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Haunted Blade

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This review is really hard for me to write. This is a series that I’ve followed and loved since book one, Blade Song, which I read back in 2012. Kit Colbana was a kickass heroine that fans of Kate Daniels would really love. Kit is a unique character. She is half Aneria, a race descended from the Amazons and half human. Her mother died when she is young. Her grandmother raises her, but sees Kit as her mother’s downfall. She frequently has Kit beaten and starved.

Anyway, Kit escapes. She moves to Orlando, which has a large NH, or non-human, population. She quickly befriends many of the different supernatural creatures. She’s friends with shifters and witches. Independents quickly learn to trust her. She works with some of the vampires, though they are a tough group to get along with. There are also fae and others.

The first four books in this series, I really loved (though book four has a huge cliffhanger). I even listed it in one review as, “most underrated urban fantasy series”. Then book five came out. I wasn’t able to get a ARC of book five, so I grabbed it on release day from Amazon. I quickly started to read it and was very disappointed in the editing. There were issues everywhere and the first two-ish chapters were very confusing. Overall, I still enjoyed the story, though the editing issues drew me out of the story.

I was able to get an ARC from NetGalley for this book and quickly started it. However, I quickly noticed a bunch of editing issues.

Damon dropped a kiss on top of my and I could feel his amusement.

They’d been doing to me more and more lately.

But this is an unfinished ARC. So I decided to go and buy the book. I was so hoping that it would be better. And it was. I looked at the two issues mentioned above and they were both fixed (there were several others, I just listed these as examples). However, there are still several issues.

For instance, there is a scene where Kit is going to talk to some witches about this really big thing. Witches from all the groups were there and even some independent witches were there. They were all gathering to hear her tell them about it. There is this big build up and then nothing happens. The speech is over and she’s leaving.

As he swung around to face the group, I swallowed my shock and smoothed out my features.
That was a story I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.
I guess we all had issues.

Then it was over. Nothing about her talking to them. Really nothing about their reactions. There was this whole thing with her threatening the shifters that they were going to have to help. Nothing here about that. Just move on with the story.

There are also a few of the editing issues that I mentioned before that weren’t fixed in the copy that I bought. Nothing as bad as the ARC, but I just kept finding myself rereading sections to make sure i was reading it right.

It makes me sad to write this review. It makes me even sadder that I couldn’t finish the book. I made it all the way to 40%, but I just couldn’t get myself to keep going. I kept putting it off and that was when I knew it was time. Letting the book sit isn’t going to help it or me. This isn’t just a mood thing, which happens.

I do still highly recommend the first three books in this series. The second book is truly amazing. While, I enjoyed the fourth book there is a big cliffhanger and since I wouldn’t recommend the fifth book, it might be best to not attempt the fourth. Maybe the author has updated it, but after reading this one, I don’t know.

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Already a fan of Daniels, this was yet another winner! Thank you J.C. and I hope you keep them coming!

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This is a good sequel the other of the series. It had been a long time coming. I look forward to more.

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Kit is a very complex character with a very tangled past—and sometimes present—that never ceases to amaze me even after 6 books. I haven't always loved each and every book, but I always enjoyed them and HAUNTED was one of the better ones.

There was a lot happening in HAUNTED BLADE. There was plenty of action, plenty of overall story development and plenty of twists. The suspense was pretty consistent from front to back and I can't even begin to tell you how many feelings—good and bad—each scene invoked. I wish the pace would have been a little smoother and there were a few points in HAUNTED BLADE where the scenes were a little choppy, but overall I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

As for the ending of HAUNTED BLADE all I have to say is what just happened? Is it really ending there? How long do I have to wait to find out what will happen next? Ahhhhh I definitely need more.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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First, let me say how much I enjoyed a strong female main character. This is the first book from the series that I read (this is the 6th book from the Colbana Files series), and, while it would have been easier to grasp all the names and situations if i would have read the previous books, I didn't get lost (tho I have read that other people have, so if you are the type of reader who has tendency to get lost, you are now advised) and was able to enjoy the story fully. If anything, it made me want to read the whole series. The world building is fantastic. There are plenty of characters and not a single one feels alike, i really liked how J.C. Daniels was able to create very unique personalities for each one of them.

