Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book from beginning to end. Lisa Genova has a way of catching me right at the start of a book and holding me until the last word. This is a beautifully heartbreaking book about a disease I knew little about. Her characters feel like real people, someone from my neighborhood.

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Lisa Genova conducts yet another virtuoso performance as the author of this latest true-to-life sage that documents the devastating impact that a terminal illness brings to a family. In this novel Richard is a divorced concert pianist who is diagnosed with ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's disease. His bitter divorce from ex-wife Karina, a former jazz pianist, has left him estranged from his college student daughter.

The diagnosis of ALS comes as a shock to a man whose whole identify in life has been tied to his piano playing, the one thing he can no longer do as first his right, and then his left arm becomes paralyzed. As the disease spreads, so does word of his illness which eventually reaches Karina who can't reconcile this ill, lonely and needy man with the selfish one whose ambition and arrogance ground her career to a halt. As Karina becomes Richard's reluctant nursemaid, moving him into her living room, hospital bed and all, this novel becomes not only an examination of a cruel disease wreaking havoc on a body, but also how impending death can also bring introspection, forgiveness and newfound hope.

Neither of these protagonists are particularly likeable people, both overly consumed with their own selfish needs. That Genova can craft a story that makes one want to look past their personalities and still see their humanity, pain and emotion is a tribute to her talent. Her detailed and riveting description of living and dying with ALS is eye opening, gripping and gut wrenching, yet one you can't stop reading. As a reader, it made my heart ache for all the patients and families that have or will lose their loved ones to this dreadful disease. Every Lisa Genova book has been a must read for me and this one didn't disappoint.

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Another winner by Lisa Genova. With each book Genova writes, I learn something. This time she takes us into the world of a concert pianist who has ALS and the impact his illness has on himself and his family. A beautifully written story about life, love, forgiveness, and dying -at times emotionally draining but such a touching story. Highly recommend.

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I have some mixed feelings about this book. The main characters held a love/hate relationship for me. They were both so angry for so much of the story that I was praying there would be some kind of redemption. I won't spoil anything though.

It was a very thorough look on the effects of ALS to a body and to the caretaker. I was a caretaker for 4 years, not to an ALS patient, but I do know the toll it takes on a person. Richard goes through the gamut from learning he has it, which destroys his soul because he is a pianist, to reaching the end of life and all the messiness that brings. He was easier to figure out than Karina. I wondered why she stayed so long and stayed in her rut even after their divorce. But we do what we need to.

I was in tears at the end of the book. The ending was beautifully written. It made my heart smile. This is another very good read by Ms. Genova.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the copy.

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I must begin by thanking NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read an advanced copy of this wonderful book by Lisa Genova.
I have read and enjoyed and learned from “Still Alice”, “Anthony” and “Left Neglected”. When I learned that this author had a new book coming out, I knew I just had to read it. However, I was also not sure I wanted to read it because of the subject matter, ALS. My wonderful brother was a victim of this horrendous disease a few years ago and I was not sure if I should put myself through the emotional experience of reading a novel about it. Well, since I had the book and liked everything written by this author I decided to read it and if it got to be too much for me, I’d stop.
I am so glad I read it! Yes, I thought often of my brother (as I normally do) but I also appreciated that he did not have to suffer as much as some people do with ALS. And, my brother was nothing in personality like Richard, which helped. I appreciate all the research that the author did and it helped me understand the disease a little more.
I also found myself going to my computer to listen to some of the classical music mentioned in the book and references to pieces of music and art.
Be forewarned, however, and have a couple of tissues handy later in the book.
I wanted to think about this a couple of days before writing a review. It is very rare for me to give any book 5* but I cannot think of any reason for not doing so in this case.
I now have “Inside the O’Briens” the only Lisa Genova book I’ve not read on my Kindle and hope to get to it sooner rather than later.

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Oh my! I felt completely enveloped in this story. "Every Note Played" by Lisa Genova gives powerful and vivid insight into the devastating affliction and reality of ALS. I loved "Still Alice" by this author, and was looking forward to reading another realistic, honest and well researched novel. ALS is an aggressive degenerative disease, and the main character Richard, along with his family, face a terrible reality of gradual and permanent loss, while trying to find forgiveness and make a mends. This is an irresistible story of a heartbreaking spiral, difficult, but really amazing. Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for this early edition copy. I highly recommend it, and all opinions are my own.

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Lisa is writing with her usual understanding of factors that don't have a cure. Her characters are believable. Richard with ALS and his mental anguish as he loses the ability to continue his career as a concert pianist. The anger of his x-wife and her disappointments with her life...not what she had planned. It was hard to put down.

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Lisa Genova's books need to come with a thick stack of tissues because you know you're going to cry! The main character is a classical concert pianist who seems to think very well of himself. He's divorced his wife and hasn't spoken with his daughter in year. And then he get's ALS. The author provides great information on this horrible disease, making it understandable for those of us who don't have first hand knowledge. As one would expect, Richard, the pianist, is quite humbled by this disease. But I didn't expect what happened between him and his ex-wife to happen.
This book was a pretty quick read and yet I feel like the characters were actual people I knew. I mourned every loss of feeling that Richard had from his hands to his legs to his breath. If you're a Lisa Genova fan, you will enjoy this book.

