......ever!. The MoFo has the cruelest streak and hardest hand when training courtesan. 
Though the book has Seraphina & Anthony at the centre of all turmoil, This story has Aiden's shadow all over. He is still in charge, holding the whip and Sera's heart. 

"He cast you aside after forcing you to love him. He handed you to the wolves, beautiful girl. He didn't care whether you lived or died. But he can still have you. No matter how much you hate him, he can still do to your body what he does to hers. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

Sera is jumping over the cliff..literally and her life has been nothing but surviving in a pit full of ghosts of her past. She's had enough . So she finds a nearest cliff to say goodbye to the cruel world but as fate would have it , Anthony saves her.
Sera actually dies on the bridge, a new sera takes her place . Finders keepers as they say .Her life , graciously saved by Anthony, now belongs to him. To break her and rebuild her again. But you can't break the already broken, you can't scare a woman who has nothing left to lose, no will to live. She craves pain, wants torture, begs for death.
An uphill task ahead for both masters indeed. Here's where The astuteness of being a True Master comes into being. 
Aiden takes over ( Yessss!!)

"A Master does his job by knowing his slave better than the slave knows themself. We read what a person is saying through non-verbal cues. We know when they've been pushed too far, and we know when they need to be pushed farther."

The story in part is really amazing, the parts where Aiden steps in , that is. Anthony is all heart and soft emotions. Sera is broken and struggling, only Aiden has the ability to foresee everything and set it right.
The most amazing parts were how Aiden walks her through her torture , in order to heal her. He can sense which parts of her life haunt her, give her nightmares and since poison kills poison, he walks her through them, in turn purging her demons.
What will it be, Seraphina? Do you fight for your life or give in?

So Bravo for that Ms white !!
Some places I felt that the scenes was left undescribed. The real dark themes that lily is famous for were more fade to black. The theme was very intense, mood of the story ominous . Yet somewhere it just left me hungry for more.
She's still the True Black Blood Queen of The Dark , no doubt , the book is excellent, just not my favorite of the series. 
The END!! .. Master Aiden actually admits something!* gasp*
I'm gonna have to buy skates , cause the Hell has frozen over !!!

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Another amazing dark romance from Lily White. Once more she takes us back into the BDSM genre and I simply love her descriptive writing and multidimensional characters.
Fast paced and enthralling, this book will satisfy the fans of the genre.
Do not miss it.

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4.5 stars

Anthony Bernal was once a well respected Master in the Society. But a personal lost took away his desire to remain in the lifestyle. However, when faced with another broken soul, he couldn't help but wanting to save her.

As a courtesan, Seraphina Ashland was supposed to be the pride of her owner. But from the beginning of her servitude, she was stripped of her humanity and forced to endure traumatic existence. She thought she needed an escape, not realizing that freedom could come in a different way.

From last book, I knew Anthony is going to be different. I was intrigued by the idea of how the dynamic would work.

Anthony was the type of Master who preferred to demand submission in the form of seduction instead of a heavy hand. But that doesn't mean he was soft which I appreciate.

Seraphina was not what I expected her to be - which is a good thing. She has been through a lot, but there was still fighting spirit in her when pushed enough.

When it comes to D/s stories what I enjoy the most is seeing how characters break. In this case they were already broken to start with so that made it more interesting in how they'd respond to situations. I also love the manipulation aspect of the story even though a lot of times I feel those scenes stole the spotlight from another.

Her Master's Redemption follows two broken souls who learned to heal each other. It would appeal to readers who enjoy the psychological aspect of BDSM.

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Hell, I missed this deliciously devious world and its wickedly manipulative characters – especially one of them!

It’s been so long since the last book (novella) of Lily White’s Master series has been released, and, God, how much I have anticipated Master Anthony’s story. I didn’t even realize how much I missed the Society and especially the dark and disturbing ways of Master Aiden. His character never ceases to shock me, amaze me, and make me question myself in equal parts. It’s wrong to like this man in so, so many ways! He is frighteningly sadistic and cunning and cruel. Ruthless. Heartless even. His manipulation second to none. Evil incarnate. This might be Anthony’s story, but he plays a huge role in it as well – and I loved it.

HER MASTER’S REDEMPTION is not about one, but two broken souls. Seraphina is a survivor, a young woman who has suffered and fought through more than most of us would be able to. But she has reached her limit. She can’t take it anymore. That’s when Anthony finds her. Battered and broken, scarred and damaged. And he wants her. To bring her back in line. Under him. Controlled by him…

But Anthony has not been himself lately either, has not been in years, in fact. Ever since that one horrible incident, his failure, that made him question himself and his ability as a Master. He has withdrawn and distanced himself from the Society, not having trained another courtesan in so long. It takes meeting Sera for him to even want to try and overcome his own demons. And, hell, how I wished for him to get his mojo back!

