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Cowboy Up

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This book just checked so many boxes for me! Hot cowboy. Broody and protective man knocked off his axis by a girl he never sees coming. A second chance romance. Girl connects with a secret crush from years ago. A family full of loyalty and laughter. Great friendships. Two people who never think they’ll find their happy, find nothing but beauty out of their ugly. Harper Sloan does all this along with her amazing character development and hotter than hot chemistry! This trilogy wraps up with Cowboy Up and I can’t wait to read the others in the series too!

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3.5 Stars

I have to confess that I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this series - to the point that I debated reading this book. My desire to see how Clay’s story unfolded finally won out.

The start - what do I love?
The premise! The idea that three people terribly wounded by the failures of their parents can pull themselves up and be open to love.
Clay’s book is no exception- he and Caroline click right away and end up having a love story that makes both parties stronger.
Ms. Sloan does a great job with the alpha mail and his gooey center. Clayton is definitely a hero to swoon over.

My frustration-
The way dialogue in this series is written absolutely sets my teeth on edge. The author clearly establishes in each book that they are set in North East Texas. Having established that the setting is 1) in Texas 2) a semi- rural farming/ranching community and 3) a small town I find in unnecessary to have every sentence “spoken” to show the dropped g and a couple of other quirks the author has decided are indicative of the setting. Dialogue written this way is very difficult to read.
There are some other stereotypes thrown that make me shake my head too, but those are easier to allow. This is a work of fiction.

Specific to this book -
I loved getting to catch up with Maverick, Quinn and their other halves. It was nice to get glimpses of how their stories continue to play out.
I loved Caroline and her evolution into a stronger heroine and it was nice to see a more robust character from Clayton.

We also meet two new secondary characters Luke and Lucy - I am definitely curious to see what happens with them in the future.

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I always seem to love the oldest of the family for some reason. Maybe because they're the responsible one, always looking out for the younger siblings, trying to make everyone's life easier but not taking time for themselves? I'm not sure but Clayton is all those things.

Clay and Caroline hasn't had a great track record when it comes to love. Somehow though these two could have it all if they can work through their pasts. Will they be able to believe what their hearts are telling them? Will they be able to believe in love?

These two together just make you want to sigh, root for them and tell the ex's to get out of there. I giggled at parts, swooned at others. Totally enjoyable read and another great book by this author.

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Clay!!! Clay is everything and more. I adored Cowboy Up, not to pick favorites...who am I kidding I’m choosing Clay he’s definitely my favorite of the Coming Home boys.

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*I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

5 "You look like nothing but mine" Stars!!!!!

"One night of being bad with you, Caroline, and I felt more with you in the darkness than I’ve ever felt with anyone else in the light."

My heart, OMFG my heart!!!! 😩😭 The last installment in the Coming Home Series was every damn good thing! Finally, FINALLY I got my Clay book! Ever since the first book (Lost Rider) I wanted, but more importantly NEEDED Clay's book. There was so much more to learn about him, and I so desperately needed answers.

"He turns his head toward me. I’m unable to see his face, which is still hidden by the shadows, but I can feel his eyes on me. Their scrutiny is almost like a physical caress."

Caroline, oh beautiful, sweet and shy Caroline. She's trying to deal with the aftermath of a toxic relationship. Moving and needing to breathe again, Caroline gets in her car and makes her way back to Pine Oak, home. Along the way she finds herself at her friends bar. And without knowing that a mysterious black cowboy hat wearin' stranger is about to take her on a ride of her life.

"You make me need everythin’ I never wanted."

Clayton Davis, oh that dark cowboy stole every piece of my heart. I couldn't for the life of me get enough of him. Clayton was a tortured and broken soul. I hurt for him so much. And I desperately wanted him to have all the happiness in the world, because he deserved it so much. And a shy, sweet as apple pie bookstore owner was going to turn his life upside down for the better.

Clayton and Caroline were made for each other. Without knowing that their hearts gravitated towards the other. Both seeking solace in one another. The trust they had in each other took time to gain, but in the end it was beautiful. They were everything good. I couldn't get enough of these two. I found myself having the biggest smile on my face throughout the whole book. I just loved, loved, loved Clay
and Linney so much.

