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Hooking Up: A Novel

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A really enjoyable gripping read. I couldn't put it down

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Another fun rom/com from Ms. Hunting. Poor Amalie to discover her groom getting it on with someone else during their wedding reception, well that wasn't fun for sure. Enter Lex, the man she should have been with from the get, he's the cousin of the idiot groom. A good way to get over the heartache over your marriage is to get under another man, and that man happens to be Lex.

Amalie decides to take her honeymoon alone and lo and behold who does she bump into on her plane ride, but Lex himself. Let's say lots of sexy times in this romantic setting while in Bora Bora.

Amalie has to deal with getting her idiot husband to sign off on the annulment, while she's having feelings for Lex.

A fun and funny story.

**An ARC was provided via Net Galley for an honest review.

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4.25 "And you're gonna like it" Stars!
Well, I more than liked it. Hooking up was an amazing steamy romance with some serious laugh-out-loud moments.

This was my very first Helen Hunting book, and I really don't know what has taken me so long! Because this women knows how to write a sizzling rom-com! Boy, oh boy...this book was SEXY!

Amalie finds herself in a real life nightmare. On what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life; she's humiliated and devastated to discover her not-so-devoted husband getting, umm...serviced by someone who definitely isn't her, over the sound system at her reception. Yes, you've read that right. Ugh! I wanted to strangle that useless waste of space!

Overwhelmed with anger and humiliation, she seeks revenge by throwing herself that the first gorgeous specimen she sees.

"Dear sweet lord of all things panty melting, this has to be the sexiest man to ever walk the planet."

Enter our sexy hero!
Being the gentleman that he is, he refuses to take advantage of her in the devastated state that she's in. Though, it was very hard to do. (Sorry, I had to! Lol)

As luck would have it, these two end up in each other's path again on what was supposed to be Amie's honeymoon in Bora Bora.
This time they both give into their off-the-charts chemistry.

"I surrender to the control he seems to have over my body, aware that if he keeps this up, he’s going to have the same control over my heart."

But, what seems as only a distraction from the revelations she's had over the reasons she got married in the first place, start to develop into something much more.

"I surrender to the control he seems to have over my body, aware that if he keeps this up, he’s going to have the same control over my heart."

Our sexy hero, is the right kinda dirty and sweet and swoony. I loved his character. He was a safe place to let Anarchy Amie out to play. And he was so understanding when she was going through the most frustrating and confusing of times. He was there for her.

But, are these feeling real, or just side affect of this bubble in paradise?

“I don’t trust my feelings right now, ***.”
“That’s okay. Just trust mine.”

I did feel like there were some parts that were a little rushed towards the end. And I would've liked to see more of their time together while sneaking around. Overall, it was a entertaining read!

“Up for a little anarchy, are we?” “With you? Always.”

The author cooked up a perfect combination of heat, humor and heartfelt emotions in Hooking up! Can't wait to read more from this author!

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This story is sweet, sexy, hot, funny, has depth, has characters that are like your best friends. The writing is moving. Amalie is humiliated and humiliated again. Her day, her wedding day, it is supposed to be perfect, her time to shine, instead her husband makes it so very imperfect. I could not put this book down. Amalie knew inside that Armstrong, the safe one, the best choice at the time, was going to change when they got married, it was going to be better, be right, be alright. Amalie who may not have always made the best choices, chooses to take her honeymoon alone. Boy, are we all glad she did! Ms. Hunting's writing is absolutely some of the best I've ever read.

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Hooking Up is a fun, laugh out loud, sexy romance story featuring Amie and Lex who we met in Shaking Up. She is Ruby's bestie and Lex is Bane's brother. The storyline sucked me in from the very first page. The characters were amazing. Great Read!

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Wow..where to begin. First thanks for the opportunity to read and review this title. I loved it. Lex and Amie just blew me away. Ugh I absolutely loathe Armstrong. He was an epic douche!! He didn’t own up to anything, kept making excuses and in generally was just prissy inset bad word here!! I felt for Amie. Every emotion she went through I could feel it in the words. This was Helena’s best book yet. It had all the feels. And Lex, my goodness, the man had his soft spots for her and I adored how he felt about Amie. You could feel all his love and admiration for her. She was a strong heroine too especially when she fought back. She went back and forth with her emotions about Armstrong but when she finally decided he wasn’t going to win, boy did she show him. And of course I loved catching up with Ruby and Bane. Ruby is still as funny. I’ve been waiting on this installment since the sneak peak in EyeCandy anthology and it was totally worth it. Thanks again.