Haunted Blade is the story of Kid Colbana told from her perspective. She is a half-breed doing all kinds of jobs sent to her by the Assembly, an organization that deals with non-humans issues. As the story unravels, it becomes clear that all those happenings might be connected to something bigger going on and that she might be connected to them. This last fact brings back the ghosts from her past and she is once more forced to face them, only this time she is not alone.

Kid is such great and complex character, I liked her a lot. She is strong and independent but not without fears and a turbulent past that haunts her. Even so, the way she deals with adversity and pushes forward makes her admirable. She is petite and a half-breed with less powers than those around her, characteristics that would make her easy target for intimidation, but she doesn't bend and relies on her sharp words and reactive personality to stand on same ground with others. At times it feels like she overdoes it in order to stick with her "I can protect myself" attitude, but that is okay, she is not a flawless character and that makes her even more relatable.

This book has action, mystery, shape-shifters, vampires, witches, gore, steamy scenes and a lot of Kid's quirky sense of humor (which i wholeheartedly enjoyed). Cant wait to read more from her adventures.

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I was such a fan of the early books in this series, but the last Kit Colbana story was a bit of a train wreck. While this installment was head and shoulders above that one, it didn’t quite rise to the level I know these books are capable of.

I kind of expected this book to really bring Kit’s family and history to the forefront, and while it did advance that part of the story, it was not in the overt way I expected. Someone has orchestrated a master plan in the city to turn the supernatural community into chaos. The vampire houses are going nuts; it’s affecting the shifters. And it’s all tied somehow to a mysterious fae dude named Malcolm, who Kit is sure has ties to her grandmother.

Let me talk about what I liked first, because there were lots of good things going on here. First of all, the Kit and Damon love is going strong. This relationship is a great one and I enjoyed Damon staying front and center. I also really liked Doyle’s growth and that he is being incorporated more into Kit’s world. Big props for how many old characters make appearances… from Justin to TJ and more. But I think what worked best for me was how the author really evoked strong feelings from me as Kit faced some of her old demons. One of the things that has always been compelling about her character is how her broken pieces are never shied away from or ignored. They’re part of her and the only way she can get stronger is to meet them head-on. So big kudos there.

Unfortunately, there are still editing issues afoot. Not nearly to the degree as the last book, but at least a dozen or more mistakes jumped out at me. In the early books, I don’t think there were any at all. Another gripe: I know I said I liked the Damon and Kit relationship (and I do) but the two of them had a ton of throwaway sex here. By that, I mean they do it a lot, but the scenes are superficial. And finally, I found myself getting lost in some of the action. When the you-know-what hit the fan and all the violence was going down, I really didn’t completely understand what was happening. Maybe it was just me, but the action was unrelenting at one point… everyone was dying… and the characters were making all kinds of connections and I was just scratching my head, wondering what I was missing.

Despite my problems, I enjoyed the book as a whole. I am still very invested in Kit as a character. I want to see her break the chains of her past and to wipe the floor with her grandmother. And I want Damon by her side as she does it.

I will keep reading to see how it all ends.

Rating: B/B-

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Haunted Blade, by author J.C. Daniels, is the sixth installment in the authors Colbana Files. A little over a month has passed since the battle with Puck, the arrival of Kit's aunt Rana, and the loss of a friend. Now, even bigger threats lay in wait. As I am sure you aware, 3 years ago, Kit fled the island where she lived and settled in the Orlando area. After years of abuse & torture by her Grandmother & her aneira warriors, Kit took her mothers sword and ran as fast as she could. Since this is Kit's life we are talking about, absolutely nothing is easy.

Just when you thought Kit was safe from her Grandmother's wraith, it has become apparent that Fanis knows exactly where Kit is and has for sometime, and she will do almost anything to drag her wayward granddaughter back home to pay the penalties for trying to save herself. It's only a matter of time before Kit will have to face Fanis head on. But, until then, Daniels gives readers plenty to think about, including an ending that will blow you away. Kit is kept busy in this installment. From working for the Assembly, to being hounded by a creepy little bastard named Malcolm, to facing a nightmares from her past, to facing someone who shattered her body and soul and left her broken.

Kit is called to one of the only vampire houses that she can actually trust. Yes, there is residual hatred towards vampires for allowing one of their own to torture her and break her bond with her sword. Yes, there is even those who have no respect for Kit whatsoever after what happened to her a year ago. What she is told, however, leads to a call to arms, which leads to a discovery of something even more dangerous. Something straight out of nightmares is actually hunting and killing vampire masters. The why is pretty transparent if you've read this series.

