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The Ghostwriter

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An amazing read! Helena an author with a unique mind who has come to understand she's dying and it's now time to write her story and reveal the truth behind the death of her husband and daughter, to do this she'll need the help of her nemesis fellow author Marka.
The more you get into Helens's head the more heart broken you'll become and the twist and turns will have you turning pages, this is one not to miss!

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This was a really interesting, thought provoking, gripping story. It was a book that was a complete page turner, with lots of intrigue and a huge build up of suspense. It is a mystery, a psychological contemporary piece of fiction.... and it is oh so good!!!

Helena Ross is a best-selling romance author, who decides to 'retire' at 32. This is due to an illness as opposed to choice, but because of that she is determined to write her final book. Her final story and the final truths about her life and the position she has found herself in. But to do that she realises she needs help... Having written romance after romance, this one is a totally different genre...

It is unique, full of twists and surprises... It is about friendship, love (but not in the romance way!!), loyalties, trust and overcoming your fears and getting out the truths!

I loved the characters in this story. Okay, so Helena annoyed me at times, some of the choices she made were questionable, but it worked... I liked the extra PoV's from other characters involved in the story, seeing things from their perspective, cleverly piecing together the whole story. .

There was a slight lull midway, where I felt not enough was being revealed quick enough (maybe I'm just too impatient!!), hence why it' not quite the full 5 stars for me... but...

The ending... when everything is revealed... Heart-breaking, shocking, painful and gut-wrenching. And the epilogue - Perfect!

Alessandra Torre is an extremely talented writer and has just proved how she can write something so totally different, yet it works. Superb!

4.5 Stars

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Bestselling author Helena Ross has been given only three months to live. With her diagnosis she comes to the realization that the book she always knew she would write is now under a very strict deadline.

The story is Helena's truth, her twisted and dark confession and it will be unlike anything she has ever written...

Wow. This book absolutely wrecked me. It was raw, and darkly beautiful. This was written so uniquely, with the story spinning as Helena's book is being completed, it was categorically captivating. 

I can't write much more of a review without spoiling any of the book. This book is not romance, it's completely different and worth the genre change if you rarely diverge in your book choices. The writing is fantastic, the story a suspenseful, dark and twisted tale... and at the heart of it, the life of a hard-to-love woman and her final reflections on her life...

Thank you to Alessandra Torre who took a chance on this story, I feel it deserves more than just the 5 star maximum that I can rate it at... 

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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A book full of twists and secrets! I knew that this book was going to be different from the usual ones from Alessandra Torre. The author herself mentions that this book has no romance, but there are tibits of it in the story.

Helena, an acclaimed author is suffering from the c-illeness. Having only few months to live, she decides to write one last book, where she confesses her darkest secrets. For the sake of not spoiling this book may be dark, but it's addicting, has many plot twists and surprises, and you really can't put it down!

It's really gritty and dark, but it proves that Alessandra Torre can write beyond the romance genre! Definitely a good read for October! ;)

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The story of Helena Ross, a bestselling Romance writer. Helena is a talented novelist, an ardent lover of words, gripping plots and unusual characters. She is also extremely bossy, cranky, impulsive and impatient. Writing has always been her priority. She was so busy in her “author world” that when she fell in love with Simon, she only believed what Simon made him believe. She was head-over-heels for this guy who appeared so perfect. She couldn’t imagine any other man give her what Simon gave- love, stability and a beautiful daughter- Bethany.

Helena is an unfit mother, not because she hates her daughter. She loves her more than herself. But her writing gets affected in the process because so much time is invested in ‘childish stuff’. Helena’s perfect life is destroyed by ‘one’ discovery about her husband, Simon. A secret that was both brutal and unforgivable. Her maternal instincts kick in and she is ready to do all it takes to save Bethany from Simon. But fate had other plans.

Was there a Happily Ever After?I told you early on in this book, the chances of that.

Helena’s perfect life is destroyed by a strange discovery about her husband, Simon. A secret that was both brutal and unforgivable. Her maternal instincts kick in and she is ready to do all it takes to save Bethany from Simon. But fate had other plans.

