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A Song Unheard

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Having read A Name Unknown, I looked forward to its sequel A Song Unheard. The writing is up to Ms. White’s usual standards: realistic dialogue, and vivid description that puts me deep into the hearts and minds of the characters and on the streets of WWI Europe. However, in an effort to bring readers who have not read book one up to speed, the first several chapters are filled with backstory which I found tedious. Willa’s childhood seems much the same as Rosemary’s (the protagonist in book one) that the beginning of the book feels repetitive. The plot is intriguing, and I enjoyed finding out that it is based on real characters. I love when fiction makes me want to learn more about real people and events. Willa and Lukas are endearing characters, ones who will stay with me for a long time. Their strengths and vulnerabilities make me examine my own life. I love Willa’s relationship with her brother, Barclay. Their snappy dialogue is fun and made me laugh out loud on several occasions. The tension and pace are ratcheted up in the last third of the story, and I set everything aside to finish the book.

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Historical novels have a certain “feel” to them. This one … not so much. Usually we follow the “good person” around and the “good person” gets the lightening bolt when they see their eventual beloved. In A Song Unheard, we follow a pickpocket, a thief. It’s a really interesting perspective. She’s tough too. She’s strong and not easily moved by a handsome flirt …. I like her. (I don’t like what she does specifically, but I like her as a character.) There are other characters that are equally interesting … the handsome flirt has some depth, so give him a chance. His little sister, Margot is great, brilliant, the kind of little sister I would have wanted. There is a good share of villains too, of course, any story with Nazis in it will have a villain or a thousand, just by default. But shady characters are plentiful.

Of course, since it’s Christian Fiction we need to discuss that aspect. The passionate descriptions of spiritual things, existence of God, the saving work of Jesus Christ are truly glorifying to God, I give 5 stars just for that.

I often keep my reviews short, because I fear that if I blather on, I could give away some of the story that shouldn’t be given away. I hope you are intrigued enough by this to read A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White.

DISCLAIMER: I received this book as a gift last year. No compensation was received. The opinions I express are provided without obligation.

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A Song Unheard continues not long after the events of A Name Unknown (the first title in this series). Though there are slight spoilers regarding the protagonist of the previous book (as usual with trilogies in the romance genre), I felt like it can be successfully read as a stand alone (since I haven't read the first book yet). Willa Forsythe's adoptive family of street urchins and strays possess unique "talents" that lead mysterious Mr. V to recruit them for secret government assignments. The musically gifted Willa is tasked with getting close to violinist Lukas De Wilde, whose father was a cryptologist and is perhaps in possession of a valuable cypher key.

Though some might say that Willa's photographic-musical-memory is too much of a trope (she can pretty much play any piece of music after hearing it once), I think it was plausible just enough to work --or at least, I had a willing suspension of disbelief. I liked that the mystery/suspense aspect isn't as intense ... it was like a romantic historical cozy mystery (with spies)! I also enjoyed the second storyline that takes place in Germany-occupied Belgium. While the climax and conclusion wraps up a little too neatly, as a HEA (happily ever after) fan, I can't really complain. The romantic and faith elements were satisfying to me as well, but my favorite part was Willa's brother, Barclay --I sincerely hope he's the protagonist of the next book (I ... think I personally connected with him as much as Willa). I also felt like the historical elements were such that I felt like I learned a lot (just because I was less familiar with the time period) but without info dumps. So overall, I enjoyed my first Roseanna M. White novel!

[Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.]

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Roseanna White has a talent for pulling you into a story. This one was harder for me to catch up and get into, but once you did, the family pulled me in and made a part of theirs.

There is danger, intrigue, music and some romantic threads in these stories that will make you want to get all her books. Plus, the cover are really beautiful as well.

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I just finished reading A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White. This is the second book in the series “Shadows Over England,” which is set during World War I. This book was even BETTER than the first book in the series, A Name Unknown. In fact, it is the best book I’ve read by Roseanna M. White thus far! Really, really well-written. I was impressed.

Willa Forsythe is part of the band of thieves we were introduced to in A Name Unknown. Abandoned by her parents as a six-year old, she learns to survive on her own on the streets of London. She is “adopted” into Barclay’s “family” of thieves; and by the time we meet her in A Song Unheard, she is a fiercely independent young woman who also happens to be a self-taught violin prodigy.