"We all have ugly in our past, sweetness. You just have to realize it was really life teachin’ you a lesson. When you find something that finally proves all that ugly was worth survivin’, it doesn’t look so bad when you see what kinda reward you get in the end."

As much as I'm sad to see this series come to an end, I'm so happy at the perfect way it ended.

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Love This! Cowboy up is a fantastic conclusion to this series. Sexy broody hero and our shy and sweet heroine ! Match made!

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Once i started this series I was completely hooked and loved all the characters, I knew that Clay would be my favourite Davis sibling and I wasn't disappointed! this was my favourite book in the series and they are all fantastic.

After seeing Clay in the first two books in the Coming Home series and him being portrayed as the eternal cowboy bachelor, never wanting to settle down I was so excited to read his story. What I loved is that usual these men always fight what they are feeling but Clay doesn't I am loved and devoured every single swoon-worthy word he spoke! It was going to take someone special to knock down his walls and to do is so easily was beautiful.

I am gutted that this series has ended but I have loved every single journey we have taken with the Davis clan. Harper Sloan certainly knows how to give you characters you love and adopt straight away, she draws you in with your love for them and her brilliantly flawless plotlines and writing. I can't wait to see what Harper Sloan brings us next.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from the author and Inkslinger PR

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4.25 stars-COWBOY UP is the third (and final?) instalment in Harper Sloan’s contemporary, adult COMING HOME erotic, romance series focusing on the Davis siblings- Clayton, Maverick and Quinn Davis. This is thirty six year old rancher and eldest sibling Clayton Davis, and thirty year old book store owner Caroline Michaels’ story line. COWBOY UP can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Clayton and Caroline) COWBOY UP follows the building relationship between Clayton Davis, and Caroline Michaels. A one-night stand between strangers had our leading couple fantasizing about that night two months earlier only to discover that Clayton Davis was Caroline Michaels’ one-time, best friend’s oldest brother, and the high school crush she apparently forgot. After an invitation to Quinn Davis’ baby shower, our heroine will come face to face with the man with whom she will fall in love. Enter Clayton Davis, rancher and eldest Davis Sibling. What ensues is the building romance between Clayton and Caroline, and the potential fall out as both of their pasts collide in a game of jealous revenge.

Caroline Michaels left the town of Pine Oak, Texas immediately after high school to escape the gossip mills and rumors, and the mother who made her entire life a living h*ll. Her return to Wire Creek, Texas to open up her dream bookstore comes with ambivalence and a yearning to be free of the past-a past that almost destroyed our heroine’s life. Clayton Davis doesn’t do relationships in light of heartbreaking childhood and the fractured family dynamics of the Davis clan, as well as the bitter memories of a woman who continues to demand and push Clayton into a second chance.

The relationship between Caroline and Clayton is one of immediate attraction; a one –night stand that turns into something more when Caroline and Clayton bond over past betrayal, broken hearts and parental rejection. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

All of the previous story line couples play secondary and supporting characters including Maverick and Leighton (Lost Rider #1), and Quinn and Tate (Kiss My Boots #2). We are introduced to Caroline’s best friends and bar owners Luke Hazel, and his twin sister Lucy, as well as Caroline’s ex John Lewis; her mother Misty Michaels; and Clayton’s ex Jess.

The world building continues to focus on the Davis family-their growing love and support for one another, once destroyed by the very people meant to bring happiness and peace. There are two epilogues that fast forward the story line approximately one year, and another that looks fifteen years into the future.

COWBOY UP is a story of family and friendship; romance and love; betrayal, jealousy, revenge and obsession. The premise is heart warming and tearful; the characters are colorful, charismatic and welcome; the romance is passionate and seductive. COWBOY UP is an amazing tale about two people, one family and the struggle to move forward from demons of the past.

Copy supplied by Netgalley





B&N: (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO: (Sandy_At_The_Reading_Cafe) posted

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Loved it so much, learning to let go of the control you have over our life can be so hard, but to do it for the chance of love is even more daunting. This book is about learning to let someone in and to learn to love, trials and tribulations abound for these two characters. Well worth a read and this book certainly has the alpha man cowboy who is super hot as well btw.