Mark Fortune- the ghostwriter in the story is the one who Helena chooses to write the story of her life. A story full of obsessions, remorse, and grief. But will Mark be able to re-create Helena’s emotions and feelings to perfection? Or is Helena the only one who has to give voice to her story?

The plot is great. Behind all the glamour, lies a world of secrets and treachery. The story takes its own sweet time to unfold. A fast-paced, emotional ride. I might have hated Helena throughout the story but it’s the end that actually hurts the most.This is one of the most beautiful endings I have come across. Helena’s character is multidimensional and hence, the reader can judge her all they want.

The end took my heart away and made me forget every flaw the story or the characters might hold. And honestly, this book is such a satisfying read. The emotional turbulence in the reader’s minds is at rest as one reaches the very end. It’s a story that ends gracefully.

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4.5 Stars!!

One of Alessandra Torre's best books. Couldn't put it down!! Crisp, concise, fast-paced and enthralling. All of the ingredients for a great read!

"If you lie enough times, no one believes your truth."

This book is Alessandra Torre at her best: no-nonsense, smart and engaging fiction. Helena is a very unlikely heroine, prickly, moody and basically angry at the world. She doesn't want to rely on anyone at all. She even keeps her long-time agent Kate at arm's length.

"On rare days, Kate regrets ever meeting the woman. But on most days, she just wonders about her. They say all geniuses are a little mad. Maybe Helena’s madness just took longer to come out."

But Helena as a story to tell and she doesn't have much time to do it. She sets her sights on one writer, and one writer only, to become her ghostwriter. A competing romance author, Marka writes books that Helena actually despises. But she sees a talent there that would be perfect for her own story.

"What’s happened to me? I have a story that I don’t have time to tell. I have an empty house that reeks of death. I have no friends, no family, and no one to ask for help. I’m dying, and it’s the best thing that has happened to me in a long time."

Alessandra Torre builds the suspense perfectly in this book, all while holding the reader's attention and slowly revealing the terrible secret about Helena's life. This book is also a fascinating glimpse into the lonely life of a writer and the almost obsessive need to get the words out at all costs.

"You can tell them who you are, or what your job in the book was. I don’t mind if they know I’ve had help.”

They. The gods in their world, the eyes on which the axis rotated. The readers. The critics. What would they think?

This is most definitely not a romance but the main characters are both renowned romance writers. Helena's own story begins as a romance but you just know it is NOT going to conclude with a happily ever after.

"Boys like him don’t go for girls like me, they don’t follow me with their eyes, or listen when I speak. They don’t lean closer or want more."

I absolutely loved this book. Once I started I could not put it down. I applaud the author for creating a heroine who is far from loveable yet completely and utterly captivating. No question that astute readers will figure out the terrible secret before the surprising conclusion, but this book is a total winner nonetheless. It is completely original and inventive. I have never read anything like it. Alessandra Torre deserves all the accolades for this one!

"Soon … my final story will come out, and everyone will know the truth.

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I just finished this story and I am speechless. I want to say everything and nothing. This story is unlike anything I’ve read before and yet I loved every page. This book is haunting and healing all at the same time.

Helena Ross is, putting it nicely, quirky. When I read her character, I kept thinking of that phrase “zoom out”, because Helena would get so caught up in the details, the little nitpicking of being “right”, that she would miss what was actually happening. She has rules for everything and everyone. As a reader, you find yourself wondering if she might have some type of mental illness or if she’s just a misunderstood genius.

This book isn’t a romance, and it’s not a mystery either. I feel like I would classify it as nonfiction. I don’t even feel like that’s a worthy category either, for a book that pulled out so much emotion from me, and from our characters. Part of me wants to say this story starts out, very briefly, with a happily ever after in the past, and then the story reveals the real truth behind that “love” story.

Helena Ross has terminal cancer and only three months to live. She’s trying to get out her last book, her truth, before she dies. But for someone who normally takes a year to write a book, she needs help. Enter in her ghostwriter.