After the Germans invade Belgium, England is flooded with hundreds of thousands of Belgian refugees. Among them are a group of orchestra members, who settle in Wales. These professional musicians are being sponsored by two wealthy sisters, Gwen and Margaret Davies (who, I found out at the end of the book, were real people who truly did help in the war effort!). The Belgian musicians’ goal is to travel about Wales and the UK, giving concerts to raise money which is then sent back to Belgium to help starving families who are trapped there.

The mysterious Mr. V, a British government agent, recruits Willa to steal a cypher key needed to help in the war effort. The key just happens to be in the possession of world-renowned violinist and refugee Lukas de Wilde, whom Willa has idolized for years. Willa travels to Wales to find the key, but it proves harder to discover than she thought. In the meantime, Lukas starts to woo Willa, as he is enamored by her raw but genuine skill on the violin – as well as her intriguing personality. And a German agent arrives in Wales to try to recruit Willa to turn the key over to him instead.

What I liked about this book is not only were there the two stories of Willa and Lukas, but also that of Lukas’ sister (and mother) who are trapped back in Belgium. I don’t want to give too many details, but let’s just say that the “cypher machine” in the story really isn’t a machine at all!

I had read The Crimson Cypher by Susan Page Davis a few years ago, so I was somewhat familiar with the history of cyphers used during WWI. This book was even better than The Crimson Cypher in my opinion!
One of the things I appreciated about this book was the element of spiritual redemption: both for Lukas, who had a colorful past, and for Willa, who had only known life as a thief before meeting Lukas. Both of them are introduced to a Savior Who loves them and their lives are forever changed.

This book was very exciting! It does have some mention of violence (it is set during a war, after all), so I would not recommend it for young readers.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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A Song Unheard is the second novel in Roseanna White's new series, A Shadow Over England. The plot is well written and fast paced, including elements of mystery, danger, romance, betrayal, and ultimately forgiveness. I loved learning more about what those in Belgium faced during the beginning of WWI as the Germans began the invasion of this country. I liked how the author jumped between Willa, Lukas, and Lukas' family's perspective to allow for a full picture of what was occurring. I was completely drawn into the story and had trouble putting the book down. I loved both Willa and Lukas, and I thought that all the characters were developed well. The other more minor characters really added to the story, especially as some of them were not fictional at all. I enjoyed watching both Willa and Lukas learn from one another and develop into more trusting and forgiving people as they became more understanding of God's love and forgiveness for them. Overall, I highly enjoyed this novel, and I cannot wait to experience Barclay's story in the next novel in this series.

I received this novel from Netgalley and Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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My review

My Rating: 4 and a half stars.

Recommendation: Anyone over thirteen. Due to stealing and there is more flirting than I would like, but otherwise it’s a pretty good book.

My Favorite Character/s: Willa Forsythe is different then most heroines seeing as she’s a thief. She is very protective of her “family” and is strong, but has a hard time trusting other people. She never met her father and her mother abandoned her when she was little, at first Lukas is just another person she needs to get something from for a job.

My Verse for Willa is Psalm 147:3

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. KJV (King James Version)

Lukas De Wilde is a flirt and I didn’t like him at first, but he got better the further I got into the book. In all I liked him. He wanted to find his mother and sister. He falls in love with Willa then he feels betrayed when he finds out who she really is. I liked his determination to find his mother and sister.

My Verse for Lukas is Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. KJV (King James Version.)

Margot De Wilde is a genius with mathematics. She hid with her Mother after Belgium was invaded by Germany while waiting for her brother to rescue them. I liked her and would like to see her in more books.

My verse for Margot is Hebrews 13:6

So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. KJV (King James Version.)

I loved Barclay too he's a great big brother to Willa and the others.

I love pretty much all of Roseanna White’s writing, and A Song Unheard is a favorite.

I received this book from Celebrate Lit in return for my honest review; All of the thought are my own.

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This story was stunningly beautiful. Willa is a phenomenon with her violin. Yet, while she’s a prodigy in music, she makes her livelihood as a thief. Unsavory as the latter is, I was immediately endeared to Willa as she struggles to overcome her wounded childhood. I rooted for her, hoping she could grip some light amongst the darkness in her world. It’s because of her fabulous musical ability and cunning thievery skills that she’s placed in the presence Lukas De Wilde, master violinist and well-known playboy.

