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Twice As Wicked

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I got hooked right from the beginning and couldn't put this book down, it is well written and absorbing historical romance novel with some memorable characters.
I hope some of the secondary characters especially Wessex have their story and I can’t wait to read the next one to see what happens next!
Glad I read this one!
Well done for a debut book :-)

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3 1/2 stars. I don't love giving half stars, but I'm super ambivalent about this book. I loved the darker history behind the story and the passion between the characters, but I feel like the author took what should have been a darker suspenseful plot and make it a light-hearted romance. There were some plot holes and some unanswered questions. Having said that, I was just so in love with ALice and Nate, lol.

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A great romantic read for those long dark nights which has a mixture of romance , revenge and family loyalties.
It is one of those reads that once you start it you just could not put it down.

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To be frank, it’s hard to believe this story is Elizabeth Bright’s debut novel. She writes with passion, humor, a keen sense of wicked irony and an understanding of the time period that I didn’t have to correct in my mind. While I fully intend to follow this series, it seems I may have a new Historical Romance author to follow along on their journey. I love when I make that kind of discovery.

Alice is plotting revenge on the man who ruined her twin sister, and nothing will stop her from making him pay. Her sister died in childbirth, as did the baby as well. She’d been tossed out by her family, left alone to deal with her pregnancy and the difficult birth. Alice cannot allow the pain she’s feeling at her twin’s death go. Someone has to pay. And she will get revenge on one heartless cad.

Except… things aren’t what they seem. The man Alice tracked down from the picture in a locket isn’t acting like a man who would do what she knows he has done. Nathaniel is quiet, almost shy and unassuming. She is finding herself attracted to the man he is showing himself to be… but how is that possible. She cannot fall for lies… but what if there is truth she simply doesn’t know yet.

On the surface Twice As Wicked is a dark, revenge filled story… but that is not the entire story. There is banter, humor and irony abound. There are secrets, danger and mystery as well. Nathaniel and Alice make a charming couple, especially once we realize that both are just as inexperienced as they claim. Watching Alice fall for a man who she expected to hate is a delightful experience. And I have to admit that Nathaniel’s charm won me over very quickly. Through twists and turns, secrets revealed and information discovered we find a quite different situation than we first believed. Soon Alice and Nathaniel are fighting side by side against danger, and working to solve a mystery. And maybe finding a love to last a lifetime.

The secondary characters help to bring this story alive. I’m definitely looking forward to learning more about Wessex and Eliza. There are also hints that even more is not as it seems… but they are hints, vague “perhaps” things that we’ll simply have to wait to see how they fall out… but it is an intriguing possibility.

I enjoyed my time in this world with interesting characters and intriguing plots. I’m definitely hooked for the entire series now, and I’m looking forward to what we discover next. I’d recommend this story to any Historical Romance reader who enjoys twists and turns, danger and mysteries, and secrets to unravel.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Wicked is right!!!! So wonderfully wicked. I love how awkward and out of place Nathaniel is and how brave and loyal Alice is!!! Made for a fun, passionate, even surprising read!!

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Very unusual story line. Twin loses sister and vows revenge on sisters debaucher who turns out to be twin of man she falls for.

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I am so thrilled to have found such an Awesome new Author for me! This book has the smartest, and most witty dialogue that I have read since Julia Quinn, and to be honest, I truly believe this is better! I have fallen in love with the clumsiest hero ever seen in a book! I love Lord Abingdon. Alice is strong, unafraid, and every bit as funny! They make a great pair, from the deepest sorrow to the most amusing look at every day life! A very unique book! I highly recommend Today! Thanks! Enjoy! I now have 17 out of my top20 books for 2017! This is a Must Read Book!
carolintallahassee 👒

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Alice Bursnell loved her twin sister so much, and now that she's gone Alice is determined to make sure the man that seduced her pays for taking advantage of Adelaide. However, it seems Alice may have set her sights on the wrong guy. Will Alice be able to convince Nathaniel Eastwood to help her get revenge or will his need to protect his family keep them apart?

The revenge trope when it's mixed with the mistaken identity trope in a story, as the two are in this book makes for an enthralling and wonderful read from start to finish. Not only because Alice would do anything for her twin sister, a sister that she's devastated by the loss of; but because this book offered a good dose of intrigue and wonderful chemistry between this couple that had me determined to discover what Nathaniel and Alice would go through on their journey to happy ever after. Will Alice reveal the truth behind her desire to always be around Nathaniel? Will the hero be able to put his trust in the heroine when it's not easy for him to trust people?