One factor I enjoyed was that Helena and her ghostwriter actually work together, much to Helena’s disappointment. I appreciated that the author took their partnership that direction because I think when I hear the term “ghostwriter”, I just think of someone else doing the work while someone else is fine being the face of the work. So to see this as a collaboration was unique and I enjoyed it.

Helena’s story goes from her rigidity to watching her progress through her illness to watching her heart open up. The way the author shared these extremely personal and intimate moments in Helena’s life was flawless. I aligned with Helena intensely and while she could be harsh, she also was strong in her convictions. Of course, her character makes mistakes but you realize those are part of her personality.

I loved this book. This is the kind of story that you order in paperback and highlight your heart out because there are so many scenes that will resonate with you. I can confidently say this book is one I will remember and it goes down as one of the best stories I have ever had the honor of reading.

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TITLE: The Ghostwriter
AUTHOR: Alessandra Torre
RELEASE DATE: NOT YET RELEASED! (ARC); Book birthday is 02 October 2017
READ: September, 2017
DISCLOSURE: This book was provided as an advanced copy (ARC) via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest opinion/review. *EXTRA thanks and love to the author and her personal assistant for providing this book*
MY RATING (using the 0-5 star scale from FIVE (5) "the words are what will kill me" stars with a side of "WOW".

"•I have three months to write the last book of my life. Three months to confess the details of that day, and how it changed everything for me.
•My name is Helena Ross. I’ve written fifteen romance novels, ten of which have become international bestsellers. But this one isn't a romance, no Happily Ever After in place. This novel holds only the truth, which I have run away from for four years. The truth, which I have hidden from the police, from my loved ones, from the world.
•This final book?
•It's my confession."

Where to begin?! Wow, just wow!
I am not an author and would not try nor pretend to be... I do read, though. A lot. A WHOOOOLE LOT. I am constantly in awe of the talent, creativity, ability, and all of those other amazing characteristics plus all of incredible hard work authors exhibit and apply in weaving tales for our pleasure. "The Ghostwriter" is a perfect example of just how an author might demonstrate those gifts.

Alessandra Torre is definitely one of my most admired and beloved authors; I immediately preorder her works...I cyber stalk her social media accounts for peeks into her world...I eagerly anticipate her next release (every single one of them), and I read everything she makes public - which incidentally, has included a subscription to Cosmo in the past, and the recent new addition of Radish Fiction (a serial reading app) to my electronic devices so I am less likely to miss something Ms. Torre publishes. I was eagerly anticipating this novel and I flipped my sh*! when I received the message that I got to be part of the ARC team...I also thought I knew kinda-sorta what "The Ghostwriter" might be like, you know?

I was WRONG. Excellently, fabulously, awesomely, wrong.

What an AWESOME tale Alessandra has brought us! If one is, like myself, familiar with previous Torre novels, just be aware: the only *kink* in this dramatic story was in my eReader's charging cable! Lol. I could not stop 'unputdownable' a word? Even if it is not, it still applies. Helena was an addictive, mesmerizing, real person to me and her story stole my breath, my heart.

I am not able to share specifics of this not-quite-released novel, but I just fell in love with our main character (aforementioned Helena), so quickly. I loved that "The Ghostwriter" was a different style for Ms. Torre (as compared to previous work), yet I still easily felt her writing style and "heard" her throughout. I think that is probably our author's heart. I find that so special. I enjoyed feeling so immersed in the unfolding surprises and twists, them stumbling upon a sentence that immediately reminded me "that was Alessandra right there for sure", 99% of the time accompanied by a belly laugh out loud. ..."I shove my...tree of happiness into a wood chipper..." is just one tiny example. I cracked up. I think I picked up a Voss water bottle reference in there, too.

Bottom line:
Read this book. It is fiction. It is dramatic. It is tense, heart shaking, moving, hilarious at times, devastating at others, mesmerizing and WORTH IT. There are not many more adjectives needed, imo, to describe a five-star story than those.

Thank you for the journey with Helena, Marka, Kate, et al., Alessandra.

Respectfully submitted...Lisa Ridenour (aka: Nurse Lisa In Ohio)
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I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review. 

