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The Good Liar

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I’m fan of Catherine McKenzie books. I’ve read them all and have been looking forward to reading The Good Liar. I was very pleased to have the opportunity through NetGalley to read the ARC, to provide my review in return and was excited to get started. That’s where I became disappointed. All the other books I read quickly. They were reads I couldn’t put down! This one wasn’t. It didn’t pull me in like the others but I kept reading wondering if I might find that “grab me” moment.
The story about 3 women and one tragedy was told in alternating narratives: first person, third person and interview. This made it easy to keep track of which character was being focused on.
I did struggle at first to keep track of who was who when all the characters were being introduced throughout the first half of the book. A few times I had to read back to clarify and figure things out.
I found some parts of the story hard to grasp as believable, possible or true. I won’t get into details so as to not give any spoilers but I think more research or explanation would have changed that.
As I mentioned, I found the first half of the book slow. The second half picked up some what as the plot twists were being revealed. I was disappointed to discovered that I had guessed a couple of them prior to the reveals. The ending seemed to come suddenly and then felt like there was something missing. I’m sorry to say that I was looking for more.

I’ve been struggling with how many stars to give. If I had never read this author before it would likely be 3 stars but because I love every other book this author has written, I’ve decided to give 4. And I’ll still be looking forward to reading everything else Catherine writes in the future.

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I usually love books that "everyone loves." Well, this one is an exception for me. Great reviews on goodreads. I never connected to this - even at 80% I'm thinking is this going to get good? It was predictable (except for the very end - which I was very happy to say I did not predict!!) It was by no means dull, but I didn't care what happened. I didn't care about ANY character- although I admit I did *like* them all enough. I never felt that click, or that intrigue. I was quite disappointed, I think because my expectations on this one were high. On goodreads I was very torn between 3 and 4 star rating - I don't have any big complaints here, and I think the author came up with some GREAT concepts / storyline. Well-written, good characters, good end... If it grabbed me it would have been an easy 4.

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Catherine McKenzie has a way of telling a story that you can identify with one, or more of the characters and The Good Liar is no exception. A compelling story of everyday life, the secrets , the struggles and poof! it changes in an instant. People you thought you knew and trusted weren't as they seem. After reading this book, I questioned my friendships and wondered if I could really trust them. The people we think we know, we really don't have a clue what is going on in their minds. And the ones we know very little of are the ones that are the strength to carry us through . A must read!

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Loved this psychological thriller ! The lives, secrets and lies of three women entangle after a building explosion. As the stories unfold we find out what secret\lie each is hiding. The biggest lie is revealed at the ending. Another great read by Catherine McKenzie.

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I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in return for my honest review. While the beginning was a bit slow, the book picked up pace once I got into it. Told from the point of view of two main characters, it is also peppered with interviews and articles that give insight into the unfolding story. What I enjoyed about the book is being surprised. When all the questions began getting answered, the twists kept coming. It was a fairly quick read once I got going, it definitely sucks you in as you do the 'just one more chapter' bargain with yourself.

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A building explodes in Chicago and many lives are lost. This book is told in three perspectives: Cecily, Kate, and an interview transcript between Teo and Franny. Cecily lost her husband in the explosion, and her best friend Kaitlyn. Cecily participates in a documentary centering around how the explosion affected her family, and Kaitlyn's. Coincidentally, Franny appears and claims she is Kaitlyn’s biological daughter, who she've given up for adoption many years ago.

I really liked this book. It had the right amount of drama to get me to keep reading. There were many twists in the plot. However, I felt that the plot line was a bit predictable. About a third into the story, I kinda figured out the direction it was going, and some of the secrets that will come out towards the end. Nonetheless, it was a pleasant read. Oh, and this also gave me a Gone Girl vibe. Definitely recommend!

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC, in exchange for a honest, unbias review.

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Fantastic novel- One overflowing with secrets, lies and betrayals. I love the twists and turns intertwined within- gives the story an edge! The characters were well developed and relatable- Definitely recommend!