Master Anthony is so different from Master Aiden – well, everybody is –, but he also is the one person in the Society Aiden ever looked up to. But friendship, respect and the fact that he is 10 years his senior do not really faze Aiden when it comes to manipulating and training – because, let’s face it, Master Aiden always knows what is best - which most definitely is not limited to the courtesans. His ability to predict actions of another person is uncanny, hos own actions toward both Anthony but especially Sera hard to stomach at times.

To be honest, I’m a bit scared of Lily White now. Her mastery of weaving a brilliant disturbing and sinister tale like this – of somehow showcasing the sick beauty of the most horrendous events, of having you believe that a lifestyle like this, a world of Masters and their courtesans, is sexy and exhilarating as much as it is shocking and sickening. That’s how seductive her style of writing is.

And beyond all the darkness lies more: This book is a story about trust, courage and redemption. Of finding healing in the most unexpected ways. Maybe even a bit about love. A magnificent dark and unique tale I could not get enough of. Here’s to hooping that this won’t be the last we have seen of the Masters and their courtesans. I know I am craving more!

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"When facing a paradox, one must attempt to apply logic where no logic exists." 

"Her Master's Redemption" is the third installment in the Master's series (plus the novella). It can be read and enjoyed as a standalone, although, I highly recommend reading the prior novels and novella (in reading order - "Her's Master's Courtesan", "Her Master's Teacher", and "Her Master's Christmas") to fully appreciate the beautiful complexity that is Aiden Oliver. Yes, this is Master Anthony's book, but as always, Lily provided us with more puzzle pieces to the puzzle that is Master Aiden. 

"... [Aiden] was a poison personified, sinful agony cast in the form of the most handsome picture of a man."

Seraphina is a tragically broken woman who seeks death to escape the destructive life she has been forced to endure. After constant abuse and a shattered soul, she plans to obtain refuge at the bottom of a cliff. Luckily, Anthony witnesses her suicidal moment and decides to intervene. His former Courtesan threw herself over a cliff, claiming a part of his existence as well. Saving this woman could be his redemption. Sera has already had a miserable experience with training though and rebels against his efforts. She tries to deny his attempts. She tries to forge her own path. Only one can master the other though. 

"Submission is your freedom, Sera. Once you learn that, you will learn to live, learn to dance, and learn to fly." 

I don't know if my review can do this book justice. Lily is the master of mind-fucking her readers, and she did it AGAIN. I always think I have a grasp on her characters, but she proves me wrong time and time again. Her writing will punch you in the gut, and you'll come crawling back for more with a smile on your face. Damn you and your infamously captivating anti-heroes. 

"Her Master's Redemption" is gritty, provoking, and seductively dark. It will make you squirm, it will make you angry, and have you questioning how depraved people can be. But it will also make you smile, make you cheer, and have you rooting for the characters. I would highly recommend this to readers who enjoy dark, psychologically provoking romance(ish) novels. Thank you for providing me with an ARC, Lily! I cannot wait for the next book!!

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This was my first venture into Lily White's Dark Romances and while this one wasn't an out of the park homerun for me it does have me wanting to read more of her work. I enjoy a good dark read and that is exactly what we have here, If you are looking for butterflies and sunshine this is not the book for you, but, if you enjoy Dark reads you should give this story a go.

Anthony is the man you know you should hate but somehow he worms his way into you and you find yourself rooting for him all the way to the end. Seraphina is so broken I truly didn't know if she would be able to be whole again, but with Anthony on her side it made her see a little light at the end of the road.

Master Aiden, wow ummmmm, can I say that I absolutely HATED HIM! To be honest I haven't read the first two books in the series but since this can be read as a standalone I went for it. I don't know if that was a good thing or not because Aiden and Rebecca are the couple in the first book in this series Her Master's Courtesan and maybe, just maybe if I had read that book I would have understanded Aiden more and liked him....but I really doubt it, I cannot find any redeeming qualities in him whatsoever. Thankfully Anthony was a bit different and I did like him....

This story had me feeling a bit nauseous at times with the way the women were treated but I was in the right mindset for the DARK read thankfully. I have to stress that this is a DARK read there is nothing Light and Fluffy about it. So if you're up for a good dark read I would recommend this book.

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'Her Master's Redemption' by Lily White is Book Three in the "Masters" series. This is the story of Seraphina and Anthony. I haven't yet read the previous books so for me I made this a standalone book. Please note that this is a Dark Romance and has possible trigger issues for some.
Anthony is a 'Master' whose Countess has died and he blames himself. Anthony's fellow Masters and friends have been trying to talk him into returning to be a active Master. But Anthony isn't sure that he wants to until he meets Seraphina.
Seraphina has lead a hard life that has left scars on the inside and out. When she is feeling like she can't go on and wants to possible die...she meets Anthony.
These are both two lost souls who together seem to help the other with getting past their issues and working toward finding happiness.
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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Let's begin with how Lily gives us a quick reminder of previous events just in case we had forgotten. I was totally back up to date with all the past events. THEN.......Da da daaaaaa the action begins!!