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Favorite Quote: “I knew it was time to cowboy up the second my good girl gave me her bad and together we made magic.”

The third and final book in this trilogy featuring the Davis siblings – and I licked up this book like it was made from sugar. Listen – it’s sappy. It’s over the top in the emotional department. There is insta love and an over protective hero and a sibling relationship that is – over the top. But it’s the book I needed this holiday season!! I adored the first two books in this series, and this one just made me feel squishy happy and I’m sad we are done with this family but I look forward to more from this author. I had never read her before I picked up book one, and she makes me happy with her grumpy, grunty heroes…

“Pleasure,” I rumble, my voice just as thick as my cock.

…and heroines who make me smile.

Clay Davis is that grumpy and grunty hero. He wears a Stetson low on his head. He runs his family’s ranch. Once a womanizer, he is done with sleeping around. He watches his brother and sister find the love of their lives and realizes that he may be missing out. One night while having a drink at the local bar, a woman sits next to him – and there is an instant flirtation.

This woman is our heroine, Caroline. Getting out of a super controlling relationship, and having that same ex still harassing her with phone calls, Caroline drives the short distance back to her hometown for a drink at a bar, which one of her best friends owns. Caroline has a small, very close-knit group of friends that are also her family. Estranged from her mother, Caroline owns a bookstore and lives above it. When she plops herself down on the bar stool, her best friend vouches for the cowboy sitting next to her, but she doesn’t know his name and she can’t really see his face with his Stetson so low. But she notices his long fingers, and muscled thighs. Caroline is a bit shy, but for some reason, this low talking cowboy gets her going

“Want to?”

Pulling my eyes from the strangely erotic sight of his hand, I look toward his shadowed face.

“Want to what?”

“Be bad, sugar.”

Heat hot as fire washes over me with his words. Holy cow. My jaw works, but words elude me. I don’t even know this man’s name, let alone anything about him, and if my rusty knowledge of flirting is right, he just propositioned me. Why I find that as hot as I do, I’ll never know, but before I even know what’s happening, my brain finally figures out how to get the words past my shocked jaw.

“I think I do.”

She ends up in a motel room with him. After sex in the dark, a shower in the dark (do people really shower together in the dark??) and this cowboy leaving before the sun comes up, Caroline has no idea who rocked her world that night. But she is sated and content.

When a fire erupts in her store, and burns down her apartment above as well, she is devastated. Moving in with her best friend from her hometown, she runs into Clay Davis – and he runs into her – and she realizes he is the one she slept with! They know each other from years earlier, and Caroline is close with his sister and sister in-law. Clay sees her again and knows he can’t let her go a second time. They basically fall in love immediately and I was there for it.

The rest of the book is a lot to do with Clay’s brother and sister, as they are both expecting babies and there are a lot of emotions. The siblings are VERY close. They have deep talks all the time – like when Maverick is terrified about his wife giving birth and Clay is there for him….

“I won’t be able to move on if I lose her,” he continues, completely ignoring my attempt at lightening the mood and I realize just how much this has been weighing on him.

“Maverick,” I hiss through the thickness in my own damn throat and pull my brother into my arms. His own come around me with bruising force.

“Can’t talk to her about this shit, Clay. I don’t want her worryin’ about it when she should be focusin’ on all the happy shit, but it’s tearin’ me apart just thinkin’ about losing her.”

“Fuck, brother.”

Clay doesn’t think he ever wants kids, and Caroline is not sure she can be with a man who doesn’t want a family – don’t worry – it gets settled pretty fast. There isn’t a ton that happens in this book, as Clay and Caroline are basically in love by the half way point. But it held my interest. Since book one, I’ve been invested in this family so spending time with the siblings and their drama with having babies made me very happy. It would probably be best not to read this as a stand alone so you can experience all of the family dynamics leading into this book.

There is some ridiculous suspense at the end which I could have lived without. But we get a lovely epilogue and then another epilogue and it made my heart smile. Damn it.

I had so much fun reading this series. Totally escapism, which I need now and then.