As for the dialogue, it was compelling and I loved every moment the hero and heroine conversed, especially the moment when they first met that has Alice coming to the hero's rescue. Will she confront the hero straight away and see what he knows about her twin sister? Moreover, the heroine was resilient, courageous and I liked how determined she was to do right by her sister. I also liked how far she was willing to go to get revenge, even knowing that it could ruin her growing relationship with Nathaniel once he learnt the truth. Yet, what I liked most of all about the heroine was how loyal she was to her sister and that she would do anything for her in life and death. While the hero, he's had it tough with not being able to trust his own twin brother, yet it's understandable why he wants to protect the man that he should be closest to. I also liked how determined the hero was to win the heroine over once he believed he could trust her.

Overall, this is a fantastic first book for this series where the secondary characters have me wanting to know more about them; the chemistry between this couple was captivating and had me hoping that the hero would give the heroine a chance sooner rather than later; and the ending had me surprised by what happened between Nathaniel and his twin brother and the trouble the heroine gets herself into with a bad guy because revenge was more important to her than anything. Will Nathaniel be able to protect her? I would recommend Twice as Wicked by Elizabeth Bright, if you enjoy historical romance, the revenge trope or books by authors Robyn DeHart, Lily Maxton, Sara Portman and Stacy Reid.

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Miss Alice Bursnell is determined to wreak revenge on Nathaniel Eastwood, Viscount Abingdon, for the seduction, ruin, and death of her beloved twin sister. But how to expose a seducer without falling prey herself? As she gets closer to Nathaniel, she finds she is in serious danger of following in her sister’s much-too-tempted footsteps. The man is nothing like the heartless rake she expected...and his kisses are truly divine. Could she be wrong about him?

When a mysterious and gorgeous woman confronts Nathaniel at a fancy ball, he suspects she has murder on her mind—his own. But the more he tries to determine who the deceptively innocent beauty is—and what she’s up to—the deeper he falls under her alluring spell. Nathaniel fears he’s in imminent danger of losing his life...or worse, his heart.


A very well-done debut novel from this first time Author!

The title was right, there are lots of secrets being kept in this book. In this historical we have a heroine bent on revenge and a case of mistaken twin. There were lots of twists and turns in this book and not sure who could be believed. Alice and Nathaniel were extremely likable and enjoyed the slow build in their tension filled romance. When they give into their love it is exhilarating, emotional and sexy. This is the first in a new series and I loved the secondary characters and cannot wait to see what is in store for them. Wessex, definitely needs to be turned inside out. And Nicholas, I so hope that Adelaide is not really dead and will come back to him.

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher,*

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Twice As Wicked by Elizabeth Bright is the First Book in The "Wicked Secrets" series.
Alice is determined to get revenge on Nathaniel for what he did to her twin sister. Alice twin sister died in childbirth and she believes Nathaniel is to blame because he didn't do the right thing by her sister. Alice tries to fight her growing feelings for Nathaniel while she tries to get her revenge toward him. But someone else seems to be out to get him also because he keeps having some near death experiences. Nathaniel knows that Alice isn't what she she the one that appears to be trying to kill him.
I truly enjoyed this book! What a great start to a new series.

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A steamy romance that is mixed in with some mystery.

Alice needs someone to blame for the death of her sister, So Alice goes on a hunt for revenge and her search leads her to Nathaniel, as far as Alice can tell, it’s totally Nathaniel’s fault that her twin sister died.
So she decides to face him and make him pay for what he did.

Nathaniel is not your typical hero or rogue turning over a new leaf, he is shy and awkward, not at all like Alice thinks he should be. He seems kind, shy and very self conscious, and does not always appear comfortable in his position as Viscount.

Nathaniel has been finding himself in life threatening situations whenever Alice seems to always be around, causing him to grow suspicious of her. But he’s totally enamoured with the mystery lady.

As the story develops, we see that things are not what they seem. As few twists and turns kept me turning the pages in an otherwise predictable story.

Even when Alice learns the truth about Nathaniel's twin brother. She still wants revenge.
Nathaniel wants to stop her, which as you can imagine creates conflict between the two, and the added fact of their attraction and fondness for the other. Confuses him no end.

As Nathaniel falls in love with Alice, he is frustrated she cannot get past her revenge. And he still needs to resolve issues with his brother.
Alice realizes she is falling in love with Nathaniel, but she needs to make a choice between avenging her sister or the man she loves.

It was a very enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to what's next in this series.

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Full review to appear on Reader's Edyn on 10/13/17 at

Alice Bursnell is an intelligent woman, with her mind set on revenge. Quick and witty, she believes she has uncovered the identity of the man who both ruined and caused the death of her twin sister. Now she is on a mission to expose the culprit as the cad he is. Unfortunately, the more she gets to know Nathaniel, the more she begins to doubt his guilt – and the more she desires more of his devastating kisses. As her focus strays away from Nathaniel as a lecher, she begins to uncover some of his family secrets, including the true identity of the one who ruined her sister. She struggles to understand why her sister would allow herself into such a situation, but then discovers exactly why once she succumbs to her deep desire for Nathaniel. In the midst of all of this is a legend of the second son – a legend that almost surely guarantees death for Nathaniel. Her quest to expose him quickly shifts to her desperation to save his life.