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Spectacular! These characters are fun, wild and so adventurous just perfect for this story. Oh I feel so terrible for Amy but she gets her prize of a man hunk! Armstrong needs to be kicked in the balls and maybe catch something for how awful he treats Amy. I am so happy she has Bane and Ruby to help her through this situation and get her to the airport to get away. Who does she meet at the airport and sit next to, well you need to read this awesome book to find out! The writing will draw you in and capture your heart with these wild situations and fun characters you will not be able to put this book down! Excellent writing!

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Helena Hunting is the queen of sexy rom-coms, and she definitely topped herself with Hooking Up! I have been waiting for this book since Shacking Up and it was even better than I hoped. If you're a fan of Hunting you know she loves to bring the sexy times, and there is definitely no lack of them in this book. Honestly, this might be her hottest book yet! With a sexy, strong heroine, a gorgeous, romantic hero and Bora Bora as a backdrop Hooking Up isn't lacking in the steam department.
When Amalie was first introduced in Shacking Up, and then in the Eye Candy novella, I knew she was going to be one of my favorite characters. The perfect "lady" on the outside with a hidden love for sex and kink, and strong as hell when faced with the biggest humiliation imaginable. From the very first horrifying chapter you feel for her, and then root for her to come out on top. And that dick punch she delivers? I seriously couldn't love her any more!

Escaping to Bora Bora after the wedding from hell is supposed to help her relax & forget about the worst day of her life, instead it throws her right into the arms of the one person she should stay away from.. Laughs, tears & a suitcase full of toys follow in this adorably funny & sexy story. If you haven't picked this one up yet I highly recommend it!

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Holy smokes, was this read hot!

I'm hooked on Hunting's tales, her comedic writing style and most of all, her over-the-top characters. Couldn't wait to dive into Hooking Up and once again, this author delivered a delightful rom-com bursting with laugh out loud moments, a hint of drama to mix things up, and a heavy dose of sizzling sexual chemistry between the main characters. Another fun and steamy romance that I truly enjoyed and devoured in one sitting.

After years of making poor decisions that vexed her parents to no end, Amalie "Amie" Whitfield shed her anarchic tendencies and hitched her wagon to the wealthy, prim and proper Armstrong. Married to "Army" will finally set new bride Amie on a straight and narrow path. The problem was, her husband quickly proved to be a despicable, massive douche who fooled around mere moments after their nuptials in a very public and mortifying way. Humiliated, Amie decides to go on their honeymoon solo and escape the crappy reality while setting in motion a quickie annulment. In the meantime, a steamy no-strings-attached fling would be precisely what Amie needed. However, what she finds in Bora-Bora is not only refuge but the overly sexy man that eventually wormed his way into her heart.

Amie was quite a character. Impulsive, mischievous, a little kinky and a whole lot of funny, in the midst of heartache, she spun the story around as her crazy antics had me giggling. I never cared for the pompous ass Armstrong when first introduced in Shacking Up, and happy Amie found her happily ever after with someone who was worthy of her heart.

The actual hero of this story and the man of her dreams (I won't spoil it by saying who he is, it will ruin all the fun) was the perfect fit for looney Amie. Smart, sexy and charismatic, he was the ideal man to ground her. And I adored seeing their connection, physical and lust filled at first (really, these two ignited, and the sex between them was scorching-freaking-hot), beautifully grow into true love. I would have liked a more in-depth look into these characters' emotional side ~ perhaps more heart-to-heart times shared between them. Regardless, I both laughed and swooned at every bump, misunderstanding and passionate moment of their journey.

Hooking Up was another entertaining and lighthearted romantic comedy from Helena Hunting. As always, looking forward to more great reads from one of my favorite Rom-Com authors.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this publication

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copy received through Netgalley for honest review.
This is a laugh out loud romance with plenty of hot scenes. The characters are out of this world. Lexington and Amelie are perfect together if only all the other messy things wouldn't get in the way. If only her estranged husband who happens to be Lex's cousin would sign the annulment papers, all would be fine. If only Lex and Armstrong were such competitive jerks. When Amie's husband(Armstrong) embarrasses her at their wedding reception she runs away to her honeymoon alone. However, Lex's father sends him to a nearby spot for business. Once these two get together it fun times, sexy times and a lot of laugh out loud moments. I loved Lex from the moment he says hi to Amie in the beginning chapter. His whole demeanor pulled me in.He is sexy protective and sweet heart. I loved that he is a momma's boy and proud of it. Amie is strong, sassy and no holds barred. I loved her personality. This book really did make me laugh a lot. It was very good and very well written. I loved it!!!