Although Lukas De Wilde’s reputation speaks of wildness and recklessness, the reader gets a firm grasp at the beginning of his tender heart and love for family. I confess I giggled at the witty and amusing banter between Willa and Lukas. Lukas’s vain attempts of flattery and flirtation fell on Willa’s ears like sour notes. It was so fun to read!

The overall plot was vivid and intriguing. I kept guessing at the lingering mystery and was engaged with every twist and turn. The romance was captivating. I sympathized with the main characters’ insecurities which held them back at crucial points, but cheered when that sweet “aha moment” materialized, and joy eclipsed sorrow.

The most fascinating element of this story, for me was the unique and vivid way God revealed Himself to Willa. This scene stands unrivaled. It brought tears to my eyes while it refreshed my soul. I’ve always believed that since God created the heart, He knows exactly how to reach it. And the tender—yet penetrating—method to Willa’s heart was undeniably beautiful.

This novel is a five-star read. Hands down my favorite story by Roseanna White to date. It’s that kind of novel that nestles in your heart and resides far after you’ve reached The End.

*I received a copy of this story. All my opinions are my own

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Brilliant book that is part of the "Shadows Over England" Series. Excellent writing that keeps the read engaged.

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Hello! Anytime I see Roseanna M. White on a book, I have no doubts I'm in for a treat. Her books are always great!
I love the chemistry between Willa and Lukas! I'm jealous of Margot's mathematical skills,is has never been my strongest ability.
I'm also reminded of how people's while lives were changed by war.
A great story of family, trust and lives that change from the circumstances they find themselves in as they strive to survive the war. A must read!

I received this book as a gift and all opinions are my own.

I also posted on Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, Facebook

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First thinking about this review, I tried to summarize it in my head, because otherwise it was going to be endless rambling about awesomeness. But, if you're a Roseanna fan, you already know this. Instead I remembered that I had highlighted several quotables that I think are apt and want to share.

Roseanna weaves a beautiful story to remind us that we can choose to open ourselves to love or close our hearts off. Love is hard work, it is a choice. Whether that's describing a relationship with our husbands, friends, or family. We choose to love them and stand by them (and sometimes to let them go). I've faced the same questions that Willa asks. Does God really care about me? Specifically? Why?

There are many great nuggets in this (and Roseanna's others) story. If you're one who likes to mark books, read it with your highlighter. If you think that's monstrous, pull out those sticky tabs! Either way, I guarantee you're going to want to remember some of the wisdom nuggets later.

I voluntarily read a complimentary copy of this book, but all opinions are honest and my own.

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A Song Unheard was a great continuation of the Shadows Over England series. I really enjoyed the first book, A Name Unknown, so I was eager to pick up this book and see what was going to happen in next. Even though the main characters from the first book were barely in this one, I didn't mind it because I loved these main characters so much! Lukas was hilarious at times and I loved the way he pursued Willa.

The danger in the story was good. I especially was "on the edge" of my seat towards the end and just wanted everything to work out okay. The story is filled with spies and intrigue...and you just don't know who to trust!

All in all, I loved A Song Unheard. The violin/music parts were great and unique. I recommend this book if you like historical romance. It is very well written!

*I received a complimentary eBook copy of this book for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, only my honest opinion. As always, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*

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Willa Forsythe is a talented musical prodigy, she can play a song perfectly after only hearing it once, but she is also a thief. Willa is tasked with stealing a cypher from a famed violinist, at the brink of WWI.

Lukas De Wilde is a renowned violinist, travelling for grand concerts with the orchestra, but now with the political tension brewing he finds himself a target, with both sides wanting to get a hold of is father's life's work as a cryptographer. He is intrigued by the brilliant Willa, who is graced with a magnificent gift, and rebuffs his advances.

As the danger closes in and Willa must make her move and betray Lukas to complete her mission.

I liked the interaction between Willa and Lukas, he has a reputation as a ladies man, and comes off as very flirtatious, but Willa rebuffs him and takes it in stride. Lukas likes her though, and wants more with Willa, but how can he convince her that his words are genuine?