This is not a Romance.  There is zero romance in this book.  The Ghostwriter is a fictional story about an author's personal story.  I"m finding it difficult to explain this story to you in a review without spoiling one iota of the story for you.  It's an amazing tale of a person who's perceived to have it all but has Rocky Mountain size secrets she didn't want shared until her very last tale.  Given three months to live Helena Ross is desperate to get her last book told.  

She realizes she can't physically type enough words to get the book done in those three months and picks the author she wants to write her story.  An author who's most likely to get the words and feelings just write.  One that will follow the lead and make it most sound like Helena.  

Oh boy was she in for a surprise when her ghostwriter showed up.  A person that's a stickler for the rules only she knows (in her head) when her ghostwriter arrived it shook what she knew to be true on it's axis.  Sometime not everything is as it seems.  

With the story she's telling, Helena should know this to be true.  You know there are instances in our lives that we wish we could forget.  Erase.  Redo.  Something.  Just get rid of or change the memory all together.  Well her autobiography is the purging of said instance.  Gosh the revelation alone would knock most off their feet.  Not Helena Ross.  No.  People might have thought her to be crazy but she acted out of love in this particular case.  No doubt about it.  

Helena's ghostwriter took it all in stride.  Her story being a lot to handle.  The writer put it all into words, beautifully.  Handed it all over on a silver platter, so to speak.  All for the world to see, read and judge.   That's what stories do, do they not?  Allow people into the hearts of an author to see themselves?  Definitely this particular story in the story was an all out tale.  

I think you'll find that though it isn't a romance you'll still see Alessandra Torre in this book.  Her writing is prolific, as usual.  It's not a romance but it's definitely her style and a fantastic read.

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Don't read too many reviews but know this book needs to be experienced and should not be ruined. I adored how Helena was complex and not at all lovable. I did not see the twists the story would take.

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You know when you’ve read a really great book. One that has left you drained, feeling like you can’t move on because the characters are too ingrained in your soul and every time you close your eyes or the world gets quiet, just for a minute, you hear their words in your head begging you to not move on just yet. So I sit here, still crying, wondering when I’ll be able to read again.

The Ghostwriter is one of my favorite books by Alessandra Torre. I’m a huge fan of hers but this book.. this book is special. I knew it would be different but I didn’t realize how different it would be.

You know when you start reading that there’s a secret Helena is hiding but that secret doesn’t start to unravel until you’re already hooked. Hanging on the edge of a cliff begging to be saved but at the same time just wanting to let go because you’re not sure you can read anymore. You hold your pee. You don’t drink. You don’t eat. You can’t do anything until you finish reading Helena’s story.

Then when the last page comes and you are left there looking at a screen that says “Afterword” but there’s nothing there. Every emotion. Every thought. Every feeling. Comes ten fold and you cry for Helena. You cry for yourself. You cry for others. You just cry.

That’s how you know when you’ve read a really great book. I will never forget Helena’s story. Alessandra wrote a book not about passion or romance but about heartbreak, loss and pain and what it feels like to be set free.

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Really compelling read. I made the mistake of starting it about 8pm last night and read straight through until I was done. Thankfully I didn't have to get up and go to work this morning. Loved everything about Helena...she was so flawed and real. Especially loved Mark Fortune. When he showed up on her doorstep I about died. I could go on and on about this book, but can't without giving something away. This is my first Torre book but it won't be my last.

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First time I read an Alessandra Torre book was in 2013 when I was looking for a fifty shades type of book. I came across Blindfolded Innocence and I was hooked to the book and of course started following Alessandra Torre. I was enchanted and moved by her writing. Fast forward and 6 books later, I was a bonafide fan. Fats forward 30 September 2017, I have read one of the best book of this century and totally my top 10 favourite books of the year. This book. Yasss. Holy Smokes, this book was a tidal wave of excellence. It was a bone chilling book with such exquisite flair. Oh my gosh, I was struck. I was drawn in. I was completely beguiled. The Ghostwriter is such an interesting mix of wonder that completely consumed my soul and thoughts. Wow. I was left speechless after I finished reading. The whole entire book bled out and just poured inside, stirring me, capturing me and stroking my heart. The Ghostwriter was definitely the best of the best. It was a book on center stage and it glowed. I fell in love.