Kit has other issues as well. Malcolm has an agenda, and that agenda puts Kits status as an Assembly member in jeopardy after she refuses to work for him. He begins his campaign of attempting to burn her status as a legitimate member of the Assembly to the ground, and the reason why, should also be apparent to readers of this series. How Kit got into this country, and ended up in Orlando is finally revealed, and that's a good thing since more information clears up unexplained plot holes. Which leads to a nasty SOB from Kit's past returning. One who hopes his very appearance will bring Kit to her knees.

But, Kit is no longer the shattered soul she was a year ago when she was tortured, raped, and kept prisoner. As they say, family isn't always what you've been born to. Sometimes, you have to find your own and claim it. She has eager friends friends like Justin, Rana, Colleen, Doyle, and Chang who are willing and able to stand by her side through the good times and bad. She has Damon, leader of the Cat shifters, and Kit's lover who is one of the more dangerous characters in this series. Even though I have serious issues at times with Damon, I am happy that he is in Kit's corner. Now, anyone who tries to come at Kit, will discover that she isn't the pushover who ran from the torture and abuse at her Grandmother's hands. She's not the frail, disconnected Kit we saw not too long ago after her experience with Jude. Rather, she's someone capable of taking care of herself.

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Haunted Blade, by J.C. Daniels, is the 6th book in her Colbana Files series.

Weeks after dealing with Puck, a heinous character, Kit Colbana is faced with another killer. Only this one brings up haunting memories of her past that she has long since tried to forget.

As the murders increase there's an imbalance of power among the vampire population in East Orlando. Kits worst enemy is set free to deal with this power struggle and Kit, no longer alone, must deal with him.

Kickass Kit and her thrilling paranormal world make this novel another suspenseful action-packed adventure.

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Kit Colbana’s back and she has another killer (or is it two?) on her hands which means she’s up to her eyeballs in thrilling suspense and drama.

The twists keep coming and I get a quite the adrenaline rush when I become immersed in Kit’s life, it’s full of adventure, action, drama, suspense and romance. The series is full of interesting characters and lots of magic, some good and some bad with Kit having to deal with it all while handling her personal angst and drama, which draws readers in and refuses to let go.

Between her love with life with the sexy cat and her evil family, Kit’s life is quite exciting, but when you add in her job and The Assembly, you get lots of twists and excitements and this time is no different, the vampires are mixing things up and what’s more, her nemesis being released just may be her last straw. The story is fast paced with the action and drama being a roller coaster ride of thrills throughout the book, which keeps the reader on the edge and the suspense has readers biting their nails wondering if Kit’s going to come out on top. Her magic is adding a few surprises to Kit’s arsenal and the repertoire between Kit, her companions and her enemies are full of snark and attitude.

Kit may have lots of enemies but she also seems to be gaining allies which hints there is much more to come in Kit’s life, especially since some of those allies have her questioning their motives and wondering just what they are up to. I can’t wait to find out what happens next, especially as it seems the big bad grandmother is going wreck even more havoc in Kit’s life.

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I recently recommended this book in an If You Love This… post, now, after reading the sixth book in the series, I definitely stand by my recommendation. Kit Colbana hasn’t had life easy and in the latest book life decides to come back and kick her in the teeth again. There are mounting threats from her evil grandmother, a menacing presence in the Assembly and lingering trauma from her abuse at the hands of Jude, the vampire who kidnapped abused and raped her. Only, unlike before, she now has friends at her back who are willing to back her up and do whatever it takes to protect her. Especially a certain alpha cat. Not to mention the witches and even some of the vampires have her back. Now Kit just needs to learn to accept it.

I really liked Haunted Blade there are so many things that appeal to me about this book and this series. I love the heroine and the characters surrounding her and I love the world. Nothing changed about that when I read this. But, before I start singing their praises I need to get the negative out the way.

The plot for this one seemed a little slammed together and jumpy. It didn’t smoothly transition from thing to the next. Things would just…happen and I would happily go along for the ride. I would be in one place with Kit, to suddenly jump somewhere else abruptly and I wouldn’t realise until a paragraph in that the scene had changed. Now some of this may be because I had an ARC and it isn’t all perfectly set up with line breaks etc to let a reader know that scene has ended and another one has begun. However, I believe even with those indicators sometime a scene felt unfinished. Basically, Haunted Blade seemed to have lost some of the polish present in the previous books.