Grade: B+

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This was a sweet romance. I like stories where you get both characters' points of view in alternating chapters. While our main characters definitely had their pasts to overcome, once they figured out how they felt about each other, the main drama and stress in the book came from outside issues, exes or dealing with the loss of Caroline's bookstore or else her horrible mother. It's nice to read a story where the people in love are able to know that and not have to stress back and forth and not trust each other or push each other away. Sometimes it is nice to read a "perfect" love story, and this is definitely one where that takes place. There are very steamy sex scenes, but also very dreamy romantic scenes. There are also good family members, on Clayton's side, as well as some great friends of Caroline's. There are babies, and a wedding as well.

I did have a few scenes where the sexy bits kind of jarred with the sweetness, didn't quite fit seamlessly together. And there was a lot of crying at the end that seemed a bit overdramatic to me, as well as some of the professions of love did get to be a bit much. But overall I enjoyed the story, and would definitely love to go back and read how the other couples got together. I'm sure if I'd read all the books in order, it would have made the epilogue set 15 years in the future mean more to me.

If you like a sweet romance, without drama between the lovers, steamy sex between them, flirting, funny friends, all of that, this is the book for you!

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This was so amazing! Cowboy Up is full of so much heart, healing, and love. I absolutely adored it. I've loved the entire series but hands down this was my favorite. It was the perfect way to wrap everything up!

I have wanted Clay's story since book one so I was really excited to start. Clayton is so protective and caring, and will do anything for his family. He also had a way with words that made me swoon. I loved Clay, learning all the ends and outs of him and what made him tick but it was Caroline who really got to me. She’s a shy, timed thing so learning her history and watching her open up and become stronger was amazing. Clayton and Caroline have an unconventional first meeting that's filled with so much passion and chemistry and from there, everything evolved. I was so hooked and ate it up. It was fun and sweet and sexy, it was also so incredibly emotional. I was laughing and crying and rooting for them.

Not only is there Clayton and Caroline's story, but there is also more of Clayton and his siblings so I felt like there was a whole bunch of mini stories happening. I loved it all so much! I adored the updates about where everyone was at in their lives and what was going on, and seeing those bonds and connections. It was truly fantastic. I am such a sucker for male bonding and sibling bonding, and I got choked up a countless amount of times thanks to all these wonderful moments they shared. As much emotion as they brought, they also brought the fun. There was a great mix of playfulness and camaraderie that made me smile.

You really get everything with this. There is passion and heat (seriously with the heat - this is one hot freaking cowboy!). There's drama and a bit of suspense. There's a beautiful love story happening that is so incredibly sweet. People healing and coming together and becoming stronger. It was just so well written and thought out. Great pace and build and I loved the details. And that epilogue, it wrecked me in a good way.

This has been such an incredible series and I love how everything was tied up and finalized. I feel so much closure. I felt this one deep. Beautiful story!

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Caroline and Clayton spent one anonymous night together. A few months later neither one of them has forgotten the other so when they unexpectedly meet again they each take the opportunity to see where this thing they have between them will lead.
This was a deeply romantic book with just a tad of angst and then some small amount of extreme drama toward the end. Once Clayton had a second chance at Caroline he was all in. She had never felt the love of any man, much less a good man and her heart is instantly ensnared by her dark cowboy.
There were times when I actually got a bit bored with all the sweet, romantic dialogue between these two. The angst was so low there was nothing really driving their story. For those who love such a story, this one is going to be the perfect read for you. The epilogue was great giving us a look fifteen years into the future.
This is an honest review of an advanced copy provided by NetGalley and
Dual POV
Some ow drama but the hero hasn’t had anything to do with her for several years; some om drama although, again, the heroine had nothing to do with him for several years
Possible triggers – domestic abuse

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Netgalley EARC
Angst 2
Tears 1
Value 5
Storyline 5
Panty Scorching 5
Overall Rating 5

Well, well, well….. Ive been waiting for this book for what seems like forever. And the wait was worth it. If you’ve not read the first two books in this series please stop here. I don’t plan on a spoiler but it could happen. If you have….. OMG!!! EEEEEEPPP!

Harper once again makes me swoon for her characters. I love them! Especially Clay and Caroline. I have been waiting on his book and I just knew it in my heart that he would be my fave. I was right! What I didn’t expect was to fall for Caroline as well.