Lukas grows a lot over the course of the book, realizing that his past behavior isn't something to be proud of, and steps out in faith in his relationship with God.

There is so much more to this story than Willa and Lukas tough, it also follows Lukas's sister, Margot, and his mother who are in hiding. Margot is brilliant with numbers and worked with their father in his cryptography, I loved her unwavering faith. Barclay who was also in the last book is also more developed, he is the leader of their little family and works for Mr. V.

I love how Willa and Lukas bring out the best in each other. Willa is clever and independent, yet fiercely loyal to her family, she is very talented, and doesn't trust easy. Lukas works hard, and wants to be a better man, turning to his faith to help him be more accountable, and he finds that keeping his word is not as easy as he thought. Well written, and engaging throughout, highly recommend!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."

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This is book two in the Shadows Over England series. I have not read book one and had no problem jumping right into this one so I would say it is a stand alone book. However, I did wonder if it was part of a series and can totally see how it is, so you may miss some history but nothing that will keep you from enjoying this novel.

Willa Forsythe is a unique lady with a unique past as well. I love her spunk and personality, even though she must learn to overcome her past. Willa finds herself in more trouble than she anticipated and can't help but wonder who is pulling all the strings.

Lukas De Wilde is a handsome man who may start to regret some of his life choices. When Willa is introduced to him, he is drawn to her in a way no-one has been before. Yet Lukas must also search for his mom and sister and keep them safe.

This book is full of history, mystery, suspicion, romance and more. I enjoyed the sparks that fly between Willa and Lukas and I love Willa's entire family. I look forward to reading more from this series.

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This is the second book in a series by one of my favorite historical authors, so of course I was super excited to hold a copy, admire the beautiful cover, and dive into it. I’ve been anxiously anticipating Willa’s book since finishing the first book, “A Name Unknown,” and was not at all disappointed!

As always, Rosanna M. White weaves a compelling story, this one set in 1914, during The Great War in Europe. I so enjoy the history in all of her books, as well as her writing style. She brings her stories to vivid life, drawing me in until it seemed as though I could heard the orchestra, see the Stradivarius, and feel the autumn wind. And this cast of characters she’s created - they began to feel like dear friends, after a while. I’m very anxious for Barclay’s book, which I’ve just learned will be the next one. Though if you’re not able to read the books in order, she’s written them to stand alone just as well. This family of thieves though . . . .there’s something about them. It seems like such a novel concept, though not entirely, if I think about it. The way she portrays them has me cheering them on, rather than being appalled at their audacity. I have to appreciate their ingenuity and quite liked learning how such things might play out 100 years ago, without all of the technology we have now. I also really appreciated the balance she found in the morality of the story. Especially in the context of the German soldiers, I thought she did an excellent job of showing them to be human as well. And allowing for a debate over how they handled the War. She never condones their actions, but tries to show a bit of both sides of the story.

Willa Forsythe has undoubtedly become one of my very favorite characters from Ms. White’s novels. She is strong, stubborn, straightforward, more than a little blunt at times, a wonderfully talented musician, and so very broken. I couldn’t not love her. Or Lukas De Wilde. Both he and his precocious sister, Margot, made sure they took up residence in my affections, as well. I enjoyed how the story came from all three perspectives, giving me an insight into each situation and character. Though I don’t believe I could choose a favorite, Margot would definitely be near the top of the list. With her sharp wit, need for order, and incredible intelligence, she may have started out a secondary character, but she quickly became a leading lady. I also couldn’t resist smiling at the relationship Lukas and Willa slowly form. Particularly his persistence in loving her. And by extension, showing God’s love. The author so seamlessly weaves faith throughout the story, giving space to questions so often unvoiced, but not overwhelming the rest of the narrative.

I would highly recommend this book, as well as the first in the series, to anyone who enjoys historical fiction and desires an introduction to a rather unorthodox family of thieves.

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I have been waiting for this book for what seems like forever. I mean, it’s only been a few months, but it is the longest few months I have ever experienced. First, I was drawn to the book for the music. I am a big music fan, and used to play the clarinet in high school. I used to dream of being in an orchestra, and always enjoyed listening to the NYC Orchestra when my grandmother took me to their concerts as a child. The sound of the violin? Well, it just makes my heart happy. The minute I saw the cover of A Song Unheard and read the blurb about it, I was hooked.