Although the above points stopped me from giving me top stars, that didn’t mean that I didn’t really enjoy this book. The characters and relationships within the Kit Colbana series are really strong and in the case of Haunted Blade it carried the book. Especially Kit, she’s been through a lot in her life, not much of it good and Daniels does a great job of infusing her books with genuine emotional pain and trauma. I’m not a fan of angst in general, all the whining just annoys me, but Daniels manages to do it in a way where it feels less like angst and self-pity and more like real life pain.

Even though this wasn’t the best in the Kit Colbana series, it was still a really good book. Full of action and emotion and all the characters we have come to know and love (or loath) throughout the series. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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Haunted Blade starts of with Kit and Doyle just finishing a job for the Assembly. On their way back to the Lair, they run into Malcolm, a fae, who wants Kit to do a job for him. Kit refuses to do the job because she doesn’t trust him which is why she’s been trying to avoid him. However, in their next encounter, Kit soon learns that Malcolm might be working with the person Kit has been escaping from, her grandmother. Its not just Malcolm, other events occur and the timing can’t be a coincidence to Kit. As always, Kit is determined to save everybody on her own while facing her past. Yet, this Kit is not the same Kit we met in Blade Song, Kit is stronger now and this time she has friends and allies who she can count on to have her back.

Overall, Haunted Blade was an emotional action packed adventure from beginning to end just like the previous installments of the Colbana Files series. Definitely another well written book. One thing that I enjoyed about Haunted Blade is we get to see almost all the characters we have met throughout the series in the same book. Of course, that includes a certain character that we all hate but don’t worry about that since he gets his just deserts. The only negative thing about Haunted Blade is it ends in a cliffhanger. Not just any cliffhanger but one that will leave you slam your hand on a table and demand the next novel. At least that’s what I did. Though seriously, beware of that cliffhanger!

*I received Haunted Blade from Shiloh Walker Inc via Netgalley in return for an honest review.*

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First of all, this is a series that is best read in order. Haunted Blade is book 6 of the Kit Colbana saga. While I have read some of the series, I had somehow missed book 5. This story takes up where that one leaves off. J.C. Daniels does a wonderful job trying to catch the reader up but that is difficult to do. So I feel to get the most out of this urban fantasy, start at the beginning and read on.

Fans of this series will enjoy the shades of the past that come back to haunt Kit. She is close to something sinister without understanding it or even knowing why. A closer look at the vampire houses, Kit’s nemesis back on the scene and other monsters as well make this a crazy, action-packed read. Vampire politics add to the unsettling world of Kit. There is no rest for the weary especially Kit.

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Review will post 10/2/2017. I will add link when review posts.

The sixth installment of the Colbana Files sees Kit once again fighting off foes right and left. It’s been roughly a year and a half since the release of Shadowed Blade, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting to see what comes next for Kit as well as Damon, Justin, and well everyone. Doyle, Chang, Colleen, just everyone I’ve grown to know and love.

On a personal front Kit seems to be doing well. She and Damon are in a good place and there is no doubt that they’ve worked through many of their problems. They are in love and protective of each other. On a professional front, Kit and Doyle are working as a team and are being sent out all over Orlando and beyond to handle any number of problems. Which is when they run into the mysterious Malcolm. They aren’t quite sure who or what he is, but they do know there is no way they are willing to work with him. He just feels wrong. Not too long after that confrontation a leader of a vampire house willingly let’s himself fade and die, but not before he summons Kit to him to let her know to get the word out that shit is about to hit the fan. And it does when several other powerful vampires heads are assassinated and a power vacuum hits the Orlando vampire population. Blood lust reins and Kit is called out by the Assembly to put down any that even show an inkling of being out of control. As you can imagine the shifters and witches don’t take too kindly to being left in the dark about just what is going on.

Admittedly, it took me a while to piece all these events together to what they actually meant. There is a lot going on and despite the feeling that it all felt jumbled, it all comes together at the end and I had that big aha moment. There were a lot of familiar faces, and I had to kind of go back and skim through the last five books to remind myself who everyone was and what parts they’ve played in the past. What I do know is that Kit has a lot of allies willing to take her back in any confrontation and it’s a damn good thing. Something big is coming. Bigger than any of the events of the past five books, and she just might be in the right place and frame of mind to finally deal with it.

