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I Was Anastasia

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This was a really interesting book that took me some time to get into. It's written from two points of view, one going forward in time and the other going backward. Is she Anastasia? You have to get to the end to find out, and it' a wild read to get there!

I enjoyed this book, and recommend it.

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When the reader meets Anna Anderson, she is a worldly, grim old woman who has lived in palaces, hovels, and asylums; been hailed as royalty and ridiculed by skeptics. The only thing the reader knows for sure is that she claims to be Anastasia Romanov. Whether she is or isn’t is to be discovered as the author creatively reveals, disproves, and teases proof of Anna’s identity as she narrates her life — backwards. Each chapter reveals a slightly younger, less cynical Anna as we peel back the layers of who she is. This part of the story is in third person point of view.

Then there’s the other half of the story, interwoven with Anna’s: the story of Anastasia Romanov and the last eighteen months of her family’s life, told going forwards from first person point of view. Whether this makes the book a story of one woman or two is, of course, the mystery that can only be solved once the two narrative timelines meet at the end of the book.

I mention the changes in point of view because I don’t think it worked well. It’s complicated enough to have alternating chapters going backwards and forward; adding a POV switch as well just seems rude. (A short intro to the book in first person by Anna doesn’t help when you’re trying to find your footing with the POV shifts at the beginning of the novel.) It makes the book more confusing, and this story is best enjoyed if your mind is clear enough to pay attention to the little details on both sides of the story.

That said, aside from the POV shifts, the format of this book really is incredible. The backwards timeline means that Anna’s references to events in her past become clearer as the reader discovers that past in reverse order, while knowing what she goes through later in her life makes traveling back into her youth more meaningful. And the alternating “Anna” and “Anastasia” chapters let you compare Anna’s evidence to what really happened to the lost princess right up until the moment you find out the answer. You can constantly reexamine the evidence in the light of what each new chapter on both ends reveals.

On the down side, Anna(stasia?) is really the only character I connected with. As often happens with adult books, I found most characters pretty dull (and it took me a while to warm up to Anna). While the backwards format is interesting, it’s not conducive to focusing on secondary characters, so only Anna shows up in bright color. Anastasia’s chapters had their own interest, especially about the historical time period, but the romance bored me. It felt too obvious and Thomas was pretty bland. Putting more focus on the sister relationships might have been more interesting, since what was there was very powerful.

I Was Anastasia ended up impressing me, but it wasn’t obvious for most of the first half that it would. A great book for anyone who likes historical fiction and mystery and doesn’t mind a slow read, but the story's strengths come from its originality and when it tended toward the predictable it got boring.

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First Line - If I tell you what Happened that night in Ekaterinburg I will have to unwind my memory - all the twisted coils - ans lay it in your palm.

Summary - Russia, July 17, 1918: Under direct orders from Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevik secret police force Anastasia Romanov, along with the entire imperial family, into a damp basement in Siberia where they face a merciless firing squad. None survive. At least that is what the executioners have always claimed.

Germany, February 17, 1920: A young woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Anastasia Romanov is pulled shivering and senseless from a canal in Berlin. Refusing to explain her presence in the freezing water, she is taken to the hospital where an examination reveals that her body is riddled with countless, horrific scars. When she finally does speak, this frightened, mysterious woman claims to be the Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia.

Her detractors, convinced that the young woman is only after the immense Romanov fortune, insist on calling her by a different name: Anna Anderson.
As rumors begin to circulate through European society that the youngest Romanov daughter has survived the massacre, old enemies and new threats are awakened. With a brilliantly crafted dual narrative structure, Lawhon wades into the most psychologically complex and emotionally compelling territory yet: the nature of identity itself.
The question of who Anna Anderson is and what actually happened to Anastasia Romanov creates a saga that spans fifty years and touches three continents. This thrilling story is every bit as moving and momentous as it is harrowing and twisted.

Highlights - I loved Lawhon's idea of what the Royal families last months must have been like. She shows them as people who were raised very entitled, but who would do whatever they had to to get by.

Lowlights - I really can't think of any! This was one of those books that I would've loved to finish in one sitting, but I think you would really miss out on the atmosphere of the settings as they move through not only time, but more importantly to me, the seasons.

