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Twist of Faith

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Member Reviews

I would like to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book even though I did not finish this book.

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Oh those family secrets and lies. This is not the most original of plots but the characters are sympathetic. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Ava, a woman in her early twenties, has just lost her adoptive mother Claire. After Claire’s death, Ava begins to investigate where she came from and how she ended up with Claire. She turns to her friend Joanne who also involves Russell, a local detective.
This was a fabulous series debut and it had many twists and turns. For a large portion, I was stumped about who did what which is always a good thing with a mystery. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series to see where it goes next - there was just enough of a cliff hanger to keep me wanting more.

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Predictable, boring and similar story to other books out there! I was hoping for something different but was sadly disappointed!

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My Thoughts:

I've really been into reading mystery/thrillers lately. One of my favorite things to do lately has been to pop on my headphones, and listen to audiobooks of them while I do dishes, or generally clean around my apartment. I had heard great things about Twist of Faith, so I decided to pick it up. Unfortunately, I really disliked it. I ended up DNF'ing the book at 45%.

I had such high expectations for Twist of Faith. It's almost always on Amazon's Movers and Shakers list. I had also heard great things about it from some Goodreads reviewers. Unfortunately, it just wasn't for me. I tried listening to the audiobook, and reading the ebook. Either way I chose to consume the story, I was incredibly bored. It felt like nothing of great importance was happening, and the writing style had me wanting to start skimming the book. I also didn't care about any of the characters, which is very unusual for me. Usually in a book, I can make a connection to at least one of the characters, even if they're minor. At a little before 45%, something very important happens in the story line, although next to no detail is given about it. When that didn't shock me, or make me feel again, I knew it was time to give up and move on to a different book.

It makes me so sad that I didn't enjoy Twist of Faith at all. I know a lot of people did, but it's apparently just not my thing. I wanted to like it so much. Unfortunately, I just ended up finding it boring, and couldn't connect with any of the characters. I'm not sure I will try any more of this author's books in the future due to how much I disliked this one.

I give Twist of Faith: 1/5.

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Ava Saunders was found 23 years ago, wrapped in a yellow blanket, and left at the doorstep of the Holy Saviour Catholic Church and was later adopted.

Her adopted mother and family would never answer questions about her birth, her abandonment, and her natural parents. Now that her adoptive mother has died, Ava is looking for the answers that have always evaded her.

Ava has found a photograph ,,, so far non-threatening ... showing an open door. When Ava locates the house, she finds that the two people living there were brutally murdered.

And there have been more deaths.. with one thing in common ... the Church. And who is the man who is following her? And who wants her dead?

This is a terrific mystery. I liked the characters, and the story premise is a good one. A few twists and turns along the way ... and a major surprise ... will keep you riveted to the pages. The one drawback is there is a cliff hanger. Good news .. the second book in this series, ABSOLUTION is already available.

Many thanks to the author / Thomas & Mercer / Netgalley for the digital copy of this Crime Mystery. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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I found this narrative to be very in the moment and topical. It got to the heart of what abuse can do to a person deep down, and how it shapes a persons life. I look forward to where the author will take the story line.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

The plot was good but this was the type that you really need to pay attention to. I enjoyed the family secret aspect of it.

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I really enjoyed this one. I found some of the chapters vague, but I think that was to throw the reader off a little. The ending wasn't really much of one so hopefully there will be a sequel.

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I wasn't sure if this would be too thriller-y. There is a bit of bad language and a bit of gruesomeness but not too bad. I wasn't a big fan of the changing points of view, but Ava's search for the truth about her past was interesting.

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I would give this book a 2.5 star rating.

This book started off really well for me, I was intrigued by the mystery and interested to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately, for me the story went steadily downhill. I found the mystery to become increasingly complicated and confusing, I was not invested in any of the characters, I found the constant shifts in perspectives from third person to first person confusing, I also didn't enjoy the ending.

Unfortunately, this was not the book for me.

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I received this as a free galley from NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer, but all opinions are my own.

A Twist of Faith is a thriller-mystery that surrounds its’ main character, Ava Saunders. Following a weird photo she found in her adopted mother’s stuff, she begins to question herself of who she really was. Was she really adopted when she was a baby? Who killed the owners of the house in the photo?

“After the death of her adoptive mother, Ava Saunders comes upon a peculiar photograph, sealed and hidden away in a crawl space. The photo shows a shuttered, ramshackle house on top of a steep hill. On the back, a puzzling inscription: Destiny calls us.

Ava is certain that it’s a clue to her elusive past. Twenty-three years ago, she’d been found wrapped in a yellow blanket in the narthex of the Holy Saviour Catholic Church—and rescued—or so she’d been told. Her mother claimed there was no more to the story, so the questions of her abandonment were left unanswered. For Ava, now is the time to find the roots of her mother’s lies. It begins with the house itself—once the scene of a brutal double murder.

When Ava enlists the help of the two people closest to her, a police detective and her best friend, she fears that investigating her past could be a fatal mistake. Someone is following them there. And what’s been buried in Ava’s nightmares isn’t just a crime. It’s a holy conspiracy.”