In Haunted Blade Kit finally comes face to face once again with Jude. Yes, he’s still a monster. But there are hints that he might even be a bigger monster than we’ve all seen. He has a part in not only Kit’s past, but it seemed like maybe Damon’s as well. What kind of left me a reeling, and a bit agitated if I’m being honest, is his sudden appearance and the adrenaline fueled, blood soaked last 20% that left me with more questions than answers. Because, damn it, I know it’ll be a while before the next book and now I’m dying to find out what comes next.

This isn’t my favorite installment in this series, but it was solid and I did very much enjoy my time back in this world and with these characters. I’m already looking forward to the next book in this series.

Favorite Quote:

“You are stronger than every single blood sucker you’ll see in there, Kit.” He covered my chest with his hand, the heel of it pushing down until I felt my heart bumping against his touch. “In here. Now if I need to pick a fight with you and make you mad so you don’t go in there shaking, I will. But I think you can control it on your own.”

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3.5 stars

I'm a huge fan of this series so I loved the chance to dive back into Kit's world and see what's going on with her now. Her relationship with Damon is stronger than ever so she's in a pretty good place personally but things in Orlando aren't running quite as smoothly. It starts with the murders of powerful vampires from several of the largest houses and the power vacuum causes a lot of the younger vampires to lose control resulting in a number of killing sprees. As the bloodlust spreads more vampires are drawn to the area and it's not long before the situation is dire.

This instalment gives us a chance to learn more about Kit's background as a face from her past puts in an appearance and it looks like her grandmother has finally decided that it's time to come after her because there are a few too many things coming at her for it all to be a coincidence. I have a feeling this is just the beginning though and we're obviously building up for a huge showdown in the next couple of books.

It's no secret that I love these books so it pains me to say this but I didn't enjoy this book quite as much as I hoped to. I really struggled in the beginning because the story didn't seem to flow very well and that made it very hard to get into. Some scenes seemed to just end halfway through and then you'd be dropped into the middle of another scene and there were several times when I found myself backtracking trying to figure out what I'd missed. That was something completely unexpected from this author because I've never had that problem with any of the previous books. It did improve a lot in the second half though and at that point the pace picked up a lot and I found myself swept away in the story. This may not be the strongest instalment but it was still an enjoyable read and there were a lot of interesting revelations that have set things up nicely for the series going forward.

I'm definitely looking forward to the next book and I'm hoping we're going to start to discover even more about Kit's family as we go on.

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3.5 Stars
I guess somehow,I missed book 5 of this series, but I was able to keep up, I think. I love this world, and for the most part I really enjoy the characters. But in this book I felt like there was too much against Kit. She seemed to be trying to warm up or snap out of a fugue state half of the time. I wanted her to be a little stronger (not to say I could if I had experienced what she did) and maybe not have quite so much going on, especially against her. Despite that I am still anxious to read the next installment.

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Haunted Blade, J.C. Daniels

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy, Romance

I love this series but somehow I missed the last book...don't know how that happened? So many books, so little time...
Still, it didn't affect this installment for me, I was able to keep up, even understood the references to what happened in that one because of the context. I might buy it and read when the series is finished. I love to do a whole back to back read of series, totally immerse myself. 

Kit's come a long way from book one, where she was so alone even though she had a very small group of trusted acquaintences. Now she has Damon, and through him the Cats, though many have become friends with her in her own right.
And she's well respected and has gained friends and allies that way from different groups of non-humans. No longer the isolated person she was back then, she's stronger both physically and mentally. That's good because Fate - or perhaps not Fate but Smeone directing things - has much in store for her. 

She's still recovering from her last brush with death when weird events start stacking up. She's not one to believe in co-incidences, and somehow all these supposed isolated events seem aimed at her.
Its a time when she really does need her friends and allies. Can she convince the others though that these events are connected, that its not just random crimes, mindless violence, but a concerted, orchestrated string of events with one aim in mind?
Trouble is she's not certain of what that is, who exactly is the enemy apart from her family, and mostly how on earth she can defeat them, when she begins to understand exactly who and what is pushing the power struggle. 

I love Kit, she's very genuine, has moments when she's bitchy, though with all the strain she's under she's very composed most of the time, a little letting out has to come.
She's been through so much and her murderous family don't seem to want to let her go. Its hard to understand who or what exactly they are, though as the books continue more comes out and I'm beginning to grasp it. 