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An explosion destroys a Chicago building at 10:00 a.m. on October 10th killing more than 513 people and forever changing many more lives. The story begins as the one-year commemoration of that tragedy is set. Cecily lost her husband and the father of their two children, Tom, that day. Because she was en route to the building and her reaction captured by Teo, a photographer in the vicinity, she has become the unwitting poster child for loss and its aftermath. She also lost Kaitlyn, her best friend and a mother of two. Franny, age 23, claims to have also sustained a terrible loss that day. Meanwhile, Kate has recently relocated to Montreal where she is working as a live-in nanny to two little boys. All three women are keeping destructive secrets which author Catherine McKenzie reveals at expertly-timed moments via three different narratives: a first-person account from Cecily, a third-person recitation describing the elusive Kate's actions and thought-processes, and the transcript of an interview conducted with Franny by Teo, who is making a documentary. The three women's lives are intertwined and enmeshed -- in ways they discover along with McKenzie's readers. If the truth is revealed, the far-reaching consequences could devastate those left behind. Cecily and Kate are forced to face the reality of what their lives were like on that fateful morning and the ways in which that reality is at issue with the public's perception of and ongoing fascination with the victims and their families. Questions swirl about the validity of Franny's claim, her murky past, and her current machinations. At a steady, unrelenting pace, McKenzie keeps her readers guessing about the truth and the lengths to which each woman will go to guard her secrets until the very end when she delivers gut-punching revelations. The Good Liar proves again that McKenzie's writing gets better and better with each subsequent book.
(Thanks to NetGalley for the Advance Reader's Copy of the book!)

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A fitting title for a novel holding so many secrets.
As the anniversary of the explosion that took the lives of over 500 people approaches, a documentary is being made about the effects on 3 families who've lost loved ones to the tragic accident. Cecily in particular, is a big part of it since a photo was taken of her that day at the site that now has made her face the poster for that deadly shocking day. Cecily has kept a secret about her reason for intending to meet her husband there, but she is not the only one. There are deeper, darker secrets that will be revealed. This was a real page turner that started with an explosion and ended with a bang!

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Who is the Good Liar? Well, the story starts off on October 10th at 10am with the main character, Cecily, running away from a building that has exploded. The building that she was running to. The building where her husband is working. She actually ends up fleeing the explosion with a man who takes her picture - a picture that becomes famous. Right away, we find out that Cecily has lost her husband as well as her best friend, Katelyn in the horrible explosion.
Time has passed and families are still struggling to deal with the deaths of family members. The man who ran away from the mayhem with Cecily and sold her photo, Teo, has convinced her and a few others to make a documentary of Triple Ten events. Throughout the filming and the days that pass, much is revealed about Cecily, her husband, Tom, Katelyn and others. What follows is a series twists and turns. Some you see coming. I did. But, the very last one was a bit of a shocker. Then you know who really is the good liar!

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4 solid stars for this story filled with secrets and lies.
An explosion demolishes a building in Chicago, killing over 500 people. Cecily, Kaitlyn & Franny narrate each chapter, telling how this terrible event changed their lives, how it affected their families and also what connects them together. Initially I found the first twist to be somewhat predictable, but there was more! The ending was a complete surprise-didn't see that one coming! Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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It is a very twisty kind of book.. love that it keeps you guessing on what is really going on.

Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for a early release copy

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Excellent book, loved the twists although I have to say I found the very end implausible. Still a fun twist though. The rest of the book was also very good, nice character development. I really liked Cecily.

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Great book! Looking forward to reading more by this author! Highly recommend!

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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” ― Walter Scott, Marmion</b>
<i>When an explosion rips apart a Chicago building, the lives of three women are forever altered.</I>

Catherine McKenzie is without doubt a great story teller, creating a suspenseful and fresh thriller with intriguing characters who connect in a startling way. A book of secrets and lies that had me on my toes. The story is told in alternating narratives from each of the three women and we learn how their lives have been affected forever in the many twists and turns of the novel. Their stories start to unravel quickly as the plot progresses and while I liked the format of the novel I did find myself struggling to keep track of who was who and what exactly was happening but the story did settle down for me by the half way mark and I did enjoy the read.

A roller coaster of a novel which I think many readers will enjoy.

<i>My thanks to Net-Galley for the opportunity to read this one in return for an honest review.</I>

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"Is it possible to be both, a terrific father and a terrible man at the same time? A man to admire and a man to hate?

The place: Chicago, IL
When: October 10th @ 10am ("Triple Ten")
Cecily and Tom are married with two kids, Henry and Cassie. Tom works in the Chicago building that came crumbling down on 10-10 at 10am.
Joshua and Kaitlyn are married with two Girls. Kaitlyn recently went back to work in the building Tom works. She was also there that fateful day in October.
Kaitlyn and Cecily are best friends.
On October 10th after the explosion rocked the building that Cecily's husband and friend were in, her entire left changed. She feels an overwhelming guilt because she was supposed to be there that morning, meeting with Tom. But that day, she ran late. Now, her husband and her best friend are declared dead.
One year later, as the anniversary of the explosion rapidly approached, Teo, a journalist who was there that day and snapped a picture of Kaitlyn after explosion, is now putting together a documentary of the disaster. It was because of this picture, Cecily became the poster child for this horrific event.
The story is being told from Cecily's perspective, Kate's perspective, and in an interview format between TJ and Franny. Franny, a woman claiming that Kaitlyn is her biological mother who sadly died in the explosion. A year later, another "explosion" happens... basically an explosion of everything everyone ever knew to be truth! Secrets.. so many. The characters in this story are intertwined in ways I could not imagine and as the story unravels, it still kept me guessing! I started this book one morning and didn't stop until I finished it after midnight! Wow! Amazing!
You will NOT be able to put this book down!
Good Liar Goodreads reviews 
Preorder/buy Good Liar on Amazon HERE