I love this series so much! I couldn’t get enough and waiting for each book was so worth it. I am sad that the series is over. I want more. I will definitely be recommending it to anyone looking for a cowboy read. I mean how could I not???? LOVE THIS SERIES HARD! THIS BOOK EVEN HARDER!

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I admit, the first book in this new series by Harper Sloan didn't thrill me too much. But then again, I may have to go back and read it a second time to see if my mood changes. But this book, my god, I had all the feels with Clay and Caroline and their love story. I found this story easy to read, the pace worked well, and in the end, Harper gave us a beautiful wrap up of the Davis family that will make her readers very happy.

One night brings these two together in a passionate romance that makes your heart melt. They manage to get through every trial and tribulation thrown their way, and come out stronger, and more in love, in the end.

I would highly recommend this book!

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Cowboy Up is book three in The Coming Home series, but it can be read as a standalone.

Clayton Davis, is oh so swoonworthy! He has piqued my interest from the first book in the series. His only goal is taking care of his families ranch. Clay never lets anyone get close to him and he doesn't have any plans of settling down. He was burned from a bad relationship years ago.

"You aren't ever truly broken until you can no longer keep moving forward and they're lowering you into the ground. It's what you call the ugly parts of someone that prove to others just how strong they really are."

Caroline, you can't help but love her and all she has overcome in her life. She is tired of looking over her shoulder and just wants to be happy and free. What happens when she has a one night stand that will change the course of her life? Will she be able to open herself up to another man after all she has overcome? What happens with both their pasts show up to haunt them?

Clayton and Caroline's story consumed me! I fell in love with the story time and time again. It will definitely be on my reread list and I cannot wait see what Harper has in store for us next!! MUST read!!

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Wow, who knew the oldest of the Davis clan was going to be the one to truly sweep me off my feet. When Clay opens his heart to love he really does go all in.

Caroline survived growing up in Pine Oak under the thumb of a malicious, verbally abusive mother. Understandably, Caroline hightailed it out of her hometown as soon as she finished high school. Only to find herself enduring a relationship beyond her worse nightmares, by a cruel twist of fate she was able to escape. Starting over not far from her hometown with her own bookstore, however, the emotional damage she suffered has a lasting effect on her confidence and ability to assert herself.

Caroline tends to shy away from strangers and relationships until one evening she lets her wild side out of its box when she meets a dark cowboy at her best friends bar. Instinctively aware she was safe with the handsome stranger, they share a night of passion and nothing more, leaving them both with perfect memories of their encounter.

However. fate has a surprise in store for Caroline when Quinn and Leighton walk into her bookstore. Having been friends during their time in high school, Caroline is immediately invited to the double baby shower. Where not only does she discover her dark cowboy is none other than Clay, but he also saves her from a confrontation with her vengeful mother.

Clay may have a lot of emotional barriers stemming from his childhood but he is able to recognize the connection he has with Caroline is something special, and he is determined to make her see they could be so much more to each other than they could have hoped. I loved the intensity of their relationship, although it does progress quickly it feels completely natural. Clay and Caroline belong together.

Unfortunately, the road to happily ever after is not an easy one when Caroline becomes a target for an arsonist. With the turn of events and Caroline's pre-disposition to avoid conflict, it was wonderful to watch her confidence and assertiveness grow through her relationship with Clay. Having a loving, caring support system behind her allowed Caroline to blossom into the woman she was meant to become.

Harper throws you for a complete loop with the major twist in the story. I have to say I honestly did not see that one coming in the slightest but OMG it is going to knock you for six!!!!

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4.25 STARS

In this third installment to author Harper Sloan’s Coming Home series, Clayton Davis—the eldest Davis clan sibling—finds his HEA in the arms of his very own “damsel-in-distress,” Caroline Michaels.

Still battling the psychological aftereffects of an abusive relationship, Caroline endeavors to break free of her shy and reclusive nature. Throwing caution to the wind, Caroline has herself a one-night stand with a dark and sexy cowboy—a cowboy that turns out to be none other than Clay Davis—her once secret high school crush.