Damon, he's perfect for her. Protective and yet he knows she doesn't want wrapping in a blanket, tucked away from danger - it's hard though as an Alpha and an alpha, to let her run into danger when he just wants to keep it from her.
He's learned though from the past, is a terrific support when she needs it, cheerleader and motivator when she needs it, and of course the closeness they have, not just the erotic sexual connection but that melding of minds, that two becoming one connection they have is getting deeper all the while.
That's important as she faces something she thought was years away, the release of some-one who she thought she wouldn't need to see for a long, long while. Sadly all the murders have brought the vampire population into chaos, and to prevent even more bloodshed the powers that be have decided he needs to be released early..... 

Its another great read, full of mayhem, murders, dangers, deceptions, plots, plans, it seems non stop at times and yet its inching closer to a kind of grand finale battle between her and her grandmother.
She's going to need every ally, every favour, every connection she's made these last few years if she's to stop a catastrophe.
We catch up with characters from earlier books and meet a few more new ones. The ending is a kind of cliffhanger, but given we've been expecting things to move in this direction from an early stage its not totally unexpected. 

Stars: Five, great read, fantastic series. 

ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers

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Thank you to Netgalley and Shiloh Walker Inc for an E-ARC of Haunted Blade.

Haunted Blade is another installment in the Colbana Files series. Just a warning if you haven't read the other's please do before reading this novel. The main character Kit Colbana is back for another battle against monsters and her grandmother. I have to say this novel had a little bit of a I already read this feel in places. If you have read this series before you won't be overly disappointed because J.C. Daniels keeps it moving, but it just felt like something was missing. Overall if you have invested in this series you won't be upset with this novel, but it is a filler.

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This is another great addition to this fantastic series. Love it.

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3.5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.

Haunted blade was so much better in every aspect that possible than the previous book. This story reminded me more of the earlier books in the series and I was glad because I loved those but it still not an amazing book.

What is really the most noticeable improvement compared to the previous book is that the writing cleared up considerably. As in Shadowed baled I simply couldn’t follow the storyline it is not true here. The writing is smoother and has a strange fluctuating dynamic so I don’t have a hard time to follow the events. I loved this aspect. Sure, the cohesion is still missing and personally I think the pace could have been a bit faster but I enjoyed it.
The plot is not the fastest and has a sluggish atmosphere to it which cleanly portrays Kit emotional state and it’s a really great effect to the book. Also, apart from the whole surprise threat and the race to stop it there is definitely more focus on the relationship between Damon and Kit too. I missed it from previous books so I was glad that it came back. The chemistry and the emotions came through cleanly and strongly which is also a great addition.

Kit in this story is down, tired and a bit depressed. She is stretching herself too thin in terms of trying to save everybody and at the same time trying to get over not just her childhood traumas but the one she got along her way too. She is broken and everything she kept in bay for years just overflows in this book. It was a new look for her, she is still a fighter and put herself in the line when it’s needed, she is strong and capable but in this book her vulnerable side shows too.

I really enjoyed this book especially after my disappointment in the previous one, it’s definitely an improvement compared to that. Also this story presents a lot of new sides not just to characters but to the world and Kit past too. I can’t wait for the next story which finally will bring the Amazons in focus. Still I couldn’t give it more starts because the tempo they solves these mysteries are really slow and the attention is a bit disoriented at times.

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Diving back into Kit's world reminded me how very much I enjoy her particular brand of crazy and I ended up picking up book 1 and rereading the whole shebang from the beginning. It was wild. It was intense. It broke my heart a little.

Through it all, it kept me completely enraptured.

This book gives us a deeper look into the vampire houses and Kit's past. As usual, things are just as insanely intense and bloody as any situation Kit finds herself in. Beyond all that, Kit's been told repeatedly that she's no longer alone as she fights against the things out there and I think it's finally starting to sink in. She's not alone. Not only does she have Damon and the cats, but she's helped so many others over the years that she has a virtual army willing to stand beside her if she needed them.

Given where she came from and what she had to go through to survive, this is huge for her.

This series kills me. In the best possible way, mind you. Kit and Damon fight and push and love hard enough to move mountains. Kit's place in the world might be one she clawed out by grit and sheer determination, but she has allies and a family by choice now who would do anything for her. All things considered, I think she's going to need all the help she can get down the road because she never takes the easy path when the lives of innocents are on the line.

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