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The Grand Duchess Anastasia, has easily become the most famous of the Romanov royal family. Pampered, loved, princess, prisoner, missing person. She and her entire family were held in different locations, until one night, they disappeared entirely. Rumors began to surface that they had all been shot, and their bodies disposed of, but Russia was in war, and there was not enough man power, or willingness to look for them at the time.
A few years later, a young woman appeared who claimed to be the lost Anastasia, and the world exploded. Many believed her, many more did not. Court cases, interviews, movies, family members coming forward claiming she was someone else, but through it all the woman we called Anna Anderson stuck to her story that she was the lost princess Anastasia. True, she knew things that most people outside the royal circle would not know but that was not proof enough.
Until her death, she clung to the claim that she was Anastasia. She would not budge from her story, and she refused all offers of buy-outs from the existing Romanov family in Europe.

The story of Anastasia has long captured imagination, brought to life in numerous books and movies. But the true story behind the heartbreaking loss of the entire royal family was not put to rest until the 1990, and the early 2000's. While questions still remain, we know that none of the family made it out of the Ekaterinburg prison alive. The stunning performance by Anna Anderson, which lasted almost 50 years was not put to rest until several years after she herself had passed away.
While I enjoyed this read, I found it somewhat difficult at times to follow the extremely wonky timeline laid out by the author in the book. We were forwards, backwards, backwards some more, and then jumping forward, to fall backwards again. I found myself re-reading bits, to make sure that I had not missed anything, trying to piece all the information together. I have read on Anastasia before, but this almost felt more like a mish-mash of information, not as well laid out as it could have been. Still an enjoyable read, just be prepared for tangled webs, and the feeling of confusion as you read through.

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Thank you Doubleday and NetGalley for an advanced read in exchange for this review.

At first, I wasn't sure that I wanted to read this. It almost felt like the book was insulting the Romanov family and their horrible execution. However, Anna Anderson was a person with her own struggles and horrors. Lawhorn wrote those chapters with care. The chapters on the Romanovs could have been better, and it was confusing how one set was written backwards in time and the other was in chronological order. Still, an interesting book giving more insight into Anna Anderson.

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I Was Anastasia was the kind of book I immediately wanted to start over once I finished it. The structure didn't make sense to me until the very end, which made me question my interpretation throughout. Despite the frequently confusing nonlinear timeline, the story drew me in and kept me captivated until the end. Before picking up, I Was Anastasia, the totality of my understanding of the Romanov family came from my reading of Robert Alexander's The Kitchen Boy: A Novel of the Last Tsar (another great book!). I was unaware of the role Anna Anderson played in history, which placed me squarely in the "hope for a happy ending" camp. Rather than skip to the end or read the author's note, I turned to Wikipedia three-quarters of the way into the book! The ending was brilliant, and as I said in my opening line, it made me want to go back and read from the beginning. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Author's Note.

Bravo, Ariel Lawhon and thank you to NetGalley and Doubleday Publishing for the advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This novel starts by telling you that you will be angry with the storyteller at the end...then you are swept into the story of Anna Anderson, who allows people to believe that she is the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia, whose entire family was executed at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. But is she really? Many stories have been written about Anastasia over the close to 100 years since her family was murdered, and whether or not she survived. If you know the full story, you know how the book ends. If you don't you can easily find out, but I suggest you wait and be surprised. I enjoyed the book, although I found it difficult to follow with the way the timeline jumped around. It was a very somber read as I knew what the Romanov family faced and how the story ended.

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This book tells the alternating stories of Grand Duchess Anastasia (told chronologically forward) and Anna Anderson (told incrementally backward) until the overlap. A clever device particularly for a story whose conclusion is widely known. However, it didn’t fully work for me, getting choppy and convoluted in the middle.

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By far the best historical fiction title I've read in a long time! Not only is the story historically accurate, but the way it unfolds is unique and significantly adds to the plot and character development. Even though most readers today probably know how the book ends, before they even start it—Ariel Lawhon's masterful story telling will leave you cheering for, or jeering against one of the Anastasia's—which one is up to you!

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My background on the Romanov's was very limited prior to reading 'I Was Anastasia'. As a fan of historical fiction I was anxious to remedy that hole in my reading history.

The Good:
The book was meticulously researched. I could tell that Lawhon was invested in telling a well-crafted story. I enjoyed the writing style and it certainly held my interest. I had a hard time not falling into an "Everything Romanov" rabbit-hole (I resisted until I finished).

The Not-So-Good:
This story is told in reverse with dual timelines and multiple narrators. This made it very difficult for me to follow. It ended up being a distraction. I read an ebook version. Had I read a print version I would have had easier time flipping back and forth.

Thank you to NetGalley and DoubleDay Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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"I was Anastasia" by Ariel Lawhon tells the story of Grand Duchess Anastasia Romonov and Anna Anderson the woman who claimed her title. Going between the two characters we are left thinking perhaps they are ome and the same. This is a historical fiction novel where Anna gets to tell her story. I enjoyed this novel. It takes you in from the first page and is hard to put down. I kept wanting to read more.