Nathaniel Eastwood, Viscount Abingdon is not your typical sexy, charming, sought-after, single, rake. No, Nathaniel is more of an anomaly. Over tall, and quite uncoordinated, with a body that is not nearly flattered in the current fashion trends, he is more of a loner. Trusting only a single friend, he isn’t known for his social prowess, or ability to sweep women off their feet. But something about him attracts Alice and he too finds himself unexplainably drawn to her – craving her attention, fantasizing some deliciously sinful desires involving her. After acknowledging his feelings, he discovers her true motivation behind seeking him out. Knowing it was all an act to get closer to him breaks his trust and his heart, which is something he rarely (OK, never) gifts. Knowing the truth might allow him the ability to help Alice, and get closer to her, but if he can’t hold confidence in her, they have nothing. There is, too, the fact that she intends on killing his brother.

I freaking adored this book! I have never read anything by Ms. Bright before and I was hankering for a historical romance when I stumbled upon this review opportunity. I have been reading a lot of contemporary lately and wanted to get back to the genre that I treasure above all. I have to tell you, I was sucked in by the cover before anything else. After reading the blurb, I knew I had to read this one. Ms. Bright is a gifted storyteller – the world she creates and intertwines with so many other components is truly fascinating. I was sucked in and remained there, enraptured the entire time. I don’t recall even putting the book down once. I loved that both main characters were not the typical heiress and heir searching for their true match. These two broke the mold of characteristic traits in the most spectacular way. One could almost describe them as hidden treasures. The ton thinks of Nathaniel as somewhat of a klutz in an awkward body – which is so far from the truth. And Alice isn’t one of those drop-dead beauties, but also is so much more beyond the exterior. They are two treasures meant to be discovered only by one another. Broken in one way, complimenting in the next. The secondary cast was truly wonderful and a brilliant addition. I can’t wait to read about Ms. Benton and Wessex as I am sure their turn will be coming soon. I also, very much want to know what is going on with Nicholas – I am sure something amazing will be revealed with him and his story. All speculation at this point regardless, but I’d like to hope I have some idea of what might come next. Every character had a purpose and they all fulfilled it beautifully, even beginning to spin their own stories in the process. I can honestly say that Ms. Bright is now in the ranks of a “go-to” author in my reading world. I know it is only my first read by this phenomenal author, but I truly feel that any reader who loves HR with a bit of suspense and some truly fabulous characters will not be disappointed in the least. Do yourself a favor and get this book immediately!

Kindle version provided by NetGalley/Entangled in exchange for an honest review.

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Alice Bursnell has a simple goal in mind – make Nathaniel Eastwood pay for the ruination of her now deceased twin sister. His picture in a locket from her sister is all the proof she needs that he's the one responsible for her pregnancy and subsequent death in childbirth. The only problem is that someone else seems to have it in mind to get to him first! Mysterious 'accidents' keep interfering with her own plans. And to her chagrin, he doesn't seem to be the cold-hearted rake she'd imagined he must be. In fact, his awkward and socially inept manner makes him rather appealing. Soon Alice finds herself engaged in a much different relationship with Nathaniel than she'd expected – and swept up in the plot to catch whomever means him harm. Will her plans for revenge lead instead to a lifetime of love?

What a fun read! Debut author Elizabeth Bright delivers a fast paced and entertaining romance with lots of twists and turns to keep the reader on their toes! From London society to a countryside house party, one is never quite sure what will happen next (true for both the reader and the characters). Alice is still mourning the loss of her sister, and while she'd thought revenge would be sweet, it instead leads her to some interesting discoveries about Nathaniel and his family. Things are not quite what they seem, and the more she finds out, the more her feelings for Nathaniel change. The attraction between them leads to kisses and then to more in some sensual love scenes. But the danger to Nathaniel is never far away.

Despite the suspenseful subplot, the story is overall quite lighthearted. This is achieved in part by two of the secondary characters. Duke Wessex is Nathaniel's best friend and is opposite from Nathaniel in character. He's charming, affable, a hit with the ladies and the one who gets invited to all the parties. He's got his eye on Miss Eliza Benton but she's quite adept at ignoring him at every turn. Eliza and Alice become fast friends over the course of the story, and she's the one who helps Alice see that Nathaniel's feelings for her are genuine. It seems that there is a story to tell for Wessex and Eliza, but we'll have to wait and see if that's the case. Alice and Nathaniel solve the mystery of who is after Nathaniel and why, and get a sweetly satisfying happy ending too. If you are looking for an engaging, lighthearted regency romance, you should add this one to your list!

This review has been posted at Straight Shootin' Book Reviews and feedback updated with the link. It has been posted at Amazon, BN and Kobo.