I do not want to spoil this book at all. I am going to try to keep this review short and straight to the point because you need to go into this book blind. Trust me on this. For me, I decided to go blind. I did not read the blurb. All I knew was the title. Best decision I ever made. Because I got to read one of the best literary phenomena ever. Man, I was completely pulled in to the story. Let me tell, everything about The Ghostwriter is legit good. It was not simple story. No it was complex, pulsing. Oh, I loved it a lot. Gripping. Heart Pumping. Intriguing. Artistically enriching. The Ghostwriter told a contemporary fiction filled with a fresh and engaging story of heartbreak, emotion and the power of a writer's tale and woven work. it echoed. it vibrated. It thrilled. It got me on the edge of my seat with anticipation and suspense. I was in love with every single word that seeped out of the book. It hit me. It spread into my heart and I was left a prisoner, crippling and breathless.

Alessandra Torre is a legend. She always surprises me every time. This author is very talented. She has tackled Women's Fiction, Romantic Comedy, Psychological Suspense, Erotic Romance, Dark Romance and Sport Romance. Is there any genre that this author cannot right. She always slays it. Here, she produced a book so technicolor and multi dimensional that truly sparked. Her writing is truly a magician touch. Fluid. Alive. Soulful. Artistic. Her writing encompasses everything beautiful and it is such a treasure. Her words alone are so delicate but so much passion and fire in them that they set your heart ablaze. I am in love with Alessandra Torre's writing.

Wow. I was blown away. All I can say is go with your gut and read The Ghostwriter. It will test you. It will challenge you and it is something different that will keep you interested. Thumbs up

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I wish, truly wish that I had just a speck of the talent that Alessandra Torre has so I could convey to you the excellence that is the book The Ghostwriter. But I don’t so I’ll do my best.

From the start, this book held me in its ability to pull the emotions from me and by the end they were pouring out all over. The words had my heart aching and my mind blown. Ms. Torre has given us a gift in this book.

Helena could be someone that people relate to, whether it be because of her upbringing, her rules or her relationship with her husband. Most of us have had difficult relationships in our lives and this story we have you reflecting on those relationships and their poignant memories.

Mark, not your typical swoon worthy alpha guy by any means, was the hero of this story. His steady influence into Helena’s life brought her a calm that she didn’t even know that she wanted or needed. Granted, their relationship in the past caused a push/pull between them but you know and Helena knows, that he was exactly what she needed.

All of the other characters that provide support in this story are well thought out and each have an important part to play to the narrative. And while your heart breaks for some, others will cause you extreme aggravation to hatred.

Again, I don’t have the talent to express adequately the brilliance of this story and the writing of Ms. Torre. All I can say is that this book will be at the top of so many people’s MUST READ lists and will be recommended time and time again to readers all over the world.

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This review will probably be the hardest I’ve ever written so far and it’s not because I hated the book, it’s rather the opposite. I really liked "The Ghostwriter" but it’s so difficult to put my feelings and thoughts into words. Let me start by telling you this: it is possibly the most unusual book I’ve read so far. The blurb sounds simple enough: a famous romance novelist has three months to write a novel. This novel is, unlike her previous ones, not a romance, it is her confession, it is about how it changed her life forever.

I honestly don’t know how to write this review without spoiling it for you. It is a novel you have to experience on your own. Also, you possibly should go into this one completely blind – well, except for the blurb maybe, or leave that out as well. But whatever storyline you have pictured after reading the blurb, after reading the first 10 chapters, after reading the next 10, is probably far from what is going to happen. Ashley and I buddy read this one and you won’t believe how often we texted each other our theories and possible outcomes, but nothing came close.

I really enjoyed the short chapters in this book, although they made the story feel staccato at times. Regardless of that, it was the perfect way to convey the suspense. Each chapter was more mysterious than the previous and you just wanted to know what was going on!