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4.5 stars

Hooking Up by Helena Hunting is such a good read.

I loved the storyline, from the first page I was hooked, I found myself reading late into the night as I couldn't put it down.
The characters are fun, endearing, relatable and the chemistry between them was smoking!

I had such a good time reading Hooking Up, if you've been looking forward to Amalie's book trust me you will not be disappointed =)

Hooking Up is another wonderful, entertaining and steamy read by the very talented author Helena Hunting and I highly recommend it.

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*I received an advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.*

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Oh my gosh I just loved this book!! This is my first Helena Hunting story and it will not be my last!! I definitely had a hard time putting down this book with its well-written plot and characters to fall in love with. Lots of laughs and some sad times too. This story is a total winner! ARC kindly provided by NetGalley.

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All I wanted was a nice wedding. Instead I end up with a husband who gets a blow job during our reception – and it’s broadcast to everyone attending.

I’ve enjoyed Helena Hunting’s voice in the past – she usually makes me giggle and highlight all of her over-the-top silly quotes. Her books are super fun. Hooking Up is also fun, and a great read, but it’s not as raunchy and goofy as some of her previous books. It has a really sweet hero and a heroine who wants an annulment! For good reason….

Amie was once a bit of a wild child. She likes a bad boy, she has gotten into some trouble – overall just causing her family a lot of stress. When she meets Armstrong at a party one night, he woos her. He comes from a very respectable family. He has a very good job. Her family is very happy she is dating him. A proposal and a wedding soon follow. She has the perfect life! Except when Armstrong is caught getting a blow job from someone who is not Amie – during their wedding reception.

Amie falls apart. She rips Armstrong a new one, cuts her wedding dress off and koala-bear hugs the first guy she sees – which happens to be Armstrong’s cousin, Lexington. Lex met Amie the same night she met Armstrong – but Armstrong won the flirting contest. Lex felt a lot of chemistry that night, but bowed out to let his cousin date her. Armstrong and Lex were very close growing up, but Armstrong has a dark side, and they are more enemies now. So when a distraught Amie starts humping him in the bridal suite – he knows things are seriously wrong.

Everyone goes home – and Amie is convinced to still take her honeymoon by herself to Bora Bora after demanding an annulment from Armstrong. Lex works for his father, and his father asks him to go to Bora Bora on a business trip to look over some of their resorts. Lex and Amie have no idea the other is scheduled on the same plane, both going to Bora Bora – until they arrive at the airport.

Throw in some champagne, and a very long airplane ride,and these two chat away. They end up very far away from all of Amie’s problems and instead of problems, she starts getting a lot of orgasms from Lex.

“I’m assuming you can feel that.” I roll my hips, just to be clear what that is.


I lower my head so my lips are inches from hers. “What does that feel like to you, Amie?”

“It feels l-like—”

“—like I’m playing you?” I skim the length of her throat with my free hand.

“No.” It’s the softest whisper.

“Does it feel like I’m being nice?” I rest a finger under her chin and tip it up so she meets my gaze. “I assure you, there’s nothing nice about the things I want to do to you, the ways I want to have you.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good to know.” The wide eyes and innocent stare morph into the same wild look I caught a glimpse of in her bridal suite. “Because I’m pretty sick and fucking tired of nice, polite sex.”

But Armstrong is not done causing trouble. Over and over in this book. Armstrong is butt hurt that she dumps him and refuses to let it go. Enter Lex – the sweetest guy. He listens to Amie, he never takes advantage of her. While some feel like he is trying to get revenge on his cousin by sleeping with Amie, he truly isn’t. Bora Bora really was a coincidence, and he has had feelings for Amie for a long time. He gives her what she needs in Bora Bora – an escape. And then they come back home and have to figure out how to have a relationship in the real world.

“You’re going to be fine. You’re stronger than you realize.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“I know. I don’t want you to go either.” He tips my chin up. His eyes meet mine for the briefest moment before they fall closed, sealing his emotions behind them. Ones I recognize. Ones that feel all too familiar. He dips down to press a soft kiss to my lips.

I’m sure he means to keep it chaste, but the second we connect all the desperation comes bubbling to the surface, erupting like a volcano, and suddenly we’re devouring each other. I feel the loss of him in my chest already. I don’t want to walk away from this, but there’s no other choice.

Just stay on vacation forever!!

I loved Amie and how she refuses to listen to anymore bullshit coming from Armstrong’s mouth. And that she takes some time for herself, after getting back from Bora Bora to sort her life out and make sure Lex is truly the right one for her. She was hurt so much, and then Lex was thrust into her life so fast, I like that she has to question some things before making that committment.