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Interesting look at the Romanovs. It took some time to get used to the backwards timeline.

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I became a fan of Ms. Lawhon after reading The Wife, The Maid and the Mistress and Flight of Dreams so I was thrilled to see this new book. It definitely does not disappoint. I was Anastasia tells the story of Anastasia Romanov in her own words, or are they?

This story is well thought out. I knew nothing about Anastasia and the death of her family so this was an entirely new subject for me. I was completely intrigued and captivated up until the last page. The plot was well researched and the characters have depth. I felt as if I knew Anastasia, her family and others in her life. The only factor I found slightly disconcerting was the timeline of the story. I had to stay completely on top of the times or I became confused. It had storylines that started in the past and future and sometimes in the middle.

I give this book a very high recommendation. I totally enjoyed it and couldn’t put it down. The ending took me completely off guard. As any good historical fiction, this story has inspired me to do more research on this tragic family. This novel can be read and enjoyed by teen to adult readers.

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Hearbreaking. The book traces the life of Anastasia Romanov, allegedly the only survivor of a massacre during the Russian Revolution.
The book has two distinct timelines, and the ending is where they merge. The first main story is of an old woman who may or may not be Anastasia trying to reclaim what is hers. The second timeline is Anastasia and her family those miserable months leading up to their execution.
It was awful what the family went through, even if one doesn't agree with the politics. It is also part mystery novel. I found myself going back and forth on if the woman was or could be Anastasia herself.

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This fascinating piece of Russian history has been featured in books, movies, and documentaries for decades. Yet no one tells the story quite like Ariel Lawhon. When I finished the book, I sat in silence for over an hour processing the experience. This historical fiction novel reads more like historical suspense and is an emotional journey for the characters and the reader. Two alternating chronological accounts propel the narrative forward, one moving forward in time, the other backward. Suspense builds until the stories converge and the tension is released. The main character is not necessarily Anastasia, but her most famous imposter. The reader learns her history of trauma, suffering, and resilience. In the Author’s note after the final chapter, we learn more about the structure and choices the author made regarding historical facts, her soft spot for Anna Anderson, and why she felt compelled to write this story. We’ve known for decades DNA testing proved Anna as an imposter, yet I still found myself wanting to believe her, due to the author’s most delicate and brilliant handling of Anna’s story. Readers will notice the enormous amount of research the author invested in this project. One can imagine non-linear timelines add an extra layer of challenge to the writing process and certainly, it was delightfully challenging as a reader too. Before the first chapter and after the last, Anna Anderson addresses the reader. The first address, “Fair Warning” pulled me into the story immediately. The last address, “I Told You So” sent delicious chills up my spine. I believe the technique is called, breaking the fourth wall, and it felt desirably intrusive and intimate as a reader. I can’t say enough good things about this book. If you like historical fiction, mystery, suspense, and just really amazing writing- pick this book up and buddy read it with a fellow bookworm. You are going to want to talk about it!

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Told by alternating between two timelines, one which starts in 1917 at the Imperial village and residence at Tsarskoe Selo, and moves forward, and the second which starts in1970 Charlottesville VA and moves backward. Both converge on July 17, 1918 with the massacre of the Romanov family and their staff. The decline of the Romanovs and revolution, followed by the mystery and the legal proceedings, make this a compelling read, which leaves one to ponder the universal question---Did Anastasia survive? Even if you have read everything available about the Romanovs, this is an engrossing addition to you collection.

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The Romanov's... one of most mysterious tales in all of Russian History. Is she or Isn't she the Tzars daughter Anastasia Romanov? Like a photo album that has missing pages throughout its covers, I was Anastasia was told in gaps and back views, this non-linear story feels like said missing-paged photo album.

Ariel Lawhon does a marvelous job convincing you that Anna Anderson is absolutely Anastasia Romanov from heart-breaking journeys into exile, traumatic train rides, death-defying slaughters, and yet, you still have to wonder if anyone can survive what Anna Anderson claims she has.

The story is poetic, filled with all that you can imagine of tragedy but also, loving memories of family, friendship, and compassion from those who selfishly provide for Anna if only to gain notoriety and material wealth.

It did take me a while and sometimes still after the first 100 pages I tended to have to go back to keep the pages in order of timelines. However, when you reach the end of the story, you understand what the author is achieving.

This story is a must if you have ever wondered about Anna/Anastasia's identity.

I gave this book 4 stars.

I received this book courtesy of Double Day Books via NetGalley in lieu of my honest review.