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Every Note Played by Lisa Genova is so poignant, so beautiful and heartfelt that I do not believe my review will do it justice. This novel is about Richard, a renowned concert pianist and how he deals with his diagnosis and illness of ALS. Karina, his estranged wife bravely becomes his caregiver, despite the fact that Richard was somewhat of a narcissist and that they had had a horrible marriage.
This is a novel about family, love, loss and forgiveness. I can't stop thinking about it. A must read! 5 beautiful stars!
Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for giving me an advanced reader's copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Release Date: March 20, 2017
Do yourself a favor and put this on your to-read list NOW!
Every Note Played is Lisa Genova's book about a genius level musician diagnosed with ALS, his ex-wife, and his family close and distant.
I came into the book knowing nothing about ALS besides the "Ice Bucket Challenge". Genova made short work of that. She paints the picture of the mind of the patient and those around him in such an incredibly powerful way. I knew the characters, felt their joys and pains. I am sitting here typing this while sobbing.
It's a beautiful story about ALS, but I enjoyed the story more in the points it made about legacy. Apologizing and forgiving especially. It doesn't matter how painful or how long ago, it's never too late to fix the relationships around you.
I thought I loved Still Alice, but Every.Note Played is other-wordly in it's story and characters.
Thank you so much to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This book has my heart and will have yours too!

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I've read Lisa Genova's other novels and knew what to expect. This was more heartfelt for some reason for me, and I found myself crying at the end, big ugly sobs. We all know how her characters will find their end once you pick up and read a few chapters, but this one did me in.

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I received this as an ARC from NetGalley.

This is another success from Lisa Genova. The book focuses on a highly-acclaimed pianist who develops ALS. It follows his decline in chilling detail. Although the reality of the story can be very depressing at times, the details and descriptions are informative. Genova captures the effects of the disease on its victim, his family, and his caretakers. It is a very powerful story.

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This book makes you feel like you know the characters and feel their emotions. The horrific decline of a healthy person is felt in every way, and the emotional adjustments to everyone in contact with it was told very em-pathetically.

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We all remember the ice bucket challenge to raise funds for ALS. Lisa Genova has written an exceptionally informative and captivating novel that tells the story of a renowned concert pianist who is diagnosed with ALS. In Every Note Played the reader follows this man, Richard, as he slowly looses the ability to play the piano, to use his arms and legs and eventually his muscles for breathing. His story, and also that of his family, is riveting and upsetting. I now have a deeper empathy for those afflicted with ALS and pray that a cure can be found soon. I highly recommend this book. For fans of Still Alice, this is another excellent novel by Lisa Genova.

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I picked Lisa Genova's "Every Note Played" because it was a deeply personal story for me, since my Father had ALS. He passed away in 2000, and I wanted to see if this book would show the advancements in treatment and improvement in aids for people living with this most horrible disease. The book did so much more, as I continued to draw parallels in the lives of Richard, Karina and Grace and my family. The book is beautifully written, and very honest. Even though it stirred up many emotions, I am so glad I read it, and I feel others without my history will be glad they read it too. Thank you NetGalley for giving me an ARC to read and review.

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Every Note Played is a beautifully written book that tugs on the heartstrings. It is obvious that Lisa Genova has done her research about the debilitating and deadly disease of ALS. She manages to intertwine a story of a broken marriage where each one blames the other for breaking the marriage and finds no fault within themselves. When ALS strikes one of them and the other is tasked with caring for them as the end draws near, they just may find who really is to blame and maybe they can forgive before it is too late.

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A heartfelt insight about the ravages of ALS. You expect the ending, yet still are surprised. It gave me hope that humans are better people than we sometimes think.

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First, thank you to NetGalley, Threshold/Gallery, and Lisa Genova for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All I can say is - Wow!! This book gripped me from the moment I started and kept me engrossed (and up late) throughout. I have read most of Lisa Genova's books and have enjoyed them all, this one included. Last Note Played is about Richard, a celebrated classical pianist and what happens to him, his career, and his estranged family when he is diagnosed with ALS. It gives you an inside, heart-wrenching look at the disease and its effects on the one suffering from it and those around him. I was moved to tears by the end of the book. However, the story is also uplifting as it deals with issues of family, forgiveness, and realizing what is truly important in life. The characters were portrayed realistically - all with strengths, but also weaknesses. This book provides insight into this debilitating and horrible disease and I hope it acts to spur on more research towards a cure.

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Every Note Played by Lisa Genova. It is the mark of a great author who can take three basically unlikely characters and bring you to a point of tears over their trials and tribulations and endings. Learned quite a bit about ALS that was previously unknown to me. Also some theories of classical music which has it's own healing effects.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Another virtuoso performance by Lisa Genova. This book, about a concert pianist who contracts ALS, is the most difficult to read of her books. Halfway through I wasn’t sure that I could finish it. The disease is progressive and devastating.
The book then shifted to a family dynamic involving forgiveness and healing from past hurts. The ending of the book is very powerful.
Having watched a good friend succumb to ALS, I know how devastating the disease is. Lisa Genova did an especially good job of capturing on paper the slow and awkward speaking of a person with advanced ALS.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a prepublication version of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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