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twice as wicked tells the story of two sets of twins. alice and adelaide were as close as can be, until adelaide fell in love with the wrong man and ended up pregnant and alone in france. and then she died in childbirth and alice felt as if her whole world had been torn apart. her twin sister was the other half of her soul. and when she sees a photograph that might just be of the man who knocked her up, alice decides to take revenge.

when she first meets nathaniel, alice finds herself in the odd position of saving his life. she wishes she could take it back. except there is something about nathaniel that draws her to him and she finds it difficult to plan revenge when she’s so attracted to him. when she learns that he is also a twin, she realizes that it is his brother who is the villain.

her determination to exact revenge keeps alice and nathaniel at cross purposes, and when nicholas enters the mix, the game he plays adds to the mystery. one that remains unclear even as the novel closes, though at the very least alice and nathaniel do get their happily ever after.

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Miss Alice Bursnell was hell-bent on exacting revenge on the man who ruined her twin sister Adelaide, which led to her sister's banishment from their home. Neither Adelaide nor the babe had survived the birth. Alice was broken-hearted and vowed to seek out the man responsible for their family's grief.

Lord Nathaniel Eastwood, Viscount Abingdon was the man Alice surmised as the one who wrecked their lives by abandoning her twin sister Adelaide. Alice was perplexed when Nathaniel didn't have a flicker of recognition of who she was. She swore to make the shy Viscount fall in love with her. Nathaniel was confounded as to why Alice detested him on one hand and has shown him kindness on the other.

When Alice found out that she mistook Nathaniel for his twin brother Nicholas who ruined her twin sister, she was relieved, as she was falling for the Viscount!

Nathaniel and Nicholas were forcibly separated due to a tragic family history. They haven't seen nor heard from each other since they were children. They were unaware of each other's personal life.

Love was a deeply uncomfortable feeling for Nathaniel and Alice who were both uninitiated. But their inexperienced makes their union sweet and endearing.

This is a heart-wrenching family saga and a classic tale of friendship. It's a wonderful debut for Elizabeth Bright.

I received an eGalley arc from the publisher. This is my impartial review.

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a compelling plot for a solid romance. Superb writing. Would love to read more by Ms. Bright.

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This is a well-written example of a classic Regency romance, with a little mystery thrown in. I liked the characters, and the plot moved well, though the ending seemed slightly rushed. Overall, I enjoyed it and would read more by this author.

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Let me begin by the aspects of this story that I enjoyed. Twice as Wicked had so many twists and surprises that it was nearly impossible to put down. In fact, I was so engrossed in this novel that I read it in a little under two days. I found the characters to be well-developed (even if they were a bit trying on the patience at times), and I was definitely not expecting things to turn out as they did. So in that aspect, I really enjoyed this story.

As I mentioned above the characters could be a little much at times. For example, Alice outright rejects a proposal from Nathaniel at first, and then becomes angry with him later on when he does not propose to her a second time, even though it plainly states she would have turned him down a second time. To be honest, after all that happened between the pair of them, I wouldn't have been surprised if Nate had booted her out on her ear despite his feelings for her. When finally we meet Nicholas, I felt there was a slight let down in him as well. I expected more - if not necessarily villainous behavior, but more of an explanation of his feelings towards Adelaide. I feel we only got the barest of glimpses into the truth of THAT story.

Overall, I am sure this story will appeal to those who enjoy a well written historical romance novel that has just the right amount of mystery thrown in.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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It's an interesting story full of intrigue and romance. Alice had a twin sister who dies tragically and now she plans to make the person, who caused her sister grief, pay. Nathaniel has a twin brother, who is few minutes younger than him. It seems that his brother may very well be the cause of his demise. He has learned to never trust anyone, least of all a woman. But it seems that he is willing to give Alice a chance. May be she will turn out to be trustworthy.
Alice approached Nathaniel Eastwood for one reason and one reason only; revenge. Soon she realizes that he might not be the man she is looking for, but she can still use him to get to his twin brother. However, more time she spends with him the more she admires him. He is unlike anyone she has ever met before. Only if their circumstances were different she may have considered him as a suitable husband, unfortunately their is no future for them....
Nate begins to like Alice. In spite of his misgivings she seems like a person he can even consider spending his life with. Although, he fears that there is something she is hiding from him. Will trusting a woman cost him his life or is he going to find his soulmate at last?
I quite enjoyed reading this book. It's unique in a way that along with romance there is some mystery involving the twins, which makes everything all the more interesting. I loved both main characters and side characters were not bad either. I think every historical romance fan will like this book.

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Twin sisters falling for twin brothers.
Impressive debut novel by the author; the main characters are likeable and the story is engaging and holds the readers attention. Overall I enjoyed it though there were a few inconsistencies (including a chipmunk!).
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated for my review, and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion expressed here is my own.

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