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4.5 A Tale of Two Women Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free
Years ago when I was a teenager I saw the movie Anastasia with Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brenner. It captivated me. As I sat in my living room watching this Black and White film, everything about it was a wonder. The acting, the subtle romance between Yul Brenner and Ms. Bergman... I was hooked.

I then found Nicholas and Alexandra: An Intimate Account of the Last of the Romanov and the Fall of Imperial Russia. It was a 1967 biography of the last royal family of Russia by historian Robert K. Massie. I inhaled that and always wondered about what was the real story behind this Myth.

Ariel Lawhon has written a book which takes us on a journey of two women... they are on a collision course ...destined to converge at the end...It is done with a sure hand and may take a moment to see how all of this is happening... But Happening it is

The main focus is on the woman known as Anna Andersen and also the Royal Family Romanov during their last months. We have Anna's story told from her perspective... a long and hard life with insights of all those around her who made her journey difficult... but also possible...
We see how things were during all the years she was trying to receive the justice in recognition she so dearly wanted. We meet all the players...society's Grand Dames of the time who make her their house guest ...only to enjoy the notoriety...We go back in time with each important moment and see the manipulation by all... including Anna's...

And then there is the telling of the fall of the Romanov's through Anastasia's eyes. Her love of her family and her place in it. Her ability to see what is happening before most of them. The telling of the hardships they learn to endure. The fight to hold on when everything is crashing around them....

This story is done in such a way where you are given enough fact mixed with some of the author's admitted mixture of characters to want to know more. Anna was a hard person to feel for as Anastasia was someone to love...Yet both play off each other and in order to have the full story... this way to telling it was very unusual...It kept you wondering and so you kept reading... even though you do have much of it already in your mind...

I shall always love the Ingrid Bergman movie...and since it and many of the books out there were made long before more information about the Romanov Family has come to light...It is safe to say... The Myth will still live on as long as those want it...

A gifted copy was provided by Doubleday Books via NetGalley for an honest review.

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I must say this was a very compelling book. I was sucked in from the beginning. I read through the night until the I finished it. I really felt for both Anastasia and the rest of Romanovs, for they were treated towards the end. But I also felt for Anna Anderson. This was a very good read! I enjoyed this author's style of writing immensely.

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"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Most people know the story of the execution/assassination of Tsar Nicholas II and the rest of the Romanov family in Elakterinburg, Russia at the hands of the Bolsheviks following the Russian revolution. Most have also heard of the woman (Anna Anderson) who claimed for years to be Anastasia Romanov and that she survived the brutal attack that claimed the lives of her family and servants. This is a clever telling of that story. The question about what whether Anastasia Romanov survived the firing squad in the basement has fascinated people for decades. Lack of DNA testing and location of a grave/burial site helped many who stepped forward to claim that she was the sole survivor. Of course, through the passing of time, DNA testing has been conducted and grave site excavations have given a clear answer.

But as the saying's not the destination, it's the journey. Lawhon takes the reader on a unique journey using two story lines. While reading this book, readers will either enjoy or become annoyed by the storytelling. While Anastasia Romanov's story is told chronologically, the story of Anna Anderson is told in reverse. In Author's note, Ariel Lawhon states that the movie "Memento" is a favorite of hers. This style of writing also reminded me of the book "All the missing girls" which was also told in reverse.

I found that I rather liked how she told her story. The storytelling was unique, granted, it did take me a couple of chapters to wrap my head around it. Thankfully, the chapters are labeled with the time you are reading. That is a big help! There is a lot of historical detail in this book. It is evident that the Author did a great deal of research prior to the writing of this book. History buffs may detect that Lawhon blended several characters into one (i.e. had one character be a blending of 2 real life guards of the Romanov's) in order to help the reader keep track of events and not be weighed down by too many characters.

It is hard to say too much without giving away spoilers, but this work of historical fiction was very good. I really appreciated how she blended historical facts with fiction. If you do not know the entire family about the Romanov's family's fall from grace and the events leading up to their execution, it is laid out for you here.

I highly recommend reading the Author's note at the end. I think this is essential. She details her research, why she blended characters, her inspiration for the reverse story telling and what lead her to write this book. I was actually deciding between a 3.5 and a 4 star rating, and then I read the Author's note and that pushed the book to a 4 star rating for me.

I love when books cause me to think, feel and also to learn. I did learn some facts while reading this book and I found I often wanted to put the book down and think about what I had just read. Mainly because things in this book really happened. Sitting and thinking about the horrible treatment of this family (especially the girls) and what they endured -living in constant fear and dread, I can't even imagine.

Again, interesting story-telling and a compelling read.

Thank you to Doubleday books and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced readers copy of this book.

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