"The Ghostwriter" is unconventional, brutal, shocking, honest, and definitely a must-read. This novel shows that Alessandra Torre can write more than Romance, NA and Erotica.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Alessandra Torre for providing an ARC for review.

I'm just going to come right out and say it -- you need to buy this book! Right now.

Only 12% of the books I read make it to my "favorites" shelf on Goodreads, and The Ghostwriter by Alessandra Torre immediately made the list. This is my third novel by Alessandra and each time I read her writing I'm impressed by her storytelling and the variety in her novels. Each one is unique and not only different from her peers, but different from her own work. Not many authors can boast such a diverse collection of books.

The Ghostwriter comes with the disclaimer, "This is not a romance." Don't let this aspect deter you from reading if you are a romance aficionado, otherwise you will miss out on one of the most addicting books I have had the privilege of reading this year. Though I love this novel intensely, I will keep my review of it short to preserve the mystery within the pages for you. This is a novel you need to experience!

Helena is a successful romance writer with only three months to tell her final story. It's not another romantic story she is famous for, but instead a confession. No one knows the truth she has been hiding for four years, and with her words, all hell is about to break loose.

After being grabbed by the blurb of this story and eagerly requesting this book to read, I couldn't get my hands on it soon enough. I thought I had a clue what this story would be about, I thought I would enjoy it, but I never expected to love it as intensely as I did. I was constantly surprised by plot twist after plot twist, and my speculations about impending events were wrong nearly every time! I haven't read such an unpredictable book all year! This is an emotionally charged novel that left me with tears in my eyes at the conclusion.

Please take my word for it and purchase this novel. The suspense is sure to keep you on your toes until the very last page of this incredible story.

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"If you lie enough times, no one believes your truth."

The Ghostwriter is the first book I have read from Alessandra Torre. I hesitated reading this book, because I am a romance fanatic by heart. But what really surprised me, was just how much I enjoyed this story! I was captivated right from the start, on the edge of my seat. A page-turner, that I recommend fellow romance lovers like myself to give it a try..

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I’m going to say best book of 2017! You go into this book blind. Knowing that it’s not a romance. The suspense of wanting to find out Helena’s story keeps you absolutely glued to the pages. Just read this and tell everyone else to read it. People will be talking about this book for awhile! 10 stars for Alessandra Torre!

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Reviewed on behalf of The Book Boyfriend Addict ( A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

'Three months to write a story that deserves years.
Is it even possible?'

Best-selling romance author, reclusive, quirky Helena Ross has three months left, three months to write the most important story of her career. This story is unlike any other she’s ever written, this isn’t a love story, there is no happily ever after, this story is the truth and her way of expelling the secrets she’s harbored for the past four years. The world may hate it or hate her when it’s all said and done, but she needs to get this story out. She can’t afford to waste any time and can’t afford any errors in a story this important leading her to seek out a ghostwriter and so begins a gripping and haunting unraveling of the chain of events that led to that fateful day four years earlier, the day that left Helena forever altered.

Wow, this was an amazing book! It was so subtle in its buildup, always keeping you guessing, and then the truth is dropped on you like a bomb and makes it impossible to put down until the end! It’s also a tough book to review because nothing I say will do it justice and I don’t want to give anything away. It’s a story that you need to experience for yourself. The writing was top notch and the story was engrossing and poignant. Helena was a hard person to like, even in her current state, she had countless quirks which made her hard to deal with. But I think that by the end you will really feel for her. Unraveling the past and understanding her motivations surrounding that day was an intricate puzzle that I couldn’t wait to solve. And beyond trying to figure that out, I also enjoyed seeing how the task of writing this story enhanced her final months, whether she realized it at the time or not. The story really took me by surprise time and again, I had many theories running through my mind, but I never guessed what actually happened. This isn’t a quick and easy read, it’s slow and steady to build but the payoff is well worth it. I was left speechless and with tears in my eyes by the end. This is definitely a story that will stick with you long after you’ve finished the final pages!

'Soon … my final story will come out, and everyone will know the truth.'

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