Member Reviews

Wow....Lisa Genova does it again. Some people may think Lisa writes about an illness and that's true. But Lisa puts such a human side to the whole ordeal that the information in enlightening and very heartfelt. She gets the perspectives from the patient, the family, and the caregiver just right. The reader feels everything they are feeling. Love her writing! She doesn't disappoint.

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I started this book on a beach in Maui--and ended it the same afternoon.

Genova had me spellbound with her matchless prose and her heartbreaking--yet somehow inspiring story. Her writing is thick, descriptive and crisp, keeping me in the moment and needing to know what happened to each character with every paragraph. She elevates and illuminates ALS, weaving in redemption and self-discovery along the way.

This book is amazing and it will definitely stay with me--and has already impacted me personally. I'm off to find the ALS donor page referenced in the acknowledgements.

Brava Lisa Genova!

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I liked this book but it is such a sad disease. It was hard to read about these two unhappy people . I guess three people including the daughter. I want a cure so bad for this. You are a great writer but this was a just sad subject matter.

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**Big thanks to NetGalley for a digital copy to review!**

Richard is a brilliant pianist, and all the things that go with that. Yup, he's the narcissist that you love to hate. His ex-wife, Karina is also a brilliant pianist from Poland. She's much easier to love, but she has her issues, too.

His world is knocked over when he is diagnosed with ALS. Actually, he doesn't really get depressed until his right arm is paralyzed.

Karina takes him in and helps care for him when she discovers he is completely alone in the world with this disease. Is she hoping to absolve her guilt? Will Richard make things right with Karina and his daughter before it's too late?

I couldn't put this one down. Lisa Genova is a brilliant author, she knows just how to pull you and push your buttons. That's right, I cried a few times.

Wonderfully paced, and it held my attention non-stop.

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Every Note Played is a tremendous book that deals with ALS and the complicated relationships among people. I feel like I just went through the wringer with Richard and Karina. They are both so flawed and yet who among us isn't? I learned so much about ALS. I can't imagine the horror of losing control of your body bit by bit and still wanting to go on. Lisa Genova never disappoints in weaving wonderful stories while educating us about difficult medical conditions. This is a must read!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Threshold Books for providing me with an ARC of Lisa Genova’s newest novel Every Note Played.

Lisa Genova is the perfect conductor of pulling heartstrings and taking the reader on a symphonic journey of emotions. I went from strongly disliking smug, self absorbed concert virtuoso Richard to full on bawling and rooting for him as the pages turned.

Every Note Played highlights the debilitating process the patient and family goes through from diagnosis through logistics until life and death decisions. It’s a cruel disease and Lisa Genova writes it as such.

I especially appreciated the character of Bill, Richard’s loving, kind, big hearted, humorous home health care aide who provides so much physical and emotional strength to both Richard and his ex-wife Karina.

Make sure to have the tissues handy and make sure to read the author’s notes and acknowledgments (you’ll probably need more tissues).

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This was such an educational look at life with ALS. What an absolutely awful disease. My heart aches for the individuals that are living with ALS.

I loved that Lisa Genova used a pianist as the focus of this book. To use so much of your body for your career and then to have it ripped from you. To slowly lose the ability to do the thing you love most in life. Gut wrenching.

Richard and Karina's story is beautiful and heart breaking. Both if them feel so wronged by the other. To spend so much of your life blaming someone else for your unhappiness is disease in itself. It was clear to me that both Richard and Karina still had strong feelings for each other. Karina taking Richard in when he had no where else to go, giving up her life essentially to care for him. In living together again it was easy to see that they would each come to realize their own responsibility in their unhappiness.

My heart broke at the end of this book. It had me weeping and wiping away tears to finish and not blur the words. I love Lisa's books. I have read all of her books and always feel I have learned something in addition to reading a wonderfully written novel.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Threshold, Pocket Books

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Karina finds out just by chance that her estranged ex-husband and famous concert pianist (Richard) has ALS. When she sees how quickly he's deteriorating, she ends up taking care of him. Like in Still Alice with Alzheimer's, Genova writes in a way that let's the reader feel the pain, indignity and hopelessness of what it's like for someone suffering from these terrible diseases.