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The Good Liar
by Catherine McKenzie (Goodreads Author)
Angeladyrcz's review Jan 18, 2018 · edit
really liked it

It took me a few chapters to find the connection but once I did it made the story so much more interesting. Imagine becoming the “face” of a huge tragedy and finding solace in other survivors only to discover an ugly truth among the lies. Cecile lost her husband and her best friend in an explosion but as she does her best to move on, not all is as it seems. Kate had to start over after the tragedy; or did she? Franny is the saddest story of them all but when all 3 women have something to hide, will any of them be discovered?

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This is going to be a difficult book to review. At times I really enjoyed this book but at other times I didn’t like it at all. I kept getting the characters confused. It seemed there were too many. About half way through the book, I was finally able to discern who was who and enjoyed the rest of the book. Kaitlyn and Cecily are the main characters but Franny also plays an important role in the story. Kaitlyn gave a baby up for adoption when she was still a teenager. Now that baby has grown up and is looking for her mother. There are a lot of issues with this search both on the mother’s side and the daughters. I was surprised when I finished the book. I thought there would be at least one more chapter to wrap it all up. After I thought about it for awhile, maybe the author ended the ladies stories right where they needed to end. A different, interesting book. I will recommend this book to family and friends but I will need to explain a few things to them first. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union for allowing me to read an advance copy for my honest review.

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Can I start off by saying the cover of this novel is just gorgeous? Big high five to whomever designed it. This one is quite hard to review as I hate giving away spoilers, and sharing too much on this novel will only expose the thrills beneath its beautiful cover. So, bear with me through this one as I try my best in telling you why you NEED this book, hopefully without spoiling this read for you.

While this was my first read by Catherine McKenzie, it will not be my last. Catherine has a writing style that keeps her reader engaged. From the deep exploration in the characterization, to the seamless way the story she creates flows. Add in an unexpected plot and this girl found herself with the inability to put this book down.

This novel is filled with such complexity and depth, with twists and turns you will not see coming. McKenzie weaves together the story by alternating between the perspectives of three women, Cecily, Kate, and Franny, whose lives were impacted in very different ways by the horrifying events that occurred on October 10th. Worth to note, Franny’s perspective being offered by the inclusion of interview transcript pages was a great touch. This made me enjoy this read all the more and spoke to my true crime/deposition reading heart.

This book grabbed me right from the beginning and did not let go. The writing was so effortless, the characters were so intriguing, and the unexpected plot turns were extremely enjoyable. In the end, you will be left to decide who really was the best liar of them all. Pre-order this one NOW and get set for a ride that will not disappoint!

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There are three characters, each telling their story. There is Cecily, Kate, and Franny. The big question is out of three, which one is the good liar. There are lots of secrets in this story. All of these woman are guarding important secrets. Just how far will they go to keep them. There is an awful tragedy. An explosion rips apart a Chicago building and the lives of these three woman are forever altered and each character tells their story of the tragedy. The memories of that terrifying morning become dangerous triggers.

This is a great psychological thriller. This one kept me guessing till the very end. The beginning had so much going on and I was so intrigued. I had so many questions. I was hooked and kept turning the pages looking for the answers to my questions. This was a Traveling Sister's read and we all were intrigued. It was a great discussion and I had fun reading each others thoughts. It was a very fun read. This book was a fast paced read but at the same time, I found myself lost and confused and had to go back and reread it. Some of the twists happen fast and that's why I would have to reread it. I had to slow
down to get all the pieces of the three characters stories. I couldn't read it with a lot of distractions. I mainly read this at night when my husband was asleep.

I didn't know who I could trust in this story. Some of the twists were shocking. This one was like a jigsaw puzzle. All the clues are there, but you have to sort them out and find where the pieces of this story belong. I did find one part of the story unrealistic but that was fine for me because I loved everything else about this story. This is a character driven novel. I really got to know each character very well.
I did find some parts of the story predictable, but I loved the ending, and it ended just the way I wanted it too, which doesn't happen. I found this book to be very addicting and loved the jaw dropping moments.
I recommend this book to those that love a psychological thriller.

I want to thank Netgalley, Lake Union Publishing and Catherine McKenzie for the copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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