Nostalgia aside, I also couldn’t wait to see what Willa was going to do. Sure, she’s a thief, and in our minds we have already judged her for that. But I always knew there was more to her story, and I got it here. Let’s just say that you cannot judge a thief by what they steal! I was rooting for her the entire time I was reading. Especially when Mr. Lukas De Wilde entered the scene. I mean, what do you do when you have to steal something from someone you’ve grown very fond of? Tricky situation for sure, and Roseanna White handled it wonderfully. It exceeded my expectations.

What surprised me most about this book was that I almost liked the supporting characters better then the lead characters. Some of my favorite scenes included Margot and Gottlieb, especially their first one together. She wasn’t afraid of him, and I just like their banter-like conversations. It added a fun element to the storyline that I almost wish there was a little more of. But then the book would have been about 600 pages long, and I would have never gone to work, talked to my family, you know where I’m going with this.

Overall, Ms. White has captured my heart again with this story. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead!! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Roseanna White has knocked another one out of the park. The second book in her series, A Song Unheard, kept me turning pages almost all night long. I always think that *this* is the book I love most by White, and then she publishes another one and now I just have to have them all.

"Meeting" and getting to know more of the individuals in this eclectic family has been such an incredible joy and seeing their transformation from a life of thievery to a life of true meaning. Understanding Willa's character more deeply and her love for music was simply wonderful (an understatement).

Willa Forsythe is given the job of meeting famous violinist, Lucas De Wilde and find the cypher key he is believed to have - a tool that will be helpful to the government during the war. Unfortunately she isn't the only one looking for the cypher. As she meets her mark and receives training in her violin playing, a relationship between the two begins to develop and Willa is torn.

Some additional parts to the story that were interesting to read: Willa is a prodigy and has never studied music and complex characters (it isn't all cut/dry predictable), a deeper look at another era of history (WW1).

I cannot WAIT for the third installment in this series where we learn more about their brother! :)

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Music is a part of my soul, so when I find books like this, where the author includes that, I'm interested. Since this is the second book in the series, and I've read the first, I was doubly interested. This book is even stronger than the first book in the series. It can stand alone as well. While I rather "burned out" on novels set in war eras, this is a fantastic exception. I wasn't aggravated by the settings in the least. Willa being both a musician and having other major talents and conflicts was so well written, and the romance level was perfect for this novel. It really outdid the first book in the series, and it's filled with a symphony of emotions and truths.

My copy came from Celebrate Lit. My thoughts and opinions are my own, left of my own free choosing​.

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I love the first book in this series and I love A Song Unheard! I am so happy that Willa Forsythe is given her own compelling story. Being a member of Rosemary and Barclay and the rest of the adopted family of thieves, Willa’s unique love and skills of playing the violin land her in positions that are far wanting and needing to be told.

Willa herself is a very strong characters and I have grown to love her supporting characters as much as I do Willa. A Song Unheard is a story of love and forgiveness, restoration and redemption, with vivid historical details of London and WW1 will have lovers of historical fiction waiting to read this beautiful story. And since I love music and play the piano, I love the musical side of this story. Ms. Whites does a magically wonderful job of weaving her love for music into this story. As well as her faith in God, which is so beautifully woven through the lives of the characters.

I’m looking forward to Barclay’s story in the third book in this series. I hope this storyline continues with more stories of this unique family. What intrigues me most about this series is the adopted family of urchins, and though they be thieves, they are doing what they know to survive after being abandoned at early ages to a life in their own. A family you will grow to love as you read their stories. I encourage you to pick up a copy of A Song Unheard, which can be read as a stand alone. But reading the first book in this series, A Name Unknown would make the story so much more enjoyable.
. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are mine only.

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I love music and European war history books so I thought for sure I would love this book. I tried really hard but I had such a hard time staying interested in the story. I felt like there was so much unnecessary extra in between the necessary. I Sometimes found myself wondering what it had to do with the plot line. The idea of the story is excellent. But I got bored with the extra and had a hard time with flow. There was disconnect for me and that makes a book hard to read.
I received a digital copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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