Not only does Genova do such a good job illuminating all the different aspects of the disease, she is a great fiction writer as well. Her characters seem so real and their flaws make them believable and empathetic. Richard was a pretty much a jerk, but to watch him go become helpless and paralyzed by ALS was painful and heartbreaking to read. Karina wasn't perfect either. I wanted to shake her out of her lethargy and martyrdom. While the subject matter is hard to take at times, especially if you know someone who has suffered or is suffering from ALS, I commend Genova for not sugarcoating anything. This is a powerful and engrossing story.

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I love this author. I think she takes inside of diseases we wouldn’t normally delve into. She makes them real and relatable. Every time I read one of her books I think she will never top this but... of course she does. This book is nothing short of brilliant. Can’t wait for the next one. I can only give 5 stars but it deserves so many more!

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Whoa. I couldn't sleep last night, so I picked this up and finished it at 3:30am. As I put my iPad down, I continued to sob as quietly as I could to not wake my husband. Blah. I don't remember the last time I cried when reading a book. This book touched me. BUT, I didn't like how it touched me.

I love, love, love Lisa's writing. Love it. However, even within that, I didn't think this one had enough build up. It felt like it went immediately into doom and gloom. Then, it just got deeper and deeper in Richard's failures -- body, mind and soul. I understand that this was about just that. That's what ALS does. It's beyond miserable. I can't think of any pleasant diseases, though, can you?

So, ultimately, I learned an incredible amount about ALS and respect Lisa's diligence in getting it out into our hands. This is not a joyful story, but a very plausible one. Sometimes those are the most difficult to read.

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I always enjoy reading a Lisa Genova novel, Both heartbreaking and informative, this novel takes on the topic of a concert pianist who develops ALS. I always feel so much more informed after reading one of Genova's books. This book made me feel I was living with Richard, Katrina and Grace. I had tears in my eyes during the ending but it w as worth it,. Thank you to the publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book definitely lived up to previous books by Lisa Genova. While it is the heartbreaking story of a concert pianist gradually losing his ability to play, as well as to perform even basic activities of daily living, it was also the story of a family managing to come back together and forgive the past under very difficult circumstances. I hated to see the story conclude, and wished that there could be a different ending for Richard.

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Lisa Genova always manages to teach us so much — about illness, about life, and about relationships. This time, she tackled ALS, which I've know of, of course, but didn't know how quickly and how debilitating it could be.
This story is sad, yes, but this is also a novel of love, courage, second chances, responsibility and family. I liked getting a look into the hardships of caregivers, the fear of failing, and the amazing people who make this their career. It is humbling, scary, and emotionally engages the reader. Genova is an author who does her research and brings to us things that need to be seen, that aren't always. And by doing so, both informatively and personally, she has created another unforgettable story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Gallery/Scout Books for an ARC of Every Note Played. Lisa Genova writes with so much respect and compassion, that even a book about living with ALS is beautiful. I learned a lot from reading this book and I would recommend it to everyone.

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Richard and Karina are the main characters of this new book. Newly divorced, they are both pianists who met at school and quickly married. At first Richard, the more famous of the two, thinks he just has tendinitis. He is then diagnosed with ALS and instead of telling anyone he goes into denial. By the time he loses both of his arms Karina has discovered and accepts the fact that he must come back and live at their family home. What follows is his quick decline and their changing relationship with each other and their 18 year old daughter. I didn't know much about ALS, I'm not sure many do past the ice bucket challenge, and I learned so much. I highly recommend this poignant story.

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Once again, I learned a great deal reading this novel. It was heart-wrenching and beautiful. Lisa Genova is an athor I often recommend. The feedback from patrons is always heartfelt gratitude.

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Gripping and tender and real. Gritty and passionate and honest. There are so many words to describe all the emotions this book evokes. Most of all, though, it draws back the curtain on an experience most of us could never imagine. Yes, it's a tough read, but oh so worth it.

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Every Note Played is another masterpiece by Lisa Genova. It is the heartbreaking story of Richard, a world reknown pianist, who is diagnosed with ALS at the height of his career. As the disease progresses, Karina, his ex-wife is the only real choice to be a care giver for him. Their relationship is at the forefront in this story...both with each other and with their daughter. Will they be able to reconcile before Richard draws his last breath? A compelling novel, which grips you from the first page to the last.

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Beautifully written, this book left me a sobbing mess. I fell in love with each of the main characters, and my heart broke as their story was unveiled. ALS is a horrific disease. This book will be one that will stay with me forever.

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