Lex is charming and flirty – but not sleazy at all. He has manners, and is considerate, and is also a god in bed. *wink*

Really well done – highly recommend this one.

Grade: B+

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So I'm pretty stingy with my 5-star reviews. Let me say that if I could possibly give this book more than 5 stars, I would. I absolutely loved Shacking Up and although I was really looking forward to this next book from Hunting, I had no idea just how much I would end up LOVING it. Hands down, Hooking Up is one of my favorite books of the year.

Hot doesn't even begin to describe it. And holy moly, is our Hero to die for. Super hot, alpha AND super sweet. Be still my heart!! Suffice it to say, I’ve found my new BBF.

*ARC provided by the publisher and NetGalley*

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Eagerly awaiting Hooking Up after reading Shacking Up and getting to know Amie, I dove right into this book and was not disappointed in the least. It is everything I've come to expect from a Helena Hunting rom-com: hilarious, fun, sinfully sexy, swoon-worthy and an absolute blast to read! It's no secret that Hunting is one of my favorite, one-click authors and Hooking Up is just another stellar example as to why. Hunting has the ability to give us the outrageous in a completely believable and real storyline. Amie is faced with the unthinkable when her new husband cheats AT their wedding and how she reacts is the catalyst for this laugh-out-loud masterpiece.

Amie heads out on her honeymoon solo only to find a certain someone is traveling to the same place for business. We'll call him Hottie Hookup (HH for short) so as not to ruin the surprise since Hunting didn't name him in her blurb for a reason. Amie and HH have undeniable chemistry and I absolutely loved how these two played off of each other! Their dialogue had me laughing out loud repeatedly! HH is a dirty, dirty boy and Amie finally has the chance to let her kinky side come out to play and the result is steamy and extremely hot! Hunting does a phenomenal job of letting the readers truly see the sparks between these two. Each time Amie's estranged husband, Armstrong shows up, the antics that ensue with Amie and HH are hilarious. I <i>almost</i> felt bad for Armstrong.....<i>almost</i> being the keyword because that sucker had karma coming to him and Amie and HH dole it out in spades!

There were some emotional scenes but the overall feel of the book is lighthearted and fun. The characters are amazing and HH is definitely book boyfriend material! While Hooking Up follows characters that previously appeared in Shacking Up, it can absolutely be read as a standalone story. But let's get should read Shacking Up first because a) it's an amazing story and b) you'll get the history and backstory that is prominently featured in this book. With a delicious comeuppance for Amie's estranged husband Armstrong and a happily ever after for Amie and her hottie hookup, this book is a winner all around! 5 stars all the way!

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So the beginning of this book kinda threw me. It’s very unlike the first one, even though you don’t need to read them in order as they are not really a series, I feel reading the first one would be beneficial. I totally get why Amalie did what she did after finding out the husband was unfaithful. I would probably have found the closest male and tried to jump his bones too. But I would not have felt guilt about it after. 🙂

I felt the beginning of this book moved too fast for me. The cheating and then diving into a sexual relationship just doesn’t jive with me for some reason. Everyone knows that the first sexual relationship you get int o after a break up is a rebound! Those are the rules!! LOL, okay I may be holding on to tight to that.

Armstrong’s methods for attempting to win her back were childish and a bit ridiculous. Trying to scare her into getting back with him because of her families status? That’s quite frankly laughable. I guess that might work if you were super famous or rich. But while they may have lived comfortably it was in no way inferred that they were either of those things. So really, who cares what others think right? And it took forever for the divorce to happen. I mean, if its contested it can take about 6 months but not like super long after that, I would have expected Amalie to be smarted that that and just pull the infidelity card from gate. But she isn’t your normal character.

Maybe I couldn’t get my head into a believable space for the little things in this book but lucky for me the sex and chemistry made up for it….in spades! If you are looking for a emotionally charged sex fest, this is the book for you.

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Amalie Whitfield is engaged to Armstrong Moorehead. He’s the son of the CEO of Moorehead Media, the company she works for. She works in their magazine branch and does marketing campaigns. She lives in New York & after a few bad boyfriend choices thinks she’s finally found the perfect guy. That is until she hears her new husband at her wedding reception getting it on with someone else. She’s shattered & her heart is broken. She needs to get out of town & decides to go on her honeymoon alone. Some time alone is just what she needs. Then she runs into Lexington Mills. Lexington is Armstrong’s cousin & the man she made a complete fool of herself in front of. She was drunk & distraught at her wedding after her life imploded, & she threw herself at Lex only to be rejected. She feels completely humiliated after trying to force herself on him. Then there’s the fact he’s kind of become her hero the way he’s always coming to her rescue lately.