The writing was exceptional, I loved the twists and turns and the ultimate ending. What I absolutely liked about it was it involved the reader into what was happening. It does get confusing during the first few chapters as the book changes POV of different characters, but you’ll get used to it. It’s a fast read, mostly because you can’t put it down. It was definitely a good read.

Ava was a mystery herself, so it was fun reading what happened to her and who she really was. It was a trip. Most of the characters had their own secrets and it’s intriguing how they became prisoners of the things they’re keeping. Most of the characters were thought out except for the best friend. I wanted more of her. lol.

Would I get this book for a friend? Yes!

Would I recommend this book? Yes!

4.5 stars out of 5.

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TWIST OF FAITH certainly held my attention. It is a twisty tale when a lot of surprises. The main character, Ava, is searching for her roots - she knows she was adopted, but the story surrounding it doesn't ring true. when she finds a photo that brings forth memories, she starts to investigate. With the help of her coworker, Joanne, and Russell, a detective in the prosecutor's office, Ava goes on a hunt for her origins. It quickly becomes obvious that his is a dangerous mission - people have died to protect it. Green pulls us into the story and then whips us around as things we thought we knew are false and not everyone is who they seem. It was an exciting read, but I was troubled by some holes in the plot that remained unresolved. I couldn't tell if Green might be setting this up for a sequel.

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This book was great! I loved the shorter chapters and different character point of views. This book was very well written. I would call it more of a mystery than a thriller, but defiantly kept my attention the entire time. Thank you for letting me read this. I would recommend it for sure!

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Twist of Faith is a very convoluted mystery written by author Ellen J. Green. I definitely didn't see the ending coming. There must be a sequel. Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for the advance copy

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Very good, kept me guessing til the very end, Characters were well developed, written very well. Thanks for the ARC!

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4 stars

Twenty-three year old Ava Saunders has returned to the home of her adoptive mother. She has never been very kind to Ava. The woman is very ill and soon passes away. Going through her belongings, Ava finds an old picture of a house. The front door is open. Ava becomes obsessed with finding the home and does. A neighbor happens by and tells her about the house and how two people were bludgeoned to death inside. Why did Ava’s mother have this picture? What does it have to do with her? Is this where she lived?

Ava works at the local courthouse as a translator. She has a gift for languages. A friend also works there. Her friend suggests she speak to the investigator who also works at the courthouse. He is a handsome man who agrees to surreptitiously look into the case of the two murdered people in the house. He is then run down by a car. A trail of bodies is left in Ava’s wake. Who is doing the killings? Ava also has a surviving Aunt who is a nun. She is not telling Ava everything she knows.

What follows is Ava’s search for identity and truth. Ava, her friend and the detective are being followed by a mysterious older man who is out to kill them all.

This is a well written if a little confusing novel. It tends to break off here and there so the reader has to figure out who is talking and where they are in the story. I didn’t care all that much for the ending as I don’t care too much for unfinished stories. This is my first book by Ms. Green and I immediately went to Amazon to check out her other novels.

I want to thank NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for forwarding to me a copy of this book to read and enjoy.

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Twenty three year old Ava, has come home to her ill adoptive mother, Claire. Knowing that the family holds the key to her real birth mother, she has never gotten an answer to her questions and hopes answers will come as Claire's illness takes hold of her. Finding a picture of an old house with its door open, Ava sets out to uncover the secrets her family has bee harboring all these years.

Along the way, Ava gains the trust and support of two colleagues from the courthouse, where she works as an interpreter. All she wants is to unravel the secret of the door and find out her birth mother's name and who she really is.

As we often see in families, lies, deception, and secrets can tear families apart. But the story of this family takes things to a whole new level. While well written I couldn't put this book down once I got into it, I have to say that it was not love thanks to a less than satisfying ending. Overall it is a good read and will keep you in suspense.

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This book had me baffled until the very end! I always appreciate a book that keeps you guessing, because how fun is it to figure out the culprit when you have half a book left? Twist of Faith is the story of Ava, who comes across a photo of a house where two people were brutally murdered. Adopted as a young girl, she is certain that this house holds the answers to her past. She starts investigating, and the reader is taken on a wild ride. I enjoyed this book- the short chapters, the multiple viewpoints, the twists and turns. I thought the ending tied things up nicely and leaves the reader with an excellent cliffhanger, paving the way to a sequel. I'm completely on board for a sequel, I thought this book was great! Thank you @amazonpublishing and @netgalley for this advance reader in exchange for my honest review

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This is not a highbrow book with lyric prose and finely drawn characters. It is, however, a fast, fun mystery full of twist and turns that keeps you guessing. The primary focus is Ava, a young woman who was found in a church and adopted and raised by an inexplicably cold mother. Ava has always felt there was more to her story, and is on a quest to find the truth of her origin. Throw in old friends from parochial school that keep turning up dead (one of whom is Ava's grandfather), her adoptive mother's strange death, polaroid pictures that predict the next victim, a handsome cop, an unlikely nun, and a trusty sidekick, and you have all the ingredients for a fine mystery. This was a fast paced and plot-driven and kept calling me back every time I set it down. Unfortunately, the ending falls a bit flat and doesn't surprise as much as you hoped it would. Overall though, a fun way to spend a few hours. Thanks Netgalley and publishers for providing an electronic copy of this book!

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