We are thrown in this story head on, and I loved it. I laughed in the beginning of the book, Aiden cracked me up, Seraphena grabbed me, and Anthony melted me, then there's Rebecca, as always the loving Pet. Did I mention Anthony .........yes oh well that man had me by Chapter 3 totally in love with him.

The friendship between Aiden and Anthony is priceless in this story. In the beginning their banter made me laugh, by the end, I was totally on Anthony's side. But there's always another side to look at isn't there. Hmmmmmmmm

I cannot believe how many times I actually chuckled during this book. Aiden, Rebecca, oh and Claire, you go girl!!!! All the supporting characters are at their finest in this. However, Lily also made me weepy eyed. Never thought you'd do that!!!

This story turned into more than a Master's Redemption or a Courtesans life being saved, to me it was a true love story. I did not want it to end seriously could of read 10 more chapters on this one. Here's hoping to more from these amazing characters Lily has created.

OOOHHHHh the epilogue PERFECTION!!! Remember the other side of the story wink, wink.

Another must read from Lily White, click this baby when it's LIVE!!! September 7th 2017

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Her masters Redemption

This story begins with Sera and Anthony. Anthony is a master and Sera is a sad girl who has had a very hard life. She's seen to many things in this world and is just ready to end everything. By accident Anthony sees her getting ready to jump off a cliff in the middle of the night. He catchs her and basically abducts her, because he has his own demons hes fighting and sees a way of maybe redeeming himself by saving Sera. Sera is hard headed and regrets everything Anthony is and stands for.
Will Sera find her place in the world and finally find some happiness? Will Anthony redeem himself in his own eyes and maybe find love in the process?
I give this book 3 stars I connected slightly with the characters but it was a hard book to finish I was not completely emersed in the world or hugely effected by the story and plot

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This is probably going to be the most bizarre review you have read in a LONG time. I didn't like this book. Hated it in fact. It was SOOO far beyond my comfort level. It made me physically ill. So I bet you are saying to yourself "Why the hell did you give it a 4-Star rating then?" For the very reason that it DID make me sick to my stomach. Because I spent the whole book with a giant lump in my throat. Because I HATED every male character in this book. Because my heart broke for every female in this book. Because it kept me hooked from page one. Because it was fantastically well written. Because it pulled SO many different emotions from me (anger, fear, hatred, disgust, pity, hope, redemption). Because it made me think, and feel, and question what would "I" do if placed in such a situation. Lord was I SO uncomfortable reading this book. But good god can this author write a story.

And honestly, isn't that what a GOOD book should make you feel? Shouldn't it make you think? Make you cry? Make you rage? So for all of the above reasons and about a thousand more I am sure I will think up later on, this one gets two thumbs up from yours truly. On a side note, I will NEVER read Aiden's book. Nothing will ever make this guy redeemable in my eyes. At least Anthony had a bit of compassion in him. What Aiden put Sera through at the end of this book was absolutely disgusting. And frankly, I don't think my heart or stomach could take a complete book of just him.

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What a wonderful ending to this perfect series. Lily White weaves a wonderful tale making the reader feel the story that is being told. She adds wonderful plot twists that are clear and concise.

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Pardon me while I still work to find my words at the brilliance and mastery of the story of courage, love, trust, forgiveness, and yes, redemption found in Her Master’s Redemption.

In Her Master’s Redemption, we meet Seraphina. Sera is a survivor. One hell of a fighter. But she’s also a bit broken. A woman who needs to be brought back into line. One who Anthony desperately wants—in his bed and under his control.

But Anthony is a bit broken too. He’s not the Master he once was. He’s riddled with guilt over his perceived failure to himself and his abilities as a Master. But after such a long time away from the Society, he’s finally at a point to where he wants to try.

I was immediately drawn to Sera and her strength. I was desperate to know her full backstory. Desperate to see her live and find herself again. Yeah, even if she was a sex slave under Anthony. And Anthony. God, I just wanted him to get his mojo back. To stop living in the past. To become the Master he was.

Twisted, right? But there’s so damn much more to this story. The writing is seductive. You won’t want to stop reading. I know I didn’t. I planned to read just a chapter or two before bed, next thing I know it’s 2:30 AM and the book was finished.

I have loved the dark, disturbed characters Lily White created in the first Master’s book, Her Master’s Courtesan and I loved catching up with each of the Masters in Her Master’s Redemption. Aiden and Rebecca have pivotal roles in Her Master’s Redemption, and Holland and Elise appear as well.

Brace yourself. Her Master’s Redemption is dark. It’s disturbed. It’s gut wrenching and sexy AF. It’s brilliantly written and I hated for it to end.

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I loved the whole story line of this book the characters are everything I love in a good romance story I just couldn't put it down

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