Lexington Mills works with his father & his brother Bane at the Mill’s Hotels. He’s to keep the Mill’s empire running when his Dad retires. His Dad sends him out of the country on hotel business to look in on a resort of theirs that isn’t performing well. On his way to the islands he crosses paths with Amalie Whitfield, the only woman he’s wanted for the past year, but couldn’t have. She was marrying his jerk of a cousin, & he missed his chance, but now that Armstrong screwed up, maybe he can have another chance.

Amie & Lex are both on the island for about three weeks. Amie was so wrapped up in the idea of the perfect love, instead of finding something real & lasting. She decides to have some fun & let her rebellious side out. She needs a temporary distraction & decides she can’t resist Lex anymore. He’s gorgeous and now she wants him desperately. They decide to live in the moment & enjoy one another while on the island. Things between them are intense & out of control. Amie can be herself with Lex & soon he becomes her one constant. Can they have something real when they get back home, or will they end things when they leave the island?

Lex isn’t sure he can leave his feelings behind when he returns home. He doesn’t want to just be Amie’s escape. He wants something long term with her. He’s found a once in a lifetime connection with Amie & he’s not sure she’s ready for everything he wants to give her, but she totally owns his heart!

Omg, Lexington Mills is delish!!! This man lived up to all my expectations! Swoon, swoon, swoon!!! This book was amazing! Laugh out loud funny & absolutely fantastic!

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Hooking Up is very HOT!!! Amalia thought she picked the perfect man with Armstrong. Turns out she is wrong & finds that out at her wedding to him...along with all the wedding guests when they overhear him hooking up with someone else. Amalia then throws herself at Lex, who also asked her out the same night that Armstrong did, but who was not the safer choice. Lex turns her down but not why Amalia thinks. Amalia decides to go on her honeymoon alone & guess who also is on vacation there...yes, Lex. What happens next is HOT!!! They must decide if it stays on the vacation or not. Helena Hunting wrote a great book.

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Hooking Up is Helena Hunting's newest gem. It is a standalone but you did meet Amelie and Lexington in Shacking Up. I didn't read Shacking Up, and I'm kicking my arse right now because of it! Amie is Ruby's best friend and Lex is Bane's brother. Even without the backstory, I absolutely loved this book. Loved. It. The writing is fresh and witty, the characters realistic and hilarious, the plot fun and entertaining. Even though I laughed out loud, a lot, this was a pretty emotional story. It's a forbidden romance, but one that I was totally on board with! It's Amelie's wedding day. She married Armstrong, and at their reception, he's caught with another woman. Everyone hears it and Amie is mortified. She's not sticking around to see what happened and in aftermath of the embarrassment, she literally jumps on the first hot man she sees. Lexington. Armstrong's cousin. He's not a stranger, but he is ridiculously hot and he turns her down. Not because he doesn't want her, but he's not going to be with Amie out of revenge. As fate would have it, they end up on the same plane to the same island. When they stop fighting the attraction and give in, the hooking up becomes more. But more is bad. But oh so good! The hotness, the sexiness, the tickle trunk of sex toys, the witty banter, the steamy scream out loud orgasms. What happen when they have to go back to the real world? Can they stay away from each other? Does Amie have to keep fighting Armstrong? Could they possibly make it work? I loved this story! So. Damn. Much! I laughed out loud, giggled, sighed, got hot and bothered and got angry. I was cheering for Amie and Lex from the beginning and I just couldn't get enough of them! Lexington is sweet and sexy, a good man with the body of a bad boy. Amie is freaking hilarious! She stops being who Armstrong wanted her to be and becomes herself again. I love her!
It gave me all the feels and left me wanting more. MORE!

P.S.: I loved the chapter names!

I mean, goddamn, she's trying to get her hand in my pants and I'm compelled to stop her. It's a damn tragedy happening here.

Dear sweet lord of all things panty melting, this has to be the sexiest man to ever walk to planet. The only thing that would make him sexier would be if he was holding a puppy, or better yet, a baby.

"Water might help me keep my inside thoughts from coming out of my mouth."
"I like it when your inside thoughts come out of your mouth."
"Of course you do. All my inside thoughts about you are filthy."

"Could you be any more cocky?"
"I don't know, you're the one who's full of mine, you tell me."
"You should shut up and just lie there and look good so you don't ruin this for me."

"I don't know who Amie puts up with you."
"It's cause my dick is huge."

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