With his siblings off basking in marital bliss, Clay finds himself shrouded in loneliness, despite the long hours he puts in each and every day. But Clay has been burned badly in the past, so he’s resolved to remain unattached. That is, until a night of passion with a quirky book store owner turns into something so much more.

Both Clay and Caroline have been hurt by people from their past, but they refuse to let that past define them. So, while they might be a little bent, they are definitely not broken. And building upon their undeniable connection, together, they endeavor to move forward. But sometimes the past collides with the present, threatening to tear down all the good that has been built.

One of the things I love most about Clay and Caroline’s love story, is that any angst they endure is derived from external forces, as opposed to issues between the couple themselves. Time and again, I was assured of their unwavering love and felt confident that, in the end, they would find the HEA that they sought.

“Cowboy Up” is a sweet, romantic, emotional ride. It’s also hot, hot, hot! I love that Clay is strong and dominant but also tender and caring—the perfect mix of swoony and alpha male. Rising above her abusive past, Caroline proves to be both strong and determined. Slowly, she opens herself up to Clay—risking her heart and additional hurt—and willingly takes another chance on love.

While “Cowboy Up” can be read as a stand-alone, established fans of this series, will, no doubt, be delighted to “catch up” with their favorite characters from books 1 & 2. A quick, romantic read, Clay's story is one you won't want to miss!

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Cowboy Up was the perfect ending to this series. Clay has always been quiet about his personal life and his past. Caroline found her dark cowboy again by pure fate. Who knew how they'd find each other again. Harper did a fantastic job with this series and stepping out of her usual businessman story. These Davis siblings really captured my heart and made a home for themselves there.

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My 4.5/5 star review is posted on Goodreads and will be posted on blog and social media on release and links will be updated. UPDATED 12/18/17

4.5/5 stars
I have been anxiously awaiting big brother Clay's book in this series. He has been the strong, stoic, responsible one taking care of his siblings, Maverick and Quinn. Now they are both finally settled, happy, and in love. He works hard to run the family ranch and is a bit grumpy, controlled, and closed off. He had a relationship go bad a few years ago so now he does not do them, and fights his loneliness with occasional hook ups.

On one such hook up he meets Caroline. She is a shy, quiet, sweet loner who owns a bookstore in a nearby town. She has also been in a bad relationship and is gun shy and wary. She is lonely, but tends to hang out with her twin best friends and enjoy her romantic books. But on the night she needs to escape something in her life, she ends up spending some amazing time with the hot, dark, cowboy.

It was a night they found hard to forget, and when their paths cross again, it does not take much to fan the flames and make them want to spend more time together. They have a connection, chemistry, and pull to the other they cannot deny. And these two guarded people start opening up and seeing that maybe they really could find someone to love and get more than they ever thought they could have.

Clay is a swoony hero. He is charming, supportive, tender, protective, and sure of himself when he knows what he wants. And Caroline is not totally quiet, she can be fun and animated around people she is comfortable with. Clay makes her feel safe enough to gain confidence and strength. And they are mature. They talk and communicate. They do not jump to conclusions without getting information. It was actually so refreshing.

Granted there has to be conflict. There was background drama and suspense. They both had some crazy exes, painful pasts, and Caroline especially had some serious issues happening in her life. But I loved that this was not full of a ton of miscommunication, dumb fights, and relationship drama.

This one is not as dark, heartbreaking, and angsty as previous ones. It is uplifting, sweet, sexy, and is my fave of the series. It really focused on personal growth, finding hope, healing, love, home, and building families. Clay's whole outlook on life and the future changed so much between seeing his siblings fall and being with someone who respected and appreciated him. And I loved seeing Caroline feel safe, confident, and empowered through Clay's love. We get to see progression with Maverick and Leighton and Quinn and Tate. I love how this family stands together despite how their parents hurt them. They are nosy, supportive, protective, and just keep getting stronger and healthier as they add more to their family. But I loved that the men in this series can be emotional, the men cry, the women cry, and they made me cry. There was just so much love and beauty that these couples found in the wake of painful pasts. I liked her twin friends, Lucy and Luke as well. They fit right into this crazy group.

This is a great way to wrap up this series of troubled siblings finding love in rural, Texas. It gave me everything I needed, all the way to a wonderful, far